How will they rule ??!

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How many have ever gone under. Even though they are on different sides, both parties know that once they start prosecuting one, the dominoes will start to fall.

Nixon's regime damn near destroyed our can say what you want, but thatbregime is what got America in the global drug game and ridiculous bubble success. We were headed way down the wrong path after him until Reagan got us into the Cocaine business.
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It's pretty obvious that Trump believes he is above the law, can do whatever he wants. I'm assuming by the asinine posts I see on here daily that you guys agree with that.

By the way Trump talks, he could kill someone and since he's the President, he could just pardon himself.

His Times interview is very telling in how he thinks he can do anything. He actually said he could have ordered Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn and that there would be nothing wrong with that.

[Comey] said I said “hope”—”I hope you can treat Flynn good” or something like that. I didn’t say anything. But … even if I did, that’s not—other people go a step further. I could have ended that whole thing just by saying—they say it can’t be obstruction because you can say: “It’s ended. It’s over. Period.”

He also said he didn't ask everyone to leave the room and didn't speak to Comey alone, which of course, goes against testimony by Sessions. If you have nothing to hide or did nothing wrong, do you lie about the events in question? I mean maybe I'm crazy but in general people are honest if they are innocent of a crime.

Really love the transparency going on in this administration. Just truly historic transparency...the best transparency!

Oh and another weekend at his golf course
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It's pretty obvious that Trump believes he is above the law, can do whatever he wants. I'm assuming by the asinine posts I see on here daily that you guys agree with that.

By the way Trump talks, he could kill someone and since he's the President, he could just pardon himself.

His Times interview is very telling in how he thinks he can do anything. He actually said he could have ordered Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn and that there would be nothing wrong with that.

[Comey] said I said “hope”—”I hope you can treat Flynn good” or something like that. I didn’t say anything. But … even if I did, that’s not—other people go a step further. I could have ended that whole thing just by saying—they say it can’t be obstruction because you can say: “It’s ended. It’s over. Period.”

He also said he didn't ask everyone to leave the room and didn't speak to Comey alone, which of course, goes against testimony by Sessions. If you have nothing to hide or did nothing wrong, do you lie about the events in question? I mean maybe I'm crazy but in general people are honest if they are innocent of a crime.

Really love the transparency going on in this administration. Just truly historic transparency...the best transparency!

Oh and another weekend at his golf course


Good God... I'm not sure I can even "be mad " anymore as you're clearly completely uneducated when it comes to politics
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It's pretty obvious that Trump believes he is above the law, can do whatever he wants. I'm assuming by the asinine posts I see on here daily that you guys agree with that.

I'll only quote this portion of the post because the rest of it is just you trying to get someone to argue without bringing up the past 2 democratic regimes where anyone who could be corrupt got the playbook.

The issue is, honestly give me 1 fact and by fact I mean something that is proven legit and could be used as evidence in a court of law, there is nothing you can prove yet. That's what people have watched and learned from politics..........and believe me business men's ethics are as low or lower than even politicians.

Regardless, trump supporters overlook it all not because of Hiliary or Obama's actions justify someone else's. Instead we ignore it and don't give a rip because he is regaining our damn country instead of giving it away.

Now can you refute that without the words Bush, Racism, xenophobic, homophobic, fear mongering, white extremist, radical, or Muslims?
He actually said he could have ordered Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn and that there would be nothing wrong with that.
And, constitutionally and legally speaking, he's right. May not be ethical, may look shady, may be bad politics, but Trump absolutely has the constitutional authority to have legally told Comey to end the investigation into Flynn and then pardoned Flynn, and there wouldn't have been anything that anyone could do about it.

The DOJ and FBI director work for the president. He is their boss. He can order them who to investigate/prosecute, when to investigate/prosecute, who not to investigate/prosecute, and when not to investigate/prosecute.
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It's pretty obvious that Trump believes he is above the law, can do whatever he wants. I'm assuming by the asinine posts I see on here daily that you guys agree with that.

By the way Trump talks, he could kill someone and since he's the President, he could just pardon himself.

His Times interview is very telling in how he thinks he can do anything. He actually said he could have ordered Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn and that there would be nothing wrong with that.

[Comey] said I said “hope”—”I hope you can treat Flynn good” or something like that. I didn’t say anything. But … even if I did, that’s not—other people go a step further. I could have ended that whole thing just by saying—they say it can’t be obstruction because you can say: “It’s ended. It’s over. Period.”

He also said he didn't ask everyone to leave the room and didn't speak to Comey alone, which of course, goes against testimony by Sessions. If you have nothing to hide or did nothing wrong, do you lie about the events in question? I mean maybe I'm crazy but in general people are honest if they are innocent of a crime.

Really love the transparency going on in this administration. Just truly historic transparency...the best transparency!

Oh and another weekend at his golf course

Hahahahahaha. Thank you man. Seriously
LOL just saw the Ds are releasing an economic agenda. Yeah, ok, ha.

I'll guess it's centered around driving up welfare, borrowing historic amounts of money and having a complicit Fed keep interest rates low.

At least they may be getting past the red scare. I'm sure the economic agenda will play better with middle America.
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"Transparency" didn't exist until Barack Hussein made it a buzzword. If Trump would just come out and say "look, uhhhhhh...I am the most...uhhh....Transparent president ever!" the media and public would cheer and cry with happiness.
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LOL just saw the Ds are releasing an economic agenda. Yeah, ok, ha.

I'll guess it's centered around driving up welfare, borrowing historic amounts of money and having a complicit Fed keep interest rates low.

At least they may be getting past the red scare. I'm sure the economic agenda will play better with middle America.

I rarely post, but this slogan is a white flag. That is why it's receiving push back from D's themselves.

How much did they pay their consultants to copy Papa Johns.

If D's are going to offer better this and better that, things must be going pretty good now.

In order to join the socialist bandwagon, the capitalist system must be in tatters. The D's can't sell "better", they have to sell " the economy's rotten" or because healthcare has so failed us "we must pass the bill to see what's in it."

People have to be in despair to side with Bernie.
People still think bernie? His wife is prolly going to prison. When do young college kids learn that their fledgling, feeble guy is nothing more than a scam artist? He definitely isn't Ron GD Paul
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What's that? Reports out this morning that Kushner has released an 11 page statement ahead of his interview with the Senate Intelligence committee.

He is set to testify about how Mueller/FBI have completed a comprehensive inquiry into his cell phone and landline records, and that these two phone calls mentioned in a Reuters exclusive, that were supposedly caught up, incidentally, in an intercept of Russian ambassador Kislyak, never happened. They do not exist. Just more fake news from anonymous sources.

Exclusive: Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources

U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, had at least three previously undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the United States during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, seven current and former U.S. officials told Reuters.

Those contacts included two phone calls between April and November last year, two of the sources said.

The new information about the two calls uncovered
by Reuters shed light on when and why Kushner first attracted FBI attention and show that his contacts with Russian envoy Sergei Kislyak were more extensive than the White House has acknowledged.
What's that? Reports out this morning that Kushner has released an 11 page statement ahead of his interview with the Senate Intelligence committee.

He is set to testify about how Mueller/FBI have completed a comprehensive inquiry into his cell phone and landline records, and that these two phone calls mentioned in a Reuters exclusive, that were supposedly caught up, incidentally, in an intercept of Russian ambassador Kislyak, never happened. They do not exist. Just more fake news from anonymous sources.

Exclusive: Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources

U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, had at least three previously undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the United States during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, seven current and former U.S. officials told Reuters.

Those contacts included two phone calls between April and November last year, two of the sources said.

The new information about the two calls uncovered
by Reuters shed light on when and why Kushner first attracted FBI attention and show that his contacts with Russian envoy Sergei Kislyak were more extensive than the White House has acknowledged.
Amazing how cooperative Trump's family has been through this charade yet when has Chelsea Clinton ever been asked to testify about how she used Clinton Foundation dollars for her own wedding, her work with the foundation, and the list goes on. At some point Trump just needs to tell his family to tell these bozos to piss off and refuse to give anymore information to them until The Clinton's and MANY other Dems are brought forth and put under oath as well.
He seems like a rational person. He's a blue check too.

Reminds me that scene in TDKR. "You think this gives you power over me?" That's what the left does to us with their stupid labels. When you don't care if they call you racist, sexist, Islamophobe, Transphobe, etc then what do they have? Nothing!