How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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[laughing] New information in the foiled Australia terror plot. One of the two men responsible for building the bomb had a brother going on a trip. They put the bomb in the backpack of the brother without his knowledge. They were going Jihad his ass without him even knowing. Wonder if he still would have been rewarded with virgins?
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Idgaf about leaks. What has even been leaked? I believe this is just another ploy to make it look like Trump is unfit, has no control, and doesn't belong in Washington...

Which sessions clearly does belong, he's a policin PC sob. Nothing at all like how he was portrayed by the media before trump picked him.

Anybody got an example of a "leak" that would raise eyebrows?
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There has to be a scientific way to figure the leak thing out. Or a brute force option of waterboarding the reporter until he squeals. I'm good with either.

Ive not been overly concerned with leaks, since they were nothing of substance. Until yesterday.

When we have our president being listened to and transcribed during conversations with other heads of state; we have gigantic security and safety issues.
I'd much prefer the people leaking shit just to politically harm the POTUS need to flea the country as opposed to the ones leaking stuff that exposes systematic corruption and civil rights violations being orchestrated by our government.

Snowden is hiding in Russia. Seth Rich is dead. These clowns currently leaking shit to hurt Trump are likely negotiating their employment contracts with the WaPo.
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When we have our president being listened to and transcribed during conversations with other heads of state; we have gigantic security and safety issues.

Well yea, it's 2017.

Hillary had and gave access to no telling what to no telling who.

Edward Snowden said he copied NSA files and fled the country. Lol!

This is just the world we live in, and have been for a very long time now.
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Bill, I think it was you that quoted me, it is my understanding the the "repeal" wasn't actually a repeal. It was more like an amend that led to a replacement which in all fairness is nothing I want to be apart of.

Besides that, you can't just repeal it and have that egg on your face going into elections. At least by riding it out you can still have the proverbial "Obamacare was crap and how are you better today" angle.

To just abandon everyone on it a few years after he screwed America over with it is as bad as Obama pulling out of Iraq like he did. No need to be blamed for it in a few years when as of now he owns it and so do the Dems.

Just take away the fine for not having something and let that think bleed out a slow death. Then never touch healthcare again.
Idgaf about leaks. What has even been leaked? I believe this is just another ploy to make it look like Trump is unfit, has no control, and doesn't belong in Washington...

Which sessions clearly does belong, he's a policin PC sob. Nothing at all like how he was portrayed by the media before trump picked him.

Anybody got an example of a "leak" that would raise eyebrows?

Ive not been overly concerned with leaks, since they were nothing of substance. Until yesterday.

When we have our president being listened to and transcribed during conversations with other heads of state; we have gigantic security and safety issues.

Whispers that the first military death during Trump tenure was due to a leak.
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They failed at repealing Obamacare. They promised they'd repeal it. They failed miserably. I'm a conservative and thoroughly disappointed in them.

I don't care what angle they have. What are they going to do, promise to repeal it and replace it next election? Promise to "fix" it? That ship has sailed. We know electing Republicans makes no difference for the future of Obamacare. It's here until it collapses. Obamacare shouldn't factor into anyone's decision at this point. Even if it collapses under R control, they'll do just as bad of a job "fixing" it as the Ds.

The fine needs to be left in place, and Trump needs to challenge Obama's EOs that delayed the fine and send every single person in America that would have owed the penalty a bill.

I really can't think of a scenario right now that would ever have me coming out to vote for an R again.
The idiot didn't even vote. So he's a huge hypocrite who did not put his money where his mouth is.

Kaep's intended message was that he was against any system of oppression. Whenever a minority speaks out there is this assumption that it is Anti-Trump/Pro-Hilary. He was trying to make the point that had he voted, it would have been hypocritical to his stance since (in his mind and many others) both parties ultimately support a form of oppression and power over our society. In my opinion, if you don't vote then you don't have the right to complain about the current administration. But he's not a hypocrite if his message was not in support of either party.
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There's lots of problems with Trump and his personality, but I don't see how anyone could argue that he at least has created the perception of a more business friendly administration and it is showing.

Well said - he's no saint and he's not THE answer
But he represents a real change

You're also seeing quantifiable results and actions on election promises

And as his admin takes more steps to dismantle the infrastructure / culture and FUNDING sources for NWO efforts and criminal/sick networks

He's going to become more and more of a target

This admin -- if nothing else --- is going to wake a lot of citizens up to realize that you STAND UP NOW -- or you resign yourself the the type of cultural/economic and political change that Marxists preach

Most recently AG has started attacking money that was being used to disrupt and openly attack our country

Here's an excerpt of what I'm talking about - and another reason why you can expect further demonizing of the Trump admin (NOTE "LaRaza" has since changed their name):

An internal Department of Justice memorandum obtained by Breitbart News Friday indicates Attorney General Jeff Sessions is trying to get to the bottom of the DOJ “slush fund” for left-wing groups he dismantled in June.
The memo asks all components of the DOJ to recount the last ten years of payments made to non-governmental organizations as third parties in settlements and provide that information to Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand, the number three Justice official. These “cy pres” payments were a long-standing policy of having mostly corporate defendants, for example in a civil rights suit, agree to pay into charities as part of their settlement with the government to avoid further prosecution.

In recent years, especially during the Obama administration, the practice increasingly funneled funds to left-wing “community organizing” groups such as the now renamedNational Council of La Raza, or “The Race,” a Latino racial advocacy group that supports mass illegal immigration. Congressional Republicans and conservative groups decried the payments for years, often characterizing the system as a “slush fund” for leftists but, since they were made under the auspices of the Department of Justice using broad, decades-old legislation, it was difficult to rein in.
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He did indeed take a team to the Super Bowl a few years ago, though it was hardly a one man show over there. Since then, he's been erratic at best and downright ineffective at worst. Is he still better than some quarterbacks who do have contracts? Yes. Are his anthem antics affecting his market value? Probably. But, if he had the recent performance of Andrew Luck, a player of comparable experience. be assured that a team would snap him up in a heartbeat, controversy notwithstanding. Even if he had the recent performance of an Andy Dalton, he's on a roster right now.

Kaepernick's 2016 stats: 12 Games - 196/331 59.2% completion; 2,241 yards; 16/4 TD/Int; 468 yards rushing
Luck 2016 stats: 15 Games - 346/545 63.5% completion; 4,240 yards; 31/13 TD/Int; 341 yards rushing

I get what you're saying about Kaep not being a one man show during their Super Bowl run. They had a solid receiving group, three good rushing options and a defense that contained and caused turnovers like crazy. If he didn't have the baggage he currently carries do you not think a team would consider starting him over Ryan Tannehill, Josh McCown, Tyrod Taylor, Cody Kessler, Tom Savage, Blake Bortles, Sam Bradford, Mike Glennon, Brian Hoyer, or Jared Goff? You can make the argument for any/all of those guys listed, but each of those guys are in place to start week 1 barring injury. To say that bringing in Kaepernick to at least compete with any of those guys for a spot isn't worth it from purely a competitive standpoint is crazy. His kneeling and visual political messages (socks) might not be 100% of the reason he's not getting signed but it's a lot closer to 100% than it is to 0% or even 50%.
There are also IMO clear examples of corrapt Republicans who are not only resisting this admin -- but they're JUST as complicit and eager as the openly rabid Marxists when it comes to the dissolution of sovereignty and embracing the New World Order

There are going to be ugly moments -- and God knows there have been times where this admin has done things that I vehemently disagree with (don't like "The Wall", didn't like bombing Syria - don't agree with recent Russian sanctions etc)

But PLEASE make an effort to keep track of what they ARE doing --- there are several / verifiable good changes that this admin have already made that are improvements over both Obama and Little Bush

Those initiatives aren't going to be marketed and repeated to you by most of the media

at least 1500 homeless veterans are getting housing because of a new program from my MAN Ben Carson at HUD (poor w/VA) -- I worked with Ben Carsons little brother for about 5 years by the way ---- BEN CARSON is the one person that best epitomizes the PERSON I'd like as a President.....but maybe wouldn't have been the most effective

VA coordination with their Canadian counterparts to assist PTSD Vet's on a wider scale - extension of BENEFITS to wider group of Vets who are mental/physical issues --- AS OPPOSED TO MORE BENEFITS FOR PEOPLE WEHO ARENT CITIZENS

I ***LOVE*** the idea of helping out others - I REALLY do
But if you can't agree to focus on getting your own house in order first -- and making sure your permanently wounded vets are prioritized over someone who walks in, does't pay taxes and DEMANDS support

If you can't see the justification for that basic decision -- then you are SO FAR GONE that there's really no need for communication until you're ready to think logically

It's like we've had DRUNK 3 year olds trying to drive the car for decades
it's time to stop asking the little drunk bsatard change his ways

It's time to take the f'ing keys and be a more responsible nation

AND THAT INCLUDES standing down on the global wars for resources and colonial style actions

The traditional LEFT have valid points in that area and should be respected and listened to

and you good (but quirky......unlike ME!!!&*!&^&!) -- folks on the Traditional Left - -need to respectfully start calling out the Marxists in your party

Take it back
Let's get our finances and security issues in order
Then find better ways to help others on a wider scale

THAT MESSAGE unites, damnit

because I'm the sanest person on the internet that you've never met
The reason owners, and many coaches and GMs, do not want Kaepernick is because of the attention he will bring. Him taking a knee will be the story every week, and will be the most talked about player on their team. Why would a team want that for a guy who isn't going to be a starter? Teams get bad publicity when they sign/draft guys with checkered pasts, but it only lasts for a few weeks. Signing Kaepernick will bring more than just a few weeks worth of attention.

Exactly. I tried to state that in the paragraph before the one you quoted but I guess it wasn't emphasized enough.
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Typical response with exactly the amount of substance we all have come to expect...

My position on elected officials is well documented in this thread.

Your vote is you asking a person to accept taxpayer dollars to go to Washington and represent your interests. You aren't "voting against" anyone. A vote for Clinton was a vote for Clinton. A vote for Trump was a vote for Trump.

Me choosing not to vote for an incredibly shitty option does not mean I can't complain about how those people govern. Contrary, I have more of a right to complain since I didn't ask one of them to accept my money to represent me.

I voted against I voted for McCain. One of the more embarrassing things I've ever done. Since then my view on voting has matured.
Ultimately it's not "TRUMP" that the Marxists are furious with

Think if through -- he's just a product of many things
Being his Admin are a collective of fed up / increasingly organized voters who present a REAL THREAT to the those who desire global govt

and the media --- they just read what they're told to read
it's the money and power behind them that are the real drivers

same thing for the false front social justice movements -- they're a manifestation of the will of very wealthy people who are USING THEM for a specific period and a specific set of outcomes

I like the idea of speaking to the source of the conflict - using history to show how it's valid

While acknowledging that there are A LOT more of "us" that don't agree with them -- "us" = Tractional "Liberals", Libertarians, Constitutionalists, race-creed-culture-nationality-doesn't matter

Just ppl sho acknowledge that an accountable govt with solid financials is a better way to move forward than the sick JOKE on "open borders" and a govt that's supposed to "represent" you -- at an international level

F that

My position on elected officials is well documented in this thread.

Your vote is you asking a person to accept taxpayer dollars to go to Washington and represent your interests. You aren't "voting against" anyone. A vote for Clinton was a vote for Clinton. A vote for Trump was a vote for Trump.

Me choosing not to vote for an incredibly shitty option does not mean I can't complain about how those people govern. Contrary, I have more of a right to complain since I didn't ask one of them to accept my money to represent me.

I voted against I voted for McCain. One of the more embarrassing things I've ever done. Since then my view on voting has matured.

All to ya, Bill. You can have this mindset thinking you have more of a right to complain because you sat this one out. This was the first election in a long time where it did seem people voted for one of the candidates because they despised the other option so passionately. Which is a terrible way to do things.

But not voting doesn't give you more of a right to complain since none of the options agreed with your beliefs. Your "matured" perspective on voting should also consider the fact that Trump and Clinton weren't the only two options.
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Somewhere along the line, we've lost the concept of elected officials representing the tax PAYER.

I know you can take nationalism too far, but we could use some nationalism right now. Trump is doing that. The globalists were getting close enough to their dream that they were starting to taste it, now they're really mad.
They failed at repealing Obamacare. They promised they'd repeal it. They failed miserably. I'm a conservative and thoroughly disappointed in them.

I don't care what angle they have. What are they going to do, promise to repeal it and replace it next election? Promise to "fix" it? That ship has sailed. We know electing Republicans makes no difference for the future of Obamacare. It's here until it collapses. Obamacare shouldn't factor into anyone's decision at this point. Even if it collapses under R control, they'll do just as bad of a job "fixing" it as the Ds.

The fine needs to be left in place, and Trump needs to challenge Obama's EOs that delayed the fine and send every single person in America that would have owed the penalty a bill.

I really can't think of a scenario right now that would ever have me coming out to vote for an R again.

Well enjoy being a democrat then.

Again, to just blindly repeal it no matter the offer is a vote to say we don't give a shot about the blowback. That's weak AF IMO. It's bad and we all agree but so was IRAQ and to just up and leave made it worse!

Maybe politics isn't your thing, and I get it because I hate them all too. But the decision is bigger than simply just repealing the act.
[laughing] New information in the foiled Australia terror plot. One of the two men responsible for building the bomb had a brother going on a trip. They put the bomb in the backpack of the brother without his knowledge. They were going Jihad his ass without him even knowing. Wonder if he still would have been rewarded with virgins?
Perhaps, but probably not all 72 of them.
Who should I have asked to take taxpayer money to go represent me?

Gary Johnson? Get of here.

Write myself in? What's the difference between that and not voting?

Educated people who chose not to vote certainly do not have no right to complain. And yes, I'd argue if you abstained because you would not ask one of those people to go represent you, you ha more of a right to complain than people who did vote.

You're probably also not aware of my campaign to keep uninformed people from voting. Yes, you have the right. You also have the right to own a gun.

More damage has been done to this country by idiots with votes than could be done in a thousand years by idiots with guns.
CBS News‏Verified account@CBSNews
Barack Obama wasn't just the "president," he was the "crooner-in-chief." Take a trip down memory lane as he celebrates his 56th birthday.
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Well enjoy being a democrat then.

Again, to just blindly repeal it no matter the offer is a vote to say we don't give a shot about the blowback. That's weak AF IMO. It's bad and we all agree but so was IRAQ and to just up and leave made it worse!

Maybe politics isn't your thing, and I get it because I hate them all too. But the decision is bigger than simply just repealing the act.

The Rs are going to get creamed in the upcoming elections thanks to this bullshit and the impending tax reform debacle. They would have done far less damage to themselves and their party had they kept their campaign promises.

Flat repeal was better for the country long term.
The Deep State should be treated as domestic terrorists and all of them should be arrested immediately.

If Trump can't have a GD phone convo without it being leaked, its went too far. Toss em all in Gitmo.
Kaep's intended message was that he was against any system of oppression. Whenever a minority speaks out there is this assumption that it is Anti-Trump/Pro-Hilary. He was trying to make the point that had he voted, it would have been hypocritical to his stance since (in his mind and many others) both parties ultimately support a form of oppression and power over our society. In my opinion, if you don't vote then you don't have the right to complain about the current administration. But he's not a hypocrite if his message was not in support of either party.
Maybe he had a different ballot than I had in Ohio because the one I had allowed you the option to write in a candidate. Kaepernick didn't have to vote for someone in either party.
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My position on elected officials is well documented in this thread.

Your vote is you asking a person to accept taxpayer dollars to go to Washington and represent your interests. You aren't "voting against" anyone. A vote for Clinton was a vote for Clinton. A vote for Trump was a vote for Trump.

Me choosing not to vote for an incredibly shitty option does not mean I can't complain about how those people govern. Contrary, I have more of a right to complain since I didn't ask one of them to accept my money to represent me.

I voted against I voted for McCain. One of the more embarrassing things I've ever done. Since then my view on voting has matured.

I don't necessarily disagree with that
OF COURSE you have the right to complain whether you voted or not

Absolutely - and I"m glad you're standing up for it

You have certain rights that are inalienable

From there we have to set the stage of where rights come from and how far they extend of course --- but that's not going to happen HERE I don't think

Too complex

But I never liked the "you didn't vote so you don't have a right to complain" angle

Our Fed-Govt's first and highest responsibility is to protect the populace
And they are supposed to be accountable to citizens who are voters
not an international commission - not an organization that wants to dismantle the structure of a Republic in favor of a Monarchy, Theocracy or Socialist / Communist State

So there are inherent LIMITS on what we can do to the foundation and structure of our govt -- and that's a good thing

I know you probably know all that - I'm not lecturing - just trying to tho back to the basics

I think there's a lot of room for so many of us to agree on basic concepts - get over the apathy and fear - and find some small way to work, talk or organize with others so that we defend the structure of checks/balances and state/local rights etc....then move on to less of a war footing and finding new ways to cooperate with other nations / invest in new tech etc etc

If we don't get the economic stuff in order -- and if we continue to operate as an empire with a boot on the throat of certain parts of the world --- we are going to have MUCH bigger issues --

This will go from arguing about social issues -- so a broke ass government that can't pay pensions, fund programs or defend itself ---- in a world that increasingly hates us

Nobody wants that -- and I really believe we are facing a near certainty of seeing that within a decade or two at the most if we don't make major changes

I might have wandered there a bit
One more note on "RIGHTS"

I'm not here to preach to anyone - God knows I have no room for it - but our nation was founded on the idea that your rights come from --- the Creator

And certain rights are inalienable - they can't be revoked because trends or attitudes change

(we can address the historical angle of slavery in that context if you like - it's not difficult to do so)

OK - so the other significant world view is that "RIGHTS" ---- come from the government --- right?

And your "RIGHTS" can be given / taken away or changed at any time
Because they're subjective and malleable

There are more examples out there of this exact type of quote -- but recently in the UK you had a published opinion that supported the idea that Children DO NOT BELONG TO THEIR PARENTS

Children have their OWN RIGHTS and the govt needs to intervene and supersede the parents for --- whatever "RIGHTS" they say the child has

(which increasingly includes the "RIGHT" for grown men to have sex with them -- I've got the source queued up if you want to see the statements and propaganda)

So -- there's HUGE problem in this discussion if we don't follow the wise (and "Traditionally Leftist" by the way) counsel of George Orwell ---- get your definitions aligned -- KNOW what you mean -- and KNOW what others mean when they use certain words

My point is this -- if we sleep walk along and assume that all conversations/assertions about "RIGHTS" are a good thing worth defending -- then a lot of people are going to wake up surprised one day to find out that they're the new Russian Peasant being shipped to Gulag for liquidation or "reeducation"

Cause that's IS where we're heading

Here's a link on the statement about how children don't belong to their's not the first/last -- it goes back to F Engels at LEAST IMO and is a cornerstone of Marxist/Communist theory

(family MUST be destroyed because it IS the foundation of our present society/system)
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Somewhere along the line, we've lost the concept of elected officials representing the tax PAYER.

I know you can take nationalism too far, but we could use some nationalism right now. Trump is doing that. The globalists were getting close enough to their dream that they were starting to taste it, now they're really mad.

well done Hilltoppers
basic "pancake democracy" as I once read

it's becoming put up or shut up time

"really mad" in an understatement - it's insanity

and that''s NOT a representative mindset of the vast amount of what we would call "Liberal" Americans

but the distinction has to be made and our ""Liberal" friends need to get engaged and rid the D-party of the Marxist voice and influence

MLK's "letters from a Birmingham Jail" made a reference to how the KKK Wasn't the biggest enemy of black people

the fence sitting people who were not speaking up -- not doing anything to support voting rights for blacks etc ---- THEY were a bigger threat (paraphrasing etc)

It's the same here

The folks on the Left/Right that are doing nothing / saying nothing - apathetic or scared ---- THATS a bigger problem than the highly organized and media supported Marxists who cast a large shadow and scream with a loud voice -- but are actually numerically TINY
Wow, I'm sure that never occurred ....

Please give me one legit reason why Trump refuses to say anything bad about Putin while he blasts everyone else. HIm blasting Congress instead of Putin the other day is just laughable. A reasonable person would be wondering whose side he is on?

Hey Cardkiller - hope you've been well

one reason COULD BE that Trump believes and/or has intel that show that Putin is less of a threat to the US than others

If that were the case - then a wise CINC would have to prioritize the 10-millino tasks that need to be done -- and start focusing elsewhere first

So that's one possible logical reason while he doesn't classify Putin / Russia as a threat

He HAS pushed on Russia here or there --- he just signed on for sanctions against them that I"m trying to better understand (gas pipelines) and DO NOT support --- so that doesn't fit in with the idea that he's in bed with them
(neither does the Obama / hot mic moment of promising to back off the Russians once he's reelected etc)

and we know that the Russian-relationship isn't as simple as the media make it to be

Just trying to show a reasonable angle

Honest question - do you see Russia as a threat to the US?
Even though NATO is expanding East and we'd been putting troops in Poland / Ukraine etc?

Aside from the horrific/brutal communist USSR period -- we've NEVER had a reason nor a rivalry with the Russians

I believe it's more or less 'made up'

I can think of other nations that HAVE had historical beef/wars/economic competition with Russia though

I sometimes wonder if we haven't been doing their duty work for a while now
Hey Cardkiller - hope you've been well

one reason COULD BE that Trump believes and/or has intel that show that Putin is less of a threat to the US than others

If that were the case - then a wise CINC would have to prioritize the 10-millino tasks that need to be done -- and start focusing elsewhere first

So that's one possible logical reason while he doesn't classify Putin / Russia as a threat

He HAS pushed on Russia here or there --- he just signed on for sanctions against them that I"m trying to better understand (gas pipelines) and DO NOT support --- so that doesn't fit in with the idea that he's in bed with them
(neither does the Obama / hot mic moment of promising to back off the Russians once he's reelected etc)

and we know that the Russian-relationship isn't as simple as the media make it to be

Just trying to show a reasonable angle

Honest question - do you see Russia as a threat to the US?
Even though NATO is expanding East and we'd been putting troops in Poland / Ukraine etc?

Aside from the horrific/brutal communist USSR period -- we've NEVER had a reason nor a rivalry with the Russians

I believe it's more or less 'made up'

I can think of other nations that HAVE had historical beef/wars/economic competition with Russia though

I sometimes wonder if we haven't been doing their duty work for a while now

Good illustration of why Russia is more scared of us than we are of them.

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Somewhere along the line, we've lost the concept of elected officials representing the tax PAYER.

I know you can take nationalism too far, but we could use some nationalism right now. Trump is doing that. The globalists were getting close enough to their dream that they were starting to taste it, now they're really mad.

The left and their desire to have open borders and replace the population with third world invaders has made me into a nationalist and that's not a bad thing like the left tries to make it out to be:

I don't even stop there. I don't believe a single dime of our taxes should go to a foreign country. I don't give a crap if another country is going through a famine. I don't give a crap to protect Israel. I don't think we should fight someone else's fight without them paying for all of it.

I'm for a complete stoppage of immigration. I think birthright citizenship is bogus. I don't think you should he allowed into this nation unless you can speak English, have money and skills. How many of us would take a roommate who has no job, no money and no skills?

Democrats want these invaders in because they're Democrat votes. Just more poor POS that will not assimilate and will have their hands out.