How will they rule ??!

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another goodie from the archives...i guess at the time you didn't realize you were explaining Trump supporters to a T

Cosby was right and didn't even realize it at the time.

Dude. Just shut the hell up. You don't respond when you get worked over. You Tuck your tail and run like a little Beyotch. Just yesterday I quoted two of your posts that happened within 5 minutes where you contradicted yourself. Of course you didn't reply.

There are numerous people in here who have criticized things trump has done. You can't say the same about your side and Barack or HRC. when you get out of mommies basement ad get a job, maybe you'll understand.
So I'm bored of talking about the orange monkey. He's either gonna limp along for the next 3 1/2 years or be humiliated by his own Republicans after the Mueller investigation.

Dems need to get their $hit together, starting with getting rid of Pelosi. Need fresh blood. I'm guessing 2020 will look alot like the Republican primaries last year. Might be as many as 15 people trying to get nomination.

Other crazy crap going on:
Venezuela is in bad shape, something needs to be done by the US considering it's in neighborhood. Do we put heavy sanctions on them or try to get Maduro out?

North Korea...military action will end badly for everyone. I don't believe Kim really wants a war with US but is trying the China route from the 60s to get international recognition and eventually be brought into the world community with a reduction of sanctions and a seat at the UN. I'm not sure you can stop their nuclear program or put the genie back in the bottle.

Turkey - I believe they need to be kicked out of NATO and put economic sanctions on them. Something with teeth.

See, look at that. Take away your first paragraph and you can actually rationally discuss world topics. Wow. Crazy isn't it. You put aside your trump derangement syndrome for 30 seconds and you've already improved. Crazy.
Holy cow

Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions

Affirmative action is racist as hell, but if they do this they will start a riot.

I just don't know how you combat this crap. This country really needs to split, tbh.

Remember when Obama used tax payer money to pay Manchelle Obama's Princeton college buddy $700k to design the Obamacare website?

I remember. .......

Dang...I forgot about that.
I do like the fact Trump keeps trolling the left.

Going to be great watching the Ds win back struggling middle America while arguing in favor of reparations/letting lesser qualified people into schools based on race. Maybe they can form a tranny army with all those shehes that were looking to enlist but can't now and march on Washington.
Dreamer in the Burien, small town just south of Seattle, has been arrested for beating a 19 year old girl unconscious, then raping her. During the investigation the police found out he also tried to attack a 14 year old, and they discovered video of him at the apartment complex's public pool watching other young girls. Now enough citizens have signed a petition and are demanding that the city repeals the sanctuary city law, forcing the City Council to agree to hold a vote.
[laughing] They're going to be wishing they went with one of the Republicans' bills. Now the Senate is set to hold a bipartisan hearing on healthcare.

Watch what happens when they bring the D's to the table. They know they have all the power. Without them, R's can't get out of their own way to get the votes. The D's will hold the bill hostage, demanding everything, giving up nothing in return, then as usual the R's will cave, and end up agreeing to bail out Obamacare.

Monsanto GMO seeds control the farms in India. We need to wake up and pay attention about what is going on. Stop with the left and right distractions. Focus on real issues that are turning our liberties over to the state. Wake up people.

From Seeds of Suicide to Seeds of Hope: Why Are Indian Farmers Committing Suicide and How Can We Stop This Tragedy?

The region in India with the highest level of farmers suicides is the Vidharbha region in Maharashtra — 4000 suicides per year, 10 per day. This is also the region with the highest acreage of Monsanto’s GMO Bt cotton. Monsanto’s GM seeds create a suicide economy by transforming seed from a renewable resource to a non-renewable input which must be bought every year at high prices.

The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming

Through patents on seed, Monsanto has become the “Life Lord” of our planet, collecting rents for life’s renewal from farmers, the original breeders.

Patents on seed are illegitimate because putting a toxic gene into a plant cell is not “creating” or “inventing” a plant. These are seeds of deception — the deception that Monsanto is the creator of seeds and life; the deception that while Monsanto sues farmers and traps them in debt, it pretends to be working for farmers’ welfare, and the deception that GMOs feed the world. GMOs are failing to control pests and weeds, and have instead led to the emergence of superpests and superweeds.

Monsanto GMO seeds control the farms in India. We need to wake up and pay attention about what is going on. Stop with the left and right distractions. Focus on real issues that are turning our liberties over to the state. Wake up people.

From Seeds of Suicide to Seeds of Hope: Why Are Indian Farmers Committing Suicide and How Can We Stop This Tragedy?

The region in India with the highest level of farmers suicides is the Vidharbha region in Maharashtra — 4000 suicides per year, 10 per day. This is also the region with the highest acreage of Monsanto’s GMO Bt cotton. Monsanto’s GM seeds create a suicide economy by transforming seed from a renewable resource to a non-renewable input which must be bought every year at high prices.

The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming

Through patents on seed, Monsanto has become the “Life Lord” of our planet, collecting rents for life’s renewal from farmers, the original breeders.

Patents on seed are illegitimate because deception — the deception that Monsanto is the creator of seeds and
putting a toxic gene into a plant cell is not “creating” or “inventing” a plant. These are seeds of life; the deception that while Monsanto sues farmers and traps them in debt, it pretends to be working for farmers’ welfare, and the deception that GMOs feed the world. GMOs are failing to control pests and weeds, and have instead led to the emergence of superpests and superweeds.

that is so f'd up.
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I'm shit-posting on ambien as we speak. Ah, guess I'd better quit fer tha nite. Where's that sleepy emoticon. Ah eff it. Goodnight fellow GD deplorables and leftist pedophile bastards.

I posted on Ambien maybe a decade ago and the next morning it was incoherent nonsense when I read it back.

The left is a cult. People think Christians annoy them? They have nothing on leftists. The left are basically Westboro, which tells you the world is ending and you'll be damned to non-binary hell for disagreeing wth them.
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Broward holds out almost every election on reporting the winner. If you don't remember Broward took forever to submit results on election night. Several people predicted they would hold out. Broward is DWS territory. Go figure.

Is anyone else starting to believe that the left are just total frauds in every way?

Their media has been proven to be total propaganda and frauds. Just DNC puppets.

They have dead people and illegals voting for them.

They have fake protesters.

They give voices and showcase fringe groups and mentally ill people on TV to make you think it's more widespread and nornal.

They deem climate change as the fault of everything.

What else? Just fake as hell.
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America's Got Talent has a guest judge tonight who is transgender. It seems odd to me that, for a group who is stastically insignificant to the population as a whole, those ****ers are everywhere.
Or perhaps there are many more out there than you ever realized.

We have one in our office, one of our neighbors has a "new" son...and at a recent class reunion learned of a classmate who has changed as well as two children of old classmates.

Kind of like when being gay became more accepted you learned there were many more gays out there than you ever imagined.
Or perhaps there are many more out there than you ever realized.

We have one in our office, one of our neighbors has a "new" son...and at a recent class reunion learned of a classmate who has changed as well as two children of old classmates.

So mental disabilities have a higher rate of occurrence than normal in Fuzz and his associates. I could have told you that without his explicit confirmation.
[laughing] They're going to be wishing they went with one of the Republicans' bills. Now the Senate is set to hold a bipartisan hearing on healthcare.

Watch what happens when they bring the D's to the table. They know they have all the power. Without them, R's can't get out of their own way to get the votes. The D's will hold the bill hostage, demanding everything, giving up nothing in return, then as usual the R's will cave, and end up agreeing to bail out Obamacare.
And Trump will sign it.
Or perhaps there are many more out there than you ever realized.

We have one in our office, one of our neighbors has a "new" son...and at a recent class reunion learned of a classmate who has changed as well as two children of old classmates.

Kind of like when being gay became more accepted you learned there were many more gays out there than you ever imagined.
No one believes your personal stories. No one. There is actual data.
We have one in our office, one of our neighbors has a "new" son...and at a recent class reunion learned of a classmate who has changed as well as two children of old classmates.

Kind of like when being gay became more accepted you learned there were many more gays out there than you ever imagined.

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Can't wait to read the CNN story later today saying Trumps merit based immigration system is exactly what Putin would want.