How will they rule ??!

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Whenever you have the time, give this a read. Some of you have probably read it before.

Frederic Bastiat - The Law

This will open your eyes and allow you to see just how insidious our government is and how it has perverted the ideal it was intended to create. We're being screwed and most of us deserve better.
Let's put this conversation in the correct context. This was during his first 100 days when people were critical of him golfing every weekend in Mar a Lago. The same time people were jumping the fence of the white house, obama hold overs in positions, ss agents publicly refusing to take bullets for him, leaks on top of leaks but you said it wasn't compromised.

Use some common sense.

Why would he jet off every weekend in the first couple of months when he busted his ass and out worked everybody else to get to POTUS?

If he thought the White House wasn't safe, he wouldn't do business there. You're trying to defend him golfing every weekend by saying his golf courses are safer than the White House. That's ridiculous
All Trump has to do is take away the fine form of having insurance. At that point Obamacare goes away within 2 years on its own.
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Do you all agree that the left have seemed to go total CRAZY- like not even remotely moderate anymore . As I've said many times the shit the MSM / lefties / snowflakes etc spew - and actually BELIEVE is mind boggling to me .

It seems as if it's made this dramatic turn specifically in the last 1-5 years .

Wtf happened ? Social media ?

I mean do all (actually true democrats ) align with some of this ridiculous thinking ? I surely hope not. I hope it's just the very very fringe left but we're being bombarded so much by the media etc I'm afraid it's gonna turn into a domino effect.

People see a meme these days that says trump is a homophobic racist with some obscure claims and all of a sudden "see !! See!!! Trumps a racist nazi!"

It's very troubling to me - some of the ish that's trying to be passed off as "normal " these days (2 year olds who are "trans " "men can have periods " "anal sex should be taught to children/ teenagers " "all whites are racist and sexist "
So on and so forth ....
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If he thought the White House wasn't safe, he wouldn't do business there. You're trying to defend him golfing every weekend by saying his golf courses are safer than the White House. That's ridiculous

Zero leaks about what was said on the golf courses. Only press questioning ethical practices. I gave you reasons of why he preferred a more confidential setting. I gave you evidence of how the WH was compromised. Now that he has cleaned house let's see if the leaks continue or if he needs to take another trip to close a deal. It's not me calling Mar a Lago the WH of the South. You can spin your talking points to "safe" all you want while the media is telling you he is trying to clean house of WH leakers.

On Golf Course, Trump Talks Health Care With Dr. Rand Paul
President travels again for meetings at Trump golf club in Va.
You saw him utilize this as an opportunity with Prime Minister Abe to help foster deeper relationships ... in Asia and have a growing relationship that's going to help U.S. interests,"
Expect President Trump to use golf as a political tool
“Golf is the sport of business,” he said in the Fortune interview. “I’ve made deals on a golf course that I would have never, ever made over a lunch.”
President Trump's golfing as president is different than Obama's golfing as president, because ...
But White House spokesman Sean Spicer also said Trump's right to "privacy" is one reason that the Trump administration hasn't trumpeted the outcomes of his meetings on golf courses.
Trump played golf 19 times in his first 100 days — here's why American presidents have been historically obsessed with the game
President Trump's golf course diplomacy raises ethical questions

So once again, golf is ok now that Trump is doing it. I'm sure Obama never talked about politics or policy on the golf course bla bla bla.

He started golf from day one, well before the leaks started. Just another excuse to rationalize your obscene hatred of Obama doing what every other President has done.

I have no problem with Trump playing golf or any president playing golf. I just like to point out the hypocrisy from the right and specifically, Drumpfess.
Do you all agree that the left have seemed to go total CRAZY- like not even remotely moderate anymore . As I've said many times the shit the MSM / lefties / snowflakes etc spew - and actually BELIEVE is mind boggling to me .

It seems as if it's made this dramatic turn specifically in the last 1-5 years .

Wtf happened ? Social media ?

I mean do all (actually true democrats ) align with some of this ridiculous thinking ? I surely hope not. I hope it's just the very very fringe left but we're being bombarded so much by the media etc I'm afraid it's gonna turn into a domino effect.

People see a meme these days that says trump is a homophobic racist with some obscure claims and all of a sudden "see !! See!!! Trumps a racist nazi!"

It's very troubling to me - some of the ish that's trying to be passed off as "normal " these days (2 year olds who are "trans " "men can have periods " "anal sex should be taught to children/ teenagers " "all whites are racist and sexist "
So on and so forth ....
I guess we're catching up with the right. You've been crazy for over a decade. You could literally replace every utterance of Democrat and replace it with Republican and it would also be true.
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So once again, golf is ok now that Trump is doing it. I'm sure Obama never talked about politics or policy on the golf course bla bla bla.

He started golf from day one, well before the leaks started. Just another excuse to rationalize your obscene hatred of Obama doing what every other President has done.

I have no problem with Trump playing golf or any president playing golf. I just like to point out the hypocrisy from the right and specifically, Drumpfess.

I think you deliberately make idiotic comments to get a rise out of people. You legitimately make absolutely no sense 98% of the time .

Well done if so :)
Then he will be the person who made it collapse before giving it a chance. Hands off and allow it fail. Only things he should touch is the loop hole that keeps congress off of it. Make them get it on it and stop stealing the tax payers money to subsidize insurance companies. The law suit went through. Why are we still paying the monthly payments to keep the companies in it?
He's already past that. He started undermining the ACA from day 1. Pulled advertising, said they wouldn't fine people for not having insurance, etc. Republican governors have tried to undermine since it became law. It's amazing that it's still plugging along for as much as Republicans have tried to destroy it.

The subsidies are in the law. They will eventually win in court.

I hope they do stop the payments and let everyone's premiums go up 20%. I'm sure Republicans would never get the blame for that. [roll]Because other than Drumpf's tweets the ACA is as strong as ever. Less than 0.1% of enrollees currently don't have an insurance plan in their county. Insurance company just added to Ohio
I hope they do stop the payments and let everyone's premiums go up 20%. I'm sure Republicans would never get the blame for that. [roll]

20% actually pretty good compared to the 1500% that it went up already due to obamacare
Great comeback drug fiend. Your inability to say anything beyond middle school wise cracks is probably why you should quit the drugs.
So let's get this straight about cardkilla and insurance cost increase

20% increase due to ending Obamacare=BAD
1500% increase due to Obamacare=GOOD

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Not true. He can issue an EO putting them on Obamacare.
He might could issue an EO... he could never get that EO enacted. He has no Constitutional power to do so. Article 1 Section 6.
Section. 6.
The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.

EO <> Laws. Only Congress can pass laws.

Further, the 27th Amendment says “No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives shall take effect until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”.

Obama was also a cigarette smoker. No telling how much tax payer time he stole on smoke breaks.

Lmao I forgot about that. The single most vile demographic ever! Smokers are literally the worst people on the planet! WHY WOULD HE GIVE HIS FAMILY CANCER???

Case closed. Thanks libs.

*you think that mfer had to walk off White House grounds to smoke?
Lmao I forgot about that. The single most vile demographic ever! Smokers are literally the worst people on the planet! WHY WOULD HE GIVE HIS FAMILY CANCER???

Case closed. Thanks libs.

*you think that mfer had to walk off White House grounds to smoke?

Of course not. He ain't leaving the WH grounds every 5 minutes.
I guess we're catching up with the right. You've been crazy for over a decade. You could literally replace every utterance of Democrat and replace it with Republican and it would also be true.
This is like when you are standing on an island off the coast of the continent, and you are gazing across the waters at the continent, and you think both land masses are the same size since from your vantage point the beach of the island looks the same as the beach on the continent.

Your perception is not reality.
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Obama and Hillary supporters no doubt
If only the likenesses of our presidents on Mt. Rushmore could each raise into the air out of the boulders underneath them a hand and flip the bird in unison, while also triggering a rockslide that overcomes these loving and gracious people who are showing their appreciation for our country and our heritage.
He might could issue an EO... he could never get that EO enacted. He has no Constitutional power to do so. Article 1 Section 6.
Section. 6.
The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.

EO <> Laws. Only Congress can pass laws.

Further, the 27th Amendment says “No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives shall take effect until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”.

I think youre probably right. But it would tak awhile to make its way to scotus.

And the optics of congress fighting tooth and nail to get that exemption would be very telling
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