How will they rule ??!

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During an interview in December of 2016, comedian Kathy Griffin promised to attack President Trump's 11-year-old son, Barron. The statements made to Vulture further shows the depraved depths to which some on the left will go to attack President Trump and his family.

“Now more than ever we must absolutely go for all the absurdities,” Kathy Griffin told Vulture. “For me, that’s Trump and all things Trump. It’s not about trying to be an equal-opportunity offender anymore because Hillary got such a beat down. It’s his turn. So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.” (emphasis added)
I can't stop being trolled. I am a victim. Kathy Griffin raped me. I actually thought about Kathy griffin getting up there with her lawyer and accusing trump of sexually assaulting her. She should have gone that route, imo.


I wouldn't have been surprised.
Does anyone know if there was surveillance video of whoever wrote the racist graffiti on Lebron James house? I can't believe he doesn't have cameras setup.
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During an interview in December of 2016, comedian Kathy Griffin promised to attack President Trump's 11-year-old son, Barron. The statements made to Vulture further shows the depraved depths to which some on the left will go to attack President Trump and his family.

“Now more than ever we must absolutely go for all the absurdities,” Kathy Griffin told Vulture. “For me, that’s Trump and all things Trump. It’s not about trying to be an equal-opportunity offender anymore because Hillary got such a beat down. It’s his turn. So I’m happy to deliver beat down to Donald Trump — and also to Barron. You know a lot of comics are going to go hard for Donald, my edge is that I’ll go direct for Barron. I’m going to get in ahead of the game.” (emphasis added)
What a bitch.
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IMO, this is what the entire war on coal was about. You kill the American steel industry, you murder its economy. Common knowledge for decades.

Level the global playing field.

Pretty simple. You shut off energy other jobs shut down. Coal is not just about coal jobs. Cheap energy keeps the lights on for other factories.
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Trump could just go away and not utter a word for the next 3 years and win reelection, because the left are just destroying themselves. Trump doesn't even have to destroy them.

Kathy Griffin, Hillary and Obama are the best things to happen to Trump. Just let these fools keep destroying themselves. I hope these idiots keep themselves in the news every week.
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Trump could just go away and not utter a word for the next 3 years and win reelection, because the left are just destroying themselves. Trump doesn't even have to destroy them.

Kathy Griffin, Hillary and Obama are the best things to happen to Trump. Just let these fools keep destroying themselves. I hope these idiots keep themselves in the news every week.

They are already destroyed. This is all a diversion to keep us away from the real story. They sold state secrets, spied on american citizens, stole money from freddie and fannie, toppled sovereign governments with radical islamists, human trafficking, money laundry, drug trafficking and organ harvesting.

Yet we sit here and get trolled by d list celebs.
[laughing] She said she wishes Trump would govern instead of trying to mobilize people to kill her. The victim culture among the left is pure lunacy.

I don't know, I'm less and less inclined each day to give a shit about the health and well being of liberals. Any more I kind of hope their brain damage is fast acting and terminal.
They are already destroyed. This is all a diversion to keep us away from the real story. They sold state secrets, spied on american citizens, stole money from freddie and fannie, toppled sovereign governments with radical islamists, human trafficking, money laundry, drug trafficking and organ harvesting.

Yet we sit here and get trolled by d list celebs.

That's an insult to actual D list celebs bigblue :)
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Anything ever come of that youtube video thing last night?

0hour1 took a look at it. Seems to be some of the files that were already leaked along with some new ones. They had Defango on too he is looking at it. Kim Dotcom was on the periscope for a minute in the comments. They are trying to get him to drop the metadata on Seth Rich.

Like I said it seems like a LARP. I don't trust any of them but it is fun to follow if you treat it like entertainment. George Webb has dropped some real stories like the Awan brothers and Debbie Red Beast. He will be on infowars today. So you know how that will go.