How will they rule ??!

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If she runs, she's a longshot to get the nomination. But I will personally donate to her campaign, and I will do everything I can do to support her in the primary. I will pray that she gets the nod. (Yes, yes, I know the Dems said the same about Trump a year and a half ago. They were wrong, but I'm not).
So, do most Trump supporters in this thread want Sessions fired, or to resign?

I'm on that bandwagon now myself. Great guy, but the weed stuff and not doing really anything on the Clintons or Obama is bad. Also, the recusal was not good. Hes been great on immigration but kind of weak on most other issues, IMO. Hes been the weakest cabinet member so far in a great cabinet.

Jay Sekulow would be a badass AG. Trump needs someone like that.
So now it appears that Noor's attorney is hinting that the toxicology report for the victim in the Minneapolis atrocity might show that she was taking....Ambien. The victim blaming game here is in full force, but it appears that the worst "dirt" they've been to unearth is that she might have taken prescription medication for freaking insomnia! That's going to be a great defense! It's almost as if they're trying in advance to decrease the time of jury deliberations and increase the time of the prison sentence. If they present this shit in front of a jury, that's exactly what's going to happen.
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So, do most Trump supporters in this thread want Sessions fired, or to resign?

I'm on that bandwagon now myself. Great guy, but the weed stuff and not doing really anything on the Clintons or Obama is bad. Also, the recusal was not good. Hes been great on immigration but kind of weak on most other issues, IMO. Hes been the weakest cabinet member so far in a great cabinet.

Jay Sekulow would be a badass AG. Trump needs someone like that.
Sessions may have felt like he had no ethical choice but to recuse himself. I can't criticize him for that.

However, I am disappointed that he hasn't gone after the swamp or leftist terrorist groups like Antifa to the extent that I would have hoped for. I am also not happy with this Drug Warrior stuff- not just marijuana, but in limiting prosecuting prosecutorial discretion in other cases, in advocating for civil forfeiture, etc. But that was to be expected. Sessions is not a libertarian. He is an old-school conservative of the first order. That's great on many issues, and not so much, on others. I would certainly prefer someone like Rand Paul in this position (though Paul himself can't be the guy because he is not an attorney).

In any event, it seems that the writing is on the wall as far as Sessions in concerned. Too bad we can't at least get him back in the Senate.
Whats funny is he very well may have donated to them.

If we had an interested AG, or hell even a fair media, this could be looked into and found out. No telling the amount of shady dealings went on with the Clinton foundation.
Sessions may have felt like he had no ethical choice but to recuse himself. I can't criticize him for that.

However, I am disappointed that he hasn't gone after the swamp or leftist terrorist groups like Antifa to the extent that I would have hoped for. I am also not happy with this Drug Warrior stuff- not just marijuana, but in limiting prosecuting prosecutorial discretion in other cases, in advocating for civil forfeiture, etc. But that was to be expected. Sessions is not a libertarian. He is an old-school conservative of the first order. That's great on many issues, and not so much, on others. I would certainly prefer someone like Rand Paul in this position (though Paul himself can't be the guy because he is not an attorney).

In any event, it seems that the writing is on the wall as far as Sessions in concerned. Too bad we can't at least get him back in the Senate.
Yeah, I think Sessions will be gone after a while. Trump is gonna give him the chance to resign, and if he doesn't Trump will just fire him. Its pretty clear that Trump is not to happy with him.
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Sessions is just proving he is just another stooge in Washington. He is not going after these people because he has been part of their club for too long. Yes, I want him fired and a pit bull to take his place.
So, do most Trump supporters in this thread want Sessions fired, or to resign?

I'm on that bandwagon now myself. Great guy, but the weed stuff and not doing really anything on the Clintons or Obama is bad. Also, the recusal was not good. Hes been great on immigration but kind of weak on most other issues, IMO. Hes been the weakest cabinet member so far in a great cabinet.

Jay Sekulow would be a badass AG. Trump needs someone like that.

I think this is part of the dem cycle. They rotate fake stories over and over and hope one of the cycles stick.

I know Trump spoke out, but ultimately the Dems were pissed at first he was nominated, and he did a good job testifying to congress too.

In my book he is good........if weed really changes your mind on a political candidate then you are dense AF and should get outside. No offense intended but weed as is is easily obtainable and unless your dumb enough to exhale in a cops face your most likely ok with it or smoking it.
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No Sessions fan. But no one can legitimately criticize him for his marijuana stance. That anger should be directed toward lawmakers.

You cant argue that sessions should ignore weed yet bash obama and co for ignoring immigration.
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No Sessions fan. But no one can legitimately criticize him for his marijuana stance. That anger should be directed toward lawmakers.

You cant argue that sessions should ignore weed yet bash obama and co for ignoring immigration.
That's a fair point, but even the Attorney General's Office has finite resources, and there are only so many hours in a day. Certain things must be prioritized. Every single bit of manpower, time, and finance that is being expended on marijuana needs to be immediately redirected towards Antifa and towards civil rights abuses on college campuses. Oh, and also, towards the Minneapolis Police Department.
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That's a fair point, but even the Attorney General's Office has finite resources, and there are only so many hours in a day. Certain things must be prioritized. Every single bit of manpower, time, and finance that is being expended on marijuana needs to be immediately redirected towards Antifa and towards civil rights abuses on college campuses. Oh, and also, towards the Minneapolis Police Department.

I agree it should be low in priority. Very low.

I think it should be legal. But until then, have to enforce otherwise it weakens the tough stance on immigration.
Krazy. People aren't just pissed at weed. They are pissed that Hillary should be hung for Treason and instead Sessions is focusing on weed. That's why people are angry

Oh so you operate under false pretense? You really thought Hiliary was going down?

Are you aware of what that even means? I'm not being some hypothetical douchebag here, but are whole system goes under if enough of her shit is uncovered and our people begin to revolt completely.

That's not happening.
A classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. If they give him ample space, they are then racist for trying to clutch their purse a little tighter and trying to avoid him. There is really no happy medium in this tragic situation; it's a Catch-22.

The good news here is that word "damned" is hyperbole and there won't be any real consequences of actual damnation for the women who crowd him, nor for the women who cross the street to avoid him. Nobody (well, almost nobody*) gives a rat's ass whether this clown is offended or not. He can give himself a self-generated pity party and that's pretty much the end of that except for a bit of virtue signaling from the *usual virtue signaling goodwhites on the WaPO and NYT comment boards.
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Oh so you operate under false pretense? You really thought Hiliary was going down?

Are you aware of what that even means? I'm not being some hypothetical douchebag here, but are whole system goes under if enough of her shit is uncovered and our people begin to revolt completely.

That's not happening.

I wish it would. I'd love to see her get hanged.
What's funny is that they say we need to replace algebra with statistics. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if these flunkies can't pass algebra, they're going to suck at stats.
The only person who can understand stats and polls is transycat. He can tell you how the polls on November 1st that had Hillary ahead by 12 points, were accurate.

He can also explain how Obama was able to bomb at will as commander in chief, but Trump cannot. Wealth of knowledge there I tell ya.
A classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. If they give him ample space, they are then racist for trying to clutch their purse a little tighter and trying to avoid him. There is really no happy medium in this tragic situation; it's a Catch-22.

The good news here is that word "damned" is hyperbole and there won't be any real consequences of actual damnation for the women who crowd him, nor for the women who cross the street to avoid him. Nobody (well, almost nobody*) gives a rat's ass whether this clown is offended or not. He can give himself a self-generated pity party and that's pretty much the end of that except for a bit of virtue signaling from the *usual virtue signaling goodwhites on the WaPO and NYT comment boards.
Liberal cannibalism is growing and a good thing.
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Do people ever look around and think, "You know, I'm on the same exact side as mentally ill people who think women have penises, the emotionally fragile & unhinged SJWs who meltdown over everything and try to control speech, the same side as BLM who riots and loots and calls for violence against whites and cops, the same side as Muslims who want to kill everyone who isn't Muslim...

the same side as ANTIFA who tries to physically assault any non-Dem, the same side as feminists who hate men & seek to emasculate you, the same side as corporate media that's the voice for Dem big government & censor anyone who opposes."

Comedian Owen Benjamin hit the nail on the head. These people are the Death Star but think they're the rebels.
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So the dems claim the Russia sanctions bill being voted on Tuesday is veto proof?

I still want to know why we are putting sanctions on them for something we don't have any proof of actually happening.

They very well may have tried hacking the election (whatever that even means) but anonymous sources is not proof.

Not The Onion.

This UCF student posted his girlfriend's apology letter with grammatical corrections like a teacher would. He removed all instances to identify her. She tried to go to the police and got rebuffed so she went to his school where she didn't even attend and filed this complaint saying she was cyber bullied. They suspended him.

He won the appeal but how insane are universities today?
This was 16 years ago, but my Biology professor at UK made a big deal about cheating when we were going over the syllabus on the first day. He said he caught 2 girls cheating and failed them both. They won their appeal because it didn't say you weren't allowed to cheat in the syllabus. He went "Well it doesn't say you can't have a knife fight either, is that ok?!"