How will they rule ??!

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Could you, or someone else, fill me in on what the bet was? I only vaguely remember the discussion after the bet was made.
In all honesty, it was before my time posting here regularly. It's actually unfair of me to poke fun at Fuzz over it without first hand knowledge of it, but he deserves to be roasted for anything and everything, whether it's fair or not. That said, there really was a bet, and RQ is the one who made it, and he recently admitted it, but insists that there is no obligation to pay because it was "just an Internet bet" and he didn't really think that the winner would have paid him if the winner of the bet had been the loser, so he's just not obligated. Fuzz and RQ are the same person, of course.
Every day is a reminder that Democrats are like little brats who need their asses busted. They're like a spoiled child who is used to throwing tantrums and bullying people into getting what they want.

These are the people who would completely melt once they got punched in the face. These people should never be in charge of anything.
I've noticed that it has become more difficult to just watch a freaking show or a movie and ignore the SJW indoctrination or spin to it.

Every show goes down the checklist of diversity and often puts them in positions that are absurd just for the sake of it. You can also bank on nearly every show having to have a gay aspect.

Doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't even have to be add anything to the plot. Just has to make sure the three percent are represented. Was watching a few episodes of Ozark. All of a sudden, gotta have a gay FBI agent getting sucked off. Lol

You can always bank on the following; some female badass beating up men and outsmarting them, a gay character and a diverse cast of friends because everyone knows all friends have one of each race.
I've noticed that it has become more difficult to just watch a freaking show or a movie and ignore the SJW indoctrination or spin to it.

Every show goes down the checklist of diversity and often puts them in positions that are absurd just for the sake of it. You can also bank on nearly every show having to have a gay aspect.

Doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't even have to be add anything to the plot. Just has to make sure the three percent are represented. Was watching a few episodes of Ozark. All of a sudden, gotta have a gay FBI agent getting sucked off. Lol

You can always bank on the following; some female badass beating up men and outsmarting them, a gay character and a diverse cast of friends because everyone knows all friends have one of each race.

British were even worse - last few seasons of Dr Who that I was into were so prescriptive it was pitiful

As the Marxist influence expands (assuming they aren;t checked by fed up, rational people from all corners) - it will only become more illogical and also -- more obvious that their movement isn't about "diversity" and "Tolerance" and "justice"

It's about Capital and the means of Production
It's about using conflict in a premeditated and purposeful way so that they (wrongly believe) they are shaping history to their will
It's about destroying the family as you know it -- because (in their forefathers words) - the family is the molecule on which society is built - and the STATE must triumph over all and carry the sole voice of authority

It's about using people as human fodder just like the Marxists did in the Bolshevik revolution -- then tossing them aside or perhaps relegating them to the equivalent of the overseers of those who are going through "reeducation" etc

It's about insisting that white is black if the state SAYS SO (remember Orwell? "2+2 is 5")

Ultimately I think a lot of people are going to be surprised as the NWO crowd injects an element of state accepted "Spirituality" and encourage a kind of hyper0ecumenial "Global Ethic" to unite rather than divide.(as they make a living dividing and conquering) Aldous Huxleys "Island" and see how he actually laid out the blueprint for "coopting" religion and making it man centered and controlled by the State -- but keeping enough of the original trappings in place so a lot of people won't notice or mind

And finally -- it's about "transforming" and "progressing" into their glorified New World Order -- EVEN AS YET ANOTHER SOCIALIST REVOLUTION IS FAILING RIGHT HERE IN OUR HEMISPHERE (Venz) --- PRODUCING THE SAME DAMN MISERABLE, CAN'T FINR YOUR ASS WITH TWO HANDS MARXIST RESULTS.........and refusing to talk about it of course

We need a growing number of people who are ready to speak up - in small ways and large ways - speak up at work - at home - in supermarkets - in the streets and push back on the obvious contradictions and missing pieces of information that the American Marxists possess

You want to demonize our founding fathers --- but you never talk about YOUR founding fathers

You endlessly beat the drum about injustice (well.....SOME injustices anyway) but you're simultaneously arguing for a form of Govt that has fewer people wielding MORE power and less checks and balances --- how can that possibly be better?

There are plenty more --

Term limits are a really good issue that I think traditional "Conservatives" and "Liberals" should (and CAN) unite on ---
“These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.” -- Senator Bernie Sanders
Sanders is a con artist much like Gore and everyone else in Washington are.
I never agreed with letting the HC stuff go but understood why they did it....wanting to push forward etc.

But no, now is the perfect opportunity to drill all of them to the wall 1. To punish them B. To try to discourage a corrupt political cartel from forming again.

Trump Admin, the media hates you. Hates. You. And in a way, that's a pretty freeing thing. If tomorrow you wake up, plant a tree on the WH grounds, they effing hate you. If tomorrow you wake up and prosecute the HC team to the full extent of the law, they effing hate you.

So why not just do the right thing?
Meanwhile the Pope's new appointees have released a (Vatican sponsored) journal article that attacks American catholics (about 2 weeks ago they singled out American Southerners mind you) - making statements such as:

1) American "ultraconservative" Catholics are creating an ALLIANCE OF HATE....with "evangelical Christians".....and President Trump

2) The journal emphasized the conservatives lack of climate change .... and referred to their (presumably) fellow Christians as "" and sponsoring "walls" between people and "purifying deportations"

3) Finally - these brave Marxist asshats conclude with a mournful reference to how those type of Christians tend to have a "literal" interpretation of the Bible and note that these threatening people are "not too different than Jihadists"

This is the second article of this nature since the Pope ousted his head of theology and apparently replaced him with a Hypocritical, Cowardly, NWO Asshat

So - they got nothing to say about "the people" in Venezuela

They got nothing to say about female genital mutilations increasing exponentially - in Germany (along with 3 or 4 infectious diseases -- I can cite that if you're interested)

They WILL however take a strong stand against Climate Change deniers who are 'scaring immigrants -- and Muslims"

yep --

the really cool part is -- if you look to the right you can see another article highlighting how the Vatican still seems to have a solid crew who exhibit problems with embezzling charity money and dabbling pedophilia

BRAVE, New Pope
Meanwhile the Pope's new appointees have released a (Vatican sponsored) journal article that attacks American catholics (about 2 weeks ago they singled out American Southerners mind you) - making statements such as:

1) American "ultraconservative" Catholics are creating an ALLIANCE OF HATE....with "evangelical Christians".....and President Trump

2) The journal emphasized the conservatives lack of climate change .... and referred to their (presumably) fellow Christians as "" and sponsoring "walls" between people and "purifying deportations"

3) Finally - these brave Marxist asshats conclude with a mournful reference to how those type of Christians tend to have a "literal" interpretation of the Bible and note that these threatening people are "not too different than Jihadists"

This is the second article of this nature since the Pope ousted his head of theology and apparently replaced him with a Hypocritical, Cowardly, NWO Asshat

So - they got nothing to say about "the people" in Venezuela

They got nothing to say about female genital mutilations increasing exponentially - in Germany (along with 3 or 4 infectious diseases -- I can cite that if you're interested)

They WILL however take a strong stand against Climate Change deniers who are 'scaring immigrants -- and Muslims"

yep --

the really cool part is -- if you look to the right you can see another article highlighting how the Vatican still seems to have a solid crew who exhibit problems with embezzling charity money and dabbling pedophilia

BRAVE, New Pope
I don't care what the pope thinks about anything. Why are the viewof the head of the Catholic church given such credence? No other Christian or Jewish leader has that much power.
Grammys cleans up its act in bid to enter giant Chinese market

BEIJING, Aug 3 (Reuters) - The organiser of the music industry's annual Grammy Awards on Thursday said it would respect China's media curbs and only promote artists with a "positive and healthy" image, in its bid to break into the world's second-largest economy.

The Recording Academy, which is behind the Grammys, the industry's biggest awards show, plans to launch a tour in China in 2018 featuring award-winning artists, or nominees, performing live shows.

China has launched a campaign to cleanse the entertainment sector of content it deems inappropriate and unhealthy, a vague term the authorities also frequently use to justify censorship of politically sensitive topics.

"If there are restrictions and things in that nature, we have to be respectful," Neil Portnow, president and chief executive of the Recording Academy, told Reuters in Beijing, the capital.

Stars blocked from performing in China include Lady Gaga, Bjork and Bon Jovi, who have all met or expressed support for the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.

Recently a Chinese state office barred Canadian pop star Justin Bieber, citing his bad behavior and urging him to improve his conduct to become a singer "truly loved" by the public.
I never agreed with letting the HC stuff go but understood why they did it....wanting to push forward etc.

But no, now is the perfect opportunity to drill all of them to the wall 1. To punish them B. To try to discourage a corrupt political cartel from forming again.

Trump Admin, the media hates you. Hates. You. And in a way, that's -a pretty freeing thing. If tomorrow you wake up, plant a tree on the WH grounds, they effing hate you. If tomorrow you wake up and prosecute the HC team to the full extent of the law, they effing hate you.

So why not just do the right thing?


and many other establishment / Statist politicians HATE this admin as well
the Pope hates this admin

Trump's admin could come up with a cure for cancer and the headlines would all read "TRUMP ADMIN PUTS THOUSANDS OF ONCOLOGISTS OUT OF WORK"

I still think they see the admin as everything they HATE about "average Americans" though---and now many of us are becoming Americans who aren't following the script anymore

Ultimately I don't have a lot of faith that the media outlets are doing any-damn-thing other than reading a script and trying to sound believable while doing it --- there's very little critical thinking or balance and sometimes the bias and FRAUD is embarrassing -- Putin said it best when he stated that the US was now living behind an "Iron Curtain" of disinformation ....(close to the original quote)

I fully believe this admin is a disruptive force to the globalist / NWO types who HATE sovereignty and independence

This admin isn't perfect by any means - and they're no silver bullet against anti-nationalists --- but its A START

Rumor is Barry Obama is so upset he wants to run for President again in 2020
Saw that article on the Grammy's!!
HAHA -- what a bunch of spineless --- I DONT EVEN HAVE WORDS

but MAN the music industry likes tp present these 'artists' as such REBELS don't they?

snapped in line pretty quick for that set of orders didn't they?

(candidly I agree with the...ahem....China-Men on not allowing Beiber to arguments there)
Agreed - F the PO-LICE too, Brother Mash

Most of the pop music pumped through our airwaves and outlets is actually about CONFORMITY an d not rebellion anymore

Think about that for a minute
Somewhere along the way -- it all got coopted

Like a slow, transformation of the island society in Aldous Huxley's final novel "Island"
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At one point, he was pretending to have some kind of affiliation with the University of Missouri. I have no idea why he selected Missouri. He was constantly either defending the UK administration, Mitch Barnhardt, Joker Phillips and the anti-UK Lexington media (and, though before my time, I'll guarantee that he also defended Tubby Smith), but never the teams themselves or the players, and acted as though he was in position to have some kind of inside information. I was baffled as to why a Missouri fan would be more interested in UK than Missouri, and also how a Missouri fan would somehow have such knowledge. Then I realized that he was full of shit, and that this Missouri thing was probably some kind of smokescreen to hide that Cardinal Red.
Good Lord...smh. I explained the Mizzou connection years ago. Guess you weren't paying attention. But to dad was a Mizzou alum and I when I created my account I was following Mizzou in order to be able to give him info as he was too ill to do so for himself and it seemed to bring him joy. At the time I didn't even know this place existed. So go **** yourself like your dad did you and your sister.
Agreed - F the PO-LICE too, Brother Mash

Most of the pop music pumped through our airwaves and outlets is actually about CONFORMITY an d not rebellion anymore

Think about that for a minute
Somewhere along the way -- it all got coopted

Like a slow, transformation of the island society in Aldous Huxley's final novel "Island"

It's unreal how hip-hop has changed.

Obama held "hip hop summits" where he gathered some of the biggest artists and told them they needed to "do better", they needed to teach the kids, etc. Rapper Rick Ross was on house arrest (assault and kidnapping) during one of these meetings and his ankle bracelet started beeping in the oval office. Ross is a fake ass rapper who's persona is based on Freeway Ricky Ross - famous for selling coke and being one of the biggest snitches of all time. That rapper that portrays that drug dealer/informant needs to do better and teach the youth with his lyrics. Go read Rick Ross lyrics and tell me if he's doing a good job.

Kendrick Lamar is doing a great job, per Obama, and the Grammy's. His angry progressive "hip hop" with racist undertones made him a huge hit with the white elitist crowd. Here's the cover of groundbreaking album.


Kendrick Lamar on content of album cover: “You look at these individuals and you look at them as bad people or a menace to society, but they’re actually good people, just a product of their environment,” he said. “Only God can judge these individuals right here. Not no one with a gavel handing out football numbers of years and not giving these kids a chance at life. Every n**** is a star.”

Yes, you may look at this picture with a group of young black men holding stacks of cash and champagne, standing on top of a dead white judge and think "oh my these appear to be bad people". These kids are actually stars. Can't you see this?

*Kendrick performed for the president at a cookout with military families, yet he performed heavily edited songs that redacted more than just the curse words. Why is that, Obama? You didn't want you and your guests, the children in attendance, to hear the good word?
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