How will they rule ??!

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Pope Francis can suck my dick, but Trump is right to not respond. They are trying to drive a wedge between protestants and Catholics to move the Catholic vote over to the liberal side.

Sorry Francis, Trump is smarter than you.

Idk- Catholics are VERY pro life . Majority of Catholics (and the pope/ Vatican ) would
Never endorse or encourage a vote for a pro choice liberal
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I can't help but think that sooner or later the Germans are going to throw off their Holocaust shame and do something for the Fatherland.

They would be well justified

Their collectivist ruler would rather snuff them into submission than deart from the holy path of Order in their New World a'comin

They've been the hardest to control and most economically productive in Europe at varying times in history

The Germans in the Rhineland where I lived are a lot like our salt of the earth better examples in rural American
(with a lot looser ideas on how to approach, have, and advertise sex though haha)

They have the PEGIDA movement there - they want to end "Islamization" of Europe and protect their incumbent culture

So of course they're Nazi's

Watch closely because a lot of what they're witnessing is coming here
Criminalizing the act of using offensive terms in an attempt to describe someone's genital preferences etc etc

Europe may be falling like it's 1453 all over again
(I think that was a Constantinople reference)
God dammmmm I'm baffled every day by the stupidity and insanity of these idiots.

I mean really???? Surely ... surely even most
Democrats don't share some of these ridiculous ideologies... right ? I mean I disagree with most liberal views but all of em can't be THIS stupid and fantatical ... right ?


THATS the question

Are traditional Liberals and other sane Democrats going to do the right thing and call out the Marxists who highjacked and now pretend to have the only VOICE for the D-team

It's not like they're going to back off of illegally overthrowing the President
It's quickly turning into POOP or get off the Pot time.....

Anita members should absolutely be treated like Neo Nazi's in personal and community responses to their bolshevik tactics

Now if Willy dies they better throw out some outlandish or bizarre shit for me to believe it. They tell me Willy hung himself or got killed by muggers, I will be the first to say 'those motherf---ing Clintons!' I won't be buying it.

But if they tell me Willy4UK died in a Detriot hotel room, that a 325 pound black prostitute covered in peanut butter sat on his face and he suffocated and was found with peanut butter coating the back of his throat and caked in his closed. no foul play.

Hahaha, that is entirely possible
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One of the things that perplexes me the most about this Russia narrative is, if we assume arguendo Russia "meddled in the election" whatever the hell that means, or hell, let's go so far as to say Trump is actually on Russia's payroll, what would the difference then be between that and the 99% of leftist politicians and organizations who are directly funded and controlled by George Soros?

In the scenario above, at least Russia is working to further the interests of America by keeping Clinton out of office. Soros is dead set on destroying America.
Just heard something pretty disturbing.

Apparently, micheal browns family got 1.5 million settlement from the state.

Complete horse shit. That's a huge problem in society today. If anything, these people should be paying... definitely not profiting over their thug being a thug.
Just heard something pretty disturbing.

Apparently, micheal browns family got 1.5 million settlement from the state.

Complete horse shit. That's a huge problem in society today. If anything, these people should be paying... definitely not profiting over their thug being a thug.
Yep, absolutely ridiculous. And just a few weeks ago, the city of Louisville paid 1.6 mil to the family of 3 teens killed IN A STOLEN CAR after a chase. What? Why?
I'm just sick. The left (at least the vocal ones) are disturbing and freaking insane.

How anyone (@cardkilla ) could
Condone some of this absurdity is frightening.


I think my fav of this thread so far (a fan least the last week or so) is that "woman" (really a man) shamed people on Twitter for men liking WOMEN WITH ACTUAL VAGINAS as opposed to "girls with penises." Like "she " was seriously super upset and didn't understand why this would be ?? Wtf

I have no problems with transgender people . Do what ya want ; live your life - they don't deserve hate or physical harm etc

But that being said , don't try and call people out as gay haters or trans haters bc everyone doesn't agree that gender can be "chosen " or that majority of men aren't attracted to you just bc you took some estrogen , grew some boobs and had plastic surgery to look like a woman... and still have a penis ... (but ... being a woman is NOT defined by makeup and boobs right???- total hypocrisy)
I'm just sick. The left (at least the vocal ones) are disturbing and freaking insane.

How anyone (@cardkilla ) could
Condone some of this absurdity is frightening.


I think my fav of this thread so far (a fan least the last week or so) is that "woman" (really a man) shamed people on Twitter for men liking WOMEN WITH ACTUAL VAGINAS as opposed to "girls with penises." Like "she " was seriously super upset and didn't understand why this would be ?? Wtf

I have no problems with transgender people . Do what ya want ; live your life - they don't deserve hate or physical harm etc

But that being said , don't try and call people out as gay haters or trans haters bc everyone doesn't agree that gender can be "chosen " or that majority of men aren't attracted to you just bc you took some estrogen , grew some boobs and had plastic surgery to look like a woman... and still have a penis ... (but ... being a woman is NOT defined by makeup and boobs right???- total hypocrisy)

Besides them being mentally ill, violent and brainwashed, what drives me crazy the most is none of their stuff is consistent. None of it.

If gender can be chosen trhen how do you push feminism? Wage gap myth? Talk about body shaming and then get upset if someone compliments you? Gets upset at being objectified or whatever and then promotes that anyone can be a woman if they get boobs and makeup like you said. Talk about "rape culture" and then they do everything they can to import a real rape culture.

The Islam, LGBT and feminism all being on the same voting block is just pure lunacy. They're conflicting ideologies. Throw in BLM and you have multiple groups who hate each other.

But honestly, if you can claim to be whatever you want to be then why the obsession with gender and race? Ha
Besides them being mentally ill, violent and brainwashed, what drives me crazy the most is none of their stuff is consistent. None of it.

If gender can be chosen trhen how do you push feminism? Wage gap myth? Talk about body shaming and then get upset if someone compliments you? Gets upset at being objectified or whatever and then promotes that anyone can be a woman if they get boobs and makeup like you said. Talk about "rape culture" and then they do everything they can to import a real rape culture.

The Islam, LGBT and feminism all being on the same voting block is just pure lunacy. They're conflicting ideologies. Throw in BLM and you have multiple groups who hate each other.

But honestly, if you can claim to be whatever you want to be then why the obsession with gender and race? Ha

Yep. Exactly- it's a giant merry go round. As cliche as it sounds - and as cliche as it is to say "as cliche as it sounds " it's utter and complete hypocrisy. When confronted with any of these "arguments " they just shout , yell and throw out "well you're just racist , you're an entitled white boy , you hate gays and muslims and transies.

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