How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] That dude is at least 26.

But the important thing to keep in mind is that he identifies as a 12 year old...which makes everything ok.
Maybe that is how the left plans on justifying pedophilia. Identifying as 12 year olds. Ask Killa, he post like one.
Somebody's drug trade and weapon deals are being threatened. Yeah listen to the neo con generals of the MIC to keep this bullshit war going for another decade.

Looks like the deal was made with Bush, Obama, and SOS Clinton. China gets the minerals we get the drugs and endless war to pad our weapon stocks. All in the name of terrorism.

Trump Says U.S.‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals
"If the president doesn't listen to the generals, like Gen. Nicholson and he goes down the road that President Obama went, Afghanistan is going to collapse," Graham said. "Here's my advice to the president — listen to people like Gen. Nicholson and McMaster and others who have been in the fight."
No one believes your personal stories. No one. There is actual data.
These are lives Fuzz has actually identified as and is so screwed up in the head that he has forgotten what he lied about before. Now it has become a truth to him.
cutting immigration is short sighted. Growing shortage of workers as the boomers retire and they aren't replaced. I do find it funny that it's ok for American workers to have to compete for high wage jobs but they shouldn't for low wage jobs. Which has the biggest shortage, low skilled jobs that unemployed folks don't want.

And don't bitch about immigrants lowering wages when you're against minimum wages and unions that were the backbone of the middle class becoming the middle class.

Yeah and Fox News website rarely has anything on the top of the page that is the least bit hurtful to Trump. What do expect from the state media mouthpiece of the WH.

Fox News and cold hard facts are an oxymoron.
Somebody's drug trade and weapon deals are being threatened. Yeah listen to the neo con generals of the MIC to keep this bullshit war going for another decade.

Looks like the deal was made with Bush, Obama, and SOS Clinton. China gets the minerals we get the drugs and endless war to pad our weapon stocks. All in the name of terrorism.

Trump Says U.S.‘Losing’ Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals
"If the president doesn't listen to the generals, like Gen. Nicholson and he goes down the road that President Obama went, Afghanistan is going to collapse," Graham said. "Here's my advice to the president — listen to people like Gen. Nicholson and McMaster and others who have been in the fight."
We need to either win the war or just get out. Afghanistan is another mess Obama handed Trump. What a disaster Obama was.
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These are lives Fuzz has actually identified as and is so screwed up in the head that he has forgotten what he lied about before. Now it has become a truth to him.
At one point, he was pretending to have some kind of affiliation with the University of Missouri. I have no idea why he selected Missouri. He was constantly either defending the UK administration, Mitch Barnhardt, Joker Phillips and the anti-UK Lexington media (and, though before my time, I'll guarantee that he also defended Tubby Smith), but never the teams themselves or the players, and acted as though he was in position to have some kind of inside information. I was baffled as to why a Missouri fan would be more interested in UK than Missouri, and also how a Missouri fan would somehow have such knowledge. Then I realized that he was full of shit, and that this Missouri thing was probably some kind of smokescreen to hide that Cardinal Red.
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How people choose to live their lives is none of yours' or my business. So it creeps you out...that's a "you" problem. Gays used to creep me out too but after having two cousins and several other friends who are gay I realized it was simply who they were."

This is because FUZZ is so stupid he can't see the damage being done here or he is just as evil and deviant as they are.
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When the first male gets pregnant then I'll worry about someone stating that men can give birth. No one yet that I know about has had a sex change and been successful parenting a child in their new gender role.

Is it a mental illness? That was once said about gays too. The scientific community has pretty well squished that idea.

I have often wondered about how/why many gay couples often consist of one feminine and one more masculine individuals. Who doesn't know some butch female or flaming gay male? Their partners are rarely another dike or flamer.

Again, neither you nor I am hurt if someone desires to live their life as the opposite from their birth gender. If it makes them happy, good for them.
It is a mental illness. The problem is, the PC movement is being used to push the illness.
At one point, he was pretending to have some kind of affiliation with the University of Missouri. I have no idea why he selected Missouri. He was constantly either defending the UK administration, Mitch Barnhardt, Joker Phillips and the anti-UK Lexington media (and, though before my time, I'll guarantee that he also defended Tubby Smith), but never the teams themselves or the players, and acted as though he was in position to have some kind of inside information. I was baffled as to why a Missouri fan would be more interested in UK than Missouri, and also how a Missouri fan would somehow have such knowledge. Then I realized that he was full of shit, and that this Missouri thing was probably some kind of smokescreen to hide that Cardinal Red.
Also, I'm 99% sure that he was one of the ones defending the university when Lloyd Tubman got railroaded out of there. Anyway, he's every bit as annoying on the football board as he is on this one. And everyone there also knows that he welched on that bet.
As you just wrote... "CNN says that man who was assigned female at birth was able to give birth to a baby".
They reported what happened. You are the one trying to extrapolate it into something else. Yes, transgender men who were assigned as female at birth can give birth.

There is no lie there. It obviously has been proven to be true so there is nothing to dispute. CNN told you it was a man who was assigned female at birth.
I'm also sure that transgender men who were assigned female at birth and still have that plumbing can also have periods. Will you need to see a bloody tampon to believe it?
They are not men. Use what little intelligence you have.
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So is Fox anti-Trump?

The fact that even his most friendly media sees most of his new worthy events as negative should tell you something. Perhaps if he would stop saying stupid shit, tweeting incoherently, stop lying, constantly contradicting himself and act like a grown up he would receive more favorable coverage.
Does not mean he is wrong, it simply means that corruption is in just about every level of coverage there is these days.
The very concept of a "man who was assigned female at birth" is almost comical. I mean, Good God, what kind of madness is this, anyway? It astonishes. I actually think the best way to avoid getting disgusted by it is simply to ridicule it.
Thenyoure paying zero attention to this very thread. There have been numerous posts of people complaining that their daughter wants to wear pink even though they kee trying to push her into gender neutrality. How many kids are subjected to these lunatic liberal marches? What are they seeing?

Someone just posted about the "2 year old tranny kid"

So yes. Society suffers.

The problem with the left is that you give them an inch and they want a mile. Gay marriage is perfectly fine everywhere, now they push trannies in the bathroom. There are very few people on the right who actually care one bit what someone does in their own home.
The first idiot that tries to intervene in my raising my daughter to be anything other to what she believes she is (a girl) looses a few teeth. That is guaranteed.
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So let me ask you this. Do you think anyone should be able to define themselves however they want ? Don't you think that's a slippery slope ? Is it fair that MEN who have a sex change to now compete against women? That's fair ?

It's "bigotry" if someone doesn't want a 50 year old man who's dressed up like a woman with fake boobs and a mutilated penis/ "vagina " to share a bathroom with their little kids ?

2 year olds can be "trans " and know that they want to become another sex ? We should allow and encourage children to be open to sex changes ?

Where do we draw the line ? It's basic biology . Sans some rare cases , you are 100% born either a man or a woman. Fact. Science. Biology . We start messing around with that an it absolutely effects us all.

A 46 year old man has sex and molests a 13 year old girl over the span of 2 years . What's to keep him from just saying "well I identify as a 14 year old girl and we weren't just experimenting "

If gender isn't "real" as the idiotic left states , then why does every MAN who wants to "become" a woman fall under every single stereotype (that feminists hate ) of a woman .. boobs , long hair , shaved off chin/ face , pretty dresses , makeup etc
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Speaking of the trannies, did anyone hear that a lot of Twitter SJWs are angry at Lil Duval? Apparently, he said that if he had sex with a person who he thought was a women, but was actually a transgendered woman (read: a man), that he would probably kill that person. And he refuses to apologize. Now, while I don't believe that he should actually kill such a person for such a thing, I don't really think he meant it literally and I think the Twitter SJWs are once again just being snowflakes.
Also, I'm 99% sure that he was one of the ones defending the university when Lloyd Tubman got railroaded out of there. Anyway, he's every bit as annoying on the football board as he is on this one. And everyone there also knows that he welched on that bet.
He is also the one who said anything over $5 million dollars should be given back to the government to be spread around so everyone else can be rich too. Yet, the liberal morons he supports take everything from the same poor people that vote for them. They are even richer than the republicans. It is mind blowing how dumb the supposed educated on the left are.
[laughing] Two things.

WaPo is now doomsdaying about the start of a new cold war. I'm assuming they've magically forgotten about the last six months, constantly pushing Trump and Putin butt buddy propaganda.

Al Gore's home in Tennessee burns 21 times more power than the average home. Yes, that's correct. It takes the average home 21 years to use what he uses in a year. And that's not even counting his other two homes, private jet etc... He's a charlatan who has bamboozled the plebs.
[laughing] Two things.

WaPo is now doomsdaying about the start of a new cold war. I'm assuming they've magically forgotten about the last six months, constantly pushing Trump and Putin butt buddy propaganda.

Al Gore's home in Tennessee burns 21 times more power than the average home. Yes, that's correct. It takes the average home 21 years to use what he uses in a year. And that's not even counting his other two homes, private jet etc... He's a charlatan who has bamboozled the plebs.
Ya know, I'm not the biggest W fan, but at least he stopped this crazy SOB from ever being President. Could you imagine Gore as President?

He truly might've been even worse than Obama was, and that's saying something. He would've found a way to blame 9/11 on global warming.
I prefer to lurk on this thread more than post, but I will say that CNN frequently has people on that agree with Trump. They hired both Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany, whom are big Trump supporters and whom often defend him on CNN. Both of them were included on the CNN panels during the debates during the election. CNN would also frequently bring in Kellyanne Conway to speak on these post-debate panels. You also had several CNN commentators, including the very liberal Van Jones praise Trump for his speech before the widow of the fallen US soldier, and even called it one of the most extraordinary moments in American politics. You find the coverage of CNN to be unfair to Trump, but Fox was the station that criticized Obama for his choice of mustard.

I think that if we're really honest about it... if you lean more one way then you're going to believe that the news source that caters to your lean is more fair and balanced. I think both obviously have a bias, but how much we perceive that bias depends upon whether we agree with the bias or not.
I'm not talking about who they bring in from time to time. I'm talking about main contributors and hosts. Fox has a Tucker Carlson who although he mainly leans with the right he also has challenged this administration when he disagrees with their policies and actions. He isn't a rah rah cheerleader like every CNN anchor during the Obama years. Fox also has other main contributors that are Dems and against Trump like Juan Williams and Tamara Holder and have had persons like Alan Combs and Bob Beckle.

CNN wouldn't dare have even that many main contributors that lean right.
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The sooner the term "News" stops being used in reference to CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, the better. It's not news.'s the narrative. They push a narrative not news. They get their marching orders. Once the narrative hits the wire WP reports that NYT is reporting what CNN reports that NBC is reporting what CBS reported on a narrative that WP is reporting.

More evidence of where and who they get the marching orders when Hildabeast was SOS and Sid Blumenthal was shadow SOS.

Judicial Watch: Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Transmission of Classified Information and Clinton Foundation Donors Receiving Special Treatment from Clinton State Department

On September 11, 2010, Blumenthal forwarded an article/audio clip from Think Progress about a Republican congressman arguing that they should force a government shutdown if necessary to cut the “gangrene” out of government. Blumenthal advised Clinton that the White House “should use this on all the Sunday shows” and “Name Boehner. Force Boehner out.”
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Miller is a really smart dude and quick on his feet. Comes across as very sure of himself and has facts to back his statements up. Trump needs to get him out in the public eye more often.