How will they rule ??!

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Speaking of suicide. I never see those leftist whites who advocate for white genocide ever kill themselves

Nor do they ever move and go live in a country dominated by non-whites. When advocating for white genocide on twitter the white leftist is sitting in a hipster coffee bar frequented by only effeminate white males and white women with really short haircuts. He advocates for white genocide while sitting in jeans way to tight, rolled up at the bottom and he is wearing glasses similar to those worn by the mother in Golden Girls

if such a leftist white were to read this he would call me transphobic for saying only 'male' or 'women' were in the coffee bar. he would use words i didn't understand like cis gendered, non binary gibberish gibberish and gender neutral
Speaking of suicide. I never see those leftist whites who advocate for white genocide ever kill themselves

That's because they don't identify by race/color; rather what they identify as. And that is a toilet. They are white on the outside in most cases and are the only objects that can be that full of sh*t.
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If I ever kill myself I would go on social media and call Mohammed every name in the book including drugged out pedophile then kill myself with a gotcha note that said "Beat you to it you sorry bastards, I took away your vengeance".
If I ever have to testify against the Clintons, just remember that I am in good health and not suicidal.

if you ever have to testify against the Clinton's my first thought is going to be 'what the hell did screwduke1 do to run afoul of the Clinton machine?' and my second thought is going to be why is he called screwduke1 in the newspapers and not by his real name
if you ever have to testify against the Clinton's my first thought is going to be 'what the hell did screwduke1 do to run afoul of the Clinton machine?' and my second thought is going to be why is he called screwduke1 in the newspapers and not by his real name

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Isn't this how all political parties are started?

Colombia Produces Record Cocaine Crop For 2nd Straight Year
The rise in production comes as FARC, a communist insurgency that controlled patches of the Colombian countryside for more than 50 years, renounced drug trafficking under the terms of a peace agreement that was ratified by Colombia’s Congress in November. The group started disarming in March, but doubts remain: Can the group’s members will be able to work regular jobs. Meanwhile, FARC, which once supported itself mainly through selling drugs and kidnapping wealthy individuals, is transforming into a political party.
In this instance, if I die, look to Deefeeense because, he has said on here in the past that he wished I were dead and, supported Hillary and the far left. So, no suicide for now. Look to censorcide.
That's when you really find out who has the balls to do something.

IMO you're now onto the obvious result in all this - escalating conflict
that's Marxism 101 --
you DRIVE conflict through their filter of "dialectical materialism" and you wage a revolution of the mother-trucker-nothing bad ever happened to US--Proletariat....

Clearly teaching (paraphrased) axioms like:

We may have to enforce inequalities in order to help ensure that there will no longer BE - inequalities

and this old chestnut:

the woman is the first slave in the system representing the proletariat while the man represents the bourgeoise. The system of marriage is essentially one of slavery. Patriarchal society doesn't want to empower women.....

....and one of the grimly ironic (and best left forgotten if you're a fan of the Soc-Comm concept) quotes/attitudes expressed in response to a question about a contradiction in Marxist theory vs action .........."Why are you simultaneously teaching / demanding that there arena suck things as "good" "bad" or "guilt" or "innocence"..........but then putting people into a barbaric and inhumane system of concentration camps (or just executing them) ...............


SO......those camps that dwarfed what the Nazi's did exponentially......they were there to REFORM PEOPLE

Their work and progress would make them free

Arbeit Macht Frei

The German motto all over again
--- only being institutionalized by the Founding Fathers of those who are directing the current UNPRECEDENTED demand/articles of impeachment to REMOVE a legally elected President

If that true goes forward and it were to happen - or get even close
I seriously think we'd start to see who's going to defend this nation against "all enemies, foreign and domestic"
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I DO NOT intend to start a religious angle to this

BUT -- from a purely pragmatic standpoint...... does the Catholic Church's recent condemnation of rural southern Americans who ---- focus too much on the wrong parts of the Bible and aren't going along with their version of global peace ---- are "... ignorant, theocratic, Manichean, war-mongering fanatics anxiously awaiting the apocalypse." ---- was that public shaming really needed or warranted?

So - I'd like to know who thinks that's fair - and a "good idea" for the RoyalBoyBuggers to ESSENTIALLY declare a lovely defined group / across a blanket REGION (more so than ideology) to be a DETRIMENT to Humanity

Forgetting the better examples of international asshats that are out there.....

WHY would a standing Pope have that particular organization condemning and marginalizing ANYONE......who ELSE have they condemned this harshly??

Marauding Muslims?

Slave Trade Revival in Libya (fallout from the shitstorm previous US goat's caused) ?

The PEDOPHILES that the Trump admin is arresting by the boatloads?

You mean NONE OF THOSE groups received the same degree of condemnation from the Pope as......Southern Ignorant Climate Change Denying Jesus Loving Gun Holding Border Protecting Family Matters group of people

Are they perfect?? HELL NO
Do they deserve this level of Wrath from the Holy Father of so MUCH wealth and power........

Sorry -- but that SHIT is so obviously Marxist driven that it makes me want to puke

But -- this is a political thread and the Vatican has been as much a political entity as it's been a religion for a LONNG time
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Pope Francis can suck my dick, but Trump is right to not respond. They are trying to drive a wedge between protestants and Catholics to move the Catholic vote over to the liberal side.

Sorry Francis, Trump is smarter than you.
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Now if Willy dies they better throw out some outlandish or bizarre shit for me to believe it. They tell me Willy hung himself or got killed by muggers, I will be the first to say 'those motherf---ing Clintons!' I won't be buying it.

But if they tell me Willy4UK died in a Detriot hotel room, that a 325 pound black prostitute covered in peanut butter sat on his face and he suffocated and was found with peanut butter coating the back of his throat and caked in his closed. no foul play.