How will they rule ??!

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I'm reading a book on Trump's run to the White House. I'm only a couple of chapters in but it's fascinating already looking back on that long build up to November 8, 2016.

I feel no one but Trump was capable of beating Clinton. Him not being a politician meant you couldn't criticize anything politically he had done or any legislation he had helped pass. He got to run on the fact that he's a business man in a time where economic growth was terrible and Middle America hated what Obama had done to this country and the economy.

Hillary not only had an absurd about of scandals but she had zero accomplishments to hang her hat on. If you go back and read her website, this was her big list of accomplishments

-Fought for children and families for 40 years (whatever that means)
- Helped get 9/11 responders the healthcare they needed.
- That she stood for LGBT rights at home and abroad.

In 40 years and after millions of dollars, that's what she had. Even then, it was hysterical considering who she took money from and the fact that she had been against gay marriage up until about five or six years ago and if you read DNC leaks, she's still not in favor of it. lol

This past election will always be one of the most intriguing stories in history. A billionaire from New York had the balls to take on the entire political system and their media and connected more with regular people than a woman who was from Arkansas. Lol

She was truly awful in every way. And I wonder if that's why they tried to portray it as a third term for Obama instead?
Syria is a complicated mess with many foreign actors fighting over who will control what. Propaganda spewed from all angles to cover for their greed and power grabs. I predict that more gas attacks will happen and the US will come in to save the day.

The New Silk Road Will Go Through Syria

Nothing would make more sense. Before the tragic Syrian proxy war, Syrian merchants were already incredibly active in the small-goods Silk Road between Yiwu and the Levant. The Chinese don’t forget that Syria controlled overland access to both Europe and Africa in ancient Silk Road times when, after the desert crossing via Palmyra, goods reached the Mediterranean on their way to Rome. After the demise of Palmyra, a secondary road followed the Euphrates upstream and then through Aleppo and Antioch.

Beijing always plans years ahead. And the government in Damascus is implicated at the highest levels. So, it’s not an accident that Syrian Ambassador to China Imad Moustapha had to come up with the clincher: China, Russia and Iran will have priority over anyone else for all infrastructure investment and reconstruction projects when the war is over.

The New Silk Roads, or One Belt, One Road Initiative (Obor), will inevitably feature a Syrian hub – complete with the requisite legal support for Chinese companies involved in investment, construction and banking via a special commission created by the Syrian embassy, the China-Arab Exchange Association and the Beijing-based Shijing law firm.

Get me on that Shanghai-Latakia cargo
Few remember that before the war China had already invested tens of billions of US dollars in Syria’s oil and gas industry. Naturally the priority for Damascus, once the war is over, will be massive reconstruction of widely destroyed infrastructure. China could be part of that via the AIIB. Then comes investment in agriculture, industry and connectivity – transportation corridors in the Levant and connecting Syria to Iraq and Iran (other two Obor hubs).

What matters most of all is that Beijing has already taken the crucial step of being directly involved in the final settlement of the Syrian war – geopolitically and geo-economically. Beijing has had a special representative for Syria since last year – and has already been providing humanitarian aid.

Needless to add, all those elaborate plans depend on no more war.

ANY post with Jack torrence from the Shining is one that I admire deeply

and THAT combo of "expression" + "Article"

is damn near a Mona Lisa of inter web posting

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Syria is a complicated mess with many foreign actors fighting over who will control what. Propaganda spewed from all angles to cover for their greed and power grabs. I predict that more gas attacks will happen and the US will come in to save the day.

The New Silk Road Will Go Through Syria

Nothing would make more sense. Before the tragic Syrian proxy war, Syrian merchants were already incredibly active in the small-goods Silk Road between Yiwu and the Levant. The Chinese don’t forget that Syria controlled overland access to both Europe and Africa in ancient Silk Road times when, after the desert crossing via Palmyra, goods reached the Mediterranean on their way to Rome. After the demise of Palmyra, a secondary road followed the Euphrates upstream and then through Aleppo and Antioch.

Beijing always plans years ahead. And the government in Damascus is implicated at the highest levels. So, it’s not an accident that Syrian Ambassador to China Imad Moustapha had to come up with the clincher: China, Russia and Iran will have priority over anyone else for all infrastructure investment and reconstruction projects when the war is over.

Needless to add, all those elaborate plans depend on no more war.

I know this is a thing and need to brush up tonight

Thanks for posting some good info on the (always present) economic drivers that promote wars

While we are divided over social issues
The wars are fought for establishment of control of a) capital and b) the means of production

PS: Louisville football can kiss my ass --- they are like trailer trash that won $5000 in the LOTTO and spent it on bling.......

sorry....non sequitur there.....I really just dislike Louisville spots etc.....they're probably communist too
I'm reading a book on Trump's run to the White House. I'm only a couple of chapters in but it's fascinating already looking back on that long build up to November 8, 2016.

I feel no one but Trump was capable of beating Clinton. Him not being a politician meant you couldn't criticize anything politically he had done or any legislation he had helped pass. He got to run on the fact that he's a business man in a time where economic growth was terrible and Middle America hated what Obama had done to this country and the economy.

Hillary not only had an absurd about of scandals but she had zero accomplishments to hang her hat on. If you go back and read her website, this was her big list of accomplishments

-Fought for children and families for 40 years (whatever that means)
- Helped get 9/11 responders the healthcare they needed.
- That she stood for LGBT rights at home and abroad.

In 40 years and after millions of dollars, that's what she had. Even then, it was hysterical considering who she took money from and the fact that she had been against gay marriage up until about five or six years ago and if you read DNC leaks, she's still not in favor of it. lol

This past election will always be one of the most intriguing stories in history. A billionaire from New York had the balls to take on the entire political system and their media and connected more with regular people than a woman who was from Arkansas. Lol

She was truly awful in every way. And I wonder if that's why they tried to portray it as a third term for Obama instead?
I said on this thread just about once per day leading up to the election that the GOP had nominated the one guy that couldn't beat Clinton.

Hey, if you're going to be wrong, might as well be spectacularly wrong.

Then for a while I thought I had read it exactly inversely wrong - that Trump was actually the only R that could've beaten her.

But the more time goes by I think maybe she was just a really bad candidate, and any number of people could have won.

I missed this when it happened but they really did tweet this and then delete it after being called out.

#CNNDirt is trending. Cernovich got people scanning the social media profiles of ppl who had CNN listed on their linkedins. Tons of racists on there especially toward whites. Even have a blck guy laughing about rape and calling someone a "fa...t." But tons of white bashing. He deleted his Twitter.

It took CNN 14 hours to correct that tweet. Eff all of these people.
I said on this thread just about once per day leading up to the election that the GOP had nominated the one guy that couldn't beat Clinton.

Hey, if you're going to be wrong, might as well be spectacularly wrong.

Then for a while I thought I had read it exactly inversely wrong - that Trump was actually the only R that could've beaten her.

But the more time goes by I think maybe she was just a really bad candidate, and any number of people could have won.

Jeb Bush gets his ass beat. Ted Cruz although very smart, wouldn't rile up the base. Rubio probably gets eaten alive.

How many people would be able to take on the media and not give a shit to stir up the hornets nest?

She was a horrendous candidate but we saw in 2008 and 2012 what playing nice with Dems and the media gets you.
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I said on this thread just about once per day leading up to the election that the GOP had nominated the one guy that couldn't beat Clinton.

Hey, if you're going to be wrong, might as well be spectacularly wrong.

Then for a while I thought I had read it exactly inversely wrong - that Trump was actually the only R that could've beaten her.

But the more time goes by I think maybe she was just a really bad candidate, and any number of people could have won.

Doubtful. Nobody else put energy into a change. Clinton machine would have buried all others into oblivion with dirty tactics that only the DJT was willing to play.
The Australian‏Verified account@australian
I took a Sudanese ‘refugee’ into my home for six months. It ended when he called me heartless and racist.

I can't think of a better illustration of the cluelessness of the left when it comes to their desperate need for adulation when dealing with refugees and minorities.

No common sense and they do it for virtue signaling to their liberal friends and go into this thinking it's like taking in a stray dog.
I said on this thread just about once per day leading up to the election that the GOP had nominated the one guy that couldn't beat Clinton.

Hey, if you're going to be wrong, might as well be spectacularly wrong.

Then for a while I thought I had read it exactly inversely wrong - that Trump was actually the only R that could've beaten her.

But the more time goes by I think maybe she was just a really bad candidate, and any number of people could have won.

You're right about her being a bad candidate -- also a criminal one
It's ENCOURAGING to see someone honestly lay out their thoughts like that

I think Trump also represents the voters being fed up w/politics as usual

Whether he turns out to be the start of a new direction (one that's bigger than HIM but "stats" with him) OR if he turns out to be another charlatan paid off by even more powerful god-complex-asshats.....remains to be seen

I don't think for one second that he's a 'silver bullet' -- but I DO believe there are enough rational people in the US (one the Left and Right) that can assume the political WILL to steer our government back to being less "Globally ambitious" and more ACCOUNTABLE

also - more financially sound

those elements should be common to Left/Right/Straight/Gay/ Black/White

I'll say this
IF Trump is just playing a role and he's really there to be a kind of conflict generating figure

Then we are going to see THE seminal moment (IMO) where Americans have to decide if the idea of a constitutional republic is worth fighting for

or if we are going to go the route of supranational govt and absolutely NO CHANCE for accountability this side of the grave

.......more coffee now
I can't think of a better illustration of the cluelessness of the left when it comes to their desperate need for adulation when dealing with refugees and minorities.

No common sense and they do it for virtue signaling to their liberal friends and go into this thinking it's like taking in a stray dog.
Your post sums up the right...take one example and apply it to everyone in a group. if 99% of a group don't meet your agenda, find one that does and got yourself a talking point. That's how bigots justify their hate. Find a few that fit stereotypes and just fill in the blanks so that it applies to everyone.
I can't begin to properly describe how much I hate leftist zombies. Someone posted the Nancy Grace CNN split screen interview in the same parking lot and the libs on there tried to act like the person was wrong and another lib called the OP a moron and another lib said "What's the problem? It said they were both in Phoenix."

I mean, WTF is wrong with these people?
Your post sums up the right...take one example and apply it to everyone in a group. if 99% of a group don't meet your agenda, find one that does and got yourself a talking point. That's how bigots justify their hate. Find a few that fit stereotypes and just fill in the blanks so that it applies to everyone.

One example? 90% of liberal men all look the same.

Your post sums up the right...take one example and apply it to everyone in a group. if 99% of a group don't meet your agenda, find one that does and got yourself a talking point. That's how bigots justify their hate. Find a few that fit stereotypes and just fill in the blanks so that it applies to everyone.
[laughing] You're such a fvcking mouth breathin', knuckle draggin' troglodyte. Everything you just typed is exactly what you actually did.

You took one example that didn’t meet your agenda (the post), drew your talking points from it, and then proceeded to apply it to an entire group (the right), while using stereotypes (bigots) to justify your hate.
Your post sums up the right...take one example and apply it to everyone in a group. if 99% of a group don't meet your agenda, find one that does and got yourself a talking point. That's how bigots justify their hate. Find a few that fit stereotypes and just fill in the blanks so that it applies to everyone.

Hahaha what a hoot!
President Trump Planning New Policy To FAST TRACK Deportations Of Illegals

The Trump administration is weighing a new policy to dramatically expand the Department of Homeland Security’s powers to expedite the deportations of some illegal immigrants.

Since 2004, the agency has been authorized to bypass immigration courts only for immigrants who had been living in the country illegally for less than two weeks and were apprehended within 100 miles of the border.

Under the proposal, the agency would be empowered to seek the expedited removal of illegal immigrants apprehended anywhere in the United States who cannot prove they have lived in the country continuously for more than 90 days, according to a 13-page internal agency memo obtained by The Washington Post.

The new guidelines, if enacted, would represent a major expansion of the agency’s authority to speed up deportations under President Trump, who has made border security a top priority.

Two administration officials confirmed that the proposed new policy, which would not require congressional approval, is under review. The memo was circulated at the White House in May, and DHS is reviewing comments on the document from the Office of Management and Budget, according to one administration official familiar with the process who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
DOJ ask Supreme Court for 'immediate intervention' on immigration ban, documents show

The Trump administration has told the Supreme Court that a lower court ruling earlier this week altering an executive order on immigration would bring thousands more refugees into the county and requires the justices’ “immediate intervention,” according to filing documents obtained early Saturday by Fox News.

“The government therefore is left to seek this court’s immediate intervention,” Justice Department attorneys said in the 68-page filing submitted Friday.

The high court’s nine justices are on a three-month summer recess. But they are prepared to handle the emergency application and could issue an order on enforcement in coming days.

Any immediate expansion of the refugee program will be on hold until the high court weighs in.
EXCLUSIVE: Doubt Surfaces Over 'Suicide' Claim of Clinton Investigator

A Wall Street analyst who spoke to Peter Smith the day before he reportedly committed suicide told the Daily Caller News Foundation there were no indications the Chicago businessman and anti-Clinton political investigator was about to take his life.

“He may have been a fantastic actor but I certainly didn’t leave that phone call saying, ‘oh shit, the guy’s at the end of his rope,’” Charles Ortel, a Wall Street investment banker and market analyst, told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s (TheDCNF) Investigative Group.

“This does not seem like a settled story. It made perfect sense to me he might have died of natural causes, but little chance he would have killed himself,” Ortel said.
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These Are The 24 Republicans Who Think The Pentagon Should Pay For Transgender Surgeries

The House of Representatives voted down a Republican proposal to ban the Pentagon from paying for gender-transition surgeries after 24 GOP congressmen crossed party lines to join the Democratic side.

Republican Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler’s proposal to restrict funding for transgender members of the military was shut down in a close 209-214 vote on the the House floor Thursday after 24 GOP members sided with Democrats. Former President Barack Obama initiated the social policy changes that the Pentagon enacted in 2015.

“The Obama transgender policy, which was implemented without input from members of Congress, is ill-conceived and contrary to our goals of increasing troop readiness and investing defense dollars into addressing budget shortfalls of the past,” Hartzler said in a statement. “By recruiting and allowing transgender individuals to serve in our military we are subjecting taxpayers to high medical costs including up to $130,000 per transition surgery, lifetime hormone treatments, and additional surgeries to address the high percentage of individuals who experience complications.”

These are the 24 Republicans who voted against the legislation that would have removed funding for transgender military members’ medical costs:

  • California Rep. Paul Cook
  • California Rep. Jeff Denham
  • California Rep. Steve Knight
  • California Rep. Darrell Issa
  • Colorado Rep Mike Coffman
  • Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo
  • Florida Rep. Lena Ros-Lehtinen
  • Florida Rep. Brian Mast
  • Michigan Rep. Justin Amash
  • Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman
  • New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance
  • New Jersey Rep. Frank Lobiondo
  • New Jersey Rep. Tom MacArthur
  • New York Rep. John Faso
  • New York Rep. Elise Stefanik
  • New York Rep. Tom Reed
  • New York Rep. John Katko
  • New York Rep. Claudia Tenney
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan Costello
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Charles Dent
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Bill Shuster
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick
  • Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock
  • Washington Rep. David Reichert
“The deployability of individuals going through the sex transition process is highly problematic, requiring 210 to 238 work days where a soldier is non-deployable after surgery,” Hartzler said. “This recovery time equates to 1.4 million manpower days where transgender personnel cannot deploy and fight our nation’s wars, therefore relying on an already stressed force to pick up the burden. It makes no sense to purposely recruit individuals who cannot serve.”

Hartzler’s efforts to force a vote on the amendment were thwarted by her own party.
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Former Trump Aide Tears Apart House Committee

WASHINGTON — Former Donald Trump senior adviser Michael Caputo testified behind closed doors Friday before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and tore apart committee members for accusing him for playing a role in Russia’s election meddling.

Caputo posted his opening and closing statements on PoliticsNY, a site he runs, following his testimony.
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I said on this thread just about once per day leading up to the election that the GOP had nominated the one guy that couldn't beat Clinton.

Hey, if you're going to be wrong, might as well be spectacularly wrong.

Then for a while I thought I had read it exactly inversely wrong - that Trump was actually the only R that could've beaten her.

But the more time goes by I think maybe she was just a really bad candidate, and any number of people could have won.

Hillary's into creepy, weird, sick stuff, man. She sleeps in the same room with that creepy weirdo woman whose mother wears a hood over her head. What the hell?

That woman, number one, is ugly. Imagine how bad she smells, man. I'm told her and Obama just stink. Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.
A pretty good read of whats in the GOP health care bill.

Not a perfect bill, but I think it'll be a billion times better than Obamacare, the Cruz amendment helps too. I think its being voted on next week, we will see what happens.

F the GOP, F Big Pharma, and F the Insurance companies. Bunch a F'n liars. Take that 45 billion and shove it up your oxy ass you criminals. Repeal and Replace every last one of these obstructionists and bitches of the healthcare lobbyist.
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