How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh... that's terrible...


Not just race related in my opinion but also socio economics. Something my broke ass dad always had money for. Cigs and coke. Big tobacco paid out big. Will the ABA fork over the cash?

‘We’re losing more people to the sweets than to the streets’: Why two black pastors are suing Coca-Cola
William Lamar, the senior pastor at D.C.’s historic Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, is tired of presiding over funerals for parishioners who died of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

So on Thursday, he and another prominent African American pastor filed suit against Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association, claiming soda manufacturers knowingly deceived customers about the health risks of sugar-sweetened beverages — at enormous cost to their communities.

The complaint, filed in D.C. Superior Court Thursday on behalf of the pastors and the Praxis Project, a public health group, alleges that Coke and the ABA ran an intentional campaign to confuse consumers about the causes of obesity.

Who drinks the most soda?
The percentage of adults in each demographic who say they drank one or more regular sodas each day


Wow, they try to blame that on Brexit...Could it be all the Muslim terrorism causing people to hate Muslims?

Wow, they try to blame that on Brexit...Could it be all the Muslim terrorism causing people to hate Muslims?

It's not an increase in hate crimes. It's an increase in categorizing hate crime.

"That muslim girl doesn't eat bacon"---------------Hate crime.
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My family can too, so don't count on too much from me. Maybe the occassional case of beer, etc.

If I was a lib, I could promise you all kinds of free shit using other people's money, while bragging about my bleeding heart and calling decent people phobes and racist. Deluded sanctimonious phucks. But you know that.


Economists: A Trump win would tank the markets
If GOP nominee pulls off a Brexit-like surprise, Wall Street would face a Brexit-like stock plunge.


10/21/2016 02:46 PM EDT

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NEW YORK — Wall Street is set up for a major crash if Donald Trump shocks the world on Election Day and wins the White House.

New research out on Friday suggests that financial markets strongly prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency and could react with panicked selling should Trump defy the polls and deliver a shocking upset on Nov. 8.
I had just finished reading that story. Biggest bombshell for me was that the dude wrote in his "suicide note" that there was "absolutely no foul play involved". He also wrote that he was killing himself because a 5 million dollar life insurance policy was about to expire.

Has anyone ever heard of a suicide note that needed to explain who killed who?

Would be easier to swallow if it wasn't yet another mysterious death that contains the name Clinton in the storyline.
The fact that he supposedly killed himself with helium seems bizarre too. Not sure I've heard of a suicide by helium before.

A perfect illustration.

So you're saying that the two poorest groups of people, the two least educated group of people, the two biggest groups that are government dependent overwhelmingly vote to stay on the government tit and keep voting Democrat?

So you're saying that Democrats don't want to protect the border because they can get a bunch of third world people in here to suck off the government tit for votes and breed like crazy thus producing future voters and that they really want to replace the white population with government dependent minorities because the majority of white people haven't voted Democrat in decades?

By the way, thank God we are not a democracy because that poll above shows exactly why it doesn't work because eventually you get too many parasites who will vote to get "free stuff" and it will be a mob rule.
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Economists: A Trump win would tank the markets
If GOP nominee pulls off a Brexit-like surprise, Wall Street would face a Brexit-like stock plunge.


10/21/2016 02:46 PM EDT

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NEW YORK — Wall Street is set up for a major crash if Donald Trump shocks the world on Election Day and wins the White House.

New research out on Friday suggests that financial markets strongly prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency and could react with panicked selling should Trump defy the polls and deliver a shocking upset on Nov. 8.

The left are the absolute worst at predictions. THE WORST. All doomsday and nothing ever happens.
Not just race related in my opinion but also socio economics. Something my broke ass dad always had money for. Cigs and coke. Big tobacco paid out big. Will the ABA fork over the cash?

‘We’re losing more people to the sweets than to the streets’: Why two black pastors are suing Coca-Cola
William Lamar, the senior pastor at D.C.’s historic Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, is tired of presiding over funerals for parishioners who died of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

So on Thursday, he and another prominent African American pastor filed suit against Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association, claiming soda manufacturers knowingly deceived customers about the health risks of sugar-sweetened beverages — at enormous cost to their communities.

The complaint, filed in D.C. Superior Court Thursday on behalf of the pastors and the Praxis Project, a public health group, alleges that Coke and the ABA ran an intentional campaign to confuse consumers about the causes of obesity.

Who drinks the most soda?

The percentage of adults in each demographic who say they drank one or more regular sodas each day

A little surprised by the stats because I know a portion of Eastern Kentucky loves Mtn. Dew and would put that in a baby's bottle if they could.

I stopped drinking that stuff in 2004. Terrible for you.

Economists: A Trump win would tank the markets
If GOP nominee pulls off a Brexit-like surprise, Wall Street would face a Brexit-like stock plunge.


10/21/2016 02:46 PM EDT

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NEW YORK — Wall Street is set up for a major crash if Donald Trump shocks the world on Election Day and wins the White House.

New research out on Friday suggests that financial markets strongly prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency and could react with panicked selling should Trump defy the polls and deliver a shocking upset on Nov. 8.
Former Enron advisor Paul Krugman the day after the election:

"It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never."
So one day during the campaign Marco Rubio went temporarily crazy and effectively ended any chance he might have had to get the nomination. It's when he made the small hands comment about Trump. So dumb and awkward it was cringy, as my daughter might say. Either he was desperate or Trump took ownership of his head or someone convinced him he had to play Trump's game to beat him. Whatever. It was over.

I was thinking about the media this morning - how they've gone crazy and changed in a fundamental way and I don't think it can ever go back to the way it was, even years from now when Trump is long buried. They are going thru an extended, death-inducing Rubio small hands, Trump has broken them moment.

Is this what media is like in Britain, with the tabloids? Tabloid media, that's what we have now.....
The idea that some random nobody judge can be above the president and SCOTUS is just sickening. It would be like the CEO of a company being overruled because the store manager in the mall said otherwise.

What's even more sick is that this store manager's store is literally on an island away from all the BS he's putting in place. Must be nice. Idiot.
Former Enron advisor Paul Krugman the day after the election:

"It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never."
Krugman is a joke; nobody pays attention to him anymore.
The fact that he supposedly killed himself with helium seems bizarre too. Not sure I've heard of a suicide by helium before.

Former Haiti government official shoots himself in the head in Miami-area hotel
A supporter of former Haitian President Michel Martelly, Eberwein served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, better known as FAES. He held the position from May 2012 until February 2015 when he was replaced. He was also a partner in a popular pizza restaurant in Haiti, Muncheez, and has a pizza — the Klaus Special — named after him.

“It’s really shocking,” said Muncheez’s owner Gilbert Bailly. “We grew up together; he was like family.”

Bailly said he last spoke to Eberwein, 50, two weeks ago and he was in good spirits. They were working on opening a Muncheez restaurant in Sunrise, he said.

But it appears that Eberwein had fallen on hard times. An Uber spokesperson confirmed that he worked as a driver for awhile in South Florida.

During and after his government tenure, Eberwein faced allegations of fraud and corruption on how the agency he headed administered funds. Among the issues was FAES’ oversight of shoddy construction of several schools built after Haiti’s devastating Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake.

Eberwein was scheduled to appear Tuesday before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the head of the commission, Sen. Evalière Beauplan confirmed. The commission is investigating the management of PetroCaribe funds, the money Haiti receives from Venezuela’s discounted oil program.