How will they rule ??!

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They failed at repealing Obamacare. They promised they'd repeal it. They failed miserably. I'm a conservative and thoroughly disappointed in them.

I don't care what angle they have. What are they going to do, promise to repeal it and replace it next election? Promise to "fix" it? That ship has sailed. We know electing Republicans makes no difference for the future of Obamacare. It's here until it collapses. Obamacare shouldn't factor into anyone's decision at this point. Even if it collapses under R control, they'll do just as bad of a job "fixing" it as the Ds.

The fine needs to be left in place, and Trump needs to challenge Obama's EOs that delayed the fine and send every single person in America that would have owed the penalty a bill.

I really can't think of a scenario right now that would ever have me coming out to vote for an R again.

Republican donor from Virginia Beach sues GOP, accusing the party of fraud over failed Obamacare repeal

A retired attorney in Virginia Beach is so incensed that Republicans couldn't repeal the Affordable Care Act he's suing to get political donations back, accusing the GOP of fraud and racketeering.

Bob Heghmann, 70, filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court saying the national and Virginia Republican parties and some GOP leaders raised millions of dollars in campaign funds while knowing they weren't going to be able to overturn the ACA, also known as Obamacare.

The GOP "has been engaged in a pattern of Racketeering which involves massive fraud perpetrated on Republican voters and contributors as well as some Independents and Democrats," the suit said. Racketeering, perhaps better known for use in prosecuting organized crime, involves a pattern of illegal behavior by a specific group.

The lawsuit lists as defendants the Republican National Committe and Virginia's two national GOP committee members, Morton Blackwell and Cynthia Dunbar, as well as the Republican Party of Virginia and state party Chairman John Whitbeck.

WTF?? No link but just heard on FBN, that DC comics is coming out with a new Muslim character named ISIS. Again, WTF?

It's a tv show Legends of Tomorrow on the CW. And the writers made it a Muslim because of Trump. Smh
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WTF?? No link but just heard on FBN, that DC comics is coming out with a new Muslim character named ISIS. Again, WTF?

It's a tv show Legends of Tomorrow on the CW. And the writers made it a Muslim because of Trump. Smh

The left's obsession with Islam is one of the most bizarre things I've ever witnessed. They refuse to be critical of them. They go out of their way to protect them and empower them all while freaking out about Christianity.

It's obviously very sinister. The left's attempt to promote Islam and import it while refusing to associate rape, terrorism and executing of homosexuals with it, should tell you theh have evil ulterior motives. How do people fall for this?
More from the "WTF" category - enjoy:

Swedish Social Services WILL take your children if you are a homeschooling family -- BUT -- they're being very clear about how the members of ISIS who are IN THEIR COUNTRY -- CAN BE GOOD PARENTS --- AND their identities should be protected (and they should be paid.....and and and)

Earlier this year, Swedish Minister for Culture and Democracy Alice Bah Kuhnke advocated for integration and deradicalisation of returning fighters. Her statements were roundly criticised by terror expert Magnus Ranstrop who said: “The interview speaks for itself. This is how ill-prepared we are to deal with returnees.”

The Swedish government has also given some returnees “protected identities” to help them start new lives. Many of the returnees have still complained that they are unable to find jobs after coming back from Syria or Iraq.


California has their "CALEXIT" movement

(which - oddly - the British said that were considering sponsoring at one point)

Their leader acknowledges the intent to "export" CA middle class (bourgeoise) and replace them with a "wave of immigrants"

--- just thinking out loud on this one -- the issue of secession was settled in the 19th century
--- IF CA seriously executes a formal 'secession' - then they should be warned once -- then invaded and restored to the union by force


Univ of Michigan sociology instructor has written a paper that asserts that our nation's PRE SCHOOLS aren't GAY enough

She found that “heteronormativity” is rampant in the preschool classrooms. In laymen’s terms, the word “heteronormative” means that people aren’t gay and don’t cross-dress.

^^^ THAT a domestic enemy
abut....I'm SURE that this movement will stop with an academic publication -- right?
not like it's "progressing" over a course of time...

this is a long standing trait of socialist / communist teaching

here's a paper to consider on the topic -- plenty of quotes and books are out there that trace the idea of abolishing the family in order to replace them with the authority and will of The State

also, keep in mind that socialism was developed on the foundation of "dialectical materialism" which --- among other things --- states that there are NO SUCH THINGS as 'right / wrong / good / evil / innocence / guilt"

^^ THOSE are outmoded bourgeoise ideals which they intend to PROGRESS beyond


These interpretations of Marx's and Engels' position on the family, while often raising important points, tend to obscure somewhat the radicalism of theirviews. Marx's and Engels' ...alluded to a higher form of the family in communist society, he and Engels usually wrote about the destruction, dissolution, and abolition of the family.

The relationships they envisaged for communist society would have little or no resemblance to the family as it existed in nineteenth-century Europe or indeed anywhere else.

Thus it is certainly appropriate to define their position as the abolition of the family.

Only by making the term family almost infinitely elastic can they be said to have embraced merely a reformulation of the family.

Republican donor from Virginia Beach sues GOP, accusing the party of fraud over failed Obamacare repeal

A retired attorney in Virginia Beach is so incensed that Republicans couldn't repeal the Affordable Care Act he's suing to get political donations back, accusing the GOP of fraud and racketeering.

Bob Heghmann, 70, filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court saying the national and Virginia Republican parties and some GOP leaders raised millions of dollars in campaign funds while knowing they weren't going to be able to overturn the ACA, also known as Obamacare.

The GOP "has been engaged in a pattern of Racketeering which involves massive fraud perpetrated on Republican voters and contributors as well as some Independents and Democrats," the suit said. Racketeering, perhaps better known for use in prosecuting organized crime, involves a pattern of illegal behavior by a specific group.

The lawsuit lists as defendants the Republican National Committe and Virginia's two national GOP committee members, Morton Blackwell and Cynthia Dunbar, as well as the Republican Party of Virginia and state party Chairman John Whitbeck.
Now thats a lawsuit I can get behind.
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The left's obsession with Islam is one of the most bizarre things I've ever witnessed. They refuse to be critical of them. They go out of their way to protect them and empower them all while freaking out about Christianity.

It's obviously very sinister. The left's attempt to promote Islam and import it while refusing to associate rape, terrorism and executing of homosexuals with it, should tell you theh have evil ulterior motives. How do people fall for this?
The hard left is evil. The soft left is stupid. For that matter, the soft right (cucks) is stupid.
The Rs are going to get creamed in the upcoming elections thanks to this bullshit and the impending tax reform debacle. They would have done far less damage to themselves and their party had they kept their campaign promises.

Flat repeal was better for the country long term.

Not a guarantee. A lot of people may have incumbents with competition in the party to vote for. They may beat out some of the regular faces and still beat Dems.
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CNN is discussing Russian disinformation on Election Day....... I'll say this much whatever it is they want you to believe about Russia if it was true those Russians man! My god they are some bad dudes!
In my opinion, HR is one of the most strategic thinkers our country has yet produced. He owned 73 Easting back during Desert Storm.
I think there's some misinformation going around with McMaster. We will see.

Just think if all of this stuff was true, Trump would fire him. But he hasn't (at least not yet if hes going too)
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In my opinion, HR is one of the most strategic thinkers our country has yet produced. He owned 73 Easting back during Desert Storm.
No, he's an islamist-apologist globalist scumbag.

If Trump doesn't get him out soon, he'll continue butt-fvcking the America First agenda that got him elected.

I think there's some misinformation going around with McMaster. We will see.

Just think if all of this stuff was true, Trump would fire him. But he hasn't (at least not yet if hes going too)
H.R. possesses an uncanny ability to remain one step ahead of his opponents. Trump is no fool. He realizes as much. If the proverbial balloon goes up, you want H.R. on your side.
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No, he's an islamist-apologist globalist scumbag.

If Trump doesn't get him out soon, he'll continue butt-fvcking the America First agenda that got him elected.

To keep peace. Ya really want to stay very far away from the the Israel/Palestinian situation. That crap has dogged our nation for nearly 70 years.
No, he's an islamist-apologist globalist scumbag.

If Trump doesn't get him out soon, he'll continue butt-fvcking the America First agenda that got him elected.

I did not know that! If that's the case, get rid of him. Replace him with Patrick Buchanan, and let Buchanan hire whoever he wants to handle the technical aspects. I have no idea why Buchanan isn't in the administration, anyway.
I did not know that! If that's the case, get rid of him. Replace him with Patrick Buchanan, and let Buchanan hire whoever he wants to handle the technical aspects. I have no idea why Buchanan isn't in the administration, anyway.
Yeah, Trump was under immense pressure to replace Flynn quickly. The Swamp rejoiced when he chose baldy after a 30 minute interview and swamp recommendations.

The entire Washington establishment applauded the hiring... good clue it was bad.
That's not what he's doing.
I respectfully disagree.

HR has the best interests of our country and Israel in mind. The last thing anyone needs is another Palestinian uprising, such as back during the early 2000s. The GD place now is more or less under control right now. If ya wanna see real religious zealots, then look no further than Israel/Palestine. A delicate balance now exists. We really want to keep it as such.
I respectfully disagree.

HR has the best interests of our country and Israel in mind. The last thing anyone needs is another Palestinian uprising, such as back during the early 2000s. The GD place now is more or less under control right now. If ya wanna see real religious zealots, then look no further than Israel/Palestine. A delicate balance now exists. We really want to keep it as such.
He let Susan rice keep her top secret security clearance and said she did nothing wrong! He's a swamp POS. Pro-Iran deal! Suppressing criticism of islam at the nsc!! Scumbag!!!
He let Susan rice keep her top secret security clearance and said she did nothing wrong! He's a swamp POS. Pro-Iran deal! Suppressing criticism of islam at the nsc!! Scumbag!!!
He's playing politics.

Look. If his shit is wrong, then Donald will let us know. He knows the deal. It's all really complex, man.

I trust HR.
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speaking of Israel

Has anyone else followed the controversy with American Jews / AIPAC condemning orthodox Jews from not allowing more "openness/diversity/inclusion" in terms of who can pray at the wall?

there are several interesting things popping up in Israel right now actually

probably not getting a lot of media attention on our televisions

here's a quick link talking about the sudden schism that no one saw coming

this is an OLDER article but it gets at the nature of the conflict
only I'd heard that the US Jews were now talking about suspending support or funding or something like that.....

can't find the damn article now ......

anyway - I really don' have a login that fight but isn't a little arrogant for our J's to tell the home-turf J's how to manage their live in that respect?

not exactly like they live the same lives .......

I sometimes feel like I'm sitting down to dinner with these guys ---
Something from the article, which hurt my ribs----

"After his [Kevin Allred's] threat of violence against President Trump went viral, his biography disappeared from Montclair’s website.

"He had been fired from Rutgers, shortly after Trump’s election, for bringing an American flag to class for students to destroy as a means of venting their fury.

“An anonymous complaint from a parent claimed I forced students to destroy an American flag, threatened every white student in class by saying I would shoot them all given the chance, then returned home and tweeted proof of my dangerous behavior.”

"He [Allred] then wrote: “I had been an adjunct professor at Rutgers in the Women’s and Gender Studies department since Fall 2013. On November 15, 2016, two NYPD officers showed up at my Brooklyn apartment around 9 p.m. They entered without permission and after numerous refusals on my part and threats of force on theirs, transported me by ambulance to Bellevue Hospital for what they said was a mandatory psychiatric evaluation required by Rutgers University."

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Funny about Broward county.

It was Hillary go-to right before the election.

There's more people registered to vote there than actually reside there......
Are you serious, or is that a joke? Obviously a joke, but what are the numbers you're going by?