How will they rule ??!

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Who handed Afghanistan to Obama?

I think anyone who suggest that there is anything to win in Afghanistan is a poor student of history. We aren't fighting any standing army, there is no one to surrender. We can bring overwhelming force and the Taliban and the other groups will just disburse into the mountains, blend into population and wait for us to leave. Once we leave...or do you suggest staying forever? they will return.
The Russians were there for 10+ years... we have been there what...15+ years.
There is nothing to win and no path to winning anything. There are no good options.

Nicely put - and with a lot fewer words than me - I swear I intend to work on that

We are winning on record levels of poppy / opium and heroin production though

More drug production than when the Taliban was in charge

I think the official figures stated that overall production was up something like 36% just in the past year

It's the British Opium Wars all over again (for the most part) IMO
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I guess I really don't care if there's a grand jury. If crimes were committed, they should be exposed. If not, this all needs a conclusion.

And Trump certainly isn't going to back down from the fight now.

If you assume people will be lying to investigators so a case can be built against Trump or more likely his family, he'll need to stay in office for pardoning purposes.

Maybe this is what it takes to get 'regular citizens' involved again
Maybe this isn't about Trump
or the Media

Maybe it's about US

Left / Right -- reclaiming our country and saying "no" to Big BIG government on a global scale


I really think it CAN be!
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...except the market had nowhere to go but up. I'll give him credit for not screwing the pooch, but give just about anyone a $10 trillion line of credit and carte blanche to print money and they could have done the same. And if Hillary had been able to ride Obama's coattails into the White House, I guarun-damn-tee you the Dow would not be topping 22K, it would still be treading water around 18K. I know you won't concede that, but deep down you know it's true.
when it was 18k Trump said we were in a bubble...are we in a super bubble now?

Don't get me wrong I love what the past nearly 9 years have done for my 401k but it seems like it's just another in a long line of hypocritical tweets.

Give anyone an improving economy, stock market that's doubled, low inflation, low interest rates, and 75 months of job growth and they could have done the same, including Hillary.

We had to put up with the hysteria from the right for 8 years. It's been 7 months. Do you guys have amnesia or something?
Will the CONTENT of the leaked emails ever be addressed, or just that they were leaked? How exactly did the mere occurrence of hacking emails influence the election? What if the emails had only contained instances of people discussing grandchildren and golf? You know, like what Bill and Lynch discussed on her plane days before Comey pardoned Hillary.

Hillary Clinton and Barry O'bama discussed classified information on an illegal server for the purpose of circumventing FOIA laws. There's your story, right there.
Wow, I'm sure that never occurred to the FBI or the entire Republican party who has tried to get the Clintons since the 90s. You cracked the case! Considering how pro-Trump alot of the FBI was if they found something to indict her with they would have. There's one standard for Trump and then another for everyone else.

Still talking about those emails while the prez is straight up lying to everyone, covering up meetings with Russian go-betweens, and hiding his finances.

Mueller is getting closer to the truth, one way or the other. For someone who is so innocent, Trump and co. sure don't act like it.

Please give me one legit reason why Trump refuses to say anything bad about Putin while he blasts everyone else. HIm blasting Congress instead of Putin the other day is just laughable. A reasonable person would be wondering whose side he is on?
when it was 18k Trump said we were in a bubble

Because during Obama's tenure it was being kept afloat through forced, artificially low rates, 0% at times. If the Feds would have raised the rates, the bubble would have bursted.

Since Trump has taken office the market has stabilized enough that rates have been raised twice already, set for a third time before year's end, and it's still gaining at unheard of records. 4K in six months.
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No intelligent person who wants to maintain a stable society would support sexualizing pre schoolers

and then suggest that there "aren't enough" Gay pre schoolers

if you don't think that the "normalization" of pedophilia is coming - then you're not paying attention

another great example of how the Traditional Left could take a stand against out of control social engineering

No intelligent person who wants to maintain a stable society would support sexualizing pre schoolers

and then suggest that there "aren't enough" Gay pre schoolers

if you don't think that the "normalization" of pedophilia is coming - then you're not paying attention

another great example of how the Traditional Left could take a stand against out of control social engineering


about 5 times as many Pedophiles have been caught and sent to justice

you want to talk social justice?

how about - instead of some silly new NEW set of rules on what words to use

How about we attest the shit out of monsters like that???

Hell yea, lock em up.
Trump really needs to make sure his security team is on high alert. I know it may sound like exaggerated BS, but if all else fails(and it has and will) he will fall to an Abe Lincoln, JFK and Ronald Reagan attack!

You can not change taxes without that being under control and it isn't and won't be and that's why obama set this up like he did.

You can't set a monthly living budget for yourself when you have a variable interest for a mortgage that can shoot to 20% next month.

Also if you are complaining about what the GOP didn't do with Obamacare then how are you claiming to be a conservative?
The real issue is that teams won't pick up Kaepernick, a guy who took a team to the Super Bowl a few years ago yet they will sign guys who hit women or have numerous encounters with the law. All it takes is for a woman beater to apologize on ABC or ESPN and then it's on to the OTAs. I don't like Kapernick's decision to kneel but I respect his right to do so. And he has accepted the consequences without lashing out. He also put his money where his mouth is donating over $700k to various organizations. There are plenty of other guys out there who have done far worse actions and didn't accept any sort of responsibility.
The reason owners, and many coaches and GMs, do not want Kaepernick is because of the attention he will bring. Him taking a knee will be the story every week, and will be the most talked about player on their team. Why would a team want that for a guy who isn't going to be a starter? Teams get bad publicity when they sign/draft guys with checkered pasts, but it only lasts for a few weeks. Signing Kaepernick will bring more than just a few weeks worth of attention.
Wow, I'm sure that never occurred to the FBI or the entire Republican party who has tried to get the Clintons since the 90s. You cracked the case! Considering how pro-Trump alot of the FBI was if they found something to indict her with they would have. There's one standard for Trump and then another for everyone else.
This is either a blatant lie or just really dumb. I'm not sure which is worse to be honest. Comey basically gave a press conference where he spoke about how Hillary should be charged then said, no we won't be doing that.
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No intelligent person who wants to maintain a stable society would support sexualizing pre schoolers

and then suggest that there "aren't enough" Gay pre schoolers

if you don't think that the "normalization" of pedophilia is coming - then you're not paying attention

another great example of how the Traditional Left could take a stand against out of control social engineering

I think the left and gay activists are disgusting people. That BS about just wanting to be left alone was a lie. They know they're deviants and not normal so they need to be told that theyre not the weird ones and need validation from everyone else and need to force it on kids. They're in a war with normalcy.

By the way, if you're born gay then why does she give a shit that these kids do normal things and not actin like weirdos and gaying it up.
West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice isn’t the only Democrat Trump won over

Kimberly Barrington, a 46-year-old stay-at-home mother of two from Virginia’s rural Wise County, voted for Democrats for years, including former president Barack Obama ahead of his first term — but as she watched him and the Democratic Party drift away from her values and priorities, she decided to vote for Republican nominee Trump in 2016.

Marty Ramsey, a 49-year-old from Kenova who maintains trains, became an independent several years ago after watching Democrats allow the government to become heavily involved in health care, implement Common Core education standards that he thinks are too liberal, reduce access to firearms and narrow the freedoms of Americans. After not voting in the 2008 and 2012 elections, Ramsey voted for Trump last year.

Paula Langston, a 41-year-old registered nurse who grew up here and has always voted for Republicans, said she was stunned when her parents — staunch, lifelong Democrats — announced that they were voting for Trump. They own a bar in town and realized that voting for Democrats again and again wasn’t helping them, so they decided to take a chance on Trump, she said.

Trump’s core base of support includes a substantial number of Democrats and former Democrats, along with people who hadn’t been motivated to vote in years, and a key to his electoral victory was winning dozens of rural, industrial counties in Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio that previously voted for Obama. Republican and Democratic strategists have been carefully studying this group, trying to determine whether the transition is a permanent one or not.

But many Trump supporters aren’t traditional Republicans and their stances on various issues don’t perfectly match the party’s stances, making it difficult for state elected leaders to figure out what to do.
Are we at real unemployment numbers yet or still fake Obama numbers?

And before you come in here trolling, asking this ghey ass question like you have after every other jobs report, the administration once again, just like last month, took it upon themselves to release the real numbers, vowing not to be satisfied until it starts to go down as well.
And before you come in here trolling, asking this ghey ass question like you have after every other jobs report, the administration once again, just like last month, took it upon themselves to release the real numbers, vowing not to be satisfied until it starts to go down as well.
Trump even exposed and called out the numbers in his speech last'd be a nice gotcha talking point if not for Trump and admin remaining consistent on the topic.
And before you come in here trolling, asking this ghey ass question like you have after every other jobs report, the administration once again, just like last month, took it upon themselves to release the real numbers, vowing not to be satisfied until it starts to go down as well.
Trump clearly said last night at his rally that he likes to take credit for the low unemployment numbers but also knows they are still not correct since so many folks fell off the numbers because they stopped looking for jobs. So, yes he is taking credit but he has not backed off the fake Obama low unemployment number narrative.

Its amazing what Trump haters will learn if they actually watch his rallies and not just edited soundbites/clips the MSM presents to them as fact.

You small town middle America hicks, don't be alarmed by those phones that look like they're from space. Do you even have shoes?

Eff you, libs. Eff every single one of you northeastern tools.

lmao I was gonna read it but I got this message...

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*but for real they're bringing in cell towers to help hopkinsville handle cell traffic.

*anybody secretly miss days where everyone didn't have a phone? And stuff functioned just fine, tbh. I would even say people were less stressed. It's a very interesting thing to think about. Cell phones changed a lot about how we interact and communicate. I'm technically a "millenial" but I had to use a phone book growing up. I had to ask if so-and-so was home and could I speak to them. Very different. These idiot kids today don't even know what prank calls are. Trolling been around wayyyyy before the internet, you dweebs.

No intelligent person who wants to maintain a stable society would support sexualizing pre schoolers

and then suggest that there "aren't enough" Gay pre schoolers

if you don't think that the "normalization" of pedophilia is coming - then you're not paying attention

another great example of how the Traditional Left could take a stand against out of control social engineering

Don't leave this out from the bottom of the article.

Gansen’s Facebooks likes include Elizabeth Warren, Organizing for Action (former President Barack Obama’s community organizing project) and, of course, Shaun King
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Trump really needs to make sure his security team is on high alert. I know it may sound like exaggerated BS, but if all else fails(and it has and will) he will fall to an Abe Lincoln, JFK and Ronald Reagan attack!

Plenty of people on both sides of the aisle want him gone. Pence is not to be trusted.

Vice President Mike Pence to Headline Koch Summit

The deep-pocketed conservative donors, meanwhile, were rightfully apprehensive about how Trump would conduct himself as President. Charles and David Koch, especially, were no fans of Trump or the people around him. Trump returned the favor by calling Koch and their buddies puppeteers who pull politicians' strings for personal enrichment. In the end, the Koch organizations pretended the presidential race wasn't taking place and instead focused on down-ballot contests.

This explains why Pence, a favorite of the Koch brothers, is a natural bridge between the White House and this conference of small-government activists later this month. It also helps Pence's political profile should he seek the Presidency on his own terms, as he's expected to do one day.
...except the market had nowhere to go but up. I'll give him credit for not screwing the pooch, but give just about anyone a $10 trillion line of credit and carte blanche to print money and they could have done the same. And if Hillary had been able to ride Obama's coattails into the White House, I guarun-damn-tee you the Dow would not be topping 22K, it would still be treading water around 18K. I know you won't concede that, but deep down you know it's true.
Actually you don't know that is true either.

The market had nowhere else to go? Good Lord you're a poor student of the market. And an average of 15%/yr is near double the market's average rate of return. Topped only by Bill Clinton's term.

Oh...and that credit line has been extended and will likely be expanded. There has been zero fallback of federal fact suggestions of more spending all while talking about reducing taxes(revenues). So much for conservatives being concerned about the debt.

But hey, I'm cheering for the market. I'm in that home stretch before retirement and just a few more years like the last few and I can more up my retirement date. And while I don't want to see it, if the bubble pops on this bull run and the market gives back all these recent gains it will be fun to come here and read all the excuse making.

Note: The market likes certainty not necessarily policy. What is certain right now is that little legislatively is going to get done in the foreseeable future...just as little was able to get done the previous 8 years. Business learns to cope. It adapts to whatever the rules might be and then proceeds. It doesn't like having to adapt. It doesn't like uncertainty. Which is why if an oil tanker is attacked in the ME, or someone flies an aircraft into a building or if N. Korea decides to launch a live missile the market will strongly react in a negative way.
Yeah, this presser is a big fail for me. They are talking about future leaks. What about the ones that already happened? There were leaks just yesterday. C'mon Sessions.
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