How will they rule ??!

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We need to either win the war or just get out. Afghanistan is another mess Obama handed Trump. What a disaster Obama was.
Who handed Afghanistan to Obama?

I think anyone who suggest that there is anything to win in Afghanistan is a poor student of history. We aren't fighting any standing army, there is no one to surrender. We can bring overwhelming force and the Taliban and the other groups will just disburse into the mountains, blend into population and wait for us to leave. Once we leave...or do you suggest staying forever? they will return.
The Russians were there for 10+ years... we have been there what...15+ years.
There is nothing to win and no path to winning anything. There are no good options.
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So Tebow is awful but they worship this POS?

I've stopped watching pro football and pro basketball and have lost most of my interest in those two sports in college as well. Why? Because I don't feel like wasting my time cheering on a group who is taught to hate us and worship criminals and also becomes insanely wealthy despite typically being very stupid.

There's just something about guys beating women and talking about how much they hate whites and cops all while wearing a Fidel Castro shirt that just makes me lose interest, I suppose.
Then I guess you loved Obama...pretty easy to set highs when it was near the top when Trump took over. I remember all the 'Obama has nothing to do with the stock market' rants on here and now all of a sudden it's all Trumps doing. Good stuff man, gooood stuff.

Also remember the 75 consecutive months of job growth under Obama, best ever. And under 5% unemployment. Which of course was a made up number before Trump but is now golden and flaunted by the orange beast.
"You cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall," he said. "I am just going to say that we are working it out. Believe it or not, this is the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important talk about.

"I am the world's greatest person that does not want to let people into the country," he said.
Nice humble brag.
So Tebow is awful but they worship this POS?

I've stopped watching pro football and pro basketball and have lost most of my interest in those two sports in college as well. Why? Because I don't feel like wasting my time cheering on a group who is taught to hate us and worship criminals and also becomes insanely wealthy despite typically being very stupid.

There's just something about guys beating women and talking about how much they hate whites and cops all while wearing a Fidel Castro shirt that just makes me lose interest, I suppose.

Who said Tebow was awful? The guy is a great athlete but he's just not cut out to be an NFL QB. Has talent to do other things and probably could have made it as a TE had he been more flexible about the change. He has proven that he is talented as a color commentator for College Game Day and is doing fine in the minor leagues right now. Not really sure who thinks or says he's awful. He seems to be universally liked anywhere he goes.

As far as Kaep, he took a stand (or lack their of) and it is one of the more polarizing political stances by an athlete in recent memory. The next one that comes to mind is Muhammad Ali refusing his obligation to the military. Kaep has a right to his own freedom of speech but he's learning that it comes with consequences as no team is willing to take the bad publicity that comes with him.

The real issue is that teams won't pick up Kaepernick, a guy who took a team to the Super Bowl a few years ago yet they will sign guys who hit women or have numerous encounters with the law. All it takes is for a woman beater to apologize on ABC or ESPN and then it's on to the OTAs. I don't like Kapernick's decision to kneel but I respect his right to do so. And he has accepted the consequences without lashing out. He also put his money where his mouth is donating over $700k to various organizations. There are plenty of other guys out there who have done far worse actions and didn't accept any sort of responsibility.
Then I guess you loved Obama...pretty easy to set highs when it was near the top when Trump took over. I remember all the 'Obama has nothing to do with the stock market' rants on here and now all of a sudden it's all Trumps doing. Good stuff man, gooood stuff.

Also remember the 75 consecutive months of job growth under Obama, best ever. And under 5% unemployment. Which of course was a made up number before Trump but is now golden and flaunted by the orange beast.
My favorite moron arguments are ones where someone points out their own hypocrisy whilst ranting about others' hypocrisy. Have seen it all day on twitter related to the leaks from HRC supporters.

The stock market is not an indicator per se but if it follows consumer and business confidence there is some credence. Let's see if he can get GDP up and not prop up the economy with a shitload of debt and currency manipulation.
My favorite moron arguments are ones where someone points out their own hypocrisy whilst ranting about others' hypocrisy. Have seen it all day on twitter related to the leaks from HRC supporters.

The stock market is not an indicator per se but if it follows consumer and business confidence there is some credence. Let's see if he can get GDP up and not prop up the economy with a shitload of debt and currency manipulation.

Do you feel it's essentially just leftists in NYC, DC and LA yelling at each other and being showcased more than any actual substance? I feel a good chunk of the population especially in the middle, straight up don't give a shit about these people and just try to stay away from them as much as possible. The left, given their media and bubble, think they're the majority in everything and that their insanity is shared by most. They are very disconnected from reality.
pretty easy to set highs when it was near the top when Trump took over.
How was it "near a high" when Trump took over when it has gained another 4K since November?
You and all the doomsayers predicted (or created the lie) that the stock market would tank if Trump were elected.
But yet...the stock market has soared 20% since Trump was elected. Inconceivable!
But now, you say well of course the stock market went up, because it's just a continuation of the gains we had under Obama!
Bullsh!t to that. You are a petty partisan hack who changes the narrative to match his beliefs, give every credit to Obama and not an iota of credit to Trump.
Do you feel it's essentially just leftists in NYC, DC and LA yelling at each other and being showcased more than any actual substance? I feel a good chunk of the population especially in the middle, straight up don't give a shit about these people and just try to stay away from them as much as possible. The left, given their media and bubble, think they're the majority in everything and that their insanity is shared by most. They are very disconnected from reality.
I hope so. Watching media people fellate each other and start attacking anyone that takes one of them on is nauseating.
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I hope so. Watching media people fellate each other and start attacking anyone that takes one of them on is nauseating.
yeah we're so isolated that Trump won by an insurmountable 78,000 or so votes in 3 states. I believe Republicans are way overplaying their hand. We'll see what happens in 2018.

Trump supporters are like golf supporters...old and dying off. I'm not sure Republicans message of hate towards every minority group is a winning ticket to get millenials. Boomers are the crux of Republican voters and they have one foot in the grave.

Stock market doubled under Obama, you can try to spin it however you want.
How was it "near a high" when Trump took over when it has gained another 4K since November?
You and all the doomsayers predicted (or created the lie) that the stock market would tank if Trump were elected.
But yet...the stock market has soared 20% since Trump was elected. Inconceivable!
But now, you say well of course the stock market went up, because it's just a continuation of the gains we had under Obama!
Bullsh!t to that. You are a petty partisan hack who changes the narrative to match his beliefs, give every credit to Obama and not an iota of credit to Trump.

Perfect example is the stock market, which had nothing to do with Obama for 8 years but now has everything to do with Trump.
yeah we're so isolated that Trump won by an insurmountable 78,000 or so votes in 3 states. I believe Republicans are way overplaying their hand. We'll see what happens in 2018.

Trump supporters are like golf supporters...old and dying off. I'm not sure Republicans message of hate towards every minority group is a winning ticket to get millenials. Boomers are the crux of Republican voters and they have one foot in the grave.

Stock market doubled under Obama, you can try to spin it however you want.
There will be a swing back in 2018, would be shocked if not but you and Albany and others have been playing the "old white guys" card for a decade. Don't underestimate how obnoxious you and other liberals are. Trump won with very high negatives because they hated you all more.

And benchmarking the stock market from the recession is stupid but, again, you are being a hypocrite. You can't point to any policy other than a "cash advance" that he did to grow the economy. Remember "new normal"?

Lastly, the data for the group after the millennials is showing very unfavorable for Dems, they are concerned.
How was it "near a high" when Trump took over when it has gained another 4K since November?
You and all the doomsayers predicted (or created the lie) that the stock market would tank if Trump were elected.
But yet...the stock market has soared 20% since Trump was elected. Inconceivable!
But now, you say well of course the stock market went up, because it's just a continuation of the gains we had under Obama!
Bullsh!t to that. You are a petty partisan hack who changes the narrative to match his beliefs, give every credit to Obama and not an iota of credit to Trump.

I hate every leftist on here. Everything bad under Obama is Bush's fault and now anything good from Trump is actually Obama's doing. As if Obama did shit for the economy or job participation. Today's left absolutely hate being a contributor to society. Their ideal economy is a welfare state of third world trash.
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"Trump supporters are like golf supporters...old and dying off."

Your analogy like your predictions and postings are way off. The younger generation has picked up golf more than any other sport with maybe the exception of you snowflakes. You seem to think there are a lot more of you than there really is. Perception in this instance is way off. You only seem like more because you cry like a bunch of babies if you do not get your way. However, it seems as if many in this nation are beginning to see you for what you really are, selfish bloodsucking users. You can't do it on your own so, you look to the government handout to save your ass.
There will be a swing back in 2018, would be shocked if not but you and Albany and others have been playing the "old white guys" card for a decade. Don't underestimate how obnoxious you and other liberals are. Trump won with very high negatives because they hated you all more.

And benchmarking the stock market from the recession is stupid but, again, you are being a hypocrite. You can't point to any policy other than a "cash advance" that he did to grow the economy. Remember "new normal"?

Lastly, the data for the group after the millennials is showing very unfavorable for Dems, they are concerned.

In a nutshell.
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The tweets about digital blackface are so funny and unbelievable. Why would anyone want to hire someone or be around someone who's this miserable and easily offended?
Meanwhile the Pope's new appointees have released a (Vatican sponsored) journal article that attacks American catholics (about 2 weeks ago they singled out American Southerners mind you) - making statements such as:

1) American "ultraconservative" Catholics are creating an ALLIANCE OF HATE....with "evangelical Christians".....and President Trump

2) The journal emphasized the conservatives lack of climate change .... and referred to their (presumably) fellow Christians as "" and sponsoring "walls" between people and "purifying deportations"

3) Finally - these brave Marxist asshats conclude with a mournful reference to how those type of Christians tend to have a "literal" interpretation of the Bible and note that these threatening people are "not too different than Jihadists"

This is the second article of this nature since the Pope ousted his head of theology and apparently replaced him with a Hypocritical, Cowardly, NWO Asshat

So - they got nothing to say about "the people" in Venezuela

They got nothing to say about female genital mutilations increasing exponentially - in Germany (along with 3 or 4 infectious diseases -- I can cite that if you're interested)

They WILL however take a strong stand against Climate Change deniers who are 'scaring immigrants -- and Muslims"

yep --

the really cool part is -- if you look to the right you can see another article highlighting how the Vatican still seems to have a solid crew who exhibit problems with embezzling charity money and dabbling pedophilia

BRAVE, New Pope

so is the Vatican and Scientology one in the same now?
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Utter f*cking BS that there is no grand jury for any of the Clintons crimes, or the DWS. Yet we get a grand jury over an investigation with no proof.
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How was it "near a high" when Trump took over when it has gained another 4K since November?
You and all the doomsayers predicted (or created the lie) that the stock market would tank if Trump were elected.
But yet...the stock market has soared 20% since Trump was elected. Inconceivable!
But now, you say well of course the stock market went up, because it's just a continuation of the gains we had under Obama!
Bullsh!t to that. You are a petty partisan hack who changes the narrative to match his beliefs, give every credit to Obama and not an iota of credit to Trump.
The market has hit all time highs in 30 of the last 54 months... The DJIA climbed 120.6% during Obama's tenure...33% his first year. That said,I'd be very careful boasting about market and crediting the POTUS...the market can crash as quickly as it soars and there are a lot of people out there saying we are due a big correction.
If that correction comes, think Trump will accept responsibility?


Who said Tebow was awful? The guy is a great athlete but he's just not cut out to be an NFL QB. Has talent to do other things and probably could have made it as a TE had he been more flexible about the change. He has proven that he is talented as a color commentator for College Game Day and is doing fine in the minor leagues right now. Not really sure who thinks or says he's awful. He seems to be universally liked anywhere he goes.

As far as Kaep, he took a stand (or lack their of) and it is one of the more polarizing political stances by an athlete in recent memory. The next one that comes to mind is Muhammad Ali refusing his obligation to the military. Kaep has a right to his own freedom of speech but he's learning that it comes with consequences as no team is willing to take the bad publicity that comes with him.

The real issue is that teams won't pick up Kaepernick, a guy who took a team to the Super Bowl a few years ago yet they will sign guys who hit women or have numerous encounters with the law. All it takes is for a woman beater to apologize on ABC or ESPN and then it's on to the OTAs. I don't like Kapernick's decision to kneel but I respect his right to do so. And he has accepted the consequences without lashing out. He also put his money where his mouth is donating over $700k to various organizations. There are plenty of other guys out there who have done far worse actions and didn't accept any sort of responsibility.
He did indeed take a team to the Super Bowl a few years ago, though it was hardly a one man show over there. Since then, he's been erratic at best and downright ineffective at worst. Is he still better than some quarterbacks who do have contracts? Yes. Are his anthem antics affecting his market value? Probably. But, if he had the recent performance of Andrew Luck, a player of comparable experience. be assured that a team would snap him up in a heartbeat, controversy notwithstanding. Even if he had the recent performance of an Andy Dalton, he's on a roster right now.
Who said Tebow was awful? The guy is a great athlete but he's just not cut out to be an NFL QB. Has talent to do other things and probably could have made it as a TE had he been more flexible about the change. He has proven that he is talented as a color commentator for College Game Day and is doing fine in the minor leagues right now. Not really sure who thinks or says he's awful. He seems to be universally liked anywhere he goes.

As far as Kaep, he took a stand (or lack their of) and it is one of the more polarizing political stances by an athlete in recent memory. The next one that comes to mind is Muhammad Ali refusing his obligation to the military. Kaep has a right to his own freedom of speech but he's learning that it comes with consequences as no team is willing to take the bad publicity that comes with him.

The real issue is that teams won't pick up Kaepernick, a guy who took a team to the Super Bowl a few years ago yet they will sign guys who hit women or have numerous encounters with the law. All it takes is for a woman beater to apologize on ABC or ESPN and then it's on to the OTAs. I don't like Kapernick's decision to kneel but I respect his right to do so. And he has accepted the consequences without lashing out. He also put his money where his mouth is donating over $700k to various organizations. There are plenty of other guys out there who have done far worse actions and didn't accept any sort of responsibility.

i respected his right to kneel as well, didn't agree but it was his right. what i didn't respect was him wearing socks that had the writing "cops are pigs" etc on them. and the league didn't have the balls to stand up or fine him for that. you wear anything on your jersey not approved by the league and you get fined, but they let that go.

and for the naysayers, no one is not signing Colin because of his stance, they are not signing him because he doesn't want to accept back up qb money, and he basically sucks. the league figured him out and he wasn't productive. if that was Aaron Rodgers, Brady, Russell Wilson, Cam, and so on, taking the same stance, they would be starting on day 1 regardless. it's a business, if you can win games and make your team money, they will pay you and play you. no one is taking on his headache for 2nd and 3rd string duties.
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Utter f*cking BS that there is no grand jury for any of the Clintons crimes, or the DWS. Yet we get a grand jury over an investigation with no proof.

This was expected once a special investigator was appointed. WH officials weren't concerned according to John Roberts. Ty Cobb said there has been no confirmation of grand jury, but said he would welcome it, anything that speeds this process up.
This was expected once a special investigator was appointed. WH officials weren't concerned according to John Roberts. Ty Cobb said there has been no confirmation of grand jury, but said he would welcome it, anything that speeds this process up.
Yeah, they know they did no wrong as nothing is there. Mueller could still manufacture fake evidence, which is what worries me.
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They are going to do whatever it takes to get him out of office.

My son is a liberal and despises Trump. I try not to engage him much, but did tell him he should get used to saying President Pence. Trump has few friends in the media or in Congress. You can do the math.
I guess I really don't care if there's a grand jury. If crimes were committed, they should be exposed. If not, this all needs a conclusion.

And Trump certainly isn't going to back down from the fight now.

If you assume people will be lying to investigators so a case can be built against Trump or more likely his family, he'll need to stay in office for pardoning purposes.
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"New York Times opinion writer and economist Paul Krugman predicted early Wednesday morning that the stock market will “never” recover from Donald Trump’s presidential victory, only to be proven spectacularly wrong in less than a day. Instead of collapsing, the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to an all-time high shortly before the closing bell."
Will the CONTENT of the leaked emails ever be addressed, or just that they were leaked? How exactly did the mere occurrence of hacking emails influence the election? What if the emails had only contained instances of people discussing grandchildren and golf? You know, like what Bill and Lynch discussed on her plane days before Comey pardoned Hillary.

Hillary Clinton and Barry O'bama discussed classified information on an illegal server for the purpose of circumventing FOIA laws. There's your story, right there.
Trump really is the last chance we'll ever have to have a non establishment candidate. The corruption runs too deep and you have millions and millions useful idiots like Cardkilla and Fuzz who are too goddam stupid to understand how they're being played, and really don care, so long as the handouts keep coming.