How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I bav

I swear to God I saw some Latino guy on twitter say, "God, these people just wanted to come here for a better life. Eff this country and president."
If they want to come here, then by all means come. Just enter legally and vetted so they won't burden society. Obtain good insurance, too

Another case in Omaha earlier this month:

Prosecutor: Driver involved in fiery crash has been removed from U.S. 7 times.

DUI. The passenger, who was killed in the crash, came here legally from Mexico.
Just bought $40 worth of pizza from Tony's in Cresent Beach. Islamist owner, seemed nice and were discussing UK basketball with me since I had my UK gear on.

Dude knew as much about UK recently as I do.

Now I'm hoping my family doesn't get blown up, card info doesn't get stolen, or whatever else happens from doing business with people that hate me! Maybe they don't, hopefully they don't!
Are you fukking kidding me ????

I pre ordered the "gold" edition of COD-WWII also... comes out in November I think? Absolutely RIDICULOUS.

Jesus - can someone please justify just randomly adding women, or minorities etc to movies and video games is ok? I'm still* constantly blown away by the stupidity I see from "the left "
It has been done before in the past. In the movie "The Great escape" Three American prisoners were added to appease the U.S. audience because it was thought that it would not draw without them. There were no Americans in the actual camp.
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If I were Trump, I would never even utter or Tweet the word "Russia." Why keep it in the forefront? Nobody cares about the narrative. Let it die on the vine naturally.

Agreed. Off-topic, but were you by any chance in the Hartland Great Clips on Saturday? Just overheard a "John from Toronto" and wasn't sure if it was you.
Oh so you operate under false pretense? You really thought Hiliary was going down?

Are you aware of what that even means? I'm not being some hypothetical douchebag here, but are whole system goes under if enough of her shit is uncovered and our people begin to revolt completely.

That's not happening.
How many have ever gone under. Even though they are on different sides, both parties know that once they start prosecuting one, the dominoes will start to fall.
Scarmucci- I'm still torn on him. But if he keeps this up. I'll be sold.

No prisoners.

What i don't understand. These liberals are pussies. Sure wish murder was legal.
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Who would you want to run your country and be in charge of your military? A bad mofo like Trump or this guy?

If you ever want your country to be strong or not to be effed with by the world, never let a leftist be in charge.
Who would you want to run your country and be in charge of your military? A bad mofo like Trump or this guy?

If you ever want your country to be strong or not to be effed with by the world, never let a leftist be in charge.

Actually don't mind a leader in those parades. But i sure as shit don't want my leader pandering to a small group. It's reverse Utilitarian
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"It's okay to be authoritarian if you use it for good." Annnnd that's the left, ladies and non-binary gents.

Scarmucci- I'm still torn on him. But if he keeps this up. I'll be sold.

No prisoners.
This is why I think Trump hired him. He's not going to be implementing policy, only communications, so I don't think gives a shit about his politics. They're good friends and Trump trusts him. He's a carbon copy of Trump. A brash, loudmouth, self made, New York businessman. If there's been one thing Trump's presidency has been severely lacking, it's messaging. Messaging happens to be one of Scaramucci's strong points.

There are lib nutsos on that thread claiming that's not the Russian flag's colors. Haha. There's been like four of them on there denying that.

A women's penis ???? Hahahahahahaha

News flash- despite how many surgeries you have- you will NEVER be a female (if trying to "transition " into a female) nor a male (if trying to "transition" to into a female ) like ever.

This is a huge slippery slope and I'm just god damn disgusted at wtf some of our society has come to.

I guess next time some nasty ass pedophile rapes someone he can just be like "well I identify as a gender fluid 8 year old girl.. so... lemme go please "

Tell ya what - I'm gonna "identify " as a Native American female - that way I can get some free ass college tuition

I REALLY hope most of society doesn't think biology is a gray area. I have NO issue with someone being transgendered . They should be free to do what they want (HOWEVER - this does not apply to the absurd notion that children should be allowed to decide to have a sex change ) anyways do what ya want - and they shouldn't be tormented or hurt or discriminated - same with minorities and homosexuals . Gay rihhts all day
But don't shame people for not being attracted to s "girl" with a wiener . Sorry

And what defines a woman anyways ? I thought they hated the idea that women were just boobs , makeup and nice dresses ... yet ... yet look at BRUCE Jenner- or other trans who have gone to "female" they get boobs (fake ) plastic surgery (fake) take estrogen (unnatural ) etc etc ... basically trying to become the exact stereotype that the left / feminists abhor )

But Jesus. This is just absolutely... just .. chaos .