How will they rule ??!

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I heard Glenn Beck a little bit in the car this morning. Amongst the mostly mind numbing drivel, he did make a good point.

Right after the election, Trump was talking about how he didn't want to hurt the Clintons and how she'd been through enough. I remember being very disappointed hearing that. I wanted her in jail.

So why now does the focus turn to firing the AG because he won't go after the Clintons?

Ultimately, I don't care if Sessions resigns or is fired so long as the replacement will go after ALL people and politicians for crimes they commit, not just Trump and those who aren't connected to the establishment (i.e. a replacement who stands no chance at getting confirmed).

is this actually causing you confusion?

"right after the election" im sure Trump thought that once he got his people in that the bull crap would stop and hillary would just be a loser.. now everyone is taking hilarys crimes and trying to make it seem like he did it. so its perfectly logical to flip. if half of the country wasnt screaming about BS russia stories, Im sure DJT would allow HRC to sit comfortably in her depends.
is this actually causing you confusion?

"right after the election" im sure Trump thought that once he got his people in that the bull crap would stop and hillary would just be a loser.. now everyone is taking hilarys crimes and trying to make it seem like he did it. so its perfectly logical to flip. if half of the country wasnt screaming about BS russia stories, Im sure DJT would allow HRC to sit comfortably in her depends.

Agreed. Trump's history of friendship and donating money to the Clinton machine tell me he actually does like them and probably would take no joy in seeing her go down (oof, just pictured that and threw up in my mouth a littl...a lot.)

All the Russia BS being directed at him by the MSM has him backed into a corner, I don't blame him for going on the attack.
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yeah just like your pizzagate fake news right? Luckily you didn't get anyone killed this time.
Let me remind you that Steve Scalise is still in the hospital. Matt Mika and Zack Barth were also hit by gunfire. All because an Illinois home inspector and Bernie Bro was triggered--both figuratively and literally. Eff you and your selective memory.
SIAP .... HBO is going to have a show called Confederate, in which the South won and slavery is still legal. Sounds like a terrible idea to me. There is already enough hatred of whites without this to stirthepot.

As if there haven't been a million movies about how evil white people are and how blacks are victims and slavery was bad. Mother of God. We get it. But there's a desire to keep this going and to keep this victim complex in blacks.

The left loves identity politics and all of their insane groups may be in conflict with each other on ideology but they're united in one thing; their hatred of white men.
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I can promise you that if a madman trying to gun down Congressman did not do much to change Washington I can promise you McCain's speech is not going to change anything either. Talking sense into corrupt, greedy, egotistical crooks is generally not going to be successful. Nice try though John. Thanks for your vote though. Who knew how important Mike Pence would end up being so far.

Wonder if all the dems are still heaping praise on mccain? Guessing not.
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yeah just like your pizzagate fake news right? Luckily you didn't get anyone killed this time.

You've been owned so many times in this thread , I actually applaud you for still showing your face.

Don't worry, I personally don't think "less of you" per say... just .., more ... aggravated pity :/
This is an interesting point. Makes you wonder if the rope-a-dope theory is true.

Or Trump has changed his mind. When Trump originally said that, he probably didn't realize the scope of all the phony investigations there would be into him, and it has him pissed about it and wants to take the fight back to them, and hes disappointed that Sessions isn't.
That's what I was thinking on the last page. He tried to throw an olive branch to them. I think he may have believed them when they said everyone should accept the election whichever way it went. They did not. They will not. **** em, put that bitch and the half white muslim in prison for life. They deserve to be shot like dogs in the street.
is this actually causing you confusion?

"right after the election" im sure Trump thought that once he got his people in that the bull crap would stop and hillary would just be a loser.. now everyone is taking hilarys crimes and trying to make it seem like he did it. so its perfectly logical to flip. if half of the country wasnt screaming about BS russia stories, Im sure DJT would allow HRC to sit comfortably in her depends.

Fully loaded of course. Her, Obama, and their lackey Cardkilla are all full of it.
It needed the VP to vote to even pass it. GOP is pathetic.
Two voted "no". Collins was expected because she's been a no from the start, even before Trump was president. The other was the Senator from Alaska. I'm not quite sure if she ran on repeal and place, but if so, her constituents now know it was all a lie.
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Ok so with all this "women have penises "and shaming men for not being attracted to men who had a sex change to a woman( but still have a weiner ) schools providing "gender tool kits" to 6 year olds , not calling them "boy or girl " anymore , blogs etc coming out saying children can "consent " , allowing children (by default parents ) to undergo surgical sex changes... then blatant lies and hypocrisy from the media , the "burning the American flag is free speech , burning the Quran is hate crime " the insane amount of bias when showing crimes committed by Muslim: minorities (only compared to when it's a white individual ) etc etc etc

Do you all think this is like the actual... mindest most of our society is turning to?? Or is just the most vocal, fringe left ? Thoughts ?

Bc it's kinda Fawkinggggg scary
Two voted "no". Collins was expected because she's been a no from the start, even before Trump was president. The other was the Senator from Alaska. I'm not quite sure if she ran on repeal and place, but if so, her constituents now know it was all a lie.

Is Murkoski a "no" on repeal as well? This vote was basically just a "yeah, let's keep talking about this rather than moving on to tax reform."
schools providing "gender tool kits" to 6 year olds , n

I read that stuff. That's nuts. Wish a dumbass teacher would've allowed me to a) choose what name I wish to be called and b) choose which bathroom I use...

Yes, I am T-Rex and I choose to piss all over the girls bathroom. Thank you, dumb bitch.

Thank you for expressing yourself T-Rex.

*ive said for a long time one huge issue with our society is we worship children and have little respect for old people. This stupid stuff is just another example of that. T-Rex doesn't need bathroom choices. He needs to learn how to zip his own pants up and not piss all over the toilet. He needs to read and write. He needs to stfu and listen to grown people.
Ok so with all this "women have penises "and shaming men for not being attracted to men who had a sex change to a woman( but still have a weiner ) schools providing "gender tool kits" to 6 year olds , not calling them "boy or girl " anymore , blogs etc coming out saying children can "consent " , allowing children (by default parents ) to undergo surgical sex changes... then blatant lies and hypocrisy from the media , the "burning the American flag is free speech , burning the Quran is hate crime " the insane amount of bias when showing crimes committed by Muslim: minorities (only compared to when it's a white individual ) etc etc etc

Do you all think this is like the actual... mindest most of our society is turning to?? Or is just the most vocal, fringe left ? Thoughts ?

Bc it's kinda Fawkinggggg scary
It is scary. There's no part of the world that the sodomite child molesters haven't taken over. I was pretty disappointed this week that Matt Bevins didn't step in to help out the ark or pull some strings on the abortion protest ruling but I think things will be looking better. I think once we get the wall and borders secure we can start turning the rest of this mess around.
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Is Murkoski a "no" on repeal as well? This vote was basically just a "yeah, let's keep talking about this rather than moving on to tax reform."

I'm talking about today only, about the vote on the motion to proceed. If today's vote failed, and they couldn't proceed to publicly debate it on the Senate floor and add amendments, then the bill was basically dead.

After debate and added amendments, who knows who's going to be a no when it comes time to vote on the bill. They, Republicans and Democrats, could literally add a hundred amendments before it's finished.
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Do you all think this is like the actual... mindest most of our society is turning to?? Or is just the most vocal, fringe left ? Thoughts ?

Def fringe propaganda junk. You won't ever see this in real life. Maybe in some fancy schmancy district in San Francisco or something, but no. F no. It's just political propaganda mostly spewed by the e-world to generate clicks, first of all, and try to sway people, especially young folks, to the left. It's pure tabloid junk.