How will they rule ??!

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*Disclaimer so you fags don't get your panties in a bunch, and start huffing and puffing about defending Nazis. White supremacists, Nazis, whatever, they're all simple minded pieces of shit, that deserve any and all bad that comes their way, and I couldn't care less if they all died in a fire.*

Bottom line, though, those racist pieces of shit were peaceful Friday night. No violence, no rioting, no broken windows, no cars set on fire, no property damage of any kind. Like it or not, they have just as much a right to freedom of speech and assembly as we do.

The violence and rioting didn't start until far left Antifa showed up Saturday morning with one goal in mind -- shut down their speech, shut down their assembly, infringe on their rights. This happens everywhere Antifa goes. Where are the tanks against Antifa?
Actually, its pretty simple.

YOU continually only bash one side in this thread. You are lying if you say you don't.
"Bashing" one side makes you a hypocrite? Please get a dictionary. So what specifically did I say that you take issue with? Silly question, you couldn't possibly answer that because you don't care about right or wrong, only left or right. Like I said, pathetic!
"Bashing" one side makes you a hypocrite? Please get a dictionary. So what specifically did I say that you take issue with? Silly question, you couldn't possibly answer that because you don't care about right or wrong, only left or right. Like I said, pathetic!
Yes, bashing one side while ignoring the same actions on your side, pretty much makes you a hypocrite.
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Real issues = Mental Health

Real issues = Useful idiots radicalized to keep the division.

Like I said do yourselves a favor read up on marxism. Read up on the recent countries that were collapsed with same tactics. Read up on who benefits from this civil unrest financially and politically. Same tactics with different names for the groups. Color revolutions. Be aware of the Purple one that is happening now.

Those that continue to do their bidding for them by pointing fingers at the other side are useful idiots. Stereotypes and bigotry is what they want to keep you distracted while they enslave us and take our money. But hey it's just a conspiracy go back to sleep and keep up the division with the senseless tweets of twitter propaganda to flame the hate to destroy this country from within.
Charlottesville car attack suspect James Fields Jr. was 'infatuated' with Nazis, ex-teacher says
Fields recently moved from Northern Kentucky

James Alex Fields Jr., 20, also wanted to join the Army but wasn't allowed to enlist because of his mental health history, the teacher said.

He said those views, combined with Fields' history of being prescribed antipsychotic medication, may have been a "perfect storm."

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Odd I didn't see you in this thread condemning BLM riots, Chicago kidnapping and torture of a disabled boy, Dallas police sniper, Trump supporter being drug out of his car and beaten by savages, dozens upon dozens of fake hate crimes blamed on Trump supporters, James Hodgkinson, Eric Clanton, the inauguration riot, Berkeley riots, numerous cop killings. Bet your ass you're here today, though. You must agree with those other acts and/or ideas.
You also didn't see me trying to justify any of that.
i generally dont follow the whims of people that have been radicalized.
But you still made damn sure to show up yesterday and today. Not a single post about any of it, and there were dozens of instances throughout months of time, yet, all of the sudden, you're a regular. Imagine that.
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WTF is wrong with you and all others who cannot simply condemn acts of violence committed or ideas expressed without reverting to juvenile "well he started it.." excuse making? Of course unless you agree with those acts and/or ideas.
We already did until libtards like yourself started the "see that is what you get with Trump crap". Search me out next time the left riots, demonstrates hatefully, shoots people, keeps conservative speakers from being able to speak, will happen again soon and when it does, you better be the first one here condemning or be labeled a hypocrite for all time on here.
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But you still made damn sure to show up yesterday and today. Not a single post about any of it, and there were dozens of instances throughout months of time, yet, all of the sudden, you're a regular. Imagine that.

i posted 3 times in 24 hours. you posted over 50 times (on just this site) in the same time frame. on a saturday see...radicalized. you fundamentally fail to see just how insane and detached from reality you are.
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Everyone should take this piece of advice, the mainstream media, the right wing media, sports media, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, everyone. The right and the left are so into their tribal war that they only see things from the lense of their fight with the other side. There is no right and wrong with you guys except when it comes to the other side. Thats pathetic if you ask me.
If you believed that you would not be such a dick on here and condemn it whenever it happens and not just now hypocrite.
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I just saw drone footage of a car ramming people in Charlottesville yesterday.
What I saw was not a Dodge Challenger, it was a minivan and there were no other cars present?
Again, how odd that on a day where literal Nazis are marching in the street and murdering people some of you simply can't just say it's bad with no equivocation or comparison.

The sad thing is, you don't realize you're just as bad as the leftists you bitch about. You're so myopic that you literally think democrats are as bad as f**king Nazis. Not only antifa or BLM, but just random "libtards" are as bad as people running people over with cars and chanting about eradicating Jews.

Get the F**k out of your bubble and get a tiny bit of perspective

Youre completely missing the point. Denouncing all violence, racism, and hatred no matter the group is not somehow defending nazis.

Anyone familiar with my years of posting know I'm the furthest thing from a leftist there is

Maybe. But youre definitely left of center. Youve just been swayed by constant msm agenda. You always take the popular position.
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Not sure why you guys expect me or any other left winger to show up regularly to your round the clock circle jerk over conspiracy theories, Clinton obsession, and thinly veiled racism. Do you guys spend all day looking for random trans tweets so you can post it and claim Armageddon?

That's why I'm not a regular in this thread.
I like how all of a sudden "white supremacy " and "white power " is a big thing. Like they're almost trying to shove down a narrative. Started with them acting like trump was some giant lying sexist racist or some shit . Which of course was all lies...

But it started this trend of "white people are the problem " "white people dont even realize they're born racist and privileged " etc
The 60's want their policies back.
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Hilarious, leftists coming out of the woodworks, but not a peep at all the leftist murders and attempted murders. Typical shit slinging leftists.
The same leftists in this thread today will be nowhere to be found when theres another BLM riot (been none under Trump so far but I'm sure they will do it again at some point) or another mass shooting by ANTIFA, or even a terror attack by a muslim.
Why is it so hard for left to just say/ admit "Look, we oppose any type of hate groups, violence etc etc"

Obviously these "nazis" are idiotic a$$holes who deserve to DIAF. Pretty sure 98% of the right would agree. However , terroist groups like antifa , BlM etc don't get condemned. Ever.
I don't think people on here are trying to justify or stick up for the dumbass nazi's. I think people are just upset at the hypocrisy of the entire situation. White people in general are literally being vilified by the media.
i posted 3 times in 24 hours. you posted over 50 times (on just this site) in the same time frame. on a saturday see...radicalized. you fundamentally fail to see just how insane and detached from reality you are.

No, I'm firmly planted in reality. I post here because I'm part of the conversation. I condemn it all, from all sides. They are all pieces of shit, every last one of them that take part in any of it.

I don't run here, out of the blue, like a lame ass coward, doing drive by posts, acting holier than thou, condemning only actions from the other side, while completely ignoring months of instances from my own side. It's you who is detached from reality and can only see wrong from one side, not me.
Good deal. Must have missed you in here adding California, Illinois, Dallas etc... to the list. Odd how that always works.
You mean from the states busing in demonstrators to Ferguson and the like? Let's just start an anti anything law. Hmmmmm, sounds like what socialist/communist backers want. Leftest agenda perhaps?
Why is it so hard for left to just say/ admit "Look, we oppose any type of hate groups, violence etc etc"

Obviously these "nazis" are idiotic a$$holes who deserve to DIAF. Pretty sure 98% of the right would agree. However , terroist groups like antifa , BlM etc don't get condemned. Ever.
I don't think people on here are trying to justify or stick up for the dumbass nazi's. I think people are just upset at the hypocrisy of the entire situation. White people in general are literally being vilified by the media.
This times a billion.
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The same leftists in this thread today will be nowhere to be found when theres another BLM riot (been none under Trump so far but I'm sure they will do it again at some point) or another mass shooting by ANTIFA, or even a terror attack by a muslim.

Well if any of that happens , obviously it doesn't represent "Real" Muslims , or "real" antifa members , or "real" blm members . You remember how that works dont ya ?

A random fringe right group is racist so that = trump and white America are still keeping minorities down and white people are supremacists"

Antifa , BLM, other left groups- terrorize people , riot , set shit on fire , destroy neighborhoods, call for the murder of whites , physically abuse innocent people ...= Perfectly fine!
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Jim Gray to get rid of the Confederate statues. Do leftists not learn anything? Can you stoke the fire any more? Why not wait until everything calms down? Jesus.
The left has been mobilized since the election to create chaos and they have succeeded. It has damaged the Presidents ability to focus on the real problems in the country. IMO there needs to be investigations into the funding of these groups and arrests made. Someone soon is going to take a shot at the president. Maybe someone with that financial backing. If they succeed all hell is going to break loose. Remember this is all from the side that ridiculed Trumps statement that he simply didn't know how he would respond if he lost the election.
i posted 3 times in 24 hours. you posted over 50 times (on just this site) in the same time frame. on a saturday see...radicalized. you fundamentally fail to see just how insane and detached from reality you are.
3 post of your leftest opinion is enough to qualify as insane senseless babble with no real point except hatred and ignorance.
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The left has been mobilized since the election to create chaos and they have succeeded. It has damaged the Presidents ability to focus on the real problems in the country. IMO there needs to be investigations into the funding of these groups and arrests made. Someone soon is going to take a shot at the president. Maybe someone with that financial backing. If they succeed all hell is going to break loose. Remember this is all from the side that ridiculed Trumps statement that he simply didn't know how he would respond if he lost the election.

Wanna know what's scary to me ? If the president was somehow assasinated ... or even shot at/ attempted ... the left / MSM / idiot snowflakes would subtly rejoice / act like it's not really a big deal at all. When it would be

Even when I started very much disliking Obama I would NEVER wish for his assasination.
Not sure why you guys expect me or any other left winger to show up regularly to your round the clock circle jerk over conspiracy theories, Clinton obsession, and thinly veiled racism. Do you guys spend all day looking for random trans tweets so you can post it and claim Armageddon?

That's why I'm not a regular in this thread.
pussies like you are why your party has gone to the fringes and isn't coming back. Bet you call yourself a moderate.
3 post of your leftest opinion is enough to qualify as insane senseless babble with no real point except hatred and ignorance.

Lol so because of the frequency of your posts on a political thread on a message board (that we all frequent )he's saying that means you're
" detached from reality "

Not sure why you guys expect me or any other left winger to show up regularly to your round the clock circle jerk over conspiracy theories, Clinton obsession, and thinly veiled racism. Do you guys spend all day looking for random trans tweets so you can post it and claim Armageddon?

That's why I'm not a regular in this thread.
You are not a regular because the left nuts do not give you anything to defend. That and you lack the intelligence to come up with a coherent or believable excuse. Lies are easily seen though by us, it is just you idiots that seem to be easily duped. (See last 8 years for proof)
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No, I'm firmly planted in reality. I post here because I'm part of the conversation. I condemn it all, from all sides. They are all pieces of shit, every last one of them that take part in any of it.

I don't run here, out of the blue, like a lame ass coward, doing drive by posts, acting holier than thou, condemning only actions from the other side, while completely ignoring years of instances from my own side. It's you who is detached from reality and can only see wrong from one side, not me.
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