How will they rule ??!

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"Can you believe Trump politicized the boyscouts!" - liberals, completely ignorant of the fact by saying this they too are politicizing the boyscouts.
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Feds/USCP picked up Imran Awan at Dulles Airport last night as he was "trying to leave the country." Has been arraigned. Surrendered passport

1:23 PM - 25 Jul 2017
Amazing. DWS had possible Muslim Brotherhood spies working for her, and its not even close to being reported on.
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Did anyone else catch the story about assaults, robberies and rapes are up 41% on the Bay Area train system? Law abiding people don't even feel safe to ride it anymore and want answers/action.

90% of the criminals responsible are non white, and now the liberals are fighting to keep the surveillance video private from the public because of fear of racial stereotyping. Only a matter of time before these people start claiming it's racist to lock them up.
Def fringe propaganda junk. You won't ever see this in real life. Maybe in some fancy schmancy district in San Francisco or something, but no. F no. It's just political propaganda mostly spewed by the e-world to generate clicks, first of all, and try to sway people, especially young folks, to the left. It's pure tabloid junk.

Good point. That being said I find it ... "wtf" that the left even wants to associate themselves with these mentally ill idiots
Did anyone else catch the story about assaults, robberies and rapes are up 41% on the Bay Area train system? Law abiding people don't even feel safe to ride it anymore and want answers/action.

90% of the criminals responsible are non white, and now the liberals are fighting to keep the surveillance video private from the public because of fear of racial stereotyping. Only a matter of time before these people start claiming it's racist to lock them up.

Yeah I read about that . Un effing believable right ? Wtf? Why is EVERYTHING racist these days ??

"We can't release surveillance video of minorities committing crime and rape bc it .., ermmm... may show minorities raping and committing crime !"

Like I genuinely ask my wife "w t F?? HOW can people honestly believe this ?

If anything , and I mean this , the left is much more racist than your "average " Repub or moderate . CONSTANTLY brining up race , pandering , etc etc . They wanna try and act like us being TIMID about Islam/ muslims / not vetting refuges (male) were "scared of brown people " they're not even really
Focused on the religion itself , but more
The "whitey hates brown!" Which is so far from
The truth . Idgaf what color or religion you are- if you're committing awful acts of violence - then you need to be dealt with. No I don't think al Muslims are bad/ terorsits . I know many and knew many in college . But a lot of the "secular " muslims would be Beat to death even by "moderate " muslims in their home countries for the things (westernized ) / stuff they do

And all these idiotic white "I'm ashamed to be masculine and white " males and feminists blah blah blah just use minorities and Muslims as fu$king photo/ stage props, they don't give a flying shit.

Tell ya what ; how many of these dumbass liberals would go to Iraq , Pakistan etc etc and talk to their "friends "/ live over there for a month. When prompted they will inevitably backpedal (@cardkilla ) move the goal posts , or start making obscure points / call people racist or homophobic lol
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17 years after 9/11 and liberals across the globe are turning our cities into 3rd world muslim shit holes and sanctuaries for criminals all in the name of appeasement and in fear of being called "racist".
More for the vote and taking total control later not realizing they would have to commit genocide to keep it. Once these low life's get their hold on us, they will not accept anyone not supporting Islam and then the liberal government would have to take them out. Not a problem for Hillary's Nazi's.
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I wonder if the Awan Brothers are the ones who 'hacked' the DNC and was ordered by DWS to frame it to look like Russia did it. Maybe theres evidence of this on the hard drives, hence why they tried to destroy them. We will see but theres obviously some bad and criminal things on it if they tried to destroy the evidence.
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If Trump wants his AG, then he can't fire Sessions. Firing Sessions, rightfully or wrongfully, will piss off a lot of Republicans. They won't be willing to blindly confirm Trump’s next pick, and with zero Democrat support, I don't see how the new AG would get the necessary votes required. There's a good chance Trump will have to appease the R's and nominate an AG of their liking/choosing.
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How many GD computers, phones, IPads, laptops, notebooks (and anything else with a hard drive) have to be destroyed before common sense takes over? How many more people need to disappear/suicide themselves/get randomly murdered?

Most rational people wanna know WTF is going on.

Drain the swamp.

Lock her up.
I have not been happy with some of the things Sessions has done but the more I think about it, it's very hard to believe Trump wants to fire this guy. Sessions was the only Senator to back Trump when nobody else would. Trump has always expressed his admiration for people who are loyal to him. Sessions was that guy and one of the few in Trump's circle who has always supported his agenda. Just maybe this is all a smokescreen. Likely wishful thinking on our parts.
Did anyone else catch the story about assaults, robberies and rapes are up 41% on the Bay Area train system? Law abiding people don't even feel safe to ride it anymore and want answers/action.

90% of the criminals responsible are non white, and now the liberals are fighting to keep the surveillance video private from the public because of fear of racial stereotyping. Only a matter of time before these people start claiming it's racist to lock them up.

The fear of racial stereotypes of minorities but sure as hell have no issue bashing and stereotyping whites.
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I have not been happy with some of the things Sessions has done but the more I think about it, it's very hard to believe Trump wants to fire this guy. Sessions was the only Senator to back Trump when nobody else would. Trump has always expressed his admiration for people who are loyal to him. Sessions was that guy and one of the few in Trump's circle who has always supported his agenda. Just maybe this is all a smokescreen. Likely wishful thinking on our parts.
Trump thought he was getting a pugnacious fighter, not a milquetoast cuck...

I wonder if he tried instructing Sessions in private about what he wants before blasting him publicly...
Does anyone else think this "you can choose your gender/ identity / gender is "fluid" is kinda dangerous: a slippery slope ?

I mean honestly . What's to keep a 50yo dude from "experimenting" with a 9yo girl and just being like "well I identify as a 10 year old girl so...."

Or I mean- hell you can be white as shit and "identify " as black, or Indian etc etc

Can I just identify as anything i freaking want ?

Personally I think it sets a very dangerous precedent - not to mention its batshit crazy

@cardkilla - what do you identify as? A male? Female? Trans gendered bi racial She man? Honestly curious - asking for a friend
Mine too because I am POSITIVE there are many dems who think it's actually Spicer. And I don't even read twitter other than what you fine folks scour the web to bring me.

Ugh , you're lucky. It's like a bad car wreck. I can't look away (twitter ) I follow a lot of UK basketball and football stuff..: current and former UK bball players , some NBA players and recently (ish) started following some - rational- intelligent people who discuss politics (mostly pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of the left)
Like it legitimately makes me angry some of the stuff I see. Maybe not "angry " but just ... "Jesus wtf !?!" I , for the life of me , can not wrap my head around what some of our society honestly believes/ promotes/ thinks these days. Call it hyperbole but ... I mean it's genuinely ... it's mentally unstable. It really is. Like I saw that idiot "man" (woman) with that idiotic sign that said "periods aren't just for women" or whatever the F it said . Mind boggling . YES... YES periods ARE just for women, and you get PERIODS because you're a FEMALE- biologically- female .

Sheesh- sorry I know I'm rambling but idk y'all... maybe I'm getting old? Lol (33) but our society is fckd. Unless of course it's the fringe left that thinks this

I mean really ? Promoting and allowing CHILDREN to have sex change surgery? wtf
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-I absolutely believe the Sessions stuff is a smokescreen. Hell he might be close as >< to what he needs so Trump is publicing denouncing him everywhere to make people trust him who Trump is trying to take down.


-You know what I think about the steps for replace? F it! All I want is repeal. If your on Obamacare and it hurts you, well I'm sorry, truly and sincerely. I hope you find something out there that is fair somehow. If not well I'm conservative and I don't think govt should be using my taxes for your insurance while I buy mine privately.

F you!

-Trump doesn't care about draining and removing all the swamp. Just enough to maintain the positions he is starting. He realizes it's damn hard to completely get rid of a legacy overnight. So if he does it right it will be just as hard for someone to rid us of what he is doing. Give him 8 years and hopefully someone else steps up to follow his game plan.

-Immigration isn't just an issue of illegals and taxes......its voter control and the Dems have got here by illegal measures and it has been extremely hard to over come their miserable failures. Can't wait to see turn outs in 2020 after all eyes are peeled and investigations will be in full force over hacking etc. could be an even worse landslide than 2016.
So again I must say - the left is all up in arms today over this vote - which was basically nothing. Nothing changed. And they are losing their minds.

This is the same group that protests a POTUS that has probably never read 2 consecutive lines out of a bible and doesn't give a damn about gay marriage or abortion or gender or homo rights.

Are they really this stupid? They have a president who is as liberal as any in their lifetimes on social issues, and what do they do - protest! Idiots.