How will they rule ??!

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You think trump can win 2020?

No, I don't.

If I was Trump, I wouldn't even run in 2020. I love the idea of America, but Jesus Christ do I hate the people that currently make it up. I'd ride off into the sunset, spend my billions on a nice island somewhere with my hot ass wife, and forget about helping the country.

Hell, I'd probably call Vladimir Putin and see if he wants to meet and become friends.
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This is an invasion.


There are hilarious LOTR orc refugee memes.





No, I don't.

If I was Trump, I wouldn't even run in 2020. I love the idea of America, but Jesus Christ do I hate the people that currently make it up. I'd ride off into the sunset, spend my billions on a nice island somewhere with my hot ass wife, and forget about helping the country.

Hell, I'd probably call Vladimir Putin and see if he wants to meet and become friends.

Trump would be what, 77 or 78 after 8 years? Not how I'd want to spend my last few years. Might be different if he was cruising along, getting cooperation from his own party, etc. As it stands he's getting pushback from pretty much everyone.
Well Dem's just trotted out the worst presidential candidate ever to follow up after Obama, so unless they pull off a miracle and get Matt Damon or Oprah to run, they are toasted anus again, imho.

Who? The Kamala (spelling ?) lady? I don't know much about her- just seen her name here and there in the media .

I know lost dems are awful ; but I'm interested to know why she's so awful? Which is awesome . I used to Not feel as strongly but Jesus the left CAN NOT get back into the White House. They've gone effing crazy
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Who? The Kamala (spelling ?) lady? I don't know much about her- just seen her name here and there in the media .

I know lost dems are awful ; but I'm interested to know why she's so awful? Which is awesome . I used to Not feel as strongly but Jesus the left CAN NOT get back into the White House. They've gone effing crazy

Man, you'll need to sit down before I tell you this...
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Not saying I agree with all of what @cardkilla said, but do you honestly not think Trump has shown tendencies of being thin skinned?

Thin skinned is an opinion based thing that I don't care about. Personally think he love conflict and loves people talking about him.

The inaccuracies referenced were the Kushner back channel comments, no other meetings with foreign govs etc. I am not going to argue over opinions - everyone is free to think what they want.
Thin skinned is an opinion based thing that I don't care about. Personally think he love conflict and loves people talking about him.

The inaccuracies referenced were the Kushner back channel comments, no other meetings with foreign govs etc. I am not going to argue over opinions - everyone is free to think what they want.
Some people really enjoy drama... had a girlfriend many years ago like that lol.

Trump enjoys the game, plain and simple.
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6 words are all you need to know.

Better skills, better wages, better jobs

That's RACIST and Xenophobic and Transphobic !!!! And animal-phobic !!!!!!!!

Today; and today only , Im identifying as a trans quad- gendered female . You've personally offended me with your sexism and real penis . I have a woman penis and it's just as much a real penis as yours.
That's RACIST and Xenophobic and Transphobic !!!! And animal-phobic !!!!!!!!

Today; and today only , Im identifying as a trans quad- gendered female . You've personally offended me with your sexism and real penis . I have a woman penis and it's just as much a real penis as yours.

That's not even the craziest part. Not sure if someone here posted it or I saw it somewhere else, but this is effing nuts.

‘Transabled’ People Are Cutting Off Their Limbs To Become Disabled

Some people really enjoy drama... had a girlfriend many years ago like that lol.

Trump enjoys the game, plain and simple.
Yeah, he plays the game.

I can see why people would think thin skinned, but this same guy has hired a hired plenty of people critical of him (Mooch called him a political hack, Nicki Haley, etc) - he also had a long sit down with NYT the other day, which he was said to have enjoyed and then the very next day tweets about the "failing NYT".

I do think he wants to be liked, maybe even loved...but he'd rather be hated over forgotten/irrelevant.
Oh and look, Kushner confirms yet another report that was called 'fake news'. Funny how all those fake news stories eventually become confirmed one way or another.

Where do you get this stuff? Do you purposely claim the opposite of reality? Kushner actually confirmed the exact opposite. He also confirmed another story to be fake. The Reuters report said he had two secret, unreported phone calls with Kislyak. Mueller and the FBI checked his phone records. Those calls never happened.

The fake news is getting so bad, there's almost one confirmed per day. If you haven't realized yet, they don't care if it's fake. They're running a misinformation campaign because they realize schmucks like you hate Trump so much that you'll believe anything, even after it's proven to be fake. How many in the IC need to testify, under oath, not to trust anonymously sourced stories and call out fake news themselves before you actually get it?
This is how big of a farce the Mueller investigation is. A report out that the Steele dossier has made its way into the investigation.

Seriously, it's a fake, made up, load of opposition research/Kremlin lies, and Mueller is literally treating it like it's a piece of evidence, and questioning witnesses about the accusations therein.
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Fuzz, Are you trying to intentionally be dense? The point being made is that the reaction from the media is entirely different. The WAY the story has been reported, as well as the reaction from citizens is different.

Why can't you just admit that those other shootings were handled poorly by the media, the prior admin interjecting in something they had no business, and citizens rioting?

It's ridiculous you're still trying to defend those actions.

Are those numbers you listed from google search requests?
" why was michael brown shot" 98,900,000

My point is that every news event is different and driven by different factors. There are 1000's of police shootings, 10s of thousands of murders every year and 99% get barely noticed.

The reporting on the Michael Brown killing were more about the events that followed than the shooting itself. I guess you expected the media to not cover the riots? The whole BLM movement that came out of the shooting. Guess you think it should have been ignored? WTF do you think they riot in the first place? It brings attention to the story. Often it's how the police handle the case that dictates the attention. What was different about the Michael Brown story?
Do you know? Did you pay attention or try to grasp why it was being treated differently than any of the 1000+ police shootings that year? I'm sure you don't know. You're just making a knee-jerk reaction, following the crowd and crying about "the media".

No different than when someone dies, some woman or kid goes missing...happens all the time but only a few get national coverage. You realize that news coverage is often sought. Why do we know about Casey Anthony or Scott Peterson and not the 1000s of other murderers out there? Publicist contact news agencies and hype stories in order to get coverage. Is there video? Guy got hit-and-run on a bicycle in TN a week or so ago and it got captured on a gopro camera...made national news although it is something that happens all the time. Hell, I've been hit 3 times and the police don't even want to be bothered with taking a report unless there are serious injuries...but catch it on video, send it to a news agency and they have to take notice.

No different than a POTUS that wants to shoot their mouth off often in incoherent rants about non-issues and then wants to complain that someone is being "unfair". Sorry dude, a POTUS acting like a pre-teen punk is going to make the news. Want it to stop? Quit acting like a pre-teen punk.
Thin skinned is an opinion based thing that I don't care about. Personally think he love conflict and loves people talking about him.

The inaccuracies referenced were the Kushner back channel comments, no other meetings with foreign govs etc. I am not going to argue over opinions - everyone is free to think what they want.

I like people bashing Trump as being "thin-skinned" as if a normal person could handle the scrutiny, lies and mocking that he deals with on a daily basis about him and his family. I see people lose their shit over something on facebook in their personal lives but want to bash Trump for responding to insults and fabrications.

Look at how the media behaves. They're really tough when it's a big mob of them ganging up on others but as soon as any criticism comes their way, they cry and want to play victim. Just last week, we saw people expose old tweets of CNN employees and they immediately made their tweets private or we get these journalists who then try to rally behind some victim cause. Look at Mika from Morning Joe. She had just called someone mentally ill and made fun of their hands and when he gave it right back to her, she acted like she had been raped.
My point is that every news event is different and driven by different factors. There are 1000's of police shootings, 10s of thousands of murders every year and 99% get barely noticed.

The reporting on the Michael Brown killing were more about the events that followed than the shooting itself. I guess you expected the media to not cover the riots? The whole BLM movement that came out of the shooting. Guess you think it should have been ignored? WTF do you think they riot in the first place? It brings attention to the story. Often it's how the police handle the case that dictates the attention. What was different about the Michael Brown story?
Do you know? Did you pay attention or try to grasp why it was being treated differently than any of the 1000+ police shootings that year? I'm sure you don't know. You're just making a knee-jerk reaction, following the crowd and crying about "the media".

No different than when someone dies, some woman or kid goes missing...happens all the time but only a few get national coverage. You realize that news coverage is often sought. Why do we know about Casey Anthony or Scott Peterson and not the 1000s of other murderers out there? Publicist contact news agencies and hype stories in order to get coverage. Is there video? Guy got hit-and-run on a bicycle in TN a week or so ago and it got captured on a gopro camera...made national news although it is something that happens all the time. Hell, I've been hit 3 times and the police don't even want to be bothered with taking a report unless there are serious injuries...but catch it on video, send it to a news agency and they have to take notice.

No different than a POTUS that wants to shoot their mouth off often in incoherent rants about non-issues and then wants to complain that someone is being "unfair". Sorry dude, a POTUS acting like a pre-teen punk is going to make the news. Want it to stop? Quit acting like a pre-teen punk.

Back. Pedal.

Back. Pedal

Back. Pedal

Ya you backpedaling
I have to admit I am not necessarily a fan of the GOP doing its bill mostly in secret, but it does give us gems like this from democrats.

I mean seriously Kamala, where were you in 2010? These are the rules Obama made.

And it's easy to say he should ignore the noise and go about his job as POTUS. But how?

The made up bullshit is intended to undermine everything he's attempting to do. The Republican Congress is completely and totally incompetent, and is part of the establishment that's dead set on undermining Trump. The RNC, the DNC and the MSM all want to see Trump's agenda fail.

The only way he's going to get anything accomplished is to talk directly to the American people. It's the American people who elected him as opposition to the RNC/DNC/MSM establishment.

Amen, brother!!! Preach!!!

Eff the establishment. Both parties, the media, the PC police, the SJWs, the lobbyists, Soros, the lifers in congress on both sides of the isle, the wolves, the wolves in sheep's clothing, the wolves in flamboyant clothing...eff every last one of em. Drain the swamp!

Trump ain't no saint and he is far from perfect. But that straight shootin' sombritch is the closest thing we have had to an honest politician in DC who is actually looking out for the people in a long, long time.

Big reason I like him going out to do his rallies. He needs to do a lot more of them. Get out of Washington and take his message to the people. I do not care how much it costs us to pay for his travel, security, etc. Money well spent.
He has one tomorrow I believe.
Are the Dems really gonna give her the ticket for 2020?
More than anything else, the Dems want to defeat Trump in 2020, assuming that they can't successfully pull off their little coup attempt, and, if they can, then, more than anything they'll want to defeat Pence in 2020.

As we learned from 2016, the Dems don't exactly let their voters nominate a candidate; they anoint one. So, it's doesn't matter what the voters want. It matters what the party wants. If Trump looks to be tough to beat, they will probably anoint someone like Hickenlooper from Colorado, or possibly even Joe Biden, notwithstanding his age. They'll anoint the electable guy that they can find, even if it takes a relative centrist to be that guy. But, if the Trump administration is a trainwreck on its last legs, they will anoint the hardest Left candidate they can find, if that person has any electability whatsoever. Harris would fit perfectly in that instance.
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God, lets hope so.

I hope its her or Maxine Waters. Hell, the dems are so stupid they may give Hillary another try.

I believe as of now that is the plan and it's understood OR YOU WILL DIE.

Hillary is staying busy saving the world and working hard with her new "non-profit". What an inspiration. Never give up. Resist. Kill. Murder.
Dems are sick shameless people. That kamala lady's twitter is filled with little sick kids talking about "lil edward will die if you don't give him healthcare. sad". Using kids and innocent children to push your political agenda is pathetic.

Like these young girl "activists" for planned Go play hopscotch or something. You are way too young to be worrying about this bs. Where are your parents.

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