How will they rule ??!

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If only the likenesses of our presidents on Mt. Rushmore could each raise into the air out of the boulders underneath them a hand and flip the bird in unison, while also triggering a rockslide that overcomes these loving and gracious people who are showing their appreciation for our country and our heritage.
Fuzz, can you give us your legal analysis of Obama's EO's that changed and delayed various provisions of Obamacare as passed by Congress?
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Great, if you ignore liberal fake news

Doing so well, he'll win the next one in a major landslide when he stops all the illegal votes.
Ah... so they are reporting elsewhere that Obamacare was repealed? That a wall is being built?

We'll see Willy. I think he'll be lucky to complete the term to which he is currently elected.
I think youre probably right. But it would tak awhile to make its way to scotus.

And the optics of congress fighting tooth and nail to get that exemption would be very telling
It would be blocked by a Federal court before the ink was dry...It wouldn't take much of a fight.

But just for grins and giggles let suppose that they did adopt an Obamacare plan...most every Congressman and Senator is a millionaire so I think they would be able to handle the premiums and deductibles with little effort. They spend more on postage than they would be spending on insurance.

In fact I just found this...Note: Starting in 2014, the only health care coverage made available to members of Congress and their employees by the federal government will be coverage offered through the Health Insurance Exchange created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - the "Obamacare Act."

So it looks like no EO is needed. Congress already has Obamacare.
Is fuzz the only person in this thread that didn't know Congress was already buying insurance out of the exchanges, and we're talking about eliminating the ~78% (or whatever it is exactly) subsidy for Congress and staff?
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It would be blocked by a Federal court before the ink was dry...It wouldn't take much of a fight.

But just for grins and giggles let suppose that they did adopt an Obamacare plan...most every Congressman and Senator is a millionaire so I think they would be able to handle the premiums and deductibles with little effort. They spend more on postage than they would be spending on insurance.

In fact I just found this...Note: Starting in 2014, the only health care coverage made available to members of Congress and their employees by the federal government will be coverage offered through the Health Insurance Exchange created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - the "Obamacare Act."

So it looks like no EO is needed. Congress already has Obamacare.

The mere action of contesting the eo would show the people what they need to know. Congress may even allow it to go uncontested for that reason.

Or if it effects staffers, they will have a staffer contest it; to ease the appearance.

I dont know that its just a question of if they have it. Its a question of how much they pay, if they do have it. Theyre skirting the financial impact being felt by most americans.

Oh im fully aware most in congress are millionaires. Thats a big part of the problem - getting rich while performing "public service". But thats a whole different issue
Great, if you ignore liberal fake news

Doing so well, he'll win the next one in a major landslide when he stops all the illegal votes.
in other words, ignore reality.

I believe I predicted a few months ago he'd be lucky to make it a year. He may last longer but it's not looking good. I've never seen such corruption and using the WH to enrich themselves. He's turned the Presidency into his cash cow.

Which is why he has not done anything that would harm his business interests in Muslim majority countries where he has ties, like Saudi Arabia. You gotta wonder if his foreign policy is pro-America or pro-Trump business.
Remember this?

Major landslide huh? He couldn't even win the popular vote against freakin Hillary Clinton and his outlier support is dropping faster than Melania at a bachelor party. He won't be going up against a flawed candidate like Hillary in 2020. 35% support isn't gonna cut it this time. Because that's his floor, with the ceiling being about 40%. Republicans will really need to get going on their voter suppression laws to make sure fewer Americans make it to the polls.

Be nice if just one time Congress would go for a straightforward bill. Oh, want to legalize marijuana? Well we need to establish all sorts of other shit along with a reparations fund.

The bill would remove the federal prohibition on marijuana and withhold federal money for building jails and prisons, along with other funds, from states whose cannabis laws are shown to disproportionately incarcerate minorities.

Under the legislation, federal convictions for marijuana use and possession would be expunged and prisoners serving time for a marijuana offense would be entitled to a sentencing hearing.

Those “aggrieved” by a disproportionate arrest or imprisonment rate would be able to sue, according to the bill. And a Community Reinvestment Fund would be established to “reinvest in communities most affected by the war on drugs” for everything from re-entry programs to public libraries.
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in other words, ignore reality.

I believe I predicted a few months ago he'd be lucky to make it a year. He may last longer but it's not looking good. I've never seen such corruption and using the WH to enrich themselves. He's turned the Presidency into his cash cow.

Which is why he has not done anything that would harm his business interests in Muslim majority countries where he has ties, like Saudi Arabia. You gotta wonder if his foreign policy is pro-America or pro-Trump business.
Remember this?

Major landslide huh? He couldn't even win the popular vote against freakin Hillary Clinton and his outlier support is dropping faster than Melania at a bachelor party. He won't be going up against a flawed candidate like Hillary in 2020. 35% support isn't gonna cut it this time. Because that's his floor, with the ceiling being about 40%. Republicans will really need to get going on their voter suppression laws to make sure fewer Americans make it to the polls.

Hahahahahaha, stick with the fake news and you'll get your ass whipped again son. A major major landslide. Won't even be close.
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I really hope the people of Tennessee get rid of this corrupt clown. He has only been in DC since 2006 and is part of the establishment. With clowns like this it will be hard for Trump to get much done.

Major landslide huh? He couldn't even win the popular vote against freakin Hillary Clinton and his outlier support is dropping faster than Melania at a bachelor party. He won't be going up against a flawed candidate like Hillary in 2020. 35% support isn't gonna cut it this time. Because that's his floor, with the ceiling being about 40%. Republicans will really need to get going on their voter suppression laws to make sure fewer Americans make it to the polls.

Yes a landslide. Cite popular vote all you want, but noone was gunning for THAT victory. She lost in the only way that matters, and lost by alot.

The rest of your post is nearly word for word the same drivel your ilk crowed about prior to the election as reasons Hillary would trounce Trump.

Your bunch hasnt learned a thing, thankfully. Please, keep with the russia boogeyman, pc oppressionism/faux outrage, elitist message; all while thinking you cant lose. It will just make things that much easier next time around.
Yes a landslide. Cite popular vote all you want, but noone was gunning for THAT victory. She lost in the only way that matters, and lost by alot.

The rest of your post is nearly word for word the same drivel your ilk crowed about prior to the election as reasons Hillary would trounce Trump.

Your bunch hasnt learned a thing, thankfully. Please, keep with the russia boogeyman, pc oppressionism/faux outrage, elitist message; all while thinking you cant lose. It will just make things that much easier next time around.

Remember in 2009 when Democrats didn't care about the popular vote when California voted against gay matriage?

And why don't you realize that California Republicans do not bother to come out to vote because it's a waste of time. You campaign differently if you were going by popular vote.
Yes a landslide. Cite popular vote all you want, but noone was gunning for THAT victory. She lost in the only way that matters, and lost by alot.

The rest of your post is nearly word for word the same drivel your ilk crowed about prior to the election as reasons Hillary would trounce Trump.

Your bunch hasnt learned a thing, thankfully. Please, keep with the russia boogeyman, pc oppressionism/faux outrage, elitist message; all while thinking you cant lose. It will just make things that much easier next time around.

She didn't even win the popular vote either. She had an excess of fraudulent votes.

Just came out today that Trump should of won New Hampshire, but didn't due Hillary fraud votes
The mere action of contesting the eo would show the people what they need to know. Congress may even allow it to go uncontested for that reason.

Or if it effects staffers, they will have a staffer contest it; to ease the appearance.

I dont know that its just a question of if they have it. Its a question of how much they pay, if they do have it. Theyre skirting the financial impact being felt by most americans.

Oh im fully aware most in congress are millionaires. Thats a big part of the problem - getting rich while performing "public service". But thats a whole different issue
Actually, most are rich before they do public service. Without money or at least access to money one has little chance of winning a congressional or senatorial election. I'd say that the problem is more the "cost of entry". Because of the millions of $$ it takes to run a campaign it drives candidates to cozy up to those with $$ in order to get elected. Democrats and others have suggested public funding of campaigns but conservatives oppose.

So they get some member who is either bullet-proof or planning on retiring/not running for re-election to challenge the EO. I'm not even sure they would need someone to do so. An AG from any state could challenge it. It's a moot point.

But your point? Congress already has a pathetic approval rating (11%) but those running for re-election win 96% of the time.

You want them to feel the financial impact of healthcare? Forbid them from obtaining healthcare insurance. Make them pay out of pocket if they get sick. That will make those insurance premiums look like petty cash.