How will they rule ??!

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Great comeback drug fiend. Your inability to say anything beyond middle school wise cracks is probably why you should quit the drugs.

Awww- aren't the left just compassionate people?

You and your "rebuttals" get torn apart by many every time you post man. Like..every ... single ... time
uh oh
President Drumpf is now directly implicated in trying to cover up the russia scandal

Meanwhile Republicans want to investigate Hillary's former middle school teacher because she has to know something about something that Hillary probably did way back when.

"Drumpf" such an idiotic insult lol, and here you are trying to call people out for " childish remarks "
It's very apparent you are spoon fed what to believe by memes and your favorite Twitter snowflakes
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Here it comes. Gotta groom another black guy so you can get the "eff whitey" crowd to vote in 2020. Can't wait to hear if this is a blacklash. There's zero chance of a white Democrat nominee. No chance in hell. They need anti-white minorities to vote.
He might could issue an EO... he could never get that EO enacted. He has no Constitutional power to do so. Article 1 Section 6.
Section. 6.
The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.

EO <> Laws. Only Congress can pass laws.

Further, the 27th Amendment says “No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives shall take effect until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”.
Except for it's not a law, and was never passed by Congress. Obama added it via EO, so it can just as easily be un done via EO. With the stroke of the pen Trump can end their special subsidies.

As a result of the White House’s recent Executive Order, it has been decided that members of Congress and their staffs can now receive tax-exempt contributions from their employer (the federal government) to their health care premiums on the ObamaCare exchange, thus seemingly creating one set of rules for the American people and a different set of rules for Congress.
Except for it's not a law, and was never passed by Congress. Obama added it via EO, so it can just as easily be un done via EO. With the stroke of the pen Trump can end their special subsidies.

As a result of the White House’s recent Executive Order, it has been decided that members of Congress and their staffs can now receive tax-exempt contributions from their employer (the federal government) to their health care premiums on the ObamaCare exchange, thus seemingly creating one set of rules for the American people and a different set of rules for Congress.
I read on this and posted the other night - Trump will need to get his own director of OPM, once that happens, the OPM director would enforce an EO from Trump.
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Except for it's not a law, and was never passed by Congress. Obama added it via EO, so it can just as easily be un done via EO. With the stroke of the pen Trump can end their special subsidies.

As a result of the White House’s recent Executive Order, it has been decided that members of Congress and their staffs can now receive tax-exempt contributions from their employer (the federal government) to their health care premiums on the ObamaCare exchange, thus seemingly creating one set of rules for the American people and a different set of rules for Congress.

See, this is when @cardkilla vanishes. He's consistently proven wrong , but he won't offer a reply or continue to engage once that happens. He hops onto the next random topic and comments something obscure/ completely wrong/ hypocritical.

Definition of a fly by poster
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I read on this and posted the other night - Trump will need to get his own director of OPM, once that happens, the OPM director would enforce an EO from Trump.

Exactly. This is not a "law" as @fuzz77 claims. It's also the downside of governing through EO. It can all be undone. It's as simple as this...

Through Office of Personnel Management, the Obama administration developed a rule in 2013 saying members and their staffs could receive a government subsidy to purchase insurance through the District of Columbia’s small business options program, or SHOP.

As an executive branch agency, the Office of Personnel Management is now under Trump’s control, which is how he could end this program.

If the Trump administration wanted to change the status quo, it could issue an executive order proposing that the Office of Personnel Management change the rule.
On the heels of HBO and it's new series, Confederate, Amazon is going to have its own alternate history, Black America. More hate whitey.

Of course. The left loves racial bullshit. We definitely needed more slavery movies and more fantasies about anti-white hate and black utopia.

Seriously, when does the left not promote this crap? Academia is filled with it. We get stuff like MTV's attack on whites and Netflix's "Dear White People" and stuff like white privilege, bitching about too many whites in a picture or a movie or a show. We get stuff like "whitelash" and "uneducated white voters" thrown our way and endless accusations of being whte supremacists.

Curious again of people's opinion?

Do you guys think
A) Trump will run in 2020?
B) If so, will he win?
C) if not running ; then who?
D) is it is possible for us NOT to have a liberal in office come 2020?
Of course. The left loves racial bullshit. We definitely needed more slavery movies and more fantasies about anti-white hate and black utopia.

Seriously, when does the left not promote this crap? Academia is filled with it. We get stuff like MTV's attack on whites and Netflix's "Dear White People" and stuff like white privilege, bitching about too many whites in a picture or a movie or a show. We get stuff like "whitelash" and "uneducated white voters" thrown our way and endless accusations of being whte supremacists.


I watched the entire first season of Dear White People ...: and I mean It ***could*** have been a really good show. It has its moments but the OBVIOUS "hate whitey " "white guilt " tones in the show make it seem like just another pandering piece.
Kathy Griffin has shaved her head in an effort to show that she's not a delusional self absorbed liberal twat. Too late Kathy. Her mother says she's a "wonderful human being", so there's that.

Look at that honker. I bet she would get at least a 48" vertical with a hard sneeze. Yes, liberal women are just plain ugly and stupid.
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Twitter is hilarious right now. On Sunday a huge amount of blacks and liberals went crazy over Confederate even though t was made to appease them) and it had to be stopped.

But the consensus on Black America? Thehre gaga over it. Neither show should be made but it's funny to watch them creame their pants over a fantasy of no white people all while we get lectured by this group on racial issues.
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Proof that they really are clueless. We must now round them up and put them in secure facilities so they won't hurt themselves or the country ever again.

It's unreal to see these lies. You show me a leftist and I'll show you a pathological liar who loves to promote propaganda.

But I do love the notion that they were transparent despite the fact that they never read it and passed it anyways.

If the ACA is so incredible then why are the same politicians exempt from it? If it's so great then why is the middle class so desperate to get rid of it? The left simply loves a welfare state and stealing from people to create it, which in turn produces more votes.
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Jesus. Why does it make someone "islamaphobic" if they want more stringent , thorough vetting for people from countries with high levels of terrorism/ radical - extreme Muslims . It doesn't mean we hate Muslims or think every single Muslim is a terrorist . It's proper and mature effing protocol
It's unreal to see these lies. You show me a leftist and I'll show you a pathological liar who loves to promote propaganda.

But I do love the notion that they were transparent despite the fact that they never read it and passed it anyways.

If the ACA is so incredible then why are the same politicians exempt from it? If it's so great then why is the middle class so desperate to get rid of it? The left simply loves a welfare state and stealing from people to create it, which in turn produces more votes.

Yeppp. The extreme left legitimately panders and perpetuates racism . Fact. Quite a few minorities and gay men/ women have woken up to this- sharing their frustrations with the Dem party / supporting trump etc but lengthy strides still need to be made unfortunately
It would be blocked by a Federal court before the ink was dry...It wouldn't take much of a fight.

But just for grins and giggles let suppose that they did adopt an Obamacare plan...most every Congressman and Senator is a millionaire so I think they would be able to handle the premiums and deductibles with little effort. They spend more on postage than they would be spending on insurance.

In fact I just found this...Note: Starting in 2014, the only health care coverage made available to members of Congress and their employees by the federal government will be coverage offered through the Health Insurance Exchange created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - the "Obamacare Act."

So it looks like no EO is needed. Congress already has Obamacare.
Yes they are millionaires and democrats average more in millions than do the republicans yet, they pretend they are for the poor all the while conning their base into giving more to the cause.
in other words, ignore reality.

I believe I predicted a few months ago he'd be lucky to make it a year. He may last longer but it's not looking good. I've never seen such corruption and using the WH to enrich themselves. He's turned the Presidency into his cash cow.

Which is why he has not done anything that would harm his business interests in Muslim majority countries where he has ties, like Saudi Arabia. You gotta wonder if his foreign policy is pro-America or pro-Trump business.
Remember this?

Major landslide huh? He couldn't even win the popular vote against freakin Hillary Clinton and his outlier support is dropping faster than Melania at a bachelor party. He won't be going up against a flawed candidate like Hillary in 2020. 35% support isn't gonna cut it this time. Because that's his floor, with the ceiling being about 40%. Republicans will really need to get going on their voter suppression laws to make sure fewer Americans make it to the polls.
Are you watching the news backwards?
I read on this and posted the other night - Trump will need to get his own director of OPM, once that happens, the OPM director would enforce an EO from Trump.
Trump has left way too many democrats in power. He should've fired every one that he lawfully could on Jan. 20th. Better the job be empty than be actively subverted by a communist.