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You find the coverage of CNN to be unfair to Trump, but Fox was the station that criticized Obama for his choice of mustard.

I think that if we're really honest about it... if you lean more one way then you're going to believe that the news source that caters to your lean is more fair and balanced. I think both obviously have a bias, but how much we perceive that bias depends upon whether we agree with the bias or not.

The bottom is fair to an extent. Mustard story was probably ridiculous as well, I don't recall...but looking at images it seems like a Sean Hannity piece. He isn't a reporter.

The guy in the above pic is a reporter. Jim Acosta is a reporter. The list goes on and on. Van Jones can say what he wants, as he is an opinionated political commentator. There is where you will find the differences...reporters from CNN vs say reporters from Fox. Political commentary from non reporters can be as biased as they'd like IMO.
Mentally ill? Perhaps but we know mental illness to be a real thing. Does it repulse you when people have illnesses or conditions that disfigure their bodies?
Seeing a 400# woman or man waddle down the street is pretty repulsive too. As are people who allow their teeth to rot.

FYI, you can't always tell someone is transgender by just looking either.
Mental illness is in fact a very real thing. I have some friends who suffer from various mental illness and it's certainly not a joke. Therefore, that doesn't mean we cater to those that are mentally ill to make them feel better about their illness. For example, if someone has multiple personality disorder should we tell them that they are perfectly healthy, and that they're actually just 2 people in 1 body? No, that's nonsense and it's not doing that person any good either.

I don't remember which news outlet it was that said something like a man who was born a woman (transgendered man) gave birth to a baby essentially saying that men can give birth. What good are we doing as a society if we completely ignore the basic biological principle that women give birth and men cannot? We aren't doing the person in the news story any good.

What amazes me is these stories and arguments come from the side of the aisle that claims that the other is the one denying science. Well, I don't see Republicans saying men can have children and have periods despite every single piece of scientific evidence that claims the opposite.

The bottom is fair to an extent. Mustard story was probably ridiculous as well, I don't recall...but looking at images it seems like a Sean Hannity piece. He isn't a reporter.

The guy in the above pic is a reporter. Jim Acosta is a reporter. The list goes on and on. Van Jones can say what he wants, as he is an opinionated political commentator. There is where you will find the differences...reporters from CNN vs say reporters from Fox. Political commentary from non reporters can be as biased as they'd like IMO.

So, I don't really watch a lot of any of these sources for my news so I don't see many of the stories, but from looking up this story it seems that this was actually something reported in Time Magazine as simply being a quirk of Trump as he was settling into life in the WH. I'm at work and can't watch a lot of video on it, but it doesn't seem as though anyone was actually criticizing him for getting two scoops. Still, I will say that I agree with your premise that both stories are silly and ridiculous.
So, I don't really watch a lot of any of these sources for my news so I don't see many of the stories, but from looking up this story it seems that this was actually something reported in Time Magazine as simply being a quirk of Trump as he was settling into life in the WH. I'm at work and can't watch a lot of video on it, but it doesn't seem as though anyone was actually criticizing him for getting two scoops. Still, I will say that I agree with your premise that both stories are silly and ridiculous.
CNN and Fox, when Obama was in office, are strategic about this kind of reporting. I don't remember the story on CNN exactly either, but I remember Twitter after the story aired. CNN may not have been directly criticizing Trump for getting 2 scoops of ice cream, but people on Twitter were and some people seemed to think it said a lot about how Trump treats people. CNN doesn't have to criticize him on a stupid thing like ice cream scoops. CNN knows the public will do it for them, which is ultimately what they want. I'm sure Fox News did the same with Obama, like the mustard critique. It's absurd, but it's the American media.
When members of the Govt, and fringe members of society try to push their mental illness as being healthy, then it becomes all of our business.
A person that thinks they are the opposite sex has a mental illness that needs to be treated. We are not helping those folks that feel that way, we are providing them a disservice, and all of society suffers from it.
How people choose to live their lives is none of yours' or my business. So it creeps you out...that's a "you" problem. Gays used to creep me out too but after having two cousins and several other friends who are gay I realized it was simply who they were. I knew my cousins were different long before I ever knew what being gay meant. If you want to term in a "mental illness" then it is one they were born with.

While I know of several transgender people, I don't really know any of them on a personal level. I didn't know them before they announced it to the world. I knew of the person in our office but only because we had been in several of the same meetings and I knew of my classmate's daughter-->son just because they are the same age as my son and they went to kindergarten nearly 30 yrs ago before we moved away. I admit I don't understand it but it's their life. No, society doesn't suffer. That same shit was said about integration, said about bi-racial marriage and bi-racial children and said when gays came out of the closet. Society doesn't suffer, it grows and gets over it just like it has done with those other issues. It will get over this one as well.
-i have said it before: there is a spectrum of sexuality...i have friends in all letters (lgbtq). I love em. The problem is we are not just talking about kindness and advocacy at this point. Letting(or pushing I suspect) your elementary age child deviate from their biological gender is warped. There are serious life-long consequences when these games are played. Every time I see such a story I assume that this is simply nuclear virtue signaling from left wing their offspring's peril.

- if it is an adult...more power to them. I want them to be happy. Leave the kids alone...sexuality and growing up is hard enough without this shit.
Mental illness is in fact a very real thing. I have some friends who suffer from various mental illness and it's certainly not a joke. Therefore, that doesn't mean we cater to those that are mentally ill to make them feel better about their illness. For example, if someone has multiple personality disorder should we tell them that they are perfectly healthy, and that they're actually just 2 people in 1 body? No, that's nonsense and it's not doing that person any good either.

I don't remember which news outlet it was that said something like a man who was born a woman (transgendered man) gave birth to a baby essentially saying that men can give birth. What good are we doing as a society if we completely ignore the basic biological principle that women give birth and men cannot? We aren't doing the person in the news story any good.

What amazes me is these stories and arguments come from the side of the aisle that claims that the other is the one denying science. Well, I don't see Republicans saying men can have children and have periods despite every single piece of scientific evidence that claims the opposite.

When the first male gets pregnant then I'll worry about someone stating that men can give birth. No one yet that I know about has had a sex change and been successful parenting a child in their new gender role.

Is it a mental illness? That was once said about gays too. The scientific community has pretty well squished that idea.

I have often wondered about how/why many gay couples often consist of one feminine and one more masculine individuals. Who doesn't know some butch female or flaming gay male? Their partners are rarely another dike or flamer.

Again, neither you nor I am hurt if someone desires to live their life as the opposite from their birth gender. If it makes them happy, good for them.
How people choose to live their lives is none of yours' or my business. So it creeps you out...that's a "you" problem. Gays used to creep me out too but after having two cousins and several other friends who are gay I realized it was simply who they were. I knew my cousins were different long before I ever knew what being gay meant. If you want to term in a "mental illness" then it is one they were born with.

While I know of several transgender people, I don't really know any of them on a personal level. I didn't know them before they announced it to the world. I knew of the person in our office but only because we had been in several of the same meetings and I knew of my classmate's daughter-->son just because they are the same age as my son and they went to kindergarten nearly 30 yrs ago before we moved away. I admit I don't understand it but it's their life. No, society doesn't suffer. That same shit was said about integration, said about bi-racial marriage and bi-racial children and said when gays came out of the closet. Society doesn't suffer, it grows and gets over it just like it has done with those other issues. It will get over this one as well.

I never said trangender people "creep" me out, I said they had a mental health issue. What other mental issues are you willing to accept as normal, tell me where you currently draw the line, or does the line change with your political leanings.

Society does suffer, and transgender has zero to do with integration. One is a mental issue, and one is simply what it is. You don't think it has an affect on society? You think the Democratic party going further to the fringes doesn't affect every single one of us?

I don't care wgat people do in private, if you want to let a dog lick peanut butter off your balls, have at it. But don't expect me to think it's perfectly normal behavior when you try to force it on my children that it's decent and normal, and then call me narrow minded because I don't agree.
-i have said it before: there is a spectrum of sexuality...i have friends in all letters (lgbtq). I love em. The problem is we are not just talking about kindness and advocacy at this point. Letting(or pushing I suspect) your elementary age child deviate from their biological gender is warped. There are serious life-long consequences when these games are played. Every time I see such a story I assume that this is simply nuclear virtue signaling from left wing their offspring's peril.

- if it is an adult...more power to them. I want them to be happy. Leave the kids alone...sexuality and growing up is hard enough without this shit.
I 100% agree that no one should ever push their child...IN ANY DIRECTION. Let them be who they are and they will figure it out.

BTW, I know of no cases where anyone is pushing their child other than some that have tried to push their gay children to be straight.
When the first male gets pregnant then I'll worry about someone stating that men can give birth. No one yet that I know about has had a sex change and been successful parenting a child in their new gender role.

Is it a mental illness? That was once said about gays too. The scientific community has pretty well squished that idea.

I have often wondered about how/why many gay couples often consist of one feminine and one more masculine individuals. Who doesn't know some butch female or flaming gay male? Their partners are rarely another dike or flamer.

Again, neither you nor I am hurt if someone desires to live their life as the opposite from their birth gender. If it makes them happy, good for them.
I certianly think it's an issue when CNN says that man who was assigned female at birth was able to give birth to a baby. Are we saying that men can have children now? CNN certainly seemed to imply it. If the scientific community says men can have children, then I'll be on board, but I'm confident they won't.

I have no issues with what people want to do with their lives. If someone wants to have a sex change, have at it. I do, however, have an issue when we're blatantly lying as a society saying that men can have children or that men can have periods. There's no proof to support those claims.

So, you then have to determine why this is the case. If you lean to the right then you might rationalize this as being because the top 5 of these are liberal and blowing everything out of proportion, or are even fake news. If you lean to the left then you might rationalize it by saying that Trump has been surrounding himself with controversy and inviting negative news since day 1 of taking office.

Another interesting graph on this shows that Bush and Clinton got about 60 percent negative coverage, while Obama enjoyed about 60 percent positive. Trump is getting 80 percent negative. Again, how do we determine the reason for this? If you're on the right then you probably say that people just hate Trump, and it is the liberal media's fault. If you are on the left then you're going to argue that Trump has fueled this negativity.

This is a direct quote from the study that is the source of this graph:

'Have the mainstream media covered Trump in a fair and balanced way? That question cannot be answered definitively in the absence of an agreed-upon version of “reality” against which to compare Trump’s coverage. Any such assessment would also have to weigh the news media’s preference for the negative, a tendency in place long before Trump became president. Given that tendency, the fact that Trump has received more negative coverage than his predecessor is hardly surprising. The early days of his presidency have been marked by far more missteps and miss-hits, often self-inflicted, than any presidency in memory, perhaps ever.'

and another one to help fuel the other side:

'Nevertheless, the sheer level of negative coverage gives weight to Trump’s contention, one shared by his core constituency, that the media are hell bent on destroying his presidency. As he tweeted a month after taking office, “The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!”'
I never said trangender people "creep" me out, I said they had a mental health issue. What other mental issues are you willing to accept as normal, tell me where you currently draw the line, or does the line change with your political leanings.

Society does suffer, and transgender has zero to do with integration. One is a mental issue, and one is simply what it is. You don't think it has an affect on society? You think the Democratic party going further to the fringes doesn't affect every single one of us?

I don't care wgat people do in private, if you want to let a dog lick peanut butter off your balls, have at it. But don't expect me to think it's perfectly normal behavior when you try to force it on my children that it's decent and normal, and then call me narrow minded because I don't agree.

I'll leave categorizing "mental health issues" to mental health professionals.

I agree that transgender has zero to do with integration but that doesn't refute what I said and what people claimed when it was first discussed.

You've also not told me how society suffers.

"decent and normal"? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that exactly how you define "decent and normal" has probably changed over your lifetime. Am I right?

I don't like the fringes of either party. The fringe of the right wing doesn't bother you?
I certianly think it's an issue when CNN says that man who was assigned female at birth was able to give birth to a baby. Are we saying that men can have children now? CNN certainly seemed to imply it. If the scientific community says men can have children, then I'll be on board, but I'm confident they won't.

I have no issues with what people want to do with their lives. If someone wants to have a sex change, have at it. I do, however, have an issue when we're blatantly lying as a society saying that men can have children or that men can have periods. There's no proof to support those claims.
As you just wrote... "CNN says that man who was assigned female at birth was able to give birth to a baby".
They reported what happened. You are the one trying to extrapolate it into something else. Yes, transgender men who were assigned as female at birth can give birth.

There is no lie there. It obviously has been proven to be true so there is nothing to dispute. CNN told you it was a man who was assigned female at birth.
I'm also sure that transgender men who were assigned female at birth and still have that plumbing can also have periods. Will you need to see a bloody tampon to believe it?
So is Fox anti-Trump?

The fact that even his most friendly media sees most of his new worthy events as negative should tell you something. Perhaps if he would stop saying stupid shit, tweeting incoherently, stop lying, constantly contradicting himself and act like a grown up he would receive more favorable coverage.
As you just wrote... "CNN says that man who was assigned female at birth was able to give birth to a baby".
They reported what happened. You are the one trying to extrapolate it into something else. Yes, transgender men who were assigned as female at birth can give birth.

There is no lie there. It obviously has been proven to be true so there is nothing to dispute. CNN told you it was a man who was assigned female at birth.
I'm also sure that transgender men who were assigned female at birth and still have that plumbing can also have periods. Will you need to see a bloody tampon to believe it?
Then if it's just a woman giving birth why is it news? Babies are born every single day. I think we're being naive if CNN is just "reporting what happened."

The article I was referring to about men having periods was headlined something like "periods aren't just for women."
So is Fox anti-Trump?

The fact that even his most friendly media sees most of his new worthy events as negative should tell you something. Perhaps if he would stop saying stupid shit, tweeting incoherently, stop lying, constantly contradicting himself and act like a grown up he would receive more favorable coverage.

If you think CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT, or WaPo would be anything but extremely negative regardless what Trump said or did, you are deceiving yourself.
I 100% agree that no one should ever push their child...IN ANY DIRECTION. Let them be who they are and they will figure it out.

BTW, I know of no cases where anyone is pushing their child other than some that have tried to push their gay children to be straight.

Thenyoure paying zero attention to this very thread. There have been numerous posts of people complaining that their daughter wants to wear pink even though they kee trying to push her into gender neutrality. How many kids are subjected to these lunatic liberal marches? What are they seeing?

Someone just posted about the "2 year old tranny kid"

So yes. Society suffers.

The problem with the left is that you give them an inch and they want a mile. Gay marriage is perfectly fine everywhere, now they push trannies in the bathroom. There are very few people on the right who actually care one bit what someone does in their own home.
I'll leave categorizing "mental health issues" to mental health professionals.

I agree that transgender has zero to do with integration but that doesn't refute what I said and what people claimed when it was first discussed.

You've also not told me how society suffers.

"decent and normal"? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that exactly how you define "decent and normal" has probably changed over your lifetime. Am I right?

I don't like the fringes of either party. The fringe of the right wing doesn't bother you?

Society suffers because a mental illness is being deemed normal, how far are you willing to go? So society has to bend to an illness instead of the person afflicted working to overcome it.
You tell what is too far for you?
In this very response you try to use decent and normal as a derogatory response from me.
What I consider decent and normal has not changed. I've done things that are decent or normal, and not only has it affected me it affected those around me. Instead of expecting those around me to change, I did.

The fringes of the right aren't the ones with the loudest voices, unlike the left.
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It's Official, Obamacare Rate Hikes Are Trump's Fault

Obamacare premiums have been exploding higher ever since the controversial legislation took over health insurance markets. And while many would say that another year of premium increases is a logical extrapolation of a predictable, multi-year trend resulting from a failed policy, others would like for you to believe that the massive (yet consistent) premium increases being proposed for the 2018 plan year are unique because they're Trump's fault.

As the Wall Street Journal notes this morning, insurers across the country are once again seeking massive premium increases in 2018.

I'll leave categorizing "mental health issues" to mental health professionals.

I agree that transgender has zero to do with integration but that doesn't refute what I said and what people claimed when it was first discussed.

You've also not told me how society suffers.

"decent and normal"? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that exactly how you define "decent and normal" has probably changed over your lifetime. Am I right?

I don't like the fringes of either party. The fringe of the right wing doesn't bother you?
Dude. You are the fringe of your party. You make the average liberal Democrat look like Ted Cruz, and a relatively conservative Democrat like Bill Clinton look like Mussolini. You would be on the leftist fringe of a Swedish left-wing party.
I prefer to lurk on this thread more than post, but I will say that CNN frequently has people on that agree with Trump. They hired both Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany, whom are big Trump supporters and whom often defend him on CNN. Both of them were included on the CNN panels during the debates during the election. CNN would also frequently bring in Kellyanne Conway to speak on these post-debate panels. You also had several CNN commentators, including the very liberal Van Jones praise Trump for his speech before the widow of the fallen US soldier, and even called it one of the most extraordinary moments in American politics. You find the coverage of CNN to be unfair to Trump, but Fox was the station that criticized Obama for his choice of mustard.

I think that if we're really honest about it... if you lean more one way then you're going to believe that the news source that caters to your lean is more fair and balanced. I think both obviously have a bias, but how much we perceive that bias depends upon whether we agree with the bias or not.

Dude I watch CNN and have pumped it since Trump announced he was running.

Just because you can single out a couple of acts that get drowned out by the vulchers, and the 1 time Van jones gave the president some simblance of respect doesn't mean that 98% of the rest of the year wasn't 100% anti Trump and anti Trump movement!

Sometimes it's so obvious that it's hard to watch and not be embarrassed...... and that happens more than the few times Lord and other republicans aren't talked over and dealt with like a retard guaranteed their turn.
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