How will they rule ??!

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What a disaster...Griffins attorney wanted exposure and used her for this press conference...made matters worse. They have actually made the Trumps sympathetic figures lmao.
Damn, guess that means I missed it. Couldn't find which channel it was on. Oh, well. I'm sure they'll replay it a dozens times on the nightly news.
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Damn, guess that means I missed it. Couldn't find which channel it was on. Oh, well. I'm sure they'll replay it a dozens times on the nightly news.

It is still going on - the Q & A.

Lisa Bloom got pissed at 1st Q - questioning why Kathy has made fun of Barron in her comedy act? Griffin has attacked old white males no less than 10x. She has been 100% awkward, has cried, hasn't made much sense. Total shit show.
It is still going on - the Q & A.

Lisa Bloom got pissed at 1st Q - questioning why Kathy has made fun of Barron in her comedy act? Griffin has attacked old white males no less than 10x. She has been 100% awkward, has cried, hasn't made much sense. Total shit show.
What channel?

Edit- Nevermind. Found it on YouTube.
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Because the foundation of the deal are non-negotiable. Look it up. And the Paris deal is nonbinding and each country can set their own guidelines. Nothing about it is "economy killing" unless the USA makes it "economy killing." The USA doesn't have to contribute anything to carry the burden for anyone else. Trump could have literally said he will do everything the exact opposite of what Obama agreed to in the deal and it would have been well within the guidelines of the Paris deal

That's all well and good, I'm not trying to argue who won the suburbs, counties, or state. Those three things aren't Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is Pittsburgh, and Trump lost Pittsburgh.

I hope that is sarcasm because coal isn't coming back. Coal is well on its way to its way to the grave as a main source of energy. People in the coal industry would be better served future proofing their livelihoods and going into renewable energy.
I'll stipulate that Trump lost Pittsburgh (even though one could reasonably argue that "Pittsburgh", in ordinary conversation, is not limited to the city limits, but instead includes the entire metro area). Even if he lost Pittsburgh 100% to 0%, does that mean that, as President of the United States, that he's not supposed to care about Pittsburgh? I thought that he was supposed to be President of the entire nation, not just the red counties. Then, again, unlike some people, he never wrote off half of his non-voters as deplorable. When I refer to "some people", of course, I specifically refer to the Wicked Witch of the Left- what a nasty woman!

Not sure what you meant by referencing coal, but my post wasn't about coal. It was about the general behavior of the Left, since November, which can charitably be described as odious. The point is, keep up the good work, and 2020 is going to be a landslide.
What a disaster...Griffins attorney wanted exposure and used her for this press conference...made matters worse. They have actually made the Trumps sympathetic figures lmao.

Did he miss the part where she apologized the day after? If she played victim from the jump the media would have totally had her back, but she didn't. Now she looks really stupid...

And wtf do i care. Who cares. I can't believe this was on TV?? Who aired this junk?

The #1 rule in todays stupid media world is DONT EVER EVER APOLOGIZE FOR ANYTHING
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Just rewatched the press conference from the beginning. The entire opening statement by the lawyer is thick with projection. She basically described the behavior we've seen from the left, for years, every time someone says or does something non politically correct.
JohnKBA- Try this one.

[laughing] Russia covfefed them. Just saw that the guidelines the Russians set for themselves in the Paris Accord are to reach their '92 CO2 levels.

Thing is, at present, they're well below their '92 levels; therefore, under this magnificent, world saving, global climate agreement meant to reduce CO2 emission levels, Russia gets to freely emit more CO2.
Apparently a liberal history teacher at the university of Michigan thinks Ariana Grande is better to fight counterterrorism than Maddog Mattis. Interesting take on that one.

You could maybe argue that's true because she has titties, although small, and titties are powerful, but that point wouldn't really fly in the real fight against terror. Hell, they don't even want to see her titties. They want her to stfu and cover herself. That's reason #1 why they must be eradicated.
You could maybe argue that's true because she has titties, although small, and titties are powerful, but that point wouldn't really fly in the real fight against terror. Hell, they don't even want to see her titties. They want her to stfu and cover herself. That's reason #1 why they must be eradicated.

what's funny is how cathy grffin is now playing the victim card. lol!

She took a photo op of her holding a severed Trump head and SHE'S the victim. You couldn't make this shit up even if you tried.
The Onion couldn't write a story like this.
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There's a fire sale on oceanfront property since the Pairs pullout will cause sea levels to rise.