How will they rule ??!

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Stay ignorant friend it's working out very one says or believes all Muslims are terrorists but keep using the same argument. It's working out really great. Thugs? Guess they are the same as gangs in Chicago, another war the left can't win or acknowledge.

My neighbors are Muslim, some of the finest people I've ever known. They have said many times Obama is losing the war because he doesn't even understand what's going on, like most all liberal progressives. Mohamed my neighbor says get ready, because Obama has become irrelevant in the World now and the World will see things you can't hide from. The ISLAMIC terrorist will not stop, it's called Jihad. Look it up.

It's real easy to sit on the sideline and complain about those in charge and say things like "Obama is losing the war because he doesn't even understand what's going on". If your side is so smart, please tell me how you would approach destroying this radical ideology that's taking root in over 30 countries around the world? So far all I have heard from the Pubs is increase the military presence in Syria and Iraq. Trump just said he's plan is to "bomb the $hit out of them". This shows how ignorant and uniformed the Pubs are. Are you going to destroy a city like Mosul with bombs and kill 100,000 civilians just to get 1500 ISIS soldiers? That would be like the French bombing the concert hall to kill 3 terrorists and killing a a couple of thousand civilians in the process. Memo to Mr. Trump we are, and having been bombing ISIS targets where they can be identified and where we will not destroy civilians in the process thus creating more terrorists.

Here's a clue for you this is NOT easy and there are NO easy answers and the same people in Pentagon, The Department of Homeland Security, the CIA etc. will be there working on this problem when the next president takes over as well, and if that happens to be president Trump or another one of these clowns, the first thing they will be told on day one, is that "bomb the $hit out of them" won't work.
I understand the value of having a few alive, but I like the "perception" that those idiots died for their stupidity.

It is rewarding to know these terrorists were killed, but the idea that killing them will be a deterrent is questionable. These loons expect to die and think it's an honor that they will be rewarded for - that's one thing that makes this "war" all the more difficult for us.
Agree to disagree. They may be trained to die, and trained to hate America but before their training there simply isn't much deterrent stopping the recruiting process. You publicize the stupid crap they are doing and show you will die ruthlessly and those people will 2nd guess. What I've been told by foreigners is that some are trapped into that life and before they know better they are drawn in, brainwashed if you will, and simply don't know different.

I wouldn't know, but fear works if you instill it right and early.
It's real easy to sit on the sideline and complain about those in charge and say things like "Obama is losing the war because he doesn't even understand what's going on". If your side is so smart, please tell me how you would approach destroying this radical ideology that's taking root in over 30 countries around the world? So far all I have heard from the Pubs is increase the military presence in Syria and Iraq. Trump just said he's plan is to "bomb the $hit out of them". This shows how ignorant and uniformed the Pubs are. Are you going to destroy a city like Mosul with bombs and kill 100,000 civilians just to get 1500 ISIS soldiers? That would be like the French bombing the concert hall to kill 3 terrorists and killing a a couple of thousand civilians in the process. Memo to Mr. Trump we are, and having been bombing ISIS targets where they can be identified and where we will not destroy civilians in the process thus creating more terrorists.

Here's a clue for you this is NOT easy and there are NO easy answers and the same people in Pentagon, The Department of Homeland Security, the CIA etc. will be there working on this problem when the next president takes over as well, and if that happens to be president Trump or another one of these clowns, the first thing they will be told on day one, is that "bomb the $hit out of them" won't work.

Friend just keep believing your argument I said it's working well.

My dad always told me growing up knowledge becomes wisdom when you use it

Now I get what he was saying .....also when did I bring up Trump?

Oh well stay your course.
Friend just keep believing your argument I said it's working well.

My dad always told me growing up knowledge becomes wisdom when you use it

Now I get what he was saying .....also when did I bring up Trump?

Oh well stay your course.

Friend I'm not proposing a solution, I'm simply explaining to you how complex this issues is that we and our allies are trying to deal with. To date we have no perfect, not even a really good solution and those on the other side that you support don't either. The election year rhetoric from the Right is shallow and ludicrous.
Friend I'm not proposing a solution, I'm simply explaining to you how complex this issues is that we and our allies are trying to deal with. To date we have no perfect, not even a really good solution and those on the other side that you support don't either. The election year rhetoric from the Right is shallow and ludicrous.
Don't disagree how complex it is at all, it's something we've never faced ....but our allies now understand this Prez is sitting it out.
You keep bringing up rhetoric of the right.....uh how about the Prez comments yesterday right before the attacks.

Talk about no clue, he has been Prez 7 years, and still has no plan. The Euros know he was never serious and checked out a long time ago...hell he was never in busy with climate change or whatever they're calling it now.

Prez said that's our greatest enemy...his words.
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""Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters responded to the murder of scores of people in Paris at the hands of Islamic extremists by complaining about losing the spotlight and saying their “struggles” were being “erased.” Their struggles, remember, consist of a poop swastika of unknown provenance and unsubstantiated claims of racially-charged remarks somewhere near Missouri’s campus.""

LMAO the tweets are crazy to see ...won't give them justice by posting.

First they didn't want the press, now they are bitching about not getting the attention ....gotta luv libs.

They should take the first group of Syrians that were brought into New Orlens this morning and send them to Mizzou campus.
Don't disagree how complex it is at all, it's something we've never faced ....but our allies now understand this Prez is sitting it out.
You keep bringing up rhetoric of the right.....uh how about the Prez comments yesterday right before the attacks.

Talk about no clue, he has been Prez 7 years, and still has no plan. The Euros know he was never serious and checked out a long time ago...hell he was never in busy with climate change or whatever they're calling it now.

Prez said that's our greatest enemy...his words.

He also just said ISIS was contained yesterday morning. He's delusional and has made us a joke.
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""Black Lives Matter and Mizzou protesters responded to the murder of scores of people in Paris at the hands of Islamic extremists by complaining about losing the spotlight and saying their “struggles” were being “erased.” Their struggles, remember, consist of a poop swastika of unknown provenance and unsubstantiated claims of racially-charged remarks somewhere near Missouri’s campus.""

LMAO the tweets are crazy to see ...won't give them justice by posting.

First they didn't want the press, now they are bitching about not getting the attention ....gotta luv libs.

They should take the first group of Syrians that were brought into New Orlens this morning and send them to Mizzou campus.

I thought about these morons yesterday. Their 15 minutes are up. No one gives a shit about your crying anymore , kids. We've seen something that actually happened and worth our time.

And yes, put these migrants in rich liberal neighborhoods and see how they like it.

I've said it a 100 times. If illegals and migrants voted Republican, they'd stop it within minutes.
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I thought about these morons yesterday. Their 15 minutes are up. No one gives a shit about your crying anymore , kids. We've seen something that actually happened and worth our time.

And yes, put these migrants in rich liberal neighborhoods and see how they like it.

I've said it a 100 times. If illegals and migrants voted Republican, they'd stop it within minutes.

Isnt it amazing and curious they're not tramitized by the events in Paris .....I would have thought they would be running to the save zones on Campus. You know the Islamic Terrorists would never enter their safe zones.

Just more lib bull chit.
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Everyone who loves to hate on the Cops would be begging for them if they are in a room with terrorists killing them one-by-one. God Bless those cops that lost their lives last night.

God bless the one that stopped the terrorist that tried to get into last night's Germany/France soccer match.
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Did Obama ever say the US was the only civilized country to experience a terrorist attack? Nice way to just play around with words to make an idiotic political point.

These thugs calling themselves Muslims is synonymous to the KKK calling themselves Christians. If the KKK blows up a black church should the President refer to them as a Christian terrorist group just because they refer to themselves as such?

He called them what they are - terrorists and it's public knowledge that ISIS has claimed responsibility.
I can appreciate the fact that he avoids the use of the term Muslim in describing the attacks for the same reason President Bush avoided using the term around the 9-11 attacks. Because both he and Bush knew that by labeling this group "Muslim" will only result in the Islamophobs going out and shooting up a Mosque in Kansas.

The more the ignorant and emotional attempts to paint the entire Muslim religion with the broad brush of terrorism the harder is will be to defeat ISIS. You're doing exactly what the thugs want - helping them recruit.

Pitiful strawman, even for you.

Obama said the US was the only civilized nation to experience such gun violence. He said that. Thats a fact. 2 months or so later, Paris suffers the worst gun violence since WWII.

Of course Obama also said yesterday morning that ISIS was under control and dying. Ooops.

Noone says all Muslims are terrorists. NOONE. But noone can deny that all terrorists are muslim. Thats just a fact. Unfortunate. But a fact.

Im doing what the thugs want? Thats rich. Im all for finding a solution to this problem. There isnt a humane solution. Either we do absolutely nothing and completely pull out of the region (which I prefer), or we kill them all. Theres really no in between. The reason I prefer the total withdrawal is because theres no way to know who the enemy is. Theyre not a state. Theyre an ideal. We'd have to eradicate an entire religion to actually win that war. Not a viable solution.

It the public is in immanent danger from a lunatic with a gun they will be shot by law enforcement regardless if they are in Paris or New York.

Oh? Tell that to the 100+ corpses in Paris.

They should take the first group of Syrians that were brought into New Orlens this morning and send them to Mizzou campus.

Or DC. If politicians want to bring in the trojan horse, then it should be brought to their front door.
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Don't disagree how complex it is at all, it's something we've never faced ....but our allies now understand this Prez is sitting it out.
You keep bringing up rhetoric of the right.....uh how about the Prez comments yesterday right before the attacks.

Talk about no clue, he has been Prez 7 years, and still has no plan. The Euros know he was never serious and checked out a long time ago...hell he was never in busy with climate change or whatever they're calling it now.

Prez said that's our greatest enemy...his words.

Europe has mostly stood aside and let the US bear the expense of lives and treasure, offering mostly token assistance. They have always believed that if they wait long enough the US would feel compelled to do it alone. One of the few things that Obama has done right in the ME is to say essentially that if nobody else is going to do anything serious there, neither are we. If we were to get a serious coalition of the big boys to go in with boots on the ground, ISIS, as an organized body, would be wiped out in a month or two. The ideology would not disappear but the ability to carry out much except small terrorism events occasionally will result. I expect we will have occasional Islamic attacks in perpetuity. ISIS, as a perceived caliphate, is truly a plague on civilization that needs to be wiped out - because every success they have gets them more recruits to help with their atrocities. They are on a roll the past month with the Russian airline bombing, the bombings in Beirut, and Paris. Maybe eyes will finally be opened and people will see that something seriously needs to be done.

NOTE: They really want us to come there as armies and attack them. Their horrific atrocities are done specifically to provoke this attack. Not that they think they themselves can defeat those armies. Their eschatology (end time prophesies of Islam) predicts that this will happen and that most of them will be killed in a specific great battle. But their Messiah (Madhi) intervenes and wins the battle, subdues the infidels forever and institutes Sharia law.

Google it. It is impossible to understand ISIS without a knowledge of the teachings of Islam.
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I have Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and atheist friends. They're all good people. I have a Muslim friend who is one of the most generous people I know. There are good and bad in every religion. We are all guilty of judging entire groups of people based on the actions of a few.
Oh Brother, one of these my friends are this post. You covered a lot but, you left out gay, Native American, Asian, Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan, Cardassian, ETC.... Jokingly of course but, when talking about Muslims it is safe to say it is not a few. It is a very large number in fact who support the actions of these terrorist.
Oh Brother, one of these my friends are this post. You covered a lot but, you left out gay, Native American, Asian, Klingon, Romulan, Vulcan, Cardassian, ETC.... Jokingly of course but, when talking about Muslims it is safe to say it is not a few. It is a very large number in fact who support the actions of these terrorist.
All I know is that he is a good person and doesn't condone this type of Islam. He is from Jordan and said that most people there are like him. That's all I know man. And I do have a lot of gay and Asian friends too.
No warrior, I didn't. I'm sure you noticed how a lot of people on the left politicized the Charleston shooting, but maybe you only recognize it for what it is when it's being done by someone you don't like.
Wish there was a head in sand emoticon. You would get 5 in a row for this one.[poop]
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Did Obama ever say the US was the only civilized country to experience a terrorist attack? Nice way to just play around with words to make an idiotic political point.

These thugs calling themselves Muslims is synonymous to the KKK calling themselves Christians. If the KKK blows up a black church should the President refer to them as a Christian terrorist group just because they refer to themselves as such?

He called them what they are - terrorists and it's public knowledge that ISIS has claimed responsibility.
I can appreciate the fact that he avoids the use of the term Muslim in describing the attacks for the same reason President Bush avoided using the term around the 9-11 attacks. Because both he and Bush knew that by labeling this group "Muslim" will only result in the Islamophobs going out and shooting up a Mosque in Kansas.

The more the ignorant and emotional attempts to paint the entire Muslim religion with the broad brush of terrorism the harder is will be to defeat ISIS. You're doing exactly what the thugs want - helping them recruit.
You would think that over time even you could recognize BS when you post it. You are hopeless. Please don't ever go out or vote again.
It is rewarding to know these terrorists were killed, but the idea that killing them will be a deterrent is questionable. These loons expect to die and think it's an honor that they will be rewarded for - that's one thing that makes this "war" all the more difficult for us.
Yeah, we should just let them kill people and go back to the homes satisfied that the debt was paid.[eyeroll]
^ In Islam, it actually condones you to lie to infidels to advance Islam. Muhammad was a thug and spread Islam by the sword. Take a look at Muslim countries with Sharia Law to see how "tolerant" they are of different views. They're the complete opposite of western ideals.

Anyways, in regards to borders, why is it such a bad thing if the U.S. was like Japan? Japan doesn't bring in a ton of migrants to destroy their culture and open themselves up to drain their resources and leave them at risk of attack. So why is it so bad if we wanted to do that?

In Germany, 80% of Muslims claim welfare payments. They're actually 4x as likely to be on welfare than a non-Muslim. Welfare fraud is also rampant too. It's kind of comical that many of them hate the west so much but have no issue coming to enjoy the stuff the west provides and lives off of the government dime but then wants to keep their culture and push it.

So why continue to bring them in?
Obama said the US was the only civilized nation to experience such gun violence. He said that.

And anyone with an IQ over 70 knew when he said it which was right after the South Carolina Church bombings he wasn't talking about an ISIS or Al Quida style terrorist event.

Noone says all Muslims are terrorists. NOONE. But noone can deny that all terrorists are muslim.

Actually a lot of Muslims deny that the terrorists are Muslims. They refer to themselves as Muslims but in a perverted form. I can call myself a brain surgeon, or a physicist, but that doesn't make me one.

Either we do absolutely nothing and completely pull out of the region (which I prefer), or we kill them all. Theres really no in between.

What region are you talking about, the world? They are in over 30 countries. An ideology cannot be eliminated by military force. Military force can be made useful in certain situations but the ideology continues to spread until it is defeated by peoples rising up against it and rejected it.

If the public is in immanent danger from a lunatic with a gun they will be shot by law enforcement regardless if they are in Paris or New York.
Oh? Tell that to the 100+ corpses in Paris.

Maybe you don't follow the news, the Paris Police killed the terrorists.
And anyone with an IQ over 70 knew when he said it which was right after the South Carolina Church bombings he wasn't talking about an ISIS or Al Quida style terrorist event.

False. He was extraordinarily specific with his statement. That way terrorist beheadings, bombings, etc would be excluded. He limited his statement to gun violence in civilized nations.

Actually a lot of Muslims deny that the terrorists are Muslims. They refer to themselves as Muslims but in a perverted form. I can call myself a brain surgeon, or a physicist, but that doesn't make me one.

And because "alot of Muslims" say terrorists arent muslims, doesnt make it so. I cant believe this is even a contested point.

What region are you talking about, the world?

The ME. And yes its nearly impossible to win such a war, because youre fighting an ideal with an unidentifiable enemy.

Maybe you don't follow the news, the Paris Police killed the terrorists.

Yes. After 100+ people died. Doesnt exactly match your statement of "well no need to worry because if theyre armed the police will kill them".
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Yes. After 100+ people died. Doesnt exactly match your statement of "well no need to worry because if theyre armed the police will kill them".

I never said "well no need to worry", but that's OK just make ish up to make yourself look good and if you keep getting exposed enough, you can always try to play the "strawman" card again.o_O
Hey Dee, ISIS leader Abdu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic theology and graduated from Islamic U of Baghdad.

I think he knows Islam better than anyone especially politically correct liberals.
Because he's one of the journalists/editors in this country who forms public opinion.
One of thousands perhaps.

I have never supported the US going alone in sending troops into the ME to fight IS. However, if the events in Paris galvanize support for a multinational force similar to the 1990 Iraq coalition, then that is something we should consider.
Just read two things that struck me.....First, a quote from Churchill. Is anyone better with the language?

"an appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Second, read that Obama has tweeted the following 3 times in recent months. I feel like Jones when he saw Nicklaus and said he plays a game with which I'm not familiar. I don't understand this worldview. Islamic fanatics numbering as many as 300 million are dedicated to your eradication, and the response?

"No challenge poses a greater threat to our future than climate change,”
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So, I skipped the Debate and watched the Cats play tonight. Can anyone tell me... IF they even asked Hellary a tough question about the terrorist attack in Paris, did she claim it was probably caused by another "awful internet video" on youtube?
So, I skipped the Debate and watched the Cats play tonight. Can anyone tell me... IF they even asked Hellary a tough question about the terrorist attack in Paris, did she claim it was probably caused by another "awful internet video" on youtube?

You can rest assured when Hilary speaks, it is a lie.
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So, I skipped the Debate and watched the Cats play tonight. Can anyone tell me... IF they even asked Hellary a tough question about the terrorist attack in Paris, did she claim it was probably caused by another "awful internet video" on youtube?

If she somehow loses this, prepare thyself for relentless jabs directed squarely at resident local loudmouths.
Having a Dem debate on Saturday night when people are out doing things or watching football is a play straight out of the UNC playbook.

Release bad news/be a POS when no one is watching.
Has there ever been a more clintonesque answer?:

I represented New York on 9/11. Where were we attacked? We were attacked in downtown Manhattan where Wall Street is,” she said during Saturday night's Democratic debate.

"I’ve had a lot of folks who give me donations from all types of backgrounds say, ‘I don’t agree with you on everything but I like what you do, I like how you stand up, I’m going to support you.’ "

Clinton made the comment when responding to an attack from rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who claimed that the Wall Street donations to Clinton were made in order to curry favor — comments Clinton said were made to “impugn [her] integrity.
I would have no problem bagging up all the Muslims and take them to Siberia and blow them up. If that makes me racist, so be it. I'm all for total genocide of Islam at this point.
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