How will they rule ??!

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Anyone else truly think that the dems and GOP will orchestrate a coup to try to remove Trump from office? Because I do believe they will attempt it.

The swamp is an evil place. The GOP wants Trump gone as much as the Dems do.
I don't think Republicans will impeach a Republican President. It'd be political suicide for them. I agree they hate Trump, but they won't impeach him. They'll find other ways to undermine him.
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I don't think Republicans will impeach a Republican President. It'd be political suicide for them. I agree they hate Trump, but they won't impeach him. They'll find other ways to undermine him.
As things stand now, you're correct. Should Trump's popularity descend to a level that would result in a climate where impeachment from Republicans would not be political suicide, they'll vote to impeach and convict in a heartbeat, regardless of whether it is warranted or not. Even at that, Republican senators from deep red states will not vote to convict, as it's difficult to imagine any scenario where Trump's popularity would be so low in those states to enable these senators to vote to convict. But it will be a different story for the guys in the blue and purple states. They'll do it in a heartbeat, when and if they think they can get away with it. McCain will be the ringleader, if he's still around.
Judicial Watch Files Three Lawsuits for Info on FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe

The first FOIA lawsuit, filed on July 24 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01494)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all records of communication between FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and other FBI or Department of Justice (“DOJ”) officials regarding, concerning or relating to ethical issues concerning the involvement of Andrew McCabe and/or his wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, in political campaigns;
  • Any and all records related to ethical guidance concerning political activities provided to Deputy Director McCabe by FBI and/or DOJ officials or elements.
The second Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit, filed on July 26, seeks communication records between then-Deputy Director McCabe and Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and the Democratic Party of Virginia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01495)), including:

  • Any and all records of communication between Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and any of the following individuals:
    • Any official within the office of the Governor of Virginia, including but not limited to Governor Terry McAuliffe;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic National Committee;
    • Any official, representative or employee with the Democratic Party of Virginia.
In 2015, a political action committee run by McAuliffe, a close friend and political supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, donated nearly $500,000 to Jill McCabe, wife of McCabe, who was then running for the Virginia State Senate. Also, the Virginia Democratic Party, over which McAuliffe had significant influence, donated an additional $207,788 to the Jill McCabe campaign. In July 2015, Andrew McCabe was in charge of the FBI’s Washington, DC, field office, which provided personnel resources to the Clinton email probe.

The Hatch Act prohibits FBI employees from engaging “in political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group.”

The third FOIA lawsuit, also filed by Judicial Watch on July 26 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-01493)), seeks the following:

  • Any and all Standard Forms 50 and 52 (i.e., SF-50s and SF-52s) for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all requests for approvals of travel submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all travel vouchers and accompanying receipts and related documentation submitted by FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe;
  • Any and all calendar entries for FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
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Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

Lock him up or lose more respect. We've got your back if they take to the streets.
Absolutely have his back.
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Anyone else truly think that the dems and GOP will orchestrate a coup to try to remove Trump from office? Because I do believe they will attempt it.

The swamp is an evil place. The GOP wants Trump gone as much as the Dems do.

They absolutely might. I think they already strongly considered it after the election and before the electoral college vote.
They absolutely might. I think they already strongly considered it after the election and before the electoral college vote.
Was talking to a buddy of mine last night, and he thinks Trump picked General Kelly to replace Prebius because Trump knows an attempted coup is coming. Would not be surprised at all if that's true. I put nothing past the swamp rats in DC.
Was talking to a buddy of mine last night, and he thinks Trump picked General Kelly to replace Prebius because Trump knows an attempted coup is coming. Would not be surprised at all if that's true. I put nothing past the swamp rats in DC.

Could be. But i doubt theyll try by force. Itll be via impeachment using the msm as their mouthpieces.

I think there were some very legit discussion prior to electoral college about whether they should honor the vote or not. No telling what deals were being discussed.
Could be. But i doubt theyll try by force. Itll be via impeachment using the msm as their mouthpieces.

I think there were some very legit discussion prior to electoral college about whether they should honor the vote or not. No telling what deals were being discussed.
I'd be shocked if there wasn't discussion. No doubt Soros was offering money out the ass for it.
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I'd be shocked if there wasn't discussion. No doubt Soros was offering money out the ass for it.

No doubt. Money, power, whatever it would take. Some gave in, iirc, and cast their vote for someone other than trump. But it wasnt enough to matter.

Truthfully, no telling what some of those electoral college voters turned down to do their duty. No doubt it was tempting.
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I'm sure the idiot dems will bring Russiagate back at some point, but it is very amusing how the more info on Fusion GPS comes out about democrats and MSM working with them, and the DWS story getting big that Russiagate was nowhere to be found this week.
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Nope. I think russiagate is on its deathbed.

We're witnessing a new birth.

Leftwing media is pathetic. What a total blowback this has caused.
Isn't it interesting how whats going on in Venezuela is mostly being ignored by the MSM, too? It is Bernie Sanders land after all...
I mean seriously.

Trump pissin' on russian hookers. Smh.

Hahaha, crazy. That is the route they went with for a fake dossier.

Also the way it was reported originally with Buzzfeed breaking the story followed shortly by CNN with the "clean" version.
Their reason for considering it news was because it was placed in a security briefing to Obama and Trump. None other than James Comey insisted it be in the briefing.
Then you throw in the fact John McCain sent an aid to get the dossier and the picture becomes clearer that many members of our Govt are only concerned about power, and not the nations wellbeing. They like the status quo, and Trump is a threat to their little circle jerk of influence and power.
This is why I think they will attempt a coup to remove Trump.

Trump has become a danger to everything the establishment on both sides love. They can't afford for Trump to succeed.
And they will tell us that it was for our own good and the good of the country. Idiots, such as dems, will believe them.
I mean seriously.

Trump pissin' on russian hookers. Smh.

Hahaha, crazy. That is the route they went with for a fake dossier.

I like the Jan 2017 (updated) Newsweek version better. The FSB (the new KGB) hired the hookers and secretly filmed the show. The hookers peed on beds used by the Obamas. The FSB filmed everything. This proved that the Russians could blackmail Trump. Obama diplomats began spreading rumors about the incident.

"But repackaged and expanded on by U.S. intelligence, ... the report underscored what U.S. intelligence had been saying for weeks, with far less effect: Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his democratic and other political rivals.”

"Reports on Hillary Clinton were “collated” by Directorate K of the FSB spy agency “for many years,” it said, “dating back to her husband Bill's presidency.” But not much was found...."

Clean bill of health for Hillary. Who'd have thunk it.
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I like the Jan 2017 (updated) Newsweek version better. The FSB (the new KGB) hired the hookers and secretly filmed the show. The hookers peed on beds used by the Obamas. The FSB filmed everything. This proved that Trump and the Russians could blackmail Trump. Obama diplomats began spreading rumors about the incident.

"But repackaged and expanded on by U.S. intelligence, the report underscored what U.S. intelligence had been saying for weeks, with far less effect: Trump “and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his democratic and other political rivals.”

"Reports on Hillary Clinton were “collated” by Directorate K of the FSB spy agency “for many years,” it said, “dating back to her husband Bill's presidency.” But not much was found...."

Clean bill of health for Hillary. Who'd have thunk it.

Bottom of the article if you want to send in a request. These liars sure as hell won't do it.

This story has been updated to include a report in the Wall Street Journal about who was allegedly behind the original memos.

Theyve cried this stuff since election.

They also briefly tried to claim he was experiencing dimentia.

Theyll basically say whatever they think might work.
These people live on a different planet. Nothing they make up is working. If anything, it only makes his base even stronger and is bringing more folks to his side because now they have made him a victim.