How will they rule ??!

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No, he would not. There are some obvious safety issues at play. If she rolled over on him, for example, a 911 call would be futile. I don't think Willy has a suicide wish, notwithstanding what might otherwise appear to be a lack of penetration discrimination on the part of his Willie.

Edit: Now, a hookup through a wall in glory hole might solve some of the problems, but can she be out of the water that long?

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Well, number 1, didn't make it about race. Was thinking more about religion and gender. Many folks on here have no problem bashing a veteran who doesn't share their views. And no 2, where did I call anyone a racist?

And no 3, Republicans bring up race as much as Dems do.

You guys just keep up all the winning you're doing with Drumpfess in charge. Are you tired of all the winning yet? I think it was actually a typo and he meant whining...because he whines about everything. Is he EVER going to take responsibility for ANYTHING that he does? He has no problem taking credit off the backs of others, but can't handle a lick of criticism.

Interesting points made by Republican Flake in Politico article. Republicans are responsible for the current partisanship in Washington when they said their #1 objective was to make Obama a one term President. Just like Obamacare repeal...they made all these grand statements about what they were going to do. Now that they own the government they are running around like a bunch of chickens because they know they were full of $hit.

It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime. It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us. It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued.

Listen, when you write that someone is the "right color" for the people on here, you made it about race.

Which Republicans bring up Race as a political weapon the way Democrats do?
Graham has pitched a new idea on health care, and supposedly Trump, R most Senators and Governors are excited about it.

Repeal the individual mandate, repeal the employer mandate, then take the rest of Obamacare taxes -- around 500B -- and give it all to the states, empowering the Governors, allowing each individual state to choose how to spend the funds and provide health care for their citizens.
Graham has pitched a new idea on health care, and supposedly Trump, R most Senators and Governors are excited about it.

Repeal the individual mandate, repeal the employer mandate, then take the rest of Obamacare taxes -- around 500B -- and give it all to the states, empowering the Governors, allowing each individual state to choose how to spend the funds and provide health care for their citizens.
So what happens with across state line competition they all were touting during their campaigns?
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Graham has pitched a new idea on health care, and supposedly Trump, R most Senators and Governors are excited about it.

Repeal the individual mandate, repeal the employer mandate, then take the rest of Obamacare taxes -- around 500B -- and give it all to the states, empowering the Governors, allowing each individual state to choose how to spend the funds and provide health care for their citizens.
Moe, I can't locate a site that says how much additional funding this would give KY vs the Obamacare plan. I heard Graham say that West Virginia's funding would increase by a considerable amount.
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I wrote a love song for the libs. Sing it with your best Rod Stewart voice.

♫Have I told you lately, that I hate you
there's no number low enough, to rate you
you fill the world with sadness
your ideas are pure madness
please die soon, that's what I think of you♫
So Trump spendds 95% of his time in the White House, golfs for 4 hours a week and you think he's golfing and talking business at his resorts because the WH is compromised? He's meeting world leaders, his entire national security team and cabinet in the White House but he intentionally has meetings on the golf course to avoid it?

Come on. Use some common sense. There may be leaks and he should take precautions but it's still the safest, most secure place in the world.

Let's put this conversation in the correct context. This was during his first 100 days when people were critical of him golfing every weekend in Mar a Lago. The same time people were jumping the fence of the white house, obama hold overs in positions, ss agents publicly refusing to take bullets for him, leaks on top of leaks but you said it wasn't compromised.

Use some common sense.

Why would he jet off every weekend in the first couple of months when he busted his ass and out worked everybody else to get to POTUS?
Kathy Griffin has shaved her head in an effort to show that she's not a delusional self absorbed liberal twat. Too late Kathy. Her mother says she's a "wonderful human being", so there's that.

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Graham has pitched a new idea on health care, and supposedly Trump, R most Senators and Governors are excited about it.

Repeal the individual mandate, repeal the employer mandate, then take the rest of Obamacare taxes -- around 500B -- and give it all to the states, empowering the Governors, allowing each individual state to choose how to spend the funds and provide health care for their citizens.

Graham can shove his ideas up his establishment ass.

Removing the mandates is the #1 thing Rs can do to ensure they get responsibility for the inevitable failure of Obamacare. It's going to fail anyway, let it happen organically. Removing the mandates, as un-American and (but for political hacks on SCOTUS) unconstitutional as they are, will be seen as trying to kill Obamacare - and that's correct. That's far dumber than being grown ups and just repealing the goddam thing. I'd get behind repeal. I will not support tweaking the bullshit law to make it fail sooner.

And no, if the Fed wants to provide the states with tax revenue, then drop the federal tax and let the states take care it. Why does the money have to go to Washington first to be controlled?

Don't tell me you're going to leave Obamacare and its federal taxes in place and give me some "empowering the states" bullshit argument.

Remove the subsidy for Congress. Tell them all to eat shit, they had their chance to get rid of it.

Move to tax reform. And if those sons of bitches in Congress don't want to help with tax reform because their subsidies are gone, let the people deal with that come election time.
I'd get behind repeal

I would, too. But this will never happen, ever. Full repeal can't be done under reconciliation. Takes 60 votes. That means eight D's plus the R's hooked on the subsidies. No matter how bad anyone wants it, unless the R's have a super majority in the Senate, full repeal is a fantasy.
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Jeff Flake on TV claiming the GOP has lost its way under Trump, and going to bat for globalization. Saying the US will be left behind with an America first attitude.
Jeff Flake on TV claiming the GOP has lost its way under Trump, and going to bat for globalization. Saying the US will be left behind with an America first attitude.

Idiot. Who falls for this BS? This would be like telling a working man, "The state will fall apart by you putting your family first. You need to care more about Africans and Mexicans."

Eff off. We didn't like the GOP, which is why we voted Trump.
Kathy Griffin has shaved her head in an effort to show that she's not a delusional self absorbed liberal twat. Too late Kathy. Her mother says she's a "wonderful human being", so there's that.

I'm not sure I will be able to sleep at night. However, in fairness to Kathy Griffin, she did this to support her sister who is going through chemo treatments. I can respect that.
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They (Hollywood, media, and the far left) are trying their hardest to normalize anything that isn't straight male or female. They're trying to indoctrinate young parents, teenagers and children into thinking young children (as young as 2-3) know who they are and truly believe what they are saying.

If a young 4 year old boy is slightly feminine, then that must mean he's gay, transgender, or gender fluid (whatever the hell that means). Same for a 2 year old girl who plays with tractors. Now they're putting this on television to make it appear more normal than it actually is. Transgenders make up .3 percent of the nation... yet there are pushes for one to be involved in everything now.

People can do whatever they want when they're 18. But let's leave the kids out of it. And let's stop trying to convince people that turning your penis into a vagina is a normal thing to do.
18 Texas sheriffs sign up to join forces with federal immigration officers | Immigration | Dallas News - Dallas Morning News

Eighteen counties in Texas, including Tarrant County, have entered into new pacts with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that allow local officers to enforce federal immigration laws, officials said Monday.

The arrangement between agencies effectively streamlines the removal of foreign-born people targeted by ICE. Counties will nominate officers for special training in jails to better identify immigrants who should be deported.
Report that Rand Paul is trying to talk Trump into it repealing what he can of Obamacare through EO.

Since a lot of aspects of Obamacare were put into place through EO, Trump can in turn repeal them with an EO.
So what happens with across state line competition they all were touting during their campaigns?

My understanding is that the states control who can and cannot sell across state lines, correct? It's not the federal government? I do know that the McCarran-Ferguson Act should probably be repealed.
I'm not sure I will be able to sleep at night. However, in fairness to Kathy Griffin, she did this to support her sister who is going through chemo treatments. I can respect that.
Her brother died of cancer and had a bald head due to chemo and they didn't bother to mention her shaving her head for that, but then, when he died she hadn't created a shitstorm that harmed her career.

If she did it for her sister then she wouldn't have plastered it all over instagram for the world to see. Learn superficial liberal twat.
8/1 and the Trump WH is still disorganized and McConnell/Ryan have no plan to utilize the power they were given. Mid-terms are almost always bad for incumbents so they have a very little time to make any real difference. Ridiculous.
Report that Rand Paul is trying to talk Trump into it repealing what he can of Obamacare through EO.

Since a lot of aspects of Obamacare were put into place through EO, Trump can in turn repeal them with an EO.

Then he will be the person who made it collapse before giving it a chance. Hands off and allow it fail. Only things he should touch is the loop hole that keeps congress off of it. Make them get it on it and stop stealing the tax payers money to subsidize insurance companies. The law suit went through. Why are we still paying the monthly payments to keep the companies in it?
I guess he's the right color and gender to not get ridicule from the right-eous. Meanwhile Russia is giving the Taliban guns to kill guys like that. Your buddies, the Russians.

Just another example of the bumper sticker patriots who voted for the whiner in chief.

Fly by post !
My god you guys are ate up with Clinton. It's easier to believe conspiracy theories than accept the truth.

Nah YOU GUYS are ate up with trump- and still super salty about Hillary being embarrassed and loosing the election. She lost . She's a crook . Get over it .

You literally continue to make yourself look radically
Ignorant. Carry on tho :)
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