How will they rule ??!

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That's why its so imperative to stop Iran from getting them, IMO.
If Iran gets them you can bet they'll sell one to Isis(or at least the technology), or any other terror group.

Obama left Trump one hell of a mess to try to clean up. It may get ugly in the process of cleaning it up, but it will have to be done. Mattis, Tillerson and Trump will get it done though.

Great link.

One of the most telling excerpts, imo, is this one:

"Cloudera Enterprises is one of the most cost-effective ways for companies to securely carry out large-scale data analysis and storage.

The group specializes in helping groups use Google, Facebook, and Yahoo! software. In-Q-Tel has been invested in Cloudera since 2010."

I posted a few times here a theory that major tech companies have all been positioned by others. They didnt just get there alone. And that in return, they were giving the us govt a backdoor to all their data.

Thats why they all are basically dem operatives. Not only are they told to be. But they could not risk a non dem getting into power and exposing this deal.

To me, this looks like just exactly that.
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I don't really go down the Clinton/Murder wormhole too far....but I truly believe a lot of D underlings were glad she lost. Not to Trump of course, but I don't think they wanted to live under the rule of that old bag.

Brother, 3 people died this week alone.
I said "not too far". They've certainly killed folks. I just don't think everyone that dies that knows them was murdered....everyone dies at some point.

Who were the three this week that died? Have non-infowars links?

I respect you Willy and wish you as much midget anal (give or take) as your heart desires this week, but in Aught 17 I just don't think you can just publicly off people left and right. Seth Rich sure, but not everyone. Investigate away, tho.
I said "not too far". They've certainly killed folks. I just don't think everyone that dies that knows them was murdered....everyone dies at some point.

Who were the three this week that died? Have non-infowars links?

I respect you Willy and wish you as much midget anal (give or take) as your heart desires this week, but in Aught 17 I just don't think you can just publicly off people left and right. Seth Rich sure, but not everyone. Investigate away, tho.

No infowars for me. I just read the headlines. The latest one that "committed" suicide actually was a Haitian govt official who was set to testify against Killary. His own family stated that he had talked to them the night before and was in fear for his life.

Too coincidental that these folks who are trying to take the Clintons down are actually committing suicide.
There's not necessarily any shame in going to a site like Info Wars and seeing what's being said and HOW

If you go there and assume you're getting THE REAL TRUTH ALL THE TIME WITH NO JEWS TO MUCK IT ALL UP - then you probably have a problem

BUT --- I think it's important to look at a really wide spectrum of online news sources that includes sources you KNOW you won't agree with or share a viewpoint with --- it can be instructive as to what they're saying and HOW --- also what they're NOT saying

and sometimes you'll see that supposedly ideologically opposite sources are all saying the same blessed thing......

for a place like Info Wars I check their headlines about 1 time every month or two and them look at their angle along side Der Spiegel, Sputnik, Hareetz, CNN, Drudge and then news DIRECTLY from a host of US Federal agencies (they all have "press release" pages)

If you take a snapshot like that on one issue -- or maybe several issues in one day --- you start to get a feel for TONE and emphasis of course

When you learn more about who's paying the bills you can also start to see some vested interests

Factor in consistent historical reading and you'll see repeating patterns

and that's when the Emperor's clothes start to come off

you might not like what you see though

it's like a nude beach -- you have to take the "GOOD" with the "REALLY BAD"

psychological nudity is a powerful thing
I said "not too far". They've certainly killed folks. I just don't think everyone that dies that knows them was murdered....everyone dies at some point.

Who were the three this week that died? Have non-infowars links?

I respect you Willy and wish you as much midget anal (give or take) as your heart desires this week, but in Aught 17 I just don't think you can just publicly off people left and right. Seth Rich sure, but not everyone. Investigate away, tho.

Here is one of the suicides Rex, the suicide note he wrote actually says NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER.

which was good enough for intrepid reporter Jake Tapper

nothing to see here...

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Yea because you would be D-E-D dead if so.

I like the debate about whether or not you could consistently hide high profile killings --- it's a good one to have

I think it CAN be done and IS being done ---
I can provide historical examples of conspiratorial events hidden in plain sight

But I REALLY like the quote from Brave New World where Aldous Huxley has his characters making a really fascinating comparison with intelligence and physical eyesight


the character mentions how blind people typically have other senses kick in and "help out" because of their loss of the LOSS of perception (eyesight) results in ENHANCED perception in other areas (smell, hearing etc) -------- and we know the happens, right?

well they go on to say that they "discovered" how that process could be reversed

you can take ABUNDANT sensory input and overload people with it to the point that its produces a type go psychological BLINDNESS

You don't even KNOW you're blinded
Look around you -- you have people right now who are listening to media hypnopedia over and over and over and will SWEAR to you that Trump is a "racist"

without ever having met him
without seeing the contradiction with the "don't judge me" culture they'd been promoting

without realizing that opinion isn't even THEIRS

it's been engineered and placed in their head --- and many don't even know it

it slap comes full circle with another Huxley maxim --- Tyrants and police states aren't satisfied with your simple obedience.......they want you SO programmed that you don't even KNOW you're mindless.........

I probably should pull the exact quotes but you get the point

YES -- I 100% believe there are quiet assassinations that happen within our political framework -- more frequently at some times than others

and YES - I am confident that it can be done without anyone knowing it

AND MUCH MORE - killing one person would be CHILDS PLAY and not a problem to cover up

Does anyone remember the investigation that was kicking off --- maybe about a year ago where an underage / pedo ring was getting busted in FL

And Bill Clinton was a known client -- specifically he'd given them something like 2 dozen contact #'s etc?

Do you remember how that was starting to break and then POOF


tiny example --- God I wish we were doing this in person today
I'm typing way too much and I know that's a little annoying for ppl on mobile devices
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Brother, 3 people died this week alone.

When the VA released the report showing that 22 vet's were killing themselves A DAY for one recent year

Does anyone remember the brief followup reporting that admitted that the #'s were sandbagged so the VA didn't catch too much heat?

Multiple sources noted that it more accurate to say that 35 VETS were committing suivcide a day (avg) as opposed to 22

You remember all that outrage right?

many were older and homeless --- Korean and Vietnam era and "FELL THROUGH THE CRACKS"

If you're looking for some good news in politics --- I stayed up until about 4am last night and made a list

one of them is the new initiative to address homeless vets and PTSD issues

some concrete progress is being made there that no rational person would undercut or attack.

I'll try and get some of that stuff all together in one BRIEF list later tonight
you might be surprised (and a little encouraged) to see some of the good stuff that's happening right now!
I said "not too far". They've certainly killed folks. I just don't think everyone that dies that knows them was murdered....everyone dies at some point.

Who were the three this week that died? Have non-infowars links?

I respect you Willy and wish you as much midget anal (give or take) as your heart desires this week, but in Aught 17 I just don't think you can just publicly off people left and right. Seth Rich sure, but not everyone. Investigate away, tho.

Here is the another one Rex

Klaus Eberwein

He was set to do some testifying, lesser sites like WND say part of his testimony would have been about Clinton Foundation.

Holy shit Willy...Klaus was part owner of a pizza place in Haiti named after him...The Klaus Special

You think him and Podesta ever talked about kids...I mean pizza


Ok guys you win. I'm right at least 113% of the time but good grief THEIR IS NO FOUL PLAYING OR MURDER HEAR is pretty effing outstanding.


I'm not saying i think for sure the Clinton's had anything to do with either of them. I'm not conspiratorial by nature, but these stories have more legs, more reason to be a little skeptical of the official story than something you see on infowars
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