How will they rule ??!

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SCOTUS will hear the case regarding the Texas abortion clinic law (which is a model for numerous other states' laws).

Judges who didn't vote to block the original ruling from the lower court: Roberts, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas.

Six Roman Catholics on the bench right now, ftr.

Abortion really needs to be a big topic during the election.

Hopefully we can really start discussing whether gays should be allowed to get married too.

Maybe someone can do us a favor and sneak into one of the state departments of education and buy a shit load of text books teaching creationism.

I really need solid answers from the POTUS candidates on those topics.
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After Hillary we will then elect a Hispanic. 100000000000000000% lock.

Hillary won this election a few years ago, imo.

We're such a pathetic group of retards for this focus on multiculturalism and diversity simply for the sake of impressing progressive peers.

Hillary has not accomplished a damn thing. She's a career liar and criminal who happens to have a vagina and a lot of money. She will say ANYTHING to get a vote. ANYTHING.

People can hate the right all they want but not one of those top 4 candidates would be worse than Bernie or Hillary.

Abortion really needs to be a big topic during the election.

Hopefully we can really start discussing whether gays should be allowed to get married too.

Maybe someone can do us a favor and sneak into one of the state departments of education and buy a shit load of text books teaching creationism.

I really need solid answers from the POTUS candidates on those topics.

I've been saying this from the start. If you're a Republican candidate, STFU about any of these trap issues. Democrats thrive on this shit and use it to their advantage. They pit people against each other to portray themselves as their saviors so people won't notice their failed policies and chaos they've caused.

Dems with the media, Hollywood and academia in their pockets have convinced millions that if you're not a rich old Christian white man then you shouldn't vote Republican.

Seriously they have
preached oppression of the following
-Women (this is my favorite load of BS)

Then they have college students who have never worked an actual day in their lives to pay for anything, all on board for more entitlements.

So if you're Republican, simply choose not to comment or say that's the law of the land or a state issue.
Yeah, taxpayers paid for it
I think most evidence will show that investing in the education of it's citizenry is a good investment. Might I add that a good part of higher medical costs is due to the amount of debt required to get through medical school. Docs who accumulate $250-300K of school debt are going to require higher compensation to justify the costs.

There is a pretty clear and direct correlation between when states started reducing their funding and the explosion of tuition.
Tax payer do not need to foot the bill any further than what is done now. If we cave to the demands of these overly entitled children, it will only get worse.

Abortion really needs to be a big topic during the election.
Hillary's campaign is certainly ecstatic about this case going to the court. It's a win/win for them.

Ruling in Texas' favor would basically be a de facto overturn of Roe v Wade a mere 6 months before the general election.
sounds like the Religion of Peace is having a fun evening in and around various locations in Paris this evening

Yep. Liberal morons will be by shortly to call you Islamphobic or a xenophobe.

Why do we freaking put our heads in the sand when it comes to these disgusting pieces of shit? Islam is evil yet no one on the left has the balls to say it.
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Tax payer do not need to foot the bill any further than what is done now. If we cave to the demands of these overly entitled children, it will only get worse.
You don't do it because of demands, you do it because it is the right and smart thing to do. They did it for my generation, my parents generation and for my grandparents generation...
I was fortunate that my youngest daughter pretty well had all of her schooling paid by scholarships but had she not, I would have had to spend more to for her to get her BA degree than it took to for her sister to complete her Pharm D just 10 years earlier.

What you don't see is that you're going to pay for it one way or the other and like most things it's a lot cheaper to pay up front than to pay over time.
You don't do it because of demands, you do it because it is the right and smart thing to do. They did it for my generation, my parents generation and for my grandparents generation...
I was fortunate that my youngest daughter pretty well had all of her schooling paid by scholarships but had she not, I would have had to spend more to for her to get her BA degree than it took to for her sister to complete her Pharm D just 10 years earlier.

What you don't see is that you're going to pay for it one way or the other and like most things it's a lot cheaper to pay up front than to pay over time.
No, it is not the right thing to do. It is not a right to go to college. If you want to better yourself, you find a way to get it done. As was stated before, many European countries are struggling now because of these types of entitlements. They also have higher taxes and are still struggling.
Yep. Liberal morons will be by shortly to call you Islamphobic or a xenophobe.

Why do we freaking put our heads in the sand when it comes to these disgusting pieces of shit? Islam is evil yet no one on the left has the balls to say it.
The asshole libs can keep talking. While people die...Find your safe space or zone what ever the hell these fools call it.
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as applicable to Univ of Missouri and South Park's PC police as it is ISIS, et al.

My daughter is a HS senior.

We've applied to Stanford, Vandy, UK, Miami of Ohio, Harvard, NYU, and Transy (yes, she's really smart lol).

Stanford, Harvard and Vandy are about $65m per year. UK is what, about $22m, depending on meal plan/housing?

No way should any degree at any school cost $260m for 4 years.

I've heard that college tuition has been increasing pretty dramatically, but I had no idea it now costs 22 million dollars a year to attend UK! [laughing]
Progressives "Don't judge Islam. This was just a few people. It doesn't reflect Islam."
Progressives "Judge all whites and claim systematic racism because one guy made a slur."

The narrative always changes with these douchebags. Get hostile over some fat pig like Kim Davis and it's a reflection of every Christian/Conservative (even though she's a Dem) but don't attribute the thousands of terrorist attacks worldwide to the same religious group that always does it.
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I have Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and atheist friends. They're all good people. I have a Muslim friend who is one of the most generous people I know. There are good and bad in every religion. We are all guilty of judging entire groups of people based on the actions of a few.
The issue isn't that there aren't good, peaceful Muslims, but that that Islam is not a peaceful religion to those who are not Muslim. It justifies killing anyone who isn't Muslim.
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I have Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and atheist friends. They're all good people. I have a Muslim friend who is one of the most generous people I know. There are good and bad in every religion. We are all guilty of judging entire groups of people based on the actions of a few.

There is no other religion on this planet that preaches complete annihilation of non believers, or "infidels" like Islam does. I like my freedom in America but I'm all for banning the practice of Islam.
There is no other religion on this planet that preaches complete annihilation of non believers, or "infidels" like Islam does. I like my freedom in America but I'm all for banning the practice of Islam.
I don't know the ins and outs of Islam. I don't have any desire to learn them. I'm sure most on here haven't studied the religion either. I'm just saying I have a friend who owns a business and I've watched him help tons of families.
Remember Obama saying the US was the only civilized country who experiences mass gun violence?

Now he wont admit the terrorists were muslim.

Good thing hes at the helm during this critical times.
Remember Obama saying the US was the only civilized country who experiences mass gun violence?

Now he wont admit the terrorists were muslim.

Good thing hes at the helm during this critical times.
It'll be easy to spot the true politards by their attempts to politicize this terror attack.
It'll be easy to spot the true politards by their attempts to politicize this terror attack.


Obama and libs politicize every cop killing a black criminal and every school shooting within 5 minutes. Now when something happens to burst that bubble of delusion liberal ideology has about Islam (made clock boy a martyr) all of a sudden it's morally wrong to politicize an issue?
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It'll be easy to spot the true politards by their attempts to politicize this terror attack.

Its not politicizing. Its just fact. How can we have faith in a leader who refuses to admit a terrorist act was performed by a muslim terrorist group? That our nation is the only one where gun violence occurs?

The problem is our leader cares more about dividing than uniting. More about popularity, celebrity, and legacy than anything else.

Anyone feeling better about the terrible Iran nuclear deal now?

Obama and libs politicize every cop killing a black criminal and every school shooting within 5 minutes. Now when something happens to burst that bubble of delusion liberal ideology has about Islam (made clock boy a martyr) all of a sudden it's morally wrong to politize an issue?
OUCH truth
I really like how France handled this by announcing every one of the terrorists dead! That's right MFer you do stupid stuff and you die! It's about time America approaches it the court, no trial, no chance at life.

You know why Trump leads despite whatever stupid crap he says? Because a lot of people that have been portrayed very poorly in this country love that he just doesn't care and does/says WTF he wants and thinks and if it pisses you off then get over it!

It's time to fall back to not worrying about every damn emotion the line get in their overly sensitive hearts. The last 8 years have rallied relive to get these asshats out of office and I don't think you can predict how many people will flood this vote.

A repub will win, I just hope they are worthy.
You just did so yourself. Well done, or should I say stupidly done. Either works.
No warrior, I didn't. I'm sure you noticed how a lot of people on the left politicized the Charleston shooting, but maybe you only recognize it for what it is when it's being done by someone you don't like.
Remember Obama saying the US was the only civilized country who experiences mass gun violence?

Now he wont admit the terrorists were Muslim.

Good thing hes at the helm during this critical times.

Did Obama ever say the US was the only civilized country to experience a terrorist attack? Nice way to just play around with words to make an idiotic political point.

These thugs calling themselves Muslims is synonymous to the KKK calling themselves Christians. If the KKK blows up a black church should the President refer to them as a Christian terrorist group just because they refer to themselves as such?

He called them what they are - terrorists and it's public knowledge that ISIS has claimed responsibility.
I can appreciate the fact that he avoids the use of the term Muslim in describing the attacks for the same reason President Bush avoided using the term around the 9-11 attacks. Because both he and Bush knew that by labeling this group "Muslim" will only result in the Islamophobs going out and shooting up a Mosque in Kansas.

The more the ignorant and emotional attempts to paint the entire Muslim religion with the broad brush of terrorism the harder is will be to defeat ISIS. You're doing exactly what the thugs want - helping them recruit.
I really like how France handled this by announcing every one of the terrorists dead! That's right MFer you do stupid stuff and you die! It's about time America approaches it the court, no trial, no chance at life.

You know why Trump leads despite whatever stupid crap he says? Because a lot of people that have been portrayed very poorly in this country love that he just doesn't care and does/says WTF he wants and thinks and if it pisses you off then get over it!

It's time to fall back to not worrying about every damn emotion the line get in their overly sensitive hearts. The last 8 years have rallied relive to get these asshats out of office and I don't think you can predict how many people will flood this vote.

A repub will win, I just hope they are worthy.
I just posted in the Paris thread that if Obama accepts one more refugee from over there he needs to be impeached. Obviously not going to happen but that is how people should feel about bringing these folks over here. As for the elections, this may become what it takes to open up enough eyes to get a Republican into office. Trump is going to get even more support now because he is the only one who has a very aggressive plan to fix the borders.
I really like how France handled this by announcing every one of the terrorists dead! That's right MFer you do stupid stuff and you die! It's about time America approaches it the court, no trial, no chance at life.

It the public is in immanent danger from a lunatic with a gun they will be shot by law enforcement regardless if they are in Paris or New York.

If one of these thugs would have given himself up, the Paris police would have loved to have taken him alive. The value to them and everyone else in the civilize world of having one alive that can be interrogated is much greater than being dead. Even the Dick Cheneys of the world will tell you that.
Did Obama ever say the US was the only civilized country to experience a terrorist attack? Nice way to just play around with words to make an idiotic political point.

These thugs calling themselves Muslims is synonymous to the KKK calling themselves Christians. If the KKK blows up a black church should the President refer to them as a Christian terrorist group just because they refer to themselves as such?

He called them what they are - terrorists and it's public knowledge that ISIS has claimed responsibility.
I can appreciate the fact that he avoids the use of the term Muslim in describing the attacks for the same reason President Bush avoided using the term around the 9-11 attacks. Because both he and Bush knew that by labeling this group "Muslim" will only result in the Islamophobs going out and shooting up a Mosque in Kansas.

The more the ignorant and emotional attempts to paint the entire Muslim religion with the broad brush of terrorism the harder is will be to defeat ISIS. You're doing exactly what the thugs want - helping them recruit.

Stay ignorant friend it's working out very one says or believes all Muslims are terrorists but keep using the same argument. It's working out really great. Thugs? Guess they are the same as gangs in Chicago, another war the left can't win or acknowledge.

My neighbors are Muslim, some of the finest people I've ever known. They have said many times Obama is losing the war because he doesn't even understand what's going on, like most all liberal progressives. Mohamed my neighbor says get ready, because Obama has become irrelevant in the World now and the World will see things you can't hide from. The ISLAMIC terrorist will not stop, it's called Jihad. Look it up.
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It the public is in immanent danger from a lunatic with a gun they will be shot by law enforcement regardless if they are in Paris or New York.

If one of these thugs would have given himself up, the Paris police would have loved to have taken him alive. The value to them and everyone else in the civilize world of having one alive that can be interrogated is much greater than being dead. Even the Dick Cheneys of the world will tell you that.

Hmmmm, maybe I should have been more in depth. I have no doubt they were killed but it wouldn't surprise me if a few weren't but was still reported all were dead. I understand the value of having a few alive, but I like the "perception" that those idiots died for their stupidity. Just like with the liberal media, perception is everything! On a global scale if we started to take this route of reporting on these idiots it wouldn't be so popular.

As far as the election I truly believe if Trump picks a smart VP he can and will win this.