How will they rule ??!

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Then what is the point of even signing of we're not going to keep our word? Agree to something, give your word, sign on the dotted line, but then go back on your word and use the loophole excuse? That sounds like the cowards way out. Not to mention, the optics are much worse than not even signing.
So it's okay to stick with an agreement that was agreed to in error? ...that was not in your best interests?
You sound like Kerry when he was "The American people agreed to this..". The American people did not agree. The deal was signed by one that may be considered the the least America focused POTUS we've had.
Every State is sovereign, has its own version of the EPA. They can set their environmental standards at whatever they want, and producers have to stay within those guidelines or face penalties.

More clearly, the states can set environmental standards that are more strict than federal standards. The federal law is the baseline, however sates can implement their own standards so long as they meet the federal baseline. Try doing business in CA vs doing business in KY.

But I trust, although lacking a basic understanding of domestic law, that poster understands the complex issues of international law and all the specifics of the Paris Agreement well enough to give his informed thoughts as to why the US pulling out is bad.
China has announced they are canceling the construction of 103 coal powered plants and that they have reduced their usage of coal for three consecutive years. Please stop ignoring a fact. Additionally, they are committing over $360 billion towards renewable energy by 2020. They are even projected to meet their 2020 goal for carbon emission reductions two years ahead of schedule.

And China's renewable energy is actually being done cheaper than USA's.

If theyre serious about emmission control, why do they need a piece of paper? I doubt they ever intended to build them at all.


Terrorist are killing our planet with the carbon emissions. Bo and Luke Mohammud doing donuts on the Paris Agreement. It's okay they plant more green space with poppy plants than 90% of the rest of the earth thanks to the protection from the CIA.
China didn't need 103 new power plants, that was simply fluff to satisfy people in the West.

China is at over capacity now of 920 megawatts , they had set a goal of 1.1 gigawatts of coal power and they will reach it , for reference the US is at 350 megawatts of coal, the plants needed to reach that goal are being completed.
Trump is basically erasing the Obama Presidency. It's awesome.

Obamacare will be gone
Paris gone
Illegals gone
Apologizing to the world done
Globalist done

History will read he was the first African American President. That's it.

Good list. Add: Supreme Ct. Nominee Merrick Garland replaced by Neal Gorsuch. That one really hurt the libs as Garland would have given them a 5-4 majority on the court.
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Harassment by the Trumps? One effing, critical tweet is harassment?

If this, ahem, "artist" is pissed because everybody on the planet criticized her work, then she should have more carefully pondered potential consequences.
Not only that, how may times in her career has she tried to by funny and or disrespectful making jokes about others regardless of who.
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The next time the Chinese keep a promise will be the first time.

So libs trust the Chinese, Muslims, Russians, and literally everybody else in the world before our own President.
As I said before and truly mean it, they are traitorous.
Love to see all these new champions of state sovereignty and state's rights.

Oh, yeah, you guys are sure showing Trump by saying you're still going to reduce emissions and whatnot. You ****ing idiots.

We've been arguing that's the way it should be for years. And no one is against people reducing emissions or doing their part to make the environment cleaner. We're against taking it up the ass in some bullshit international pact.

So please, Pittsburgh, CA, etc. Do your thing, remember your newfound respect for state sovereignty.
Nothing in that Maxine Waters tweet suggested it was a parody until someone pointed out it wasn't the verified account.
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SIAP: Students Now Claim Louisiana State University’s Tiger Mascot is ‘Racist’ and ‘White Privilege’

A petition, entitled “Change the Racist Mascot of LSU!,” demands that the school take action to dump the tiger mascot because it was named “during the height of Jim Crow South.”
LSU named the tiger as its mascot back in 1895, taking the symbol from one of the state’s hardest fighting civil war battalions known as the “Louisiana Tigers.”

Lol...poor snowflakes
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During all the TDS hysteria...

The News You Didn’t Hear
Reporters only want to talk about Russia, instead of what Team Trump is getting done.

Here is what Americans this week were told counted as “news”: Jared Kushner’s past meetings. Russians. James Comey’s upcoming testimony. Russians. Hillary Clinton’s latest conspiracy theories. Russians. Bob Mueller’s as-yet-nonexistent investigation (into Russians). Kathy Griffin, Mr. Met and, of course, “covfefe.” Total words printed on these subjects? At least a duodecillion.
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Yelp Silicon Valley (San Francisco, San Jose) has no problem with jobs these days. The rest of the country not so much. The Paris Accord would have cost the United States millions of jobs. Glad Trump is looking out for more than just coastal elites unlike the previous administration.
They truly don't care about those out of work & want more & more on snap benefits so they control them. Really quite straightforward.

Coastal Elites could care less about fly over states. They live in mansions in gated communicates and throw the rest of us their crumbs.
Ran into a MGTOW over on Gab earilier and he's in favor of aligning with Muslims and instituting sharia law to deal with the "women" problem in the West. Seems smart, let's align with Islam to deal with our Marxism problem.