How will they rule ??!

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This was expected once a special investigator was appointed. WH officials weren't concerned according to John Roberts. Ty Cobb said there has been no confirmation of grand jury, but said he would welcome it, anything that speeds this process up.
Most will be disappointed with any future investigations. Nothing has been done in the past and I believe nothing will be in the future. Smoke screens all of it. The right as well as the left know how the game is played and have enough on each other to ensure no one really gets locked up.
Who said Tebow was awful? The guy is a great athlete but he's just not cut out to be an NFL QB. Has talent to do other things and probably could have made it as a TE had he been more flexible about the change. He has proven that he is talented as a color commentator for College Game Day and is doing fine in the minor leagues right now. Not really sure who thinks or says he's awful. He seems to be universally liked anywhere he goes.

As far as Kaep, he took a stand (or lack their of) and it is one of the more polarizing political stances by an athlete in recent memory. The next one that comes to mind is Muhammad Ali refusing his obligation to the military. Kaep has a right to his own freedom of speech but he's learning that it comes with consequences as no team is willing to take the bad publicity that comes with him.

The real issue is that teams won't pick up Kaepernick, a guy who took a team to the Super Bowl a few years ago yet they will sign guys who hit women or have numerous encounters with the law. All it takes is for a woman beater to apologize on ABC or ESPN and then it's on to the OTAs. I don't like Kapernick's decision to kneel but I respect his right to do so. And he has accepted the consequences without lashing out. He also put his money where his mouth is donating over $700k to various organizations. There are plenty of other guys out there who have done far worse actions and didn't accept any sort of responsibility.

The idiot didn't even vote. So he's a huge hypocrite who did not put his money where his mouth is.
My son is a liberal and despises Trump. I try not to engage him much, but did tell him he should get used to saying President Pence. Trump has few friends in the media or in Congress. You can do the math.
The relevant math number is this: 67. That's how many Senators will need to vote to remove him, assuming that the Dems take the House in '18, or if they get close enough so that a handful of Republican traitors can take the vote over the edge. I would think the GOP will have about 55 Senators in '18. There will need to be at least 20 GOP traitors in the Senate to remove Trump, and the only way they get there is if Trump becomes such political poison that these guys can vote to remove and not get voted out by their constituents.
If they screw up tax reform, I hope every R is voted out of office and replaced with a D. There's absolutely no reason to have Rs in office if this is what we get. Let the Ds take us fully towards their socialist state. I'll make due while everyone is starving in the streets.
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Speaking of the stock market, Trump was pretty clear a few years ago that he thinks it is in a big bubble right now. Question is what will it take to burst it sending way down again so I can do some bottom feeding???
If they screw up tax reform, I hope every R is voted out of office and replaced with a D. There's absolutely no reason to have Rs in office if this is what we get. Let the Ds take us fully towards their socialist state. I'll make due while everyone is starving in the streets.
They'll probably screw up tax reform too. I have no faith in the GOP. None.
The market has hit all time highs in 30 of the last 54 months... The DJIA climbed 120.6% during Obama's tenure...33% his first year. That said,I'd be very careful boasting about market and crediting the POTUS...the market can crash as quickly as it soars and there are a lot of people out there saying we are due a big correction.
If that correction comes, think Trump will accept responsibility?


I'm specifically responding to the prickweasel who has blinders on, who thinks Obama can do no wrong and Trump can do no right. No, we aren't all partisan political hacks.

Apparently there is optimism in the business sector since the election of Trump that has sent the stock market higher, even despite the Fed raising rates. Usually tangible benefits to consumers lags behind a stock market rally by a year or so, so assuming the market holds, expect to see salaries and consumer spending rise as well (...and inflation, of course).

People are always predicting a correction. There are, and always will be, people who are extremely bearish (or extremely bullish) regardless of the condition of the economy, and some schmuck reporter looking for clicks is going to quote them. It may go south tomorrow, or it could hit 25K by the end of the year on its way to 30K by 2020.

The bottom line is, people are demonstrating their confidence in the economy and specific businesses by investing and bidding up stocks, and they have been persistently and particularly confident over the last 9 months, which not-so-coincidentally corresponds to the election of a certain president.
My son is a liberal and despises Trump. I try not to engage him much, but did tell him he should get used to saying President Pence. Trump has few friends in the media or in Congress. You can do the math.

This always baffles me. Trump never gave one crap about LGBT and was never an establishment guy. Pence is. Why are they so desperate to get Pence in there? All about ego, right? Can't stand losing to him and him rubbing their noses in it?
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The relevant math number is this: 67. That's how many Senators will need to vote to remove him, assuming that the Dems take the House in '18, or if they get close enough so that a handful of Republican traitors can take the vote over the edge. I would think the GOP will have about 55 Senators in '18. There will need to be at least 20 GOP traitors in the Senate to remove Trump, and the only way they get there is if Trump becomes such political poison that these guys can vote to remove and not get voted out by their constituents.

And who do conservative voters like more? Trump or career do-nothing establishment twats? Because in the primaries, 16 GOP turds got their asses handed to a guy who wasn't a total pussy.
This always baffles me. Trump never gave one crap about LGBT and was never an establishment guy. Pence is. Why are they so desperate to get Pence in there? All about ego, right? Can't stand losing to him and him rubbing their noses in it?
I think there are two different things in play here.

The stupid Leftists haven't given Pence a thought. They hate Trump and they are ever-so-bitter that he beat the Witch. #resist! I hate that Cheeto President! Bla bla bla

The clever Leftists believe that a couple of years of Pence is a price they will happily pay to send the correct message to the people in flyover land- "your vote does NOT matter". Go ahead and throw Deep State centrists and GOP cucks in that category as well. Also, they will think that Pence will be a gelded lame duck, if they get rid of Trump, and they may well be right. If they though that getting rid of Trump meant 6 or 10 years of Pence, instead of 2, they wouldn't be trying to pull this stunt.
Good Lord...smh. I explained the Mizzou connection years ago. Guess you weren't paying attention. But to dad was a Mizzou alum and I when I created my account I was following Mizzou in order to be able to give him info as he was too ill to do so for himself and it seemed to bring him joy. At the time I didn't even know this place existed. So go **** yourself like your dad did you and your sister.

Lol this entire post of yours is an outright lie
Looks like transcripts of Trumps calls with international leaders was leaked to wapo.

Its nothing shocking at all. But whomever released it should be prosecuted and immediately. Imo its espionage and potentially treason.

The left and the RINOs helping them are an enemy to this nation. The sooner we have a war and can purge these mother effers, the better.

If at all possible, I'd love for the media to be one of the first to get it.
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Looks like transcripts of Trumps calls with international leaders was leaked to wapo.

Its nothing shocking at all. But whomever released it should be prosecuted and immediately. Imo its espionage and potentially treason.
The leakers should be hanged in public for all to see. It is treason, plain and simple. Make an example of these people
I think there are two different things in play here.

The stupid Leftists haven't given Pence a thought. They hate Trump and they are ever-so-bitter that he beat the Witch. #resist! I hate that Cheeto President! Bla bla bla

The clever Leftists believe that a couple of years of Pence is a price they will happily pay to send the correct message to the people in flyover land- "your vote does NOT matter". Go ahead and throw Deep State centrists and GOP cucks in that category as well. Also, they will think that Pence will be a gelded lame duck, if they get rid of Trump, and they may well be right. If they though that getting rid of Trump meant 6 or 10 years of Pence, instead of 2, they wouldn't be trying to pull this stunt.
I honestly think the libs believe if they get rid of Trump, that Hillary would automatically be made POTUS. Thats why you never see them talk about Pence. They are that stupid.
Call it like it is fellas. McMaster is a sellout.

BOOM! LEAKED DOCUMENT Reveals McMaster GRANTED Susan Rice “Unfettered Access to Classified Information”

Almost one month after it was disclosed that former President Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice was unmasking members of President Trump’s team and other Americans, Trump’s own national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, sent an official letter giving her unfettered and continuing access to classified information and waiving her “need-to-know” requirement on anything she viewed or received during her tenure, Circa has confirmed.
All the talk about impeachment and getting rid of him on here begs the question, on what grounds could they possibly impeach him? Balls in your court Fuzz, Killa, Jameslee, Albany, Defeeence, ect....I don't think anyone of them has the balls to answer this one.
Obstruction of Justice is a possibility.
Try and fire Mueller and see how hot the fire gets. And why can't they come with a straight story on the Trump Jr meeting??? There have been how many statements about the meeting and they have all proven to be less than truthful. Is it so hard to remember who was there and what was discussed?

But the ball is in our court...posters on a message board? The ball is no more in our court than it has ever been in yours.
I'm specifically responding to the prickweasel who has blinders on, who thinks Obama can do no wrong and Trump can do no right. No, we aren't all partisan political hacks.

Apparently there is optimism in the business sector since the election of Trump that has sent the stock market higher, even despite the Fed raising rates. Usually tangible benefits to consumers lags behind a stock market rally by a year or so, so assuming the market holds, expect to see salaries and consumer spending rise as well (...and inflation, of course).

People are always predicting a correction. There are, and always will be, people who are extremely bearish (or extremely bullish) regardless of the condition of the economy, and some schmuck reporter looking for clicks is going to quote them. It may go south tomorrow, or it could hit 25K by the end of the year on its way to 30K by 2020.

The bottom line is, people are demonstrating their confidence in the economy and specific businesses by investing and bidding up stocks, and they have been persistently and particularly confident over the last 9 months, which not-so-coincidentally corresponds to the election of a certain president.

So they must have been pretty confident during Obama's term too given the 120% rise in the market.
Obstruction of Justice is a possibility.
Try and fire Mueller and see how hot the fire gets. And why can't they come with a straight story on the Trump Jr meeting??? There have been how many statements about the meeting and they have all proven to be less than truthful. Is it so hard to remember who was there and what was discussed?

But the ball is in our court...posters on a message board? The ball is no more in our court than it has ever been in yours.
You gave no real reason for impeachment. The Russian collusion angle has backfired. He can fire whoever he wants and no fire will be big enough that it can't be put out. You guys have lost here at every angle. The ball is in the lefts court and I wanted to see what you have and the weak stuff you presented would be laughed out of the room. Nothing you posted would even be a consideration.
So they must have been pretty confident during Obama's term too given the 120% rise in the market.
...except the market had nowhere to go but up. I'll give him credit for not screwing the pooch, but give just about anyone a $10 trillion line of credit and carte blanche to print money and they could have done the same. And if Hillary had been able to ride Obama's coattails into the White House, I guarun-damn-tee you the Dow would not be topping 22K, it would still be treading water around 18K. I know you won't concede that, but deep down you know it's true.
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100% on point. Washington wants Trump gone. That in itself should make everyone finally realize he is the right guy to clean this mess up.
He should be fired anyway. Eff congress. There would be nothing illegal with firing Mueller, no matter what DC thinks.

The special council is the weapon the deep state is using to take Trump out. Why shouldn't Mueller and his mob of Obama/Clinton lawyers be fired?

The Swamp would be pissed off, but they are pissed off at Trump even with Mueller being there. They can't possibly be anymore mad than they already are.
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He should be fired anyway. Eff congress. There would be nothing illegal with firing Mueller, no matter what DC thinks.

The special council is the weapon the deep state is using to take Trump out. Why shouldn't Mueller and his mob of Obama/Clinton lawyers be fired?

The Swamp would be pissed off, but they are pissed off at Trump even with Mueller being there. They can't possibly be anymore mad than they already are.

This would be like Calipari being investigated by Pitino and Louisville donors.
Manchin is next. He was already going to switch had the bad guys won the Senate in Nov.

Edit- I realize that the bad guys won the Senate, anyway. I meant "the even worse bad guys".

Meh. Doubtful. He just sided with the Dems on healthcare even though West Virginians are getting absolutely robbed.

Maybe one of the Ds will grow a pair. But I highly doubt it. Props to the governor but doing so in West Virginia doesn't seem to be the riskiest flip.