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Reports for Kaine
Not negotiable? Ummm....if they want U.S. participation, somebody better re-open negotiations.
It's not happening. The US can renegotiate the guidelines they set for themselves (which the US could have done by staying in it, since they can set their own guidelines), but the foundation of the agreement is non-negotiable.
They didn't watch 2 seconds of the DJT speech when he said how this helps US. They only watch people like Elon Musk who gets a $7500 tax credit every time he sells a car. Going green right to his pocket. Sorry globalists you don't get to say what we do with our tax money anymore. Junker on this MOAB if you want your money Macaroni. Man I am going to Merkle dance around the pool tonight.


Wtf is going on here

Raw files from DNC. Could be Seth Rich files. They are sorting through the files talking to Kim.Dotcom. It is live right now tune in.

Please explain what makes it non-negotiable, other than some liberal on TV saying it? Why can't they renegotiate? What's stopping them? How is it stopping them? Why is it impossible to impose the same economy killing restrictions on China and/or India? Why is it impossible for the US to be treated fairly, instead of carrying the lopsided burden?
Not sure how that negates his quote, but okay? Lol
He said he will only negotiate if he can get a deal better for the US. The deal was complete and utter shit, and everyone knows it was. And who cares if its not renegotiateable? That's probably a good thing, the US should not be in a deal like that.
Because the foundation of the deal are non-negotiable. Look it up. And the Paris deal is nonbinding and each country can set their own guidelines. Nothing about it is "economy killing" unless the USA makes it "economy killing." The USA doesn't have to contribute anything to carry the burden for anyone else. Trump could have literally said he will do everything the exact opposite of what Obama agreed to in the deal and it would have been well within the guidelines of the Paris deal

Pittsburgh proper, no doubt; she got him. Allegheny County, yes, but it was closer than most urban counties. In the suburbs, Trump wiped her out. In rural Western PA, he absolutely obliterated her. In Pennsylvania on the whole, guess who won? It wasn't the Witch. Keep up the good work, double down a bit more, and we'll see that already penetrated blue wall lose a few more chunks- Minnesota and Maine are next.
That's all well and good, I'm not trying to argue who won the suburbs, counties, or state. Those three things aren't Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is Pittsburgh, and Trump lost Pittsburgh.

This is awesome news! Those coal jobs of 100 years ago are back baby!!! Woohoo!!!
I hope that is sarcasm because coal isn't coming back. Coal is well on its way to its way to the grave as a main source of energy. People in the coal industry would be better served future proofing their livelihoods and going into renewable energy.
Because the foundation of the deal are non-negotiable. Look it up. And the Paris deal is nonbinding and each country can set their own guidelines. Nothing about it is "economy killing" unless the USA makes it "economy killing." The USA doesn't have to contribute anything to carry the burden for anyone else. Trump could have literally said he will do everything the exact opposite of what Obama agreed to in the deal and it would have been well within the guidelines of the Paris deal

What you described is nothing close to any agreement.

So basically everyone promised they might do something, and in return the us carries the burden? Awesome deal. About par for Obama and Kerry.
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Here is the thing, while it's fun to see the left squirm and act down right snotty about Trump's presidency, beating them isn't what this is about. It is a side effect to creating a right path.

It may not be the best path and eventually the minorities with their socialism ways will takeover. However from where we are it is the right way.

We do have a long way to go before we are close to needing socialism or whatever the dems are pushing for. That said it isn't just because white people are racist idiots etc etc as this country has been considered the greatest for about 100 years now. That's a long reign as a superpower and with Trumps power play it should last a lot longer.
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Because the foundation of the deal are non-negotiable. Look it up.

Says who? If the actual policies within the agreement itself are non-binding, then what makes you think the non-negotiable part is automatically binding? Everything is negotiable, especially if they want US participation.

Also, who says they have to rengotiate this exact deal? Can they not negotiate an new deal? Just as Trump mentioned, they can do either or (renegotiate or negotiate a new deal) if they want US participation.

The USA doesn't have to contribute anything to carry the burden for anyone else.

Not true. Only the policies/guidelines set within the agreement are non-binding, not the money to be paid. Better believe the money was binding and we'd be on the hook for it. For example, we hadn't even fully committed to the damn thing, but they made sure we had already paid the first year's $1B.

Trump could have literally said he will do everything the exact opposite of what Obama agreed to in the deal and it would have been well within the guidelines of the Paris deal

Then what is the point of even signing of we're not going to keep our word? Agree to something, give your word, sign on the dotted line, but then go back on your word and use the loophole excuse? That sounds like the cowards way out. Not to mention, the optics are much worse than not even signing.

Doesn't matter anyways. This wouldn't have been the case for the US. EPA had already planned to set up offices to police the guidelines agreed to and to make sure they were adhered to.
Says who? If the actual policies within the agreement itself are non-binding, then what makes you think the non-negotiable part is automatically binding? Everything is negotiable, especially if they want US participation.

Also, who says they have to rengotiate this exact deal? Can they not negotiate an new deal? Just as Trump mentioned, they can do either or (renegotiate or negotiate a new deal) if they want US participation.
Remember, only three countries are not part of the Paris deal. USA because of Trump, Nicaragua because they said the deal doesn't go far enough, and Syria because they can't afford it due to war. Obviously, whatever the USA wants isn't going to change anything with those two countries stance. All the other major players in the world are so firmly entrenched in what they are doing now that will go to great lengths in reducing their carbon emissions, there is little point in them negotiating a new deal that they apparently deem favorable just because Trump wants to get his way.

USA being on board with reducing emissions is important but given the many anti-climate decisions Trump has made in his short time as President, it's hard to imagine any other world leader (other than maybe Putin and the mass murderers that lead Turkey and the Philippines) having any trust in him to actually want to negotiate a deal that accomplishes anything.

And according to this article, once the US withdraws, they can't legally renegotiate the deal anyways.
Trump could have literally said he will do everything the exact opposite of what Obama agreed to in the deal and it would have been well within the guidelines of the Paris deal
And just to point out, this is true in theory, but false for the US. Several states/cities had already vowed to put strict laws into place to ensure that the US reached the guidelines set in the agreement.

Take Pittsburgh for example. Even though Trump pulled out of the deal today, the Mayor announced that the he still plans on enacting said laws to make sure the city follows the guidelines in the agreement.

So, what you say may be true for the rest of the countries, but the US was going to make sure it policed itself, and Trump couldn't have literally said he'd do the opposite when there were state/city laws on the books.
And just to point out, this is true in theory, but false for the US. Several states/cities had already vowed to put strict laws into place to ensure that the US reached the guidelines set in the agreement.

Take Pittsburgh for example. Even though Trump pulled out of the deal today, the Mayor announced that the he still plans on enacting said laws to make sure the city follows the guidelines in the agreement.

So, what you say may be true for the rest of the countries, but the US was going to make sure it policed itself, and Trump couldn't have literally said he'd do the opposite when there were state/city laws on the books.
Federal law supercedes state law
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All the other major players in the world are so firmly entrenched in what they are doing now that will go to great lengths in reducing their carbon emissions,

But that's not what this deal does, at all. The amount reduced worldwide was fractions of a % over a century. Us coal emission weren't going to stop, only get exported to China. China wasn't planning to reduce anything under this deal. If anything, they were going to go balls out.

USA being on board with reducing emissions is important

The US is already the world's leader in emissions reduction, and we do it and a much, much cheaper price. We don't need to sign a piece of paper, lose millions of jobs and pony up billions of dollars to continue to do so.
Federal law supercedes state law
Tell that to sanctuary cities. States defy federal law, daily. Not to mention, liberals shop for liberal judges who make judgements on emotions and ideology instead of the law as written. If Trump enacted federal law to supercede the state laws, they'd be tied up in court for years.

Why in the hell would Trump want to go through all that dumb shit? Signing the deal, having to enact laws to supercede the state laws put in place, then be battling it out in liberal courts, for years, just to be able to not follow the guidelines of the deal. Total waste of time when he can just pull out of deal and not have to worry about the guidelines whatsoever.
negotiating a new deal that they apparently deem favorable just because Trump wants to get his way.
Has nothing to do with Trump getting his way, and everything to do with the US volunteering to get raped economically, while paying our biggest economic rivals billions to allow us to do so.

anti-climate decisions Trump has made in his short time as President,

John Kerry lost his shit tonight. Most destructive move a president has taken in his life time.


People are going to die folks..... Liberals committing suicide that is.

Liberals and their devotion to their religion of climate change is hysterical. These people live in a fantasy world.

Everything is always the end of the world if they don't get their way; Brexit, Trump, Paris agreement, etc. I used to laugh about people calling liberalism a mental disorder but the way they have acted, it's hard to argue against that.
Basically, can't the rest of the world show us citizens of the US what backwards assholes we are and save the planet?

Do you think the left sees the irony of bitching about American imperialism and messing with other countries all while expecting us to fund the rest of the world like some dad to a spoiled child?

"America and the west are evil!"

"Wait. Come back. We need your money and for you to take in all of these refugees."
But that's not what this deal does, at all. The amount reduced worldwide was fractions of a % over a century. Us coal emission weren't going to stop, only get exported to China. China wasn't planning to reduce anything under this deal. If anything, they were going to go balls out.

The US is already the world's leader in emissions reduction, and we do it and a much, much cheaper price. We don't need to sign a piece of paper, lose millions of jobs and pony up billions of dollars to continue to do so.
China has announced they are canceling the construction of 103 coal powered plants and that they have reduced their usage of coal for three consecutive years. Please stop ignoring a fact. Additionally, they are committing over $360 billion towards renewable energy by 2020. They are even projected to meet their 2020 goal for carbon emission reductions two years ahead of schedule.

And China's renewable energy is actually being done cheaper than USA's.

Not to mention, liberals shop for liberal judges who make judgements on emotions and ideology instead of the law as written.

Why in the hell would Trump want to go through all that dumb shit? Signing the deal, having to enact laws to supercede the state laws put in place, then be battling it out in liberal courts, for years, just to be able to not follow the guidelines of the deal. Total waste of time when he can just pull out of deal and not have to worry about the guidelines whatsoever.

Seriously? All that emotion in a post complaining about emotion [laughing]. Additionally, the Supreme Court now has a 5-4 conservative lean.
Liberals and their devotion to their religion of climate change is hysterical. These people live in a fantasy world.

Everything is always the end of the world if they don't get their way; Brexit, Trump, Paris agreement, etc. I used to laugh about people calling liberalism a mental disorder but the way they have acted, it's hard to argue against that.
At least climate change can be scientifically tested, unlike conservatives and their church religions!
At least climate change can be scientifically tested, unlike conservatives and their church religions!


Both are bullshit. Except unlike the left, if you disagree with them you are the devil.

Guess what dip shit. There is no god or heaven/hell. And Dino's didn't drive cars or use fossil fuels. It's all fake.
China has announced they are canceling the construction of 103 coal powered plants and that they have reduced their usage of coal for three consecutive years

China says a lot if shit, doesn't mean they do it. US coal was going to be exported to China under this deal. They have 13 years to pollute away. If they were planning on reducing immediately they wouldn’t have cared to have the 13 year window.

Additionally, they are committing over $360 billion towards renewable energy by 2020
They also committed to give billions to the Paris Accord, to which they haven't paid a single cent. US was never fully committed to the deal, yet we paid our 1B. What's China waiting on?

Seriously? All that emotion in a post complaining about emotion [laughing]. Additionally, the Supreme Court now has a 5-4 conservative lean.

What emotion? You read emotion through words on a message board? I see. Your dumbass argument got exposed and you go straight to ad hominem. And the Supreme Court is irrelevant. Why go through all of that?

Bottom line, doesn't matter that federal supercedes state law, Supreme Court 5-4., it's all pointless. There's zero point in going through all of that just to not adhere to the guidelines of the deal when he can just not agree to the deal from the onset. It's called common sense.
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China says a lot if shit, doesn't mean they do it. US coal was going to be exported to China under this deal. They have 13 years to pollute away. If they were planning on reducing immediately they wouldn’t have cared to have the 13 year window.

They also committed to give billions to the Paris Accord, to which they haven't paid a single cent. US was never fully committed to the deal, yet we paid our 1B. What's China waiting on?

What emotion? I see. Your dumbass argument got exposed and you go straight to ad hominen. And the Supreme Court is irrelevant. Why ho through all of that?

Bottom line, doesn't matter that federal supercedes state law, Supreme Court 5-4., it's all pointless. There's zero point in going through all of that just to not adhere to the guidelines of the deal when he can just not agree to the deal from the onset. It's called common sense.

He's a typical dumbass liberal. Doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.
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Kathy griffin to have press conference with lawyer tomorrow at noon eastern

She is going to tel her true motivation for the photos and detail the harassment done to her by the Trumps.

The left. Lol. What a fricken joke.
Kathy griffin to have press conference with lawyer tomorrow at noon eastern

She is going to tel her true motivation for the photos and detail the harassment done to her by the Trumps.

The left. Lol. What a fricken joke.
Harassment by the Trumps? One effing, critical tweet is harassment?

If this, ahem, "artist" is pissed because everybody on the planet criticized her work, then she should have more carefully pondered potential consequences.
Terrorism kills hundreds, weekly, right now, in the present time, but it's not really that big of a big deal, though. It's a waste of taxpayers dollars trying to eradicate such a non-threat.


Now give us billions to invest into stopping climate change, so we can maybe, probably, kind of, sort of, I don't know for sure, possibly, potentially save people a hundred years from now.


OMG! It's a constitutional crisis. The end is nigh. Trump maybe, probably, kind of, sort of, I don't know for sure, possibly, potentially killed people a hundred years from now.




Because the foundation of the deal are non-negotiable. Look it up. And the Paris deal is nonbinding and each country can set their own guidelines. Nothing about it is "economy killing" unless the USA makes it "economy killing." The USA doesn't have to contribute anything to carry the burden for anyone else. Trump could have literally said he will do everything the exact opposite of what Obama agreed to in the deal and it would have been well within the guidelines of the Paris deal
It's economy killing or at least damaging if it places a burden on our manufacturers that is not shared by our competitors. As our displaced workers sit in their about to be repossessed homes, awaiting their unemployment checks, etc... I doubt they find much solace in knowing that while other countries sell their wares here at least we're contributing less to environmental problems.
I'd have no problem with the US being part of the Accord with the condition that we will match what other nations are doing.
There are other motivators for our people to come up with clean energy, specifically economic reasons. One would be independence from oil.