How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Amazing how many Dems plead the fifth.
What would an innocent person do? Most of us would use our indoor voice to say we are innocent. If that didn't work we would use our outdoor voice.

Who doesn't testify on their own behalf at a criminal trial? Guilty people, that's who.

Check out the list of all the people who were given immunity by the O'bama administration. Each of them were guilty and knew the whole story, couldn't have them testify. The whole system is a joke of the way it was intended to work.
Andrea channeling her inner fuzz:
The left really are delusional.
Would it make more legit to you if the Washington Post reported it?

The actual poll was taken by Rasmussen.
Do not destroy their delusions, more of them will start buying guns. On second thought....that would mean less of them would be around. If they did not kill each other (per normal) they would pull it on someone who could actually use it and get killed by them. Either way, win win for us.
What would an innocent person do? Most of us would use our indoor voice to say we are innocent. If that didn't work we would use our outdoor voice.

Who doesn't testify on their own behalf at a criminal trial? Guilty people, that's who.

Check out the list of all the people who were given immunity by the O'bama administration. Each of them were guilty and knew the whole story, couldn't have them testify. The whole system is a joke of the way it was intended to work.

The only words that should ever be uttered if confronted by law enforcement are "I want to talk to my lawyer."

From that point forward you shut up and do what your lawyer tells you do. Cops and DAs can't be trusted.
The MSM is back to Russia again. This time WaPo has anonymous sources saying Sessions talked about the Trump campaign with the Russian ambassador.

I'm not the biggest Sessions guy but this is just another BS 'bombshell' story that will end up being debunked in a matter of hours, as they usually are.

When will the MSM realize that nobody cares about this Russia BS?
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We need more outsiders. The GOP as it exists is just as bad as the dems. Bunch of bought and paid for dickheads.

And you won't get many Republicans to disagree with you. You don't really see that on the left. They're united no matter what it seems.

Our problem is we can't get career do-nothing's and RINOs to GTFO with credible conservative competition. We know we can't vote Democrat no matter what considering how further left they keep going but also struggle to get losers out of the GOP spots. I mean, Paul Ryan and John McCain easily won again.

We are behind Trump, not GOP. You know how rare it is to get a guy that isn't owned by lobbyists & Soros/Koch Brothers types?
[laughing] idiot hippies took over the democrat mayors press conference in Minnesota.

Had you seen my hair just a few months ago, you may have stated something similar.


I cut my hair because of new management.

Just messing with ya.

Honestly speaking: I receive more compliments + a friendlier overall attitude because I now maintain shorter hair.

<---- Kept short hair for 20 years due to military service. Grew it long and was viewed negatively by some.

January 2013, Haiger, Germany. Shortly before my interview with the US State Dept.


Had you seen my hair just a few months ago, you may have stated something similar.


I cut my hair because of new management.

Just messing with ya.

Honestly speaking: I receive more compliments + a friendlier overall attitude because I now maintain shorter hair.

<---- Kept short hair for 20 years due to military service. Grew it long and was viewed negatively by some.

January 2013, Haiger, Germany. Shortly before my interview with the US State Dept.

By the way, I had my UK basketball sweatshirt on when this pic was snapped.

Apparently Jill Stein is turning on the Dems

The sideshow of the left literally going clinically crazy because of Trump is absolutely hilarious.

It's kinda shitty that a portion of Americans and the world will hate trump just because of what party he ran for. He was for the most part wel thought of befor politics. And I think if you cut to it and forget your petty hurt feelings Most people would think he's a good dude.
Not even a question in my mind about it. He will put a Reagan type beat down (or close) on the dem in 2020.

I think a 2020 win would be even better than 2016 simpy because it's another middle finger to the left, the media and Hollywood that no one gives an eff about their hysteria but their nut job base.

The best thing about Dems is that their shit is just stuck on the coasts mostly. Doesn't matter how many people from CA and NY hate Trump. You're gonna have to come get the middle of the nation and we may not be loud but we are sick of your shit and will gladly tell you if you get out of your DC and NYC bubble.
The Mueller 'investigation' is a complete sham and I can't for the life of me figure out why Rosenstein and Sessions have yet to fire him.

Hes hiring team Hillary and team Obama people to manufacture fake evidence to extend a witch hunt. I mean my god, he is bffs with Comey. Nothing objective will come from this.
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