How will they rule ??!

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I remember clearly when Obama had that little tantrum. What a pathetic person.

What Obama didnt understand is, most people know certain jobs arent coming back. But we want effort and fight moreso than results.

Not just a president who throws his hands in the air declaring defeat
Kind of like when Joker told us there was no reason for him to recruit Ohio because none of them would come here anyway.
Unless you're the far left who gets off on having the media continue to feed them confirmation bias BS to fuel their hate of Trump then why would you ever tune in to these people?

I don't believe anything they say nor will I give them any attention or clicks. They have proven they are unhinged leftist hacks and DNC puppets who have no interest in truth or ethics. It would be like expecting your ex girlfriend and her friends to be honest about you instead of knowing that they hate you so much that everything will always be a negative spin.
Unless you're the far left who gets off on having the media continue to feed them confirmation bias BS to fuel their hate of Trump then why would you ever tune in to these people?

I don't believe anything they say nor will I give them any attention or clicks. They have proven they are unhinged leftist hacks and DNC puppets who have no interest in truth or ethics. It would be like expecting your ex girlfriend and her friends to be honest about you instead of knowing that they hate you so much that everything will always be a negative spin.
I never watch the MSM. I barely even watch the local news, and I'll only do that to maybe watch the weather or sports here and there.

My main source of news is probably Drudge and some stuff I may see on twitter. The MSM is unbearable to watch.

This is what diversity is. Parents have to start teaching white kids to defend themselves. These kids have had their balls taken from them and told to cower in fear to savages. These types try to prey on the weak. That's why they love jumping you and sucker punching.

Stand up for yourselves. Prepare and work out and take martial arts and MMA and choke these mother effers out & when you can legally do it, get you a concealed permit and put them in the ground if they try this.

So here's something I learned in the past year

Two of the most iconic symbols of Nazism --- weren't even theirs

Neither the swastika nor the "Hitler Salute" originated in Hitler's Germany

The salute goes back to the Roman Empire
BUT you should also look up "The Bellamy Salute"
The American who wrote the pledge of allegiance wanted to have children reciting it in school -- with a salute

So he tried to come up with THE MOST NON-MILITARISTIC SALUTE HE COULD THINK OF.......(smell the irony wafting in the air?)

So the children were to face the US Flag - hold their right arms out at an angle and recite their pledge to the flag

I don't recall if he was aware of the original salute to Caesar or not -- you'd think he would have known it'd been done before ?

Recall that Hitler's Germany was the "3rd Reich" -- right?
So they were to be a continuation of previous empires --
I THINK Charlemagne was the empire patriarch in the middle

So that salute the Germans used wasn't theirs -- it was brought up from the past -- but for a reason.
I think they were saying that they weren't JUST another militaristic nation -- they were the next iteration of Europe's "destiny" and superior culture

the swastka appeared on maps all over Japan when I was stationed there - it was their symbol for a holy place - only 'backwards' from the German's Swastika
(which in some occult beliefs/practices tends to indicate a reversal of meaning as well)

I THINK that symbol goes back to the Hindu's and represents the 4-seasons / sometimes called the Sun Wheel

It appears on churches, banks and in quilt patterns in Appalachia if you know where to look

There's one in Cumberland Gap - plain as day
The "asian" version so it's reversed from the Nazi's -- and it appears as a large quilt square painted on a small brick school or church

This is what diversity is. Parents have to start teaching white kids to defend themselves. These kids have had their balls taken from them and told to cower in fear to savages. These types try to prey on the weak. That's why they love jumping you and sucker punching.

Stand up for yourselves. Prepare and work out and take martial arts and MMA and choke these mother effers out & when you can legally do it, get you a concealed permit and put them in the ground if they try this.
Considering I pack wherever I'm at if I was ever in a situation surrounded by 5-6 men of any color then I absolutley would feel my like was in danger and would have no problem putting someone in the ground. These are thug punk actions regardless of color.
[QUOTE="KingOfSleaze, post: 6051828, member: 11956"

This is what diversity is. if they try this.[/QUOTE]

Watched that last night - along with the man on the subway that asked the "Kids" if they would put out the doozie and just smoke it later
After the girl spit in his face the rest just beat him as best they could
I think that one was black on black though

As for the first one
I honestly think that in some cases youth like that MAY be used as others within the "Agitate for change" world

Pay them some money that's flowed into our org to go rough up some white kids (specifically) and film it

The film will urge others to fight as well
It's possibly an attempt to start a wider series of violence?

Just a theory -- Im not saying I am 100% certain that's happening

BUT it would be consistent with the Bolshevik street rabble that were used as shock troops in Russia

They taught that TERROR was an acceptable tactic in order to ushering revolution and wrest private property and capital from the bourgeois and capitalists

Once they're convinced that you are all kinds of EVIL and GREED and RACIST --- when they're hearing it all the damn time ANNND coming from broken homes where there's not a lot to stand on.....

Then you get into the territory of deep manipulation where entire bands of thugs will be ready to smash, kill and pillage --- FOR JUSTICE
The "I'm a victim. Whitey is evil" narrative the left puts on a loop needs to stop. The pandering needs to stop. Reality checks need to be given. Affirmative Action needs tossed out. The white BLM losers need a true dose of life as well.

Whenever we get a worshipping of a career criminal and another "blacks are victims" movie, TV show, history lesson, this type of stuff needs to be shown over and over again.

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More fights coming - the A/G is about to cut off funding for 4 US Cities that refused to comply with the end of 'sanctuary city' designation

I've only just heard of this one - not sure what extent they will lose federal funding but 100% agree that it's a justifiable approach

I am more than a little confident that somewhere in this nation there are communist trained operatives ramping up their "shock troops" for a response

We;ve seen the marches and the ';rallies' and all the off the cuff, vulgar remarks about "killing white people" and "white people give us your money / your homes..." ...."there will be blood in the streets" ....and ALL the other similar threats

If they're going down the path of the historical bolsheviks - then they will respond to this as if the outrage were committed against THEM

The communists were never more than 7% of the total population of Soviet Russia

Yet they ultimately enslaved, raped and exterminated 60 million peasants, church members, cadets, indigenous groups, many asian peoples, and THEN any-damn-one they wanted to........

the VAST numerical superiority rests with non Marxists
not just talking "conservatives" here
there's a wide range of people across the political spectrum that have a role to play in REIGNING THIS IS PEACEFULLY ---- BUT FIRMLY

Start by realizing that you ARE witnessing slow motion revolution right now

What in the hell? I have never heard of this person before. This is Gloria Alred's daughter and she's Jewish. There's a lot of Jewish people who seem to love pushing hatred toward whites. That's very odd to me.

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being beaten down mentally so that resistance will be minimized or even eliminated

socially engineered guilt -

Think about dome of the conditions that existed - and were endured - as Washington's MEN endured some of the winter weather they had, with inadequate clothes, food, weapons and dwindling hope.......

think about what some of the Union and Confederate solders saw, heard and tried to forget in places like Antietam

Think about what Verdun might have been like as WW1 ground up and shred men into unrecognizable heaps of dead bodies -- charging over and over into fortified lines so that you might gain a few hundred yards of earth

and here we are -- so MANY men afraid to even speak up or push back in fear that we might be .... called a bad name

by a pack of F'ing Lunatics that are tossing lit matches into pools of gasoline

being told from nearly every angle how we've been a unique scourge to this nation and -- have no place in the future if we don't conform to what a small handful of TRULY hate filled, seditious, sociopathic, manipulating, hypocritical, cowardly (wanna be?) Marxists -- who are using ---> disaffected, ignorant, self-centered, spoiled, WESTERN CULTURE TEAT--SUCKING, PSEUDO-ANGST RIDDEN DUMBASSES

I truly believe that because there's been SO LITTLE push back to the point --- these Jr-League Bolsheviks .....have come to believe that they can remove a sitting President and call for "REVOLUTION" without the WHOLE-DAMN-THING-GOING-SIDEWAYS

There's no job - no pay - no comfortable home and no social position that's worth clinging to **IF** we truly become faced with an organized attempt to seize power.

and I'm not ashamed to say this last part -- the counter revolution needs to be led by F'ING MEN who are ready to stop this bullshit-amateur hour coup

I hope you have a sense of where your linen the sand is with what's happening right now

I don't think it HAS to come to a full fledged fight - but It's going to get worse before it gets better