How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This is from that nontolerantman twitter account. Lots of gems.

And then lunatic reported here simply for showing the tweets of these men. What is wrong with these brainwashed nuts?

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Sometimes I think social media, and by extension, the internet are the worst thing to ever happen to this world. It gives likeminded psychos a platform to project their craziness. Then because a few thousand people agree, they feel nearly everyone must as well. Mix that with today's terrible PC politics and you've got this sh*t on your hands.

I have a 3 year old little daughter. A girl. That's what she is. She likes to wear dresses, plays with her princess castle and loves to have tea parties. She also enjoys Spider-Man, Ninja Turtles and basketball. Some illogical and mentally disturbed parents would ignore that their child is only 3 and assume they're having some identity crisis and trying to decide to be a boy or a girl. It's sick.

Can anyone show me one place where it has been beneficial to bring this to the west?

Interesting exchange.

[laughing] the sample in this ridiculous poll was D+12.

Hilarious how garbage polls are these days. Nothing but biased bullshit.
Was trying to have a civil convo on Twitter with this nut and then she went nuts about me being a white male. She lost it. People need to stop pandering and appeasing these types of people who hate whites but want to play victim but are consumed with so much hate, which is further encouraged by the left.

These groups have made racial tensions at an all-time high and I'll never bow down to these jerk offs nor do I think white America should hand over their nation cause someone who hates whites tries to bully them into it.
If we do, we too will become a third world socialist country with no middle class and everyone living the lefts dream. We will all have about the same income (poor) with only one ruling class and believe me folks they will still be white, just socialist instead of capitalist.
WKBlU, remember how we knew the Guardians headline was only pushed toward whites and that they use mixed or minority babies for any other headline? We were right.


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how many years till AI enslaves us? I'm guessing 60

60? Too late slave. Your mind is locked. You are trapped in an internet ghetto spewing propaganda they programmed into your head through algorithms. How do you keep finding these articles? You don't they find you. You identified which side you are on now the AI will use you to help with divide and conquer tactics just in case you finally wake up and see who really controls you. Then they will chase you down like John Conner when they are ready.

First they want the wars between humans to continue. It makes their job easier when we destroy ourselves.
60? Too late slave. Your mind is locked. You are trapped in an internet ghetto spewing propaganda they programmed into your head through algorithms. How do you keep finding these articles? You don't they find you. You identified which side you are on now the AI will use you to help with divide and conquer tactics just in case you finally wake up and see who really controls you. Then they will chase you down like John Conner when they are ready.

First they want the wars between humans to continue. It makes their job easier when we destroy ourselves.
Alexa is already getting people in trouble for doing bad things. Shame on her. Big brother/sister has already begun and the left is wanting to shut down any views that do not agree with theirs so, they will be using AI in the future to shut us down.
Alexa is already getting people in trouble for doing bad things. Shame on her. Big brother/sister has already begun and the left is wanting to shut down any views that do not agree with theirs so, they will be using AI in the future to shut us down.

Not in the future. They are doing it now. Reddit, Twitter, Facebook is all controlled. They push what they want through censorship.

Basically Obama with a wig on. I can't even imagine the non stop glowing press coverage if she runs. all the 'I am woman hear me roar' stuff plus she is/has been fighting sexism and misogyny in our awful white male dominated society...
WKBlU, remember how we knew the Guardians headline was only pushed toward whites and that they use mixed or minority babies for any other headline? We were right.


Goes back to a post of mine a few weeks ago. We know this message is being generated worldwide.

Why and by whom? Who has anything to gain by breeding our world into third world status? It isnt money. It must be power.

The person(s) behind it will step forward at a specific time. It will be almost certainly no one the average person has ever heard of. That of course leads to other questions: how did this person obtain enough power to mobilize a global socio-political propaganda machine to begin with?
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how many years till AI enslaves us? I'm guessing 60

Crazy how I said articles find you and then bam this article about algorithms hits the feed. Do they want to predict our behavior or manipulate it?

Wake up Slave! or are you an AI sent here to keep spreading propaganda to distract us from real problems?

How can we stop algorithms telling lies?

Since 2008, we’ve heard less from algorithms in finance, and much more from big data algorithms. The target of this new generation of algorithms has been shifted from abstract markets to individuals. But the underlying functionality is the same: collect historical data about people, profiling their behaviour online, location, or answers to questionnaires, and use that massive dataset to predict their future purchases, voting behaviour, or work ethic.

One layer down we come to algorithms that go bad through neglect. These would include scheduling programs that prevent people who work minimum wage jobs from leading decent lives. The algorithms treat them like cogs in a machine, sending them to work at different times of the day and on different days each week, preventing them from having regular childcare, a second job, or going to night school.