How will they rule ??!

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Judge clears way for Trump commission to collect voter data

A federal judge on Monday cleared the way for President Donald Trump's commission on election fraud to resume collecting detailed voter roll information from the states.

U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, in the District of Columbia, denied the advocacy group's request to block the data collection in a ruling that commission vice chairman Kris Kobach called "a major victory for government accountability, transparency and the public's right to know about the integrity of our elections processes."

The privacy group had argued that the commission should have completed an assessment of privacy concerns before making the request. The judge found that the group had standing to make that argument but said the commission is not an agency and therefore is not required to do such assessments. The judge also found the group failed to show that its members would be harmed by the data collection.

"The only practical harm the plaintiff's advisory board members would suffer ... is that their already publicly available information would be rendered more easily accessible by virtue of its consolidation on the computer systems that would ultimately receive this information on behalf of the commission," the judge said.
The left would get rect in a debate especially one where you could point out their hypocrisy and double standard and inconsistency in thoughts for all to see.

That's why they can't allow opposing speech outside of their bubble. That's why they try to shut it down on college campuses and are so desperate to label anyhing they don't like as hate speech or label you "racist" to shit down the converaation.

Once you realize you're talking to brainwashed people who cannot be reasoned with (like we see on this thread all the time) then you understand what a waste of time it is trying to talk them as normal people.
If you watch cable news how could you not be sick of Dem media talking about Trump every single day and telling you the world was ending? Every single week they have one or two BS stories to focus on and go hysterical about and then nothing happens and they move on again.

Recently, in a month's time, we had Trump Jr. emails where he ended up looking worse on Democrats, we had Mika's face, claiming a private meeting with Putin, Boy Scouts, Macron's handshake, being "shunned" by Polish president's wife, complimenting a woman being in shape, etc.

Disgusting humans.
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Watch the vote closely today. Today is not a vote on the bill, but a vote for a motion to proceed, meaning proceed to opening up debate on the Senate floor and adding amendments to the bill. Any R that votes "no" today lied for votes and is actually a firm backer of keeping Obamacare. There's no other way to put it.
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Eagle Scout checking in, btw. :cool:
Same here. A lot of great memories and a big reason for my success today. Learned how to be a responsible man. Always bothered me how it got a bad rap as I got older. Was not cool to be a Scout once you were a teenager. Disappointed in myself that I allowed peer pressure to force me out. BTW, looks great on my resume. Every interview I have had it was pointed out by the employer.

If this Trump/Sessions twitter deal is one big setup by them to keep the media off their tracks going after the Clintons and others it would be go down as the greatest Troll-job in the history of trolling. Strongly doubt though. Just think Sessions is another example in how rotten politicians are and will be fired soon. Was very loyal to Trump during the campaign and the second he had a real chance to do the right thing he pu$$ied out.

Strongly doubt Rudy would go after them either. They are all the same.
Same here. A lot of great memories and a big reason for my success today. Learned how to be a responsible man. Always bothered me how it got a bad rap as I got older. Was not cool to be a Scout once you were a teenager. Disappointed in myself that I allowed peer pressure to force me out. BTW, looks great on my resume. Every interview I have had it was pointed out by the employer.

If this Trump/Sessions twitter deal is one big setup by them to keep the media off their tracks going after the Clintons and others it would be go down as the greatest Troll-job in the history of trolling. Strongly doubt though. Just think Sessions is another example in how rotten politicians are and will be fired soon. Was very loyal to Trump during the campaign and the second he had a real chance to do the right thing he pu$$ied out.

Strongly doubt Rudy would go after them either. They are all the same.
Yeah, Sessions is done. If it were only Trump tweets going after him, maybe you could say it could be part of a plan...but now Huckabee Sanders has spoken on the topic and said Trump is "frustrated and disappointed", "That frustration certainly hasn't gone away and I don't think it will" & "It's time to clear that air and move forward."

Can't come back from that. Only thing now is PR wise does Trump want him to resign or want to fire him...
Skank Kat Von D DQs contest winner because she's pro Trump.

She DM's her the following.


And just in case anyone forgot, this is Kat Von D in 2010.

Yeah, Sessions is done. If it were only Trump tweets going after him, maybe you could say it could be part of a plan...but now Huckabee Sanders has spoken on the topic and said Trump is "frustrated and disappointed", "That frustration certainly hasn't gone away and I don't think it will" & "It's time to clear that air and move forward."

Can't come back from that. Only thing now is PR wise does Trump want him to resign or want to fire him...

I don't like it. Trump needs to learn how to pick and choose the right battles. Sessions was always there for him.
Julian Assange making sure to point out how big of a joke Kurt is. He caught him writing positive reviews for his own books.

(BTW, Julian Assange is not verified on twitter but "resist" queers with a blog and 200 followers get to be verified)

It's going to be hard to find anyone willing to go after career politicians to help this one hit wonder.

If you don't get that then you don't understand that all the politicians are buying time in the same fashion. Let the people think they can make change, give a little bit don't change too much and we can make it all go back to normal.

Pretty much the same playbook they hoped to use for obama
It's going to be hard to find anyone willing to go after career politicians to help this one hit wonder.

If you don't get that then you don't understand that all the politicians are buying time in the same fashion. Let the people think they can make change, give a little bit don't change too much and we can make it all go back to normal.

Pretty much the same playbook they hoped to use for obama

They're buying time hoping we the people forget, if it goes back to "normal" for the politicians it's on us.
Skank Kat Von D DQs contest winner because she's pro Trump.

She DM's her the following.


And just in case anyone forgot, this is Kat Von D in 2010.

"in a world where most people are afraid to stand up for what's right..." :rolleyes:

brother. yeah, it takes all the courage imaginable to be anti-Trump these days. Probably won't get any Facebook likes, any invites to body-art parties. I'm certain that Hollywood and Manhattan will simply disown her for this act of bravery....
I don't like it. Trump needs to learn how to pick and choose the right battles. Sessions was always there for him.

How? I don't have a clue, just asking. Idk what sessions did. I saw him talking to some committees a couple times on tv nd he was a PC clown just like everybody else in the room, exact opppsite of someone like trump. But that's all I know, idk what he actually did or didn't do. If trump wanted him to go after the Clinton's, and he didn't, f him and anybody else who doesn't want to go after political corruption.

Trump is surrounded by people who owe everything to political corruption. He needs mfers like Rand Paul's Daddy. He needs Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Garry Busey.

Is that good? Ted Cruz. He's certainly "different". Is he different enough to try and put Hillary in jail?
Don't know if you guys ever read Heather Mac Donald. Just read this - she makes an obviously good point about the NYT and it's inconsistency about "let's not rush to judgment on the Muslims" vs the "what else is there to hear about" when it comes to police shootings:

"The contrast between the Times’s attitude toward domestic policing and its attitude toward Islamic terrorism is striking. When it comes to terrorism, the public should “recognize that more attacks will very likely occur, despite our best defenses,” the Times says. It is also “critical that immigrants, especially Muslims, are not stigmatized.” If the Times were talking about police shootings of black males, it would never counsel acceptance of the alleged inevitability of more shootings. As for not stigmatizing an entire group for the actions of a few, when it comes to the police, there has been no shriller a stigmatizer than the Times. It has crusaded against cops in the most inflammatory terms, accusing the police of systemic bias against blacks. Unlike a terrorist, an officer almost never initiates an interaction with a civilian with the intention to kill, unless he is confronting a suspect who poses a deadly threat. True, a few individual officers have made horribly wrong judgments about a suspect’s threat level. But those misjudgments do not occur out of homicidal animus. Regarding Islamic terrorism, the Times intones that “Understanding is critical” and inveighs against “whipping up divisive ethnic, racist and religious hatreds.” The Times has never tried to “understand” why officers are more likely to use force in high-crime, gang-ridden areas or why officers try to restore order there (answer: because the law-abiding residents of those anarchic neighborhoods beg them to do so)."
If Trump truly wants to Drain the Swamp he needs to start with his own people. Many who are undermining him with leaks, not doing what they said they would do, etc. He needs to start cleaning house like he did with Spicer.
Don't know if you guys ever read Heather Mac Donald. Just read this - she makes an obviously good point about the NYT and it's inconsistency about "let's not rush to judgment on the Muslims" vs the "what else is there to hear about" when it comes to police shootings:

"The contrast between the Times’s attitude toward domestic policing and its attitude toward Islamic terrorism is striking. When it comes to terrorism, the public should “recognize that more attacks will very likely occur, despite our best defenses,” the Times says. It is also “critical that immigrants, especially Muslims, are not stigmatized.” If the Times were talking about police shootings of black males, it would never counsel acceptance of the alleged inevitability of more shootings. As for not stigmatizing an entire group for the actions of a few, when it comes to the police, there has been no shriller a stigmatizer than the Times. It has crusaded against cops in the most inflammatory terms, accusing the police of systemic bias against blacks. Unlike a terrorist, an officer almost never initiates an interaction with a civilian with the intention to kill, unless he is confronting a suspect who poses a deadly threat. True, a few individual officers have made horribly wrong judgments about a suspect’s threat level. But those misjudgments do not occur out of homicidal animus. Regarding Islamic terrorism, the Times intones that “Understanding is critical” and inveighs against “whipping up divisive ethnic, racist and religious hatreds.” The Times has never tried to “understand” why officers are more likely to use force in high-crime, gang-ridden areas or why officers try to restore order there (answer: because the law-abiding residents of those anarchic neighborhoods beg them to do so)."

The left hates her because she does a fantastic job regarding stats of interracial violence and interracial rape.
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I heard Glenn Beck a little bit in the car this morning. Amongst the mostly mind numbing drivel, he did make a good point.

Right after the election, Trump was talking about how he didn't want to hurt the Clintons and how she'd been through enough. I remember being very disappointed hearing that. I wanted her in jail.

So why now does the focus turn to firing the AG because he won't go after the Clintons?

Ultimately, I don't care if Sessions resigns or is fired so long as the replacement will go after ALL people and politicians for crimes they commit, not just Trump and those who aren't connected to the establishment (i.e. a replacement who stands no chance at getting confirmed).
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Europeans, grow some balls. Look what they think of you.

*NOTE: The man in the video very well could be against refugees and is just discussing the mentality of refugees. I can't confirm either way but wanted that to be clear*