
Braves got a steal with Cam Caminiti. White Sox with Hunter Harvey. Like the Royals pick with the two-way player Jac Caglianone. Sitting 7 games above .500 right now. If he pans out, that would be huge for them. Good pick for the Reds with Burns but hoping they get some outfield and catching depth.
Will the Reds be buyers or sellers or stand pat? My guess is they try to do something minor just to say they tried but won’t blow up the team.
Have to think this will be the case. Any moves won't be earth shattering. Thinking they just try to finish this season on a high note and hope they can squeak into a wildcard spot, but hope they come back with all their injured pieces back in place next year.

Yeah, right, this is the Reds Front Office we're talking about right? and getting back all the injured pieces just means there will be a new slew of injuries next year that once again derails things.
SS is a common position as it usually draws the best athlete, doesn't mean a guy sticks there at the pro level. This player will likely end up in the OF, probably LF.
I know how it works but you need an organization to commit to position versatility early in the process instead of sticking their head in the sand and waiting until they reach the MLB level. Usually this means sliding over to 3B lol in Reds terms and wait until MLB to move a Barrero, steer or Senzel from the infield to the outfield. Last year's young SS Stafura taken in the same round has yet to play any position but SS. A handful of games for SS Arroyo at 2B, same with Balcazar, Acosta, Pitelli and Cabrera. Only Carlos Jorge has made a drastic change shifting from 2B to the CF which is not very proactive for an organization without a clear spot right now in the infield for anyone else. Reds need to start trading some of these guys instead of hoarding so many infielders. Something Krall and company have yet to show they are willing to do.
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Will the Reds be buyers or sellers or stand pat? My guess is they try to do something minor just to say they tried but won’t blow up the team.
Your guess is the correct assumption. When is the last time the Reds made a major deadline splash to change the fortune of their season? The Bauer trade is the last big one for a star pitcher who at the time no one else wanted his antics so Cincinnati traded one head case in Puig for another who brought them a Cy Young. Would be surprised if their approach expands beyond the Austin Slater trade, a bullpen arm and wait for players to get healthy. 1st place in the Central on August 1st, only traded for Moll last year.
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I saw Bazana, Condon and Hagen Smith all play in person this year and personally, I probably would have picked Smith, was very, very impressed with him. Maybe the UT/Wake pitcher throws harder but we will see who has the better career
There has been a lot of talk about Burns going to the Reds since last December when the draft order was announced they received the #2 pick and obviously felt like Chase was the safe pick. I really hope fans give him a fair shake before any preconceived notions get in the way before this guy ever throws a pitch at the professional level. His incredible '24 season only solidified why they wanted him. Not shocked at all the Reds still went with Burns or some other pitcher seeing how top prospects like Petty, Phillips, Richardson all took a step back this year and Lowder has struggled since he got to AA Chattanooga. I don't think his issues have anything to do with Burns though.

There has been a lot of talk about Burns going to the Reds since last December when the draft order was announced they received the #2 pick and obviously felt like Chase was the safe pick. I really hope fans give him a fair shake before any preconceived notions get in the way before this guy ever throws a pitch at the professional level. His incredible '24 season only solidified why they wanted him. Not shocked at all the Reds still went with Burns or some other pitcher seeing how top prospects like Petty, Phillips, Richardson all took a step back this year and Lowder has struggled since he got to AA Chattanooga. I don't think his issues have anything to do with Burns though.

I hope Burns works out, the Reds need him to be really good, but I'm very, very leery of max effort pitchers. Just fear it's a matter of time before he breaks down. We'll see.
I hope Burns works out, the Reds need him to be really good, but I'm very, very leery of max effort pitchers. Just fear it's a matter of time before he breaks down. We'll see.
I get what you are saying about potential arm injuries in the future though it is encouraging to see that he has never been injured before. Hopefully any injuries won't happen for some time down the road knowing the Reds likely won't be able to afford him long term and will trade him off eventually. I like the theory you have said here in the past about using him up, then when it comes time to move him once arbitration is in under team control still, get all you can and replenish the farm system. Some of these people are taking this pick to the extreme comparing it to the Bengals taking John Ross 9th when Mahomes went 10th in 2017.

Half of these people commenting probably did not even know who Caglianone, Condon, Burns or Smith were a week ago.
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I get what you are saying about potential arm injuries in the future though it is encouraging to see that he has never been injured before. Hopefully any injuries won't happen for some time down the road knowing the Reds likely won't be able to afford him long term and will trade him off eventually. I like the theory you have said here in the past about using him up, then when it comes time to move him once arbitration is in under team control still, get all you can and replenish the farm system. Some of these people are taking this pick to the extreme comparing it to the Bengals taking John Ross 9th when Mahomes went 10th in 2017.

Half of these people commenting probably did not even know who Caglianone, Condon, Burns or Smith were a week ago.
I wanna know what happened that there are no longer the rubber armed guys like there were in the past. the likes of Nolan Ryan, Randy Johnson, Roger Clemons, etc. Guys that could throw serious gas and go for 8-9 innings regularly and seemingly never be injured or have any arm issues to speak of. Will we ever see another pitcher like that?
I wanna know what happened that there are no longer the rubber armed guys like there were in the past. the likes of Nolan Ryan, Randy Johnson, Roger Clemons, etc. Guys that could throw serious gas and go for 8-9 innings regularly and seemingly never be injured or have any arm issues to speak of. Will we ever see another pitcher like that?
Those days are long gone, probably never to return. Robin Roberts had a streak of 300+ IP for 6 straight years. Bob Gibson had a streak of 7 straight years when he made 20+ starts and in 1968 had 13, that's THIRTEEN, shut outs. We'll never see that again the way arms are babied now.
Games like last night from Montas, injuries wiping out the pitching depth and with other top pitching prospects struggling. I can definitely see why the Reds selected Burns who they feel is the closest pitcher in this past draft to being Major League ready. 7 runs last night from Frankie Montas who opened up after the All-Star Game, their Opening Day Starter and the FO deemed him as the ace lol with his veteran experience on this staff. Joke! The Reds are fortunate that Greene and Abbott have had good years and stayed healthy. Lodolo has been good, has to stay healthy and hopefully there will be no lingering shoulder injuries for Carson Spiers.
And there we are. An incredible 50 pitch inning by Gore with 3 walks and only 1 hit and all the Reds can muster is 2 runs. SMH. At least they scored.
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Marte may seriously be the worst player in all of baseball. He is legitimately awful and embarrassing, yet Bell keeps trotting him out there. He is a pathetic fielder, and if its possible, I think he is a worse hitter than fielder.
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Unfortunately Bell has found himself another joke of an outfielder as his favorite to shove out there on a daily basis. The .194 hitting Austin Slater has been in the starting lineup 3 straight games.
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And there we are. An incredible 50 pitch inning by Gore with 3 walks and only 1 hit and all the Reds can muster is 2 runs. SMH. At least they scored.

It is time for David Bell to go. 8-19 in 1 run games. Yes they have had a whole slew of unfortunate injuries but it's just time for a change of scenery. This team is just going through the motions.
Another David Bell classic when the game is in his advantage they don't capitalize on it, he finds a way to lose it and gets outmanaged by Martinez. Always nice to see 2 former Reds come in and pitch 4 scoreless innings with Law & Floro.
Only 63 games left. Reds probably need to win 42 of those to have a shot at the last Wildcard. Just don’t see it happening.
Cincinnati has won 47 games in nearly 4 months. The 2nd & 3rd Wild Card teams AZ & MIA went 84-78. They are not going to win another 40+ games in 2 1/2 months. This front office doesn't have the stones to make the trades to drastically change the outcome of the season despite the prospect depth to pull off any trade they want. Enjoy Austin Slater, that is all we're going to get. Reds shit the bed getting swept at home last August to an even worse Nationals team.

It is time to get a new voice in the clubhouse. Bell's message, whatever in the hell that is has never resulted into a winning culture with the revolving door of players that have came through during his time. Of course it goes beyond the dugout. The cheapskate ownership has the most responsibility when it comes to the Reds misery.

Get told there is a plan and to trust the process. The only plan the Reds have is to try and win in a narrow window to contend in before the next fire sale forces a massive trade off. Restart all over again with rookie growing pains from even younger players. Reds can't even do it right. KC, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and TB are all .500 or above this year being in contention for small market teams. Make no mistake leading the Central after the deadline last season was one of the years in this current window the Reds pissed away and this makes year two of it due to injuries, players still developing at the MLB Level and incompetent leadership without a clear direction. Krall told fans the Reds would be buyers at the deadline last year and Moll was all he had to show for.
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Cincinnati has won 47 games in nearly 4 months. The 2nd & 3rd Wild Card teams AZ & MIA went 84-78. They are not going to win another 40+ games in 2 1/2 months. This front office doesn't have the stones to make the trades to drastically change the outcome of the season despite the prospect depth to pull off any trade they want. Enjoy Austin Slater, that is all we're going to get.
And the guy you traded for Slater has already been released, picked up by another team and assigned to the minor leagues. Not exactly a memorable trade.
Meador said the first couple of weeks of July would determine if the Reds would be buyers or sellers. I said beating Colorado and Miami despite dropping the series finale proves absolutely nothing whooping inferior opponents. Especially after you get swept by the Tigers. Guess we know what the deadline plan is now. Castellini's should be thrilled that they don't have to spend and can break even for the stakeholders. How in the hell is David Bell still employed? This franchise rewards more people before ever actually accomplishing anything in terms of winning in October. Gave Bell the extension, promoted Krall and Meador. Some things never change and Cincinnati playing meaningless baseball post All-Star Break is one of them.
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Meador said the first couple of weeks of July would determine if the Reds would be buyers or sellers. I said beating Colorado and Miami despite dropping the series finale proves absolutely nothing whooping inferior opponents. Especially after you get swept by the Tigers. Guess we know what the deadline plan is now. Castellini's should be thrilled that they don't have to spend and can break even for the stakeholders. How in the hell is David Bell still employed? This franchise rewards more people before ever actually accomplishing anything in terms of winning in October. Gave Bell the extension, promoted Krall and Meador. Some things never change and Cincinnati playing meaningless baseball post All-Star Break is one of them.
They started the year off behind the 8 ball with McLain not healthy since last year. Marte hurt in Winter Ball and getting popped for PEDs proving so far to be a fraud. Friedl hurt practically all season long. CES did not do much when he was playing and missed a previous injury. Prospects like Edwin Arroyo got hurt and could have gotten playing time over players like Espinal all season long.

The pitching staff is coming apart as the season continues on. Pitchers like Williamson & Gibaut who were a huge part of last season's team haven't thrown a pitch. Lodolo multiple IL trips. Spiers, Ashcraft, Suter, Pagan and of course Antone getting injured. Montas has been decent about 1 out of every 5 starts and Martinez sent to the bullpen for his failed stint as a starter. Connor Phillips & Lyon Richardson among other pitching prospects who were up with the Reds last year have not had good seasons. Lyon struggles with his command and if I were Connor, I would give up pitching he has been that awful.

The best thing this team can do after the deadline is just focus on getting healthy for 2025. Players like Williamson, Gibaut & McLain will be playing catchup being so far behind and can only risk getting re-injured. In the 2nd half, call-up Zach Maxwell and Julian Aguiar by September, give Hinds all the playing time in RF. Call up Dunn & Hurtubise if they are trade and give them another chance to prove themselves before addressing the outfield in the offseason. It is a makeshift outfield at best with Steer learning LF, Friedl can hit but durability is an issue. You know what you have with Benson & Fairchild which is nothing more than a defensive replacement outfielder. Can't fill the bench with these type of players. Fraley is a good player but Bell's utilization of him when healthy is frustrating. Also, what happened to his power? He could have been a 20/20 or 30/30 best case scenario with his production spread out if healthy for a full season.
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I'll watch the rest of the season as I always do when the downward spiral is in full effect but will do so with no expectations. Unlike years past, there aren't a bunch of prospects close to contributing at Louisville to excite us about in the 2nd half. Whenever the Reds take one step forward, it is always two steps back. I'm just done with the mind f*** and my desire of wanting the Reds to win never cultivating into any postseason success. Bell has to be the one to fall on the sword for this. Injuries are not exclusive to just the Reds. The pressure is on Krall to fix this mess but we all know how this works. The pisson puppet on a string Brad Meador who just carries the GM title will be the one relieved of their duties or a meaningless position coach just to say they did something.
Fire Bell!! Just like last year getting swept in embarrassing fashion to the Washington Nationals in the 2nd half. Should have had your LH specialist Moll in over Justin Wilson. JW is an absolutely terrible pitcher, given up runs left and right all season long when not stashed on the IL. Once again, Sims shits the bed putting 2 runners on. I don't give a damn what he did 3 years ago filling in as the closer, he is washed up.
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So you're down 3 in the bottom of the 9th facing a good closer but a guy who pitched the previous 2 days. Plan should be to make the guy work, need base runners. Instead the guy throws 5 pitches and gets 3 outs. Can't make this shit up, SMH. Reds/Nats with identical record.
Time to punt the season, get right for 2025 by developing younger players and find a trade partner for Montas so they don't have to pick up the $20 million option next year. He needs a good start in Atlanta to showcase his abilities before the deadline. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world in a lost season to finish the year rounding out the rotation with Aguiar, let Richardson be a rubber arm/swingman out of the bullpen along with Martinez to get spot starts and eat multiple innings when necessary. The Reds are going nowhere. nothing to lose here. Greene, Abbott, Lodolo, Spiers & Aguiar should be the 5-man rotation and get ahead on next year.

Krall has to be fired in addition to Bell. Nick started out in Cincinnati back in 2003 overseeing the organization's advance scouting preparation and we see how far that has gotten the Reds since then. As much of the problem as anyone. He has plenty of prospect capital at his disposal to fix this mess and has proven that he is unwilling to do what it takes to stop the bleeding. Years now he has gone into the season without a balanced roster. It is ironic the one position we have a shit ton of depth in the infield gets wiped out and razor thing in the outfield. Players have to take ownership for piss poor play, but the Bell & Krall apologists are delusional anything to deflect blame from the one's in charge making sure this team is in a winning position.
Rhett Lowder is coming off a great start last night with for the Lookouts pitching 5 scoreless innings against the Birmingham Barons. When you look at his numbers since the call-up, there are only 2 blemishes since his rough start on May 23th vs the Mississippi Braves. He has started to settle in. At this point, I would not rule him out for a late 2nd half call-up if his struggles are behind him for good. He would have to be immediately called up to Louisville and just don't see the Reds front office executives knowing them to have the gumption to do that. I would be for taking a chance and see if he can give them 3/4 of what Paul Skenes is doing. Hell, they don't even need that much just to get his feet wet with some MLB experience in '24 and be ahead going into next season.
