How will they rule ??!

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Just read two things that struck me.....First, a quote from Churchill. Is anyone better with the language?

"an appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."

Second, read that Obama has tweeted the following 3 times in recent months. I feel like Jones when he saw Nicklaus and said he plays a game with which I'm not familiar. I don't understand this worldview. Islamic fanatics numbering as many as 300 million are dedicated to your eradication, and the response?

"No challenge poses a greater threat to our future than climate change,”

yea and guess what, he's right. Pointing out the threat of climate change does not diminish the threat from ISIS and other radical terrorist groups.
So you think studying a religion makes you a practitioner of it? really?
Hypocritical post right here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. He did not say that, you made that up.
Your either dishonest, stupid or both.

See how that works Deee. Some one quote this for me so Deee can read it.
A handful of liberal posters here proclaim the terrorists arent muslim. Then wonder why they have no credibility here.
A handful of liberal posters here proclaim the terrorists arent muslim. Then wonder why they have no credibility here.
These terrorists are Muslim. But not all Muslims are terrorists. There were a lot of Christians who owned slaves. There were a lot of Christians who didn't own slaves. Religion by nature is a tool used to control. Some use it to control absolutely. Some use it for hope and as a way to cope with the struggle that is this life. I don't know enough about Islam to speak intelligently about it. I do know that there are a lot of Muslims in this world that are not trying to kill people.
AP now reports that Iraq warned US led coalition of an imminent attack, prior to the Paris attack.

Wonder who Obama and Co will blame this on? Some random internet guy whos made a goofy youtube movie? Will they just lie about it? Or both?

If true, it cements Obama as the worst foreign policy president of all time (as if he wasnt already).
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If true, it cements Obama as the worst foreign policy president of all time (as if he wasnt already).
Within two days he went from ISIS being neutralized to the US doubling it efforts against ISIS. Not that you can rationalize anything with people like deeee but what he and others won't address is the number of times that BO has ignored his own foreign policy team.
So you think studying a religion makes you a practitioner of it? really?
Irrelevant point. This is like listening to Who's On First. Of course you can study a religion without adhering to it. Who cares. The point is whether this group really practices Islam, or is some illegitimate group bastardizing the faith. I suspect the leader of that group - raised in the culture, raised in the faith, having completed a PhD in the faith - he knows the religion backwards and forwards, and when he says "this is the true Islam", his opinion is more informed and more credible than Piers Morgan and the countless others who say it's not true Islam who couldn't find an Quranic verse if you hand delivered it.

"It's not Islam" - a claim most often made by people who have no freaking idea of what Islam is and are only parroting the PC inspired statements of others....don't look now but the JV is beating the ass of Team PC.....
So the administration wilts in the face of public backlash when it comes to arming the rebels several years ago, yet they're wanting to stick with the refugee plan? Yeah right.

Things are getting really interesting really quickly.
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I am still for impeaching Obama for allowing and now trying to escalate getting more refugees over to the US after this mess in Paris. I now believe his administration has people in it that are systematically trying to destroy this country. At least Jimmy Carter can now die knowing he is not the worst President in a long time. I have never been more disgusted with an administration in my lifetime.
These terrorists are Muslim. But not all Muslims are terrorists. There were a lot of Christians who owned slaves. There were a lot of Christians who didn't own slaves. Religion by nature is a tool used to control. Some use it to control absolutely. Some use it for hope and as a way to cope with the struggle that is this life. I don't know enough about Islam to speak intelligently about it. I do know that there are a lot of Muslims in this world that are not trying to kill people.

How you gonna differentiate from the ones that do?

Buddy, eff that religion. You can't be a fence riding muslim. You are either all the way or not. There are no such things as a "moderate muslim". That's the irony in this.

Name one famous muslim critic that every one knows globally? You can't.
How you gonna differentiate from the ones that do?

Buddy, eff that religion. You can't be a fence riding muslim. You are either all the way or not. There are no such things as a "moderate muslim". That's the irony in this.

Name one famous muslim critic that every one knows globally? You can't.
the Orwellian wordsmiths at CAIR would have you believe they were critical of radicals.
I am still for impeaching Obama for allowing and now trying to escalate getting more refugees over to the US after this mess in Paris. I now believe his administration has people in it that are systematically trying to destroy this country. At least Jimmy Carter can now die knowing he is not the worst President in a long time. I have never been more disgusted with an administration in my lifetime.
He did say that he wanted to fundamentally change America. I seriously believe he meant in a bad way. We are falling apart internally and it has been going on for a while now. I see no slowing downing on this. In fact, I think he is doubling down on his policies just to ensure it happens.
Picture of inside the theater leaked. This is why I am sick of the PC/progressive/Marxist BS.
How you gonna differentiate from the ones that do?

Buddy, eff that religion. You can't be a fence riding muslim. You are either all the way or not. There are no such things as a "moderate muslim". That's the irony in this.

Name one famous muslim critic that every one knows globally? You can't.
So kill them all? Not sure how killing innocent people to prevent other people from killing innocent people is an answer. People have lost their minds in this thread.
So kill them all? Not sure how killing innocent people to prevent other people from killing innocent people is an answer. People have lost their minds in this thread.

Have we? Or are we just getting fed up with that religion? Look man, when no other muslim famous enough to be known, doesn't criticize that shit, well you know the shit is serious.

Just sick of the muslim excuses.

Even liberal left wing Bill Maher called them out. I'll piss on PC culture and shit on their faces with the biggest smile that I can conger up.
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Have we? Or are we just getting fed up with that religion? Look man, when no other muslim famous enough to be known, doesn't criticize that shit, well you know the shit is serious.

Just sick of the muslim excuses.

Even liberal left wing Bill Maher called them out. I'll piss on PC culture and shit on their faces with the biggest smile that I can conger up.
So you think Nazr Mohammed supports this? Ali? I doubt it. Continue the hate though. The world needs more of it.
Since America is no longer the leader in the free world France is stepping up to fill the void. America who have you elected? All of this free stuff Obama promised won't mean much when Muslims open fire in stadiums and theaters around America But hey we all have free health care and free cell phones. Thank you Obama ISIS is Headed our way but in you America trusts . Save us Obama
Deeeefense said:
So you think studying a religion makes you a practitioner of it? really?

Hypocritical post right here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. He did not say that, you made that up.
Your either dishonest, stupid or both.

See how that works Deee. Some one quote this for me so Deee can read it.

I need some practice with the multi-quote feature. [winking]
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So you think studying a religion makes you a practitioner of it? really?

I didn't say that but common sense would indicate that just like a priest studies his craft, someone would do the same for Islam and since he is in a group called the Islamic State and refers to himself as Muslim…

I actually just decided to quit talking because it felt like I was talking to a politician who was intentionally being obtuse.
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Well now answer this please......if ISIS is such a big deal and Obama is t really concerned therefore not going after them, would t that mean he is basically their ally? Just curious here because he is treading a fine line and these idiots better reign him in some before he becomes America's worst enemy.

Muslims may be crazy but we got some real lunatics in this country too!
Obama was raised in the Muslim faith and gets a thrill when he hears the Muslim daily calls for prayer. It is a beautiful sound to his ears. So maybe he feels the Islamic terrorist will give America a break as long as he is president. I think Obama is counting on that and this may be a reason he is so gentle when discussing them. It must be hard for him to go against his childhood Muslim faith and schooling. He proudly states he is one of them due to his birth and childhood. These are his people and he had a reason for taking a Muslim name. He and the Democrat party refuse to even say the words Radical Islam. It is what it is and America wanted this. They elected him twice.
It is safe to say Obama is the only pol ever that you could quote from their own books and be called a hater or some kind of -phobe. Truth is, he is a blank slate that liberals have projected whatever truth they want onto and have ignored every piece of evidence that should challenge that projection.
It is safe to say Obama is the only pol ever that you could quote from their own books and be called a hater or some kind of -phobe. Truth is, he is a blank slate that liberals have projected whatever truth they want onto and have ignored every piece of evidence that should challenge that projection.

Truth is not a part of liberal, Democrat, progressive, socialist or communist doctrine. They are well schooled on how to deflect the truth and stir up false "crisis" to their political advantage. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama, Kerry. Algore and their cohorts are pros in using a false crisis to their political advantage. So they create things like America is racist or conservatives are going to destroy the solar system because of global warming. Ignorant and uneducated fools believe this and swallow it hook, line and sinker. If you quote directly from Obama's book and have the slightest disagreement with what he said you may be termed a "racist". The term means nothing anymore and truth means nothing to masses who follow this liberal theology. They could not survive if truth was important. It is not.
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It is safe to say Obama is the only pol ever that you could quote from their own books and be called a hater or some kind of -phobe. Truth is, he is a blank slate that liberals have projected whatever truth they want onto and have ignored every piece of evidence that should challenge that projection.

Truth is not a part of liberal, Democrat, progressive, socialist or communist doctrine. They are well schooled on how to deflect the truth and stir up false "crisis" to their political advantage. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama, Kerry. Algore and their cohorts are pros in using a false crisis to their political advantage. So they create things like America is racist or conservatives are going to destroy the solar system because of global warming. Ignorant and uneducated fools believe this and swallow it hook, line and sinker. If you quote directly from Obama's book and have the slightest disagreement with what he said you may be termed a "racist". The term means nothing anymore and truth means nothing to masses who follow this liberal theology. They could not survive if truth was important. It is not.
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If the admin goes thru with this immigration Trump will have a legit shot.

True. Trump will get a big boost out of this because voters know he'll be the only one who will send these people home.

Looks like the French wasting no time going after ISIS. Bombing Raqqa

Yep. Which makes me question, if we knew where their bases/camps were why we all waited so long. Even after we were all warned of an imminent attack. Doesnt make sense.
I like how the admin assures us comprehensive background checks will take place on the Syrians they want to bring over. I'm sure the lovely folks at the Syrian Department of Record Keeping and Stuff Like That has copious records on all of them. In fact, I'm sure providing Death to America with the proper accurate documents is quite high on their list...