How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Me too, i pray that old whore rots in prison. I just wish she was healthy so she could live a long life in prison

The election sent her over the edge.

She had the MSM behind her, all elected democrats and a good portion of elected Republicans, twice the money, a sitting President and entertainers stumping for her, and she lost to Donald Trump!
Not only did she lose, she lost PA,WI,MI, and OH.

Every action for last 20 years, if not longer, both personal and professional were to become Pres., and she lost...twice! And she still just won't go away.
Anything ever come of that youtube video thing last night?

They talked about it more today and said they are trying to confirm through the data that Hildawg and the DNC funneled donor money from Bernie Commies to the High Priest's account. If they prove they did that what can they say? Redistribution of wealth. Sorry commies.
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Putin, speaking at an economic forum in St. Petersburg moderated by NBC’s Megyn Kelly, said the probe into Russia’s alleged attempts to influence the election via collusion with President Trump’s campaign team was merely “hysteria,” Reuters reported. He even tried to calm an inquisitive Kelly by asking: “Isn’t there a pill they can give you?”[roll]
The election sent her over the edge.

She had the MSM behind her, all elected democrats and a good portion of elected Republicans, twice the money, a sitting President and entertainers stumping for her, and she lost to Donald Trump!
Not only did she lose, she lost PA,WI,MI, and OH.

Every action for last 20 years, if not longer, both personal and professional were to become Pres., and she lost...twice! And she still just won't go away.

Absolutely right. I haven't enjoyed life politically like this. Was too young for Reagan. So Trump is my man.
Nice knowing ya fella...:flushed:

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She had the MSM behind her, all elected democrats and a good portion of elected Republicans, twice the money, a sitting President and entertainers stumping for her, and she lost to Donald Trump!
Not only did she lose, she lost PA,WI,MI, and OH.

Every action for last 20 years, if not longer, both personal and professional were to become Pres., and she lost...twice! And she still just won't go away.
Absolutely right. I haven't enjoyed life politically like this. Was too young for Reagan. So Trump is my man.
Bro, the political climate is so much different today. Good old Ronnie had his great moments, but Donald seems much more connected. Savor the moments.
I've been telling mfers for years oprah would be our president. What I didn't know is she would give us something worse than herself - fn Barack.

Putin, speaking at an economic forum in St. Petersburg moderated by NBC’s Megyn Kelly, said the probe into Russia’s alleged attempts to influence the election via collusion with President Trump’s campaign team was merely “hysteria,” Reuters reported. He even tried to calm an inquisitive Kelly by asking: “Isn’t there a pill they can give you?”[roll]

I love Putin. Hail Putin!
They talked about it more today and said they are trying to confirm through the data that Hildawg and the DNC funneled donor money from Bernie Commies to the High Priest's account. If they prove they did that what can they say? Redistribution of wealth. Sorry commies.

I would think that's plausible. Suprised she just didn't murder him. Bernie took her votes and made her look lame and old.

You think Donald paid Bernie?
I would think that's plausible. Suprised she just didn't murder him. Bernie took her votes and made her look lame and old.

You think Donald paid Bernie?

I looked at some of the files and a powerpoint that shows how they did voting redistricting. One of the things they mentioned was setting up duplicate polling places. Bernie Commies would vote at one place and Hildabeast at the other. Then DNC would switch the votes to Hildawg.
I've been telling mfers for years oprah would be our president. What I didn't know is she would give us something worse than herself - fn Barack.

I love Putin. Hail Putin!

I was in Malaysia one time. Drinking at the Shang Ri LA. Whose entourage and luggage start rolling into the hotel lobby? MF'N Vlad Purin. Everyone started circling around waiting for him. And i guess he went in another way. Because i didnt see him
I was in Malaysia one time. Drinking at the Shang Ri LA. Whose entourage and luggage start rolling into the hotel lobby? MF'N Vlad Purin. Everyone started circling around waiting for him. And i guess he went in another way. Because i didnt see him

Already up the elevator with two hookers with warm bladders. Damn the Willy dossier would have been stuff legends are made of.
Bro, the political climate is so much different today. Good old Ronnie had his great moments, but Donald seems much more connected. Savor the moments.
Its going to be an incredible 8 years. We are living in a time that people in the future will want to travel back in time too
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Wow Webb just explained how the DNC used Crosscheck to suppress Bernie Commie voters. They checked the id of Obama 2012 voters, check their donor history, create a new id with the same name. Once the Crosscheck system sees 2 voters with same name registered it throws them both out.

The best part about the Trump presidency, is that we haven't even reached the fun part yet. Just wait until he and Sessions and new FBI guy start jailing the leakers and unmaskers. The leftist meltdown right now is a joke compared to what it'll be then.
Oh it's getting fun!
I say bring on more penalties. Anyone that protests or won't accept the President should be deported immediately.
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Oh it's getting fun!
I say bring on more penalties. Anyone that protests or won't accept the President should be deported immediately.

I see you conveniently left out the part where they're not facing prison time for protesting or not accepting the president, but instead for the felonies they committed.

The fact that they're little bitches and can't handle the results of an election, doesn't give them a free pass to take to the streets, committing felonious acts of violence.