How will they rule ??!

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I almost never watch 'The Five' on Fox as it sucks, but I actually had it on there for a few and Jason Chaffetz was on and he said that Sessions was blocking documents and not turning things over to protect Hillary Clinton.

Yeah, Sessions has to go.
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My point is that every news event is different and driven by different factors. There are 1000's of police shootings, 10s of thousands of murders every year and 99% get barely noticed.

The reporting on the Michael Brown killing were more about the events that followed than the shooting itself. I guess you expected the media to not cover the riots? The whole BLM movement that came out of the shooting. Guess you think it should have been ignored? WTF do you think they riot in the first place? It brings attention to the story. Often it's how the police handle the case that dictates the attention. What was different about the Michael Brown story?
Do you know? Did you pay attention or try to grasp why it was being treated differently than any of the 1000+ police shootings that year? I'm sure you don't know. You're just making a knee-jerk reaction, following the crowd and crying about "the media".

No different than when someone dies, some woman or kid goes missing...happens all the time but only a few get national coverage. You realize that news coverage is often sought. Why do we know about Casey Anthony or Scott Peterson and not the 1000s of other murderers out there? Publicist contact news agencies and hype stories in order to get coverage. Is there video? Guy got hit-and-run on a bicycle in TN a week or so ago and it got captured on a gopro camera...made national news although it is something that happens all the time. Hell, I've been hit 3 times and the police don't even want to be bothered with taking a report unless there are serious injuries...but catch it on video, send it to a news agency and they have to take notice.

No different than a POTUS that wants to shoot their mouth off often in incoherent rants about non-issues and then wants to complain that someone is being "unfair". Sorry dude, a POTUS acting like a pre-teen punk is going to make the news. Want it to stop? Quit acting like a pre-teen punk.

Fuzz, the Michael Brown shooting riots started because the media trotted his friend out there and pushed his hands up don't shoot bullshit. Have you completely forgotten that?

Are you seriously going to sit here and say the media didn't push the white cop, unarmed black man angle? If you believe that you're an idiot, and I don't believe you are.

It was an attempt to fire up the black vote for an old white woman.
More than anything else, the Dems want to defeat Trump in 2020, assuming that they can't successfully pull off their little coup attempt, and, if they can, then, more than anything they'll want to defeat Pence in 2020.

As we learned from 2016, the Dems don't exactly let their voters nominate a candidate; they anoint one. So, it's doesn't matter what the voters want. It matters what the party wants. If Trump looks to be tough to beat, they will probably anoint someone like Hickenlooper from Colorado, or possibly even Joe Biden, notwithstanding his age. They'll anoint the electable guy that they can find, even if it takes a relative centrist to be that guy. But, if the Trump administration is a trainwreck on its last legs, they will anoint the hardest Left candidate they can find, if that person has any electability whatsoever. Harris would fit perfectly in that instance.

It will not be a white person. I know that much. The more identity boxes they can check off, the better chance they get the nomination. I feel very confident that it will be a minority of some sort and in all likeliness a woman.

So Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama could be a possibility. It certainly won't be a white male.
Scrolling thru Twitter and seeing some of the $hit I do ,makes my head want to explode.

Same here. I'll make a decision and say, "I'm not going to tweet or read about politics. Just entertainment and sports." Then I see some of the shit the left does and I just feel obligated to point out the stupidity, insanity and hypocrisy but you'll never be able to have a rational conversation with people though.

I am stunned though at the amount of people who are oblivious to anything that the liberal MSM doesn't tell them.

Hopefully I can summon the willpower to walk away from politics for awhile on twitter and this thread. Haha
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I have to admit I am not necessarily a fan of the GOP doing its bill mostly in secret, but it does give us gems like this from democrats.

I mean seriously Kamala, where were you in 2010? These are the rules Obama made.

Oh, wait. I thought all the Ds were just voting against it no matter what. Now that I know they aren't all just shameless political hacks, maybe the Rs should reach across the aisle and see if they'll vote yes on a repeal.
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So Kamala Harris or Michelle Obama could be a possibility. It certainly won't be a white male.

Michelle O will not run. Zero experience and I'm not sure she can stand up to a debate.

Kamala is the answer. Read up on her background. She has the brains and the background. She will be a tough beat, imo.
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Michelle O will not run. Zero experience and I'm not sure she can stand up to a debate.

Kamala is the answer. Read up on her background. She has the brains and the background. She will be a tough beat, imo.

Ehh - she seems TO obvious of a choice. She won't be able to relate with moderates / middle

JMO - I could absolutely be wrong tho.

If no trump in 2020, then who do the repubs put on the ticket ya think? (Honest question)
Michelle O will not run. Zero experience and I'm not sure she can stand up to a debate.

Kamala is the answer. Read up on her background. She has the brains and the background. She will be a tough beat, imo.
Not sure about her brains, one way of the other. Hopefully, unlike the Witch, she passed the bar on the first try. That would be a good indication of brains.

As far as background, spending years as trophy paramour for Crooked Ol' Willie Brown is hardly a selling point.
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I have to admit I am not necessarily a fan of the GOP doing its bill mostly in secret, but it does give us gems like this from democrats.

I mean seriously Kamala, where were you in 2010? These are the rules Obama made.

HaHa, that dumbass doesn't even know that you have to pass a bill before you can see whats in it. Professor Pelosi taught them that.
retail sales down again...worst in 2 years

Add that to the meager job report for March...not much talk about the stock market either after the sugar high. We'll probably be in recession by the end of the year. Along with being engaged in a few more wars. But hey, maybe there will be 200 more coal jobs.
100 days later:
*Stock market has tacked on another 5% in gains.
*222,000 jobs added in June.
*Retail sales reports haven't been very strong of late, but part of that has been a decrease in gasoline prices and mobile phone service costs. Also, people are just spending smarter, turning to online shopping for better pricing as opposed to paying department store prices, so the price of goods has not been increasing due to inflation and upward pressures on pricing as it has in the past. In addition, building material sales are strong, mirroring the strengthening housing market.
*Sorry, cardkilla, no wars, no recession, coal mining added a modest ~1000 jobs since October of last year, but the number of coal mining jobs being generated is not really significant. What cardkilla doesn't get is that it's much more about an administration that is going to be accommodating towards business and not try to regulate them into unprofitability. The current administration's show of support for the coal mining industry is symbolic of that embracing of business.
*Nostradamus cardkilla ain't. He is really pessimistic about this country of ours, which is sad. It's sad because he wants to see American under the current administration fail miserably. When your extreme hate and biases cause you to actually have a rooting interest against your own country as cardkilla does, it's really quite pathetic.
We have no idea how many D politicians will identify as minority women come 2020, so there's really no sense in trying to handicap (no offense to the transabled) the race at this point.

Chuck Shumer might be a gay black woman come 2020.

Hahahahahaha. Don't forget he's "trans-abled" too
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Not sure about her brains, one way of the other. Hopefully, unlike the Witch, she passed the bar on the first try. That would be a good indication of brains.

As far as background, spending years as trophy paramour for Crooked Ol' Willie Brown is hardly a selling point.

Fair - plus her husband is an old white cracker, so that doesn't help.
If they wanted to kickstart absolute chaos, they'd do that. You execute a sitting president during this time
I bet its true. Would not surprise me in the least if there are democrats (and even republicans) planning things with Soros and deep staters to take Trump out.

In their eyes Trump can not be allowed to succeed as hes an outsider.
I almost never watch 'The Five' on Fox as it sucks, but I actually had it on there for a few and Jason Chaffetz was on and he said that Sessions was blocking documents and not turning things over to protect Hillary Clinton.

Yeah, Sessions has to go.

Out out out. Get him outta here.

Fake outrage over his confirmation to stall prosecution knowing that once he was in he wouldn't go after them anyway. We were suckered. DJT better do it himself. Expose this Swamp Donkey and confiscate his property. All of it. Well except the cell phone that way he can get an Alabama Booty Call from the biggest blackest weed head in the prison system that he locked up over a j.

Stay independent folks the 2 party system will have you blindly backing career criminals with their propaganda. Independents like me will call them out when they don't deliver.
Baby Charlie had no chance at life because of governmental intervention.Welcome to government run (single payer) healthcare

When has more/bigger government improved anything except those in power and their wallets? People are morons for wanting the government so involved.
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Michelle Obama hates white people and America far too much to ever run for office.

Who better to represent the dems in 2020 than someone with those views?

Said it a bunch: Ryan is stalling and riding fences hoping to maximize his shot at the oval. He needs to resign or be fired. His inaction is killing this presidency
Who better to represent the dems in 2020 than someone with those views?

Said it a bunch: Ryan is stalling and riding fences hoping to maximize his shot at the oval. He needs to resign or be fired. His inaction is killing this presidency

Paul Ryan is a delusional bastard. Who does he think is going to vote for him on a national spectrum? Hahaha

Wow, what a delusional twat.
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Gotta say, this Trump presidency has been one realistic Jack Bauer shit. Apparently, July 27th White House Anon. Who has been basically spot on, said that shit is going down. They think all this investigation of Trump is going to lead to Hillary trouble.

Not saying it'll happen, but watch out for July 27th. Apparently some shit is going down.