How will they rule ??!

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I like how the admin assures us comprehensive background checks will take place on the Syrians they want to bring over. I'm sure the lovely folks at the Syrian Department of Record Keeping and Stuff Like That has copious records on all of them. In fact, I'm sure providing Death to America with the proper accurate documents is quite high on their list...
FBI Director Comey has stated their ability to check backgrounds is limited....and that was in response to the 10k number.

'A lot of us are concerned about whether you have enough information available to you to do an accurate vetting,' Thompson said.

'You can only query what you’ve collected,' Comey responded.

Comey went on to explain that an influx of Iraqi refugees after the Iraq war was easier for the agency to cope with because the U.S. had been in Iraq for several years at the time.

The situation in Syria, Comey said, was 'different.'

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Hey Dee, ISIS leader Abdu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic theology and graduated from Islamic U of Baghdad.

I think he knows Islam better than anyone especially politically correct liberals.

I have a law degree, and that doesn't mean I know the law better than everyone else. In fact, smart people who study something can disagree - just look at the Supreme Court for a poignant example. So your appeal to authority is pretty meaningless on both sides.
I like how the admin assures us comprehensive background checks will take place on the Syrians they want to bring over. I'm sure the lovely folks at the Syrian Department of Record Keeping and Stuff Like That has copious records on all of them. In fact, I'm sure providing Death to America with the proper accurate documents is quite high on their list...

This just in: Obumma issues an EO and American Taxpayer Dollars will soon be funneled to the SDRKSLT.
Since America is no longer the leader in the free world France is stepping up to fill the void.

As of Nov. 14, U.S. and partner nation aircraft have flown an estimated 57,301 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria. Here is the report card:


Source - the US Department of Defense

So please quit blathering about us not doing anything and pronouncing France the new world super power becasue they just woke up yesterday.
Ok, can one of you politicos breakdown ou presidents verbal response to this terrorist shit...

...because I just heard a couple embarrassing clips from a conservative news source and I want to make sure I get the whole story..

He basically said "look, if a small group of folks want to kill someone, they're gonna do it. We ain't sending troops because that's pointless. You can't stop people who are willing to die".


I don't understand politics, so can anyone explain to me why he would make light of this attack, or act like there's not much we can do against people who are willing to die?

Or did I miss the part where he spoke like a leader of the strongest nation on the planet?

Serious question, again, I just heard clips from Fox....What did I miss?

But he also said we've made significant progress against ISIS and specifically said we've taken their territory. Is that true?
Well now answer this please......if ISIS is such a big deal and Obama is t really concerned therefore not going after them, would t that mean he is basically their ally? Just curious here because he is treading a fine line and these idiots better reign him in some before he becomes America's worst enemy.

Muslims may be crazy but we got some real lunatics in this country too!

Only if you think 57,301 sorties is "not going after them".
"and partner nations" just how much of the damage was done by the US and who do they include as partner nations?

  • U.S. has conducted 6,353 strikes in Iraq and Syria (3,695 Iraq / 2,658 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,772 strikes in Iraq and Syria (1,626 Iraq / 146 Syria)
note the total strikes is 8,125 strikes. The majority of sorties returned without conducting a strike due to lack of targeting.

The countries that have participated in the strikes include:

  • In Iraq: (1) Australia, (2) Belgium, (3) Canada, (4) Denmark, (5) France, (6) Jordan, (7) The Netherlands, and (8) UK
  • In Syria: (1) Australia, (2) Bahrain, (3) Canada, (4) France, (5) Jordan, (6) Saudi Arabia, (7) Turkey and (8) UAE
Somebody send deeee the report I posted this morning about the senior officials editing ISIS reports. Not that it would matter.
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Obama was raised in the Muslim faith and gets a thrill when he hears the Muslim daily calls for prayer. It is a beautiful sound to his ears. So maybe he feels the Islamic terrorist will give America a break as long as he is president. I think Obama is counting on that and this may be a reason he is so gentle when discussing them. It must be hard for him to go against his childhood Muslim faith and schooling. He proudly states he is one of them due to his birth and childhood. These are his people and he had a reason for taking a Muslim name. He and the Democrat party refuse to even say the words Radical Islam. It is what it is and America wanted this. They elected him twice.

Watch out he monitors these sites, he's probably coming to get you right now!

Watch out he monitors these sites, he's probably coming to get you right now!

He actually was late to the G20 Leader's gathering for a moment of silence for the Paris Victims....he showed up afterwards. He didn't even know he missed it.

When asked about the Paris killings he said it was a set back...while these people are mourning the loss of life he says it is a set back.

One European journalist said Obama sounded and looked disinterested .
He actually was late to the G20 Leader's gathering for a moment of silence for the Paris Victims....he showed up afterwards. He didn't even know he missed it.

When asked about the Paris killings he said it was a set back...while these people are mourning the loss of life he says it is a set back.

One European journalist said Obama sounded and looked disinterested .

Yea you can tell from his statement that he really doesn't give a flip and has no concern for the victoms:

What in the hell are people even talking about with "background checks" on Syrian refugees? What the hell would a background check on someone from a third world shithole consist of?

60 minutes just did a story a few weeks ago on the inability of the US government to actually do background checks on the people it's granting security clearances to.

So yeah, you can pretty much wipe your ass with the background checks the US government does on it's own citizens but expect them to be able to accurately weed out terrorists from your other run of the mill refugees?

Not one refugee should be brought on American soil. Sorry, you were born in the wrong country. American privilege and what not.

The minute one of these refugees commits a crime, all we're going to hear from the left is how this was unexpected and we shouldn't politicize that crime or make it about all refugees.

There will come a day when we're saying "I told you so" regarding these refugees. Write it down.
Yea you can tell from his statement that he really doesn't give a flip and has no concern for the victoms:

You keep supporting this guy, you look as ridiculous as he does.

Nice job skirting by the're a good lib I'll give you that.

You're kind is the reason I am Independent, I am not a robot for a political party, prefer to think and observe on my own.
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Have we? Or are we just getting fed up with that religion? Look man, when no other muslim famous enough to be known, doesn't criticize that shit, well you know the shit is serious.

If Caitlyn Jenner turned Muslim and criticized it, then it would be a "muslim famous enough to be known." Outside of that possibility, what famous Muslims (with credibility in the Muslim world, b/c otherwise might as well be just a random Paddock poster for all the good it does) do you, or the American public, know? I hardly think that the fame of the person denouncing should be an issue - what about, say, influence in the Muslim world? Wouldn't that be a better measure? But, sure, name me some prominent, famous Muslim scholars and theologians and then point out their positions on terrorism. List or table would be handy, but stream of consciousness is fine, too.
At this point, Obama is mailing it in. Entering lame duck status, about to collect huge paychecks for the rest of his life. He doesn't give two shits about ISIS.
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"and partner nations" just how much of the damage was done by the US and who do they include as partner nations?

This is the key, and why I despise modern politics. Its too much for them to give us straight stats, because they know itll show them doing next to nothing. So they add in "and partner nations" that way the admin can look like its been tough on ISIS all along.

Of course we know better, especially when this administration keeps reiterating global warming is our biggest threat.

The minute one of these refugees commits a crime, all we're going to hear from the left is how this was unexpected and we shouldn't politicize that crime or make it about all refugees.

Exactly. We're bringing in 100,000 people who we have basically no info on at all. 100% odds that at least some of them are terrorists. At least one terrorist attacker in Paris came in as a refugee.

The other interesting issue is now at least 2 states have refused to accept refugees. Does the federal government have authority to force states to accept them?
I'm confused. Here you mention 57,301 sorties. In your very next post you list 8000 some strikes. Which is it?
Also why we told the French about the training camp for ISISI which we knew about...but never bomb?

Did it just open right after the Paris attacks?
You keep supporting this guy, you look as ridiculous as he does.

Nice job skirting by the're a good lib I'll give you that.

You're kind is the reason I am Independent, I am not a robot for a political party, prefer to think and observe on my own.

All I did was post his statement - how does that make me "ridiculous" or "skirting" and what is it you find about his statement that is "ridiculous"? I'm just trying to get the facts straight. The message one would take by reading your post is that the president was apathetic towards the Paris attack and the victims, but when you look at what he has said in total, we find that that's not true, in fact the opposite is true.

This president has said and done things that can be legitimately criticized, and that's fair game but to simply bash for the sake of bashing serves no purpose.
How you gonna differentiate from the ones that do?

Buddy, eff that religion. You can't be a fence riding muslim. You are either all the way or not. There are no such things as a "moderate muslim". That's the irony in this.

Name one famous muslim critic that every one knows globally? You can't.

Nail on the head. In a conflict, no true Muslim is going to take sides or sympathize inwardly with the infidels, no matter which country they live in. They may sit out involvement in the conflict but I believe we can count on large majority of them to inwardly take joy in any Islamist victory.
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This president has said and done things that can be legitimately criticized, and that's fair game but to simply bash for the sake of bashing serves no purpose.


Would love to know what Defense thinks deserves criticism? Relying too much on Congress to get his agenda through? Soliciting too much Republican input?

I mean, using the IRS to target people for political purposes, fabricating a story and arresting a man to preserve election chances, providing guns to cartels to murder US citizens with, doubling the US debt, unilaterally rewriting US immigration law, unilaterally rewriting Obamacare to push the negative effects past the election, etc. are all just false controversies and can't be criticized.

Defense has Defended every one of those things.
All I did was post his statement - how does that make me "ridiculous" or "skirting" and what is it you find about his statement that is "ridiculous"? I'm just trying to get the facts straight. The message one would take by reading your post is that the president was apathetic towards the Paris attack and the victims, but when you look at what he has said in total, we find that that's not true, in fact the opposite is true.

This president has said and done things that can be legitimately criticized, and that's fair game but to simply bash for the sake of bashing serves no purpose.
ACTIONS speak louder then written speech....his actions were on display today in Turkey and the answers to questions he had to face.

HE SAID TODAY the Paris attacks were a setback....he didn't even show up to Honor the victims.....ACTIONS not words written for him.

The press at the G20 today showed this Prez is a worthless pile of [poop]
Nail on the head. In a conflict, no true Muslim is going to take sides or sympathize inwardly with the infidels, no matter which country they live in.

Actually Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UAE have already "sided with the infidels" against ISIS. The Kurds which are a Sunni people have been our strong allies. We are currently training Sunni Muslim troops in Iraq.
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As of Nov. 14, U.S. and partner nation aircraft have flown an estimated 57,301 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria. Here is the report card:


Source - the US Department of Defense

So please quit blathering about us not doing anything and pronouncing France the new world super power becasue they just woke up yesterday.

Thanks for posting, but I still don't see where that 57,301 figure comes from - other than someone just throwing it out there. I see 13781 documented but no documentation for the 40 some thousand discrepancy.
Thanks for posting, but I still don't see where that 57,301 figure comes from - other than someone just throwing it out there. I see 13781 documented but no documentation for the 40 some thousand discrepancy.

The data came from the Department of Defense website. I'm pretty sure they keep track of the number of sorties they have flown. Again a sortie is only a mission, a mission that may or may not result in an opportunity to attack an identified target.
The growth of drone missions was pretty epic for a long stretch (2001 to probably at least 2010 when I left the business). Went from a few sorties a day to setting records every single year. Mostly involved with USAF drones, but also Army (after they won a Pentagon pissing/money contest) and others. So. Many. Sorties.
Having a hazmat endorsement on my drivers license means that I have to have background checks done and this isn't a one time thing. So those that the President wants to bring in will be vented in the same manner? Doubt it.
I see that Hilary proclaimed "I am from the 1960s" in the debate this weekend, and Rubio is smacking her around pretty good for it, as he should. I'm telling you guys, she is not a natural politician, has very little on the stump skill. She has the machinery, still has the media and culture, she has the demographics in her favor - all of that may be enough. She doesn't have the flair or talent that Bill or Obama had. Not foregone that she wins. Certain of the Rs can give her a good run, and a couple can best her.....
If Caitlyn Jenner turned Muslim and criticized it, then it would be a "muslim famous enough to be known." Outside of that possibility, what famous Muslims (with credibility in the Muslim world, b/c otherwise might as well be just a random Paddock poster for all the good it does) do you, or the American public, know? I hardly think that the fame of the person denouncing should be an issue - what about, say, influence in the Muslim world? Wouldn't that be a better measure? But, sure, name me some prominent, famous Muslim scholars and theologians and then point out their positions on terrorism. List or table would be handy, but stream of consciousness is fine, too.

Famous, influence, notable person, etc etc Just semantics 79.

Funny how I can't name one single opponent of muslims who are muslims.
Actually Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UAE have already "sided with the infidels" against ISIS. The Kurds which are a Sunni people have been our strong allies. We are currently training Sunni Muslim troops in Iraq.

Then those countries should be MORE than happy to take those refugees.

Funny how Europe and the U.S has to take these refugees. Every single refugge should be in Saudia Arabia right now.