How will they rule ??!

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/pol/ declares war on the children of liberal celebrities. Man liberals are stupid, they never see the big picture.

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Tell that to Chicago mfer...

They've killed over 100 in the Philippines alone. They are currently trying to take cities over there. Should be a bigger story than what it is.
/pol/ declares war on the children of liberal celebrities. Man liberals are stupid, they never see the big picture.


Idk what any of that is, but it sounds like (really) this person or persons are saying it's OK to go after kids of people they don't like. That's disturbing and creepy.

If we could take all these extreme idiots and throw them in the garbage with John Higgins, the world would be a better place.
Don't forget Deeeeeeeee, Rex.

Speaking of, all this Kathy Griffith crap reminds me of the time Deeeeeeee wanted Ted Nugent indicted AND convicted for using a GD metaphor. He probably thinks ol' Kathy deserves the death penalty.

I always enjoy the opportunity to remind everyone of that.
He once commented about how he wished I was dead. Libtards have a hard time dealing with me. I seem to get under their skin. By design? Maybe.
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It really is a great time to be alive....they still really have no idea what just happened and certainly don't know what to do about it.

Self reflection was the winning play for them, but that ship left the port and shan't return.

God bless, we turned them into a regional party right at the moment in time that we ( least for me for the duration of Trumps 8 year) were on the verge of ourselves becoming a regional party. Hillary wins, Rs were done for a generation and even then not coming back in the same fashion.

All by the skin of the rust belt's teeth.......shhheeeeeewwwww effing weeeeeeee. Just worth saying out loud as a reminder. Pennsylvania????? Michigan???? I may make peace with the state of Wisconsin at some point.

The "greatest most qualified candidate of all time", my ass. again. I beg you. She and the Ds have not been stepped on enough for my liking.

How's it still taste, Supreme Lord Zuisudra Clyde? Albany? CatBC (if Adam hasn't murdered you yet)?
They are in hiding needing their Huggies changed.
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Another attack in London on London Bridge.

Reports of stabbing and shots fired. Not confirmed as terrorism yet.
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Another attack in London on London Bridge.

Big news probably about to drop. Rumors flying that FBI raided some shell house in Dearborn, Michigan said to be Huma's that contains the lost Hildabeast emails.

Lame stream says it is a matter of National security.

Michigan home raided by FBI in operation described as national security issue

But then you have this article from an unconfirmed source.

FBI Nabs Hillary Clinton “Lost” Emails In Surprise Raid On Huma Abedin Home
Totally agree. It should be plastered everywhere. Instead its swept under the rug
We both know why its not, though.

Interesting to note that Duturte (or however its spelled I forget) has been trashing a lot of globalists. Interesting that ISIS is trying to take him down now. ISIS is a tool used by globalists.
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We both know why its not, though.

Interesting to note that Duturte (or however its spelled I forget) has been trashing a lot of globalists. Interesting that ISIS is trying to take him down now. ISIS is a tool used by globalists.

China is set to take over the china sea. They are bad for business.

Philippines says China expanding South China Sea reclamation
The Philippines last March, filed a formal plea to the United Nations challenging China's claims.

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Arm yourselves Europe! Your governments will only say what they have been saying after each attack. "We will join hands and show them we are together and will be stronger for it" That and "Terrorism is just apart of our lives now and we must live with it."
I came inside from the pool to put this on. Shits going down it looks like. Police are yelling like crazy on live TV to get out of the area.
The solution to this will obviously be to:
  • Everyone update their Facebook profile picture with a British flag to show solidarity
  • Light lots of candles
  • Have lots of speeches stating that they can't break us and we're all united
  • March for peace with lots of Muslim groups participating
  • Do nothing about immigration and allow anyone into the their countries
  • Be very very careful to not offend anyone
  • Blaming all of this on global warming, Trump, white people, democracy, capitalism, etc.
The solution to this will obviously be to:
  • Everyone update their Facebook profile picture with a British flag to show solidarity
  • Light lots of candles
  • Have lots of speeches stating that they can't break us and we're all united
  • March for peace with lots of Muslim groups participating
  • Do nothing about immigration and allow anyone into the their countries
  • Be very very careful to not offend anyone
  • Blaming all of this on global warming, Trump, white people, democracy, capitalism, etc.
They showed one guy they arrested. Looked like a white guy.
The solution to this will obviously be to:
  • Everyone update their Facebook profile picture with a British flag to show solidarity
  • Light lots of candles
  • Have lots of speeches stating that they can't break us and we're all united
  • March for peace with lots of Muslim groups participating
  • Do nothing about immigration and allow anyone into the their countries
  • Be very very careful to not offend anyone
  • Blaming all of this on global warming, Trump, white people, democracy, capitalism, etc.
Would you like that set to music Maudi?
I noticed no one is talking about the Muslim who tried to hijack a plane midair in Australia a few days ago.

So sick of the left. How can anyone still want these savages in their lands?