How will they rule ??!

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Good to see world class scumbag John Brennan calling for a coup if Mueller is ousted for overstepping his authority.

Would LOVE to see Trump throw his ass in Guantanamo.

Anyone denying intel agencies are politicized should look no further than Brennan.
The thought that keeps going through my head:
"Eat at the Y"

Any place that tried to tell me my daughter didn't belong with her family and refused to let her go home would be met with a bat to the face or worse.

How have people gone this insane in such a short time span? "Women" with penises. 5-6 sex types and an infinite amount of genders. Identifying as a 6 year old girl even though you're a 56 year old man. Telling parents their kids don't belong to them. All the idiots that think like this or support this type of thinking belong on the moon.
President Trump should just go ahead and fire Sessions. Quit making comments about how disappointed you are in the AG and just fire him and move on. No confidence in the man and there is no going back after his comments about Sessions.
President Trump should just go ahead and fire Sessions. Quit making comments about how disappointed you are in the AG and just fire him and move on. No confidence in the man and there is no going back after his comments about Sessions.
I'll second that. I thought at one point in early June Sessions offered to resign? Why refuse it then but do all this to force it now? Is it fear of the uproar that followed Comey's firing, where the press will baselessly ascribe evil motives to the firing that is causing him to not pull the trigger? Because neither Trump nor Sessions is benefiting from Trump's backbiting tweets.
All Sessions seems to have done over the last 6 months is recuse himself from work that he was hired to do and also reignite the war on drugs by attempting to link increased violent crime with cannabis legalization. Good job good effort bud!! Can't wait to see that report.

Kick his ass out. Jesus.
He said it. I think he usually switches back and forth from using decade to 7 years and just flubbed it.
Any place that tried to tell me my daughter didn't belong with her family and refused to let her go home would be met with a bat to the face or worse.

How have people gone this insane in such a short time span? "Women" with penises. 5-6 sex types and an infinite amount of genders. Identifying as a 6 year old girl even though you're a 56 year old man. Telling parents their kids don't belong to them. All the idiots that think like this or support this type of thinking belong on the moon.
Fundamental Transformation. The Kenyan Communist wasn't lying...
Trump can't lead his own party, much less the country---don't see the hand ringing about whether he replaces Sessions or not.

The man is basically a third party. Trump's election was a middle finger to Dems and establishment GOP.

You realize a big chunk of the GOP are RINOs?
If you watch cable news how could you not be sick of Dem media talking about Trump every single day and telling you the world was ending? Every single week they have one or two BS stories to focus on and go hysterical about and then nothing happens and they move on again.

Recently, in a month's time, we had Trump Jr. emails where he ended up looking worse on Democrats, we had Mika's face, claiming a private meeting with Putin, Boy Scouts, Macron's handshake, being "shunned" by Polish president's wife, complimenting a woman being in shape, etc.

Disgusting humans.
You must have been asleep during the Obama administration or never came on this board.

Obama is the last classy President we'll probably ever have. Trump is destroying everything about America that the world holds in high esteem.

Just the fact that he's trying to get the military to get political is unbelievable. Trying to make the AG investigate political opponents is 3rd world country bull$hit. His rant to the Boy Scouts was inappropriate and self-serving, as is all his tactics.

I think Trump supporters just want people to let Trump do whatever he wants with no limits on his power. The media is doing their job, showing just how ridiculous, hypocritical, and unprecedential this cartoon president is.

He's obviously trying to get Sessions to resign so he can appoint a puppet who will fire Mueller and try to end the investigation again before it gets to close to the hen house. Once they start peaking at his finances and loans, etc. the Trump charade will be unmasked. There's a reason he doesn't want anyone seeing his taxes or finances. And it's not for privacy.

Republicans need to grow a pair before he gets us into a stupid war or starts locking up his enemies.
LOL at Cardkilla

"you must have been asleep during the Obama Administration"

Proceeds to rattle off a list of things that happened under the Obama Administration.

Politicizing the military? Check. The military hates Obama and the was he let politics dictate decisions.

AG (and many other executive branch officials) targeting political opponents? Check. I don't have enough time in the rest of my life to start a list.

Using the Boy Scouts for politics? Check. Let's fight our SJW causes through them.

I swear to god it's like you wake up and think, "what's the stupidest goddam thing I can type today", then you have Fuzz edit it to make it even dumber.
Watch the vote closely today. Today is not a vote on the bill, but a vote for a motion to proceed, meaning proceed to opening up debate on the Senate floor and adding amendments to the bill. Any R that votes "no" today lied for votes and is actually a firm backer of keeping Obamacare. There's no other way to put it.
It needed the VP to vote to even pass it. GOP is pathetic.
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I don't like it. Trump needs to learn how to pick and choose the right battles. Sessions was always there for him.
Sessions has been loyal for sure, but hes been mostly a weak AG. Outside of immigration, whats he really done? Not a whole lot IMO.

The recusal was bad too.
Right after the election, Trump was talking about how he didn't want to hurt the Clintons and how she'd been through enough. I remember being very disappointed hearing that. I wanted her in jail.

So why now does the focus turn to firing the AG because he won't go after the Clintons?
This is an interesting point. Makes you wonder if the rope-a-dope theory is true.

Or Trump has changed his mind. When Trump originally said that, he probably didn't realize the scope of all the phony investigations there would be into him, and it has him pissed about it and wants to take the fight back to them, and hes disappointed that Sessions isn't.
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I'm reading a book about the 2016 election from Roger Stone. He said that WaPo and NYT reporters would play a game in 2015 where they would see who could pick a statement and blow it up into a controversy and cost Trump days of media time to explain what he meant.and whoever did it got a prize.

Also mentioned that Clinton and her backers fully expected Trump to pull out once he got the publicity he wanted and they focused to portray him as a clown and further demean the GOP brand and get Jeb Bush to embrace more political positions indistinguishable from Hillary's agenda. They believed that McCain and Romney were Dem-lite and lacked the policy differentiation to ignite the GOP base that remained more conservative than the GOP establishment leadership.

Pretty interesting so far. I think the GOP had every intention of being pussies and going with someone like Jeb Bush and pander to Hispanic/Latinos because they felt they had to. I think that speaks volumes of them. No balls. They let Dems run the show. And they wonder why Trump was elected.
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I can promise you that if a madman trying to gun down Congressman did not do much to change Washington I can promise you McCain's speech is not going to change anything either. Talking sense into corrupt, greedy, egotistical crooks is generally not going to be successful. Nice try though John. Thanks for your vote though. Who knew how important Mike Pence would end up being so far.
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So what happens to OCare now? I see things like "skinny repeal" being floated around. Obviously Trump doesn't have the votes to repeal it or they would have, right?

What's the next step? More discussion by a fractured GOP on what to do next?
So what happens to OCare now? I see things like "skinny repeal" being floated around. Obviously Trump doesn't have the votes to repeal it or they would have, right?

What's the next step? More discussion by a fractured GOP on what to do next?

The motion to proceed has been passed. Next is the debate, followed by amendments, points of order, the final amendment, a final vote and a conference with the House.
The motion to proceed has been passed. Next is the debate, followed by amendments, points of order, the final amendment, a final vote and a conference with the House.

Proceed with what? They've had 7.5 years to come up with something and still have shown no signs of being able to draft anything that the GOP can rally behind. If removing the mandate is all that comes of this, it's a pretty big fail for the GOP.
Proceed with what? They've had 7.5 years to come up with something and still have shown no signs of being able to draft anything that the GOP can rally behind. If removing the mandate is all that comes of this, it's a pretty big fail for the GOP.

Dude you asked what the next step was. I'm literally giving you the steps that are put in order for this scenario. No political agenda behind my response. Simply answering your question.
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