How will they rule ??!

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EXCLUSIVE: Doubt Surfaces Over 'Suicide' Claim of Clinton Investigator

A Wall Street analyst who spoke to Peter Smith the day before he reportedly committed suicide told the Daily Caller News Foundation there were no indications the Chicago businessman and anti-Clinton political investigator was about to take his life.

“He may have been a fantastic actor but I certainly didn’t leave that phone call saying, ‘oh shit, the guy’s at the end of his rope,’” Charles Ortel, a Wall Street investment banker and market analyst, told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s (TheDCNF) Investigative Group.

“This does not seem like a settled story. It made perfect sense to me he might have died of natural causes, but little chance he would have killed himself,” Ortel said.
Lol, ya think there might be some doubt?
Just saw where someone else pointed something out about this video. Watch the woman -- MSNBC reporter, Kasie Hunt. She times it perfectly and takes off as soon as Graham mentions Clinton, right before MSNBC'S audio goes out, like she knew it was coming. The producers must have warned her. It seems like they planned this before Graham even mentioned Clinton or Ukraine, and decided that if he did, they were going to cut the feed.
Your post sums up the right...take one example and apply it to everyone in a group. if 99% of a group don't meet your agenda, find one that does and got yourself a talking point. That's how bigots justify their hate. Find a few that fit stereotypes and just fill in the blanks so that it applies to everyone.
Your post sums up the lefts take....take one posters post and blame the entire right. Hey dummy! See how that works? No wonder you guys lost the last bunch of seats, the house and senate, and the white house. You epitomize the left. Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to go through life son.
Boy, I'm sure glad Reebok chimed in on this.

Wait, who cares?

I love how women never get called out for... giving compliments to men, I guess? Wait. Compliments are good, right? If it's good, why do they make it sound bad? Don't women like being appreciated and

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It doesn't benefit the west at all. I've never known anything to improve by taking in something terrible. How does it benefit a country by taking in uneducated no-skilled savages who drain resources and run down neighborhoods and culture?

Does a sports team become good by bringing in terrible players? Does a city improve by adding more refugee camps? More sidewalks of piss and shit? Does a school improve by bringing in dumber kids that can't speak the language? Does a company become better by having terrible employees?

Would any of us get a roommate that expected us to pay for everything, even their shelter, food, education and medical and then pay for their offspring too? What's the benefit?

This is only pushed on the west and nowhere else. Diversity never seems to be pushed on African, Asian or Arab countries. I never see anyone telling Mexico that they need more whites. This is all a part of a plan.
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Boy, I'm sure glad Reebok chimed in on this.

Wait, who cares?

I'm glad a shoe company weighed in on politics. Thank you, Reebok. I really wanted your opinion.

Companies should STFU about anything to do with politics. No one wants your feedback and you only piss off customers. You are there to sell stuff and that's where everything ends. You wanna do that on your personal accounts, go for it. But eff right off if you want to put rainbow flags or whatever leftist cause that these people do.
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hey Jo-Jo -- pass that lighter over here when you're done with it.........

3 funniest words I've ever heard:
dick fingers
cluster fu#k

someone could whisper one of those damn words at a funeral and I swear I'd bazooka blow a hotdog nub out my nose laughing
I love how women never get called out for... giving compliments to men, I guess? Wait. Compliments are good, right? If it's good, why do they make it sound bad? Don't women like being appreciated and


How does ANY of it matter if we're simultaneously being told that "gender" is a social construct and you can be whatever you decide you are .... at any given point in life.....including "gender neutral" --- LEGALLY

So --- how in the F does "Sexual Harassment" carry any meaning once we put our lunatic-britches on and walk down THAT path?

(rhetorical question)

It would be PAINFULLY simple to back a media member into a corner on that one ---
I mean if you're going to weaponize words -- don't be surprised when you blow your own nuts off from time to time


can I still call them "nuts"?
Hillary's into creepy, weird, sick stuff, man. She sleeps in the same room with that creepy weirdo woman whose mother wears a hood over her head. What the hell?

That woman, number one, is ugly. Imagine how bad she smells, man. I'm told her and Obama just stink. Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.

Of course they do, both of them are actual, literal demons. You said so yourself, Alex ;)

The amazing thing is that Trump isn't even really conservative in the traditional sense. Financially sure, but the guy has never given a damn about religion or abortion or gays for example. He's really more of a Libertarian IMO - keep people safe, shrink government, grow the economy, and let people do what they want. That's honestly whats most shocking to me about all the rallies and protests - news flash idiots, DJT doesn't care about you lifestyle choices.
So one day during the campaign Marco Rubio went temporarily crazy and effectively ended any chance he might have had to get the nomination. It's when he made the small hands comment about Trump. So dumb and awkward it was cringy, as my daughter might say. Either he was desperate or Trump took ownership of his head or someone convinced him he had to play Trump's game to beat him. Whatever. It was over.

I was thinking about the media this morning - how they've gone crazy and changed in a fundamental way and I don't think it can ever go back to the way it was, even years from now when Trump is long buried. They are going thru an extended, death-inducing Rubio small hands, Trump has broken them moment.

Is this what media is like in Britain, with the tabloids? Tabloid media, that's what we have now.....

Because Trump is incredible at dragging someone down into the muck, where he is unbeatable. Its incredible watching it. Rubio, Bush, Hillary, Msm, on and on. He changes the game into one hes going to win. And his opponents have to figure that out.

The left are insane. They used to put people like this in an asylum. Now they get encouraged and get a platform and told they're right.

And anyone disagreeing is demonized.

Better yet - if they are so good for an economy, shouldnt their home country have a booming economy?

The amazing thing is that Trump isn't even really conservative in the traditional sense. Financially sure, but the guy has never given a damn about religion or abortion or gays for example. He's really more of a Libertarian IMO - keep people safe, shrink government, grow the economy, and let people do what they want. That's honestly whats most shocking to me about all the rallies and protests - news flash idiots, DJT doesn't care about you lifestyle choices.

Exactly. Thats why i could never understand the resident libertarians crying about trump. Hes everything they wanted.

I was libertarian but refused to support them when johnson announced he would no longer mention hillarys emails. I still share their mentality.
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The amazing thing is that Trump isn't even really conservative in the traditional sense. Financially sure, but the guy has never given a damn about religion or abortion or gays for example. He's really more of a Libertarian IMO - keep people safe, shrink government, grow the economy, and let people do what they want. That's honestly whats most shocking to me about all the rallies and protests - news flash idiots, DJT doesn't care about you lifestyle choices.

Exactly. But they're so programmed to hate anyone who isn't Democrat. Trump never gave a shit about someone being gay yet Obama gets a pass for not being on board with gay marriage until a few months before being up for re-election?

The hysteria we see is 100 percent created by media. 100 percent. If they cover you positively they eat it up. If they portray you as the devil, you get the insanity we have now. It's jamming one view and idiots eat it up.

Don't think they would like a race war if they got one

Was trying to have a civil convo on Twitter with this nut and then she went nuts about me being a white male. She lost it. People need to stop pandering and appeasing these types of people who hate whites but want to play victim but are consumed with so much hate, which is further encouraged by the left.

These groups have made racial tensions at an all-time high and I'll never bow down to these jerk offs nor do I think white America should hand over their nation cause someone who hates whites tries to bully them into it.
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Diversity makes us stronger...remember that. Just say it over and over but avoid the news and don't think....

We're such self-centered crap we don't even notice Hell itself rising up against us. Millions are pouring in people, of the very worst type, and I'm so pissed.

Then the police chief is gonna say, "We love our Somalis, we love our Muslims. Oh, they're so good, oh they're so sweet."
The amazing thing is that Trump isn't even really conservative in the traditional sense. Financially sure, but the guy has never given a damn about religion or abortion or gays for example. He's really more of a Libertarian IMO - keep people safe, shrink government, grow the economy, and let people do what they want. That's honestly whats most shocking to me about all the rallies and protests - news flash idiots, DJT doesn't care about you lifestyle choices.
It cracks me up when people say Trump hates the LGBT community. Trumps probably the most pro gay marriage President America has ever had. You wouldn't know that if you watched the MSM though.