How will they rule ??!

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Libtards tonight. It's so entertaining watching these people melt down.
You'll enjoy these.
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Why are they all so surprised, wearing their doomsday dunce caps, when Trump promised, months ago, on the campaign trail, that he was going to do this very thing?

Bottom line, we are way ahead of the rest of the world, as far as CO2 emissions go, while also keeping our energy prices half of what theirs are.

It's hypocritical for any country to criticize us when we do it cleaner, and for cheaper. Pretty sure our CO2 emissions will continue to decline and stay cheaper, regardless of their stupid piece of signed parchment.
Trump is basically erasing the Obama Presidency. It's awesome.

Obamacare will be gone
Paris gone
Illegals gone
Apologizing to the world done
Globalist done

History will read he was the first African American President. That's it.
John Kerry lost his shit tonight. Most destructive move a president has taken in his life time.


People are going to die folks..... Liberals committing suicide that is.
Of course he said that. Not the POS Lyndon b Johnson and Vietnam
Has absolutely nothing to do that with. If you believe that's all this is about you are utterly clueless. Matter of fact, do you even have the slightest idea on the details of the agreement?
Reducing emissions 25% of 2005 standards but I'm sure you have a political argument that makes us right and 195 other nations wrong.
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Has absolutely nothing to do that with. If you believe that's all this is about you are utterly clueless. Matter of fact, do you even have the slightest idea on the details of the agreement?

They didn't watch 2 seconds of the DJT speech when he said how this helps US. They only watch people like Elon Musk who gets a $7500 tax credit every time he sells a car. Going green right to his pocket. Sorry globalists you don't get to say what we do with our tax money anymore. Junker on this MOAB if you want your money Macaroni. Man I am going to Merkle dance around the pool tonight.

Reducing emissions 25% of 2005 standards but I'm sure you have a political argument that makes us right and 195 other nations wrong.
That's only the US, not worldwide. I thought this was a worldwide agreement? Worldwide it barely makes a fraction of a difference for the next century, which does absolutely nothing to help the climate. It's a sham.

The US is already the leader in reducing emissions, regardless of this agreement, and we will continue to be, even without this agreement. We don't need to pay China and India to emit in order for us to reduce our emissions.

How does the US subsidizing, to the tune of 3B per year, the economies of China and India, two of our biggest economic rivals, while also allowing them to pollute, unchecked, help the US in anyway or slow climate change in anyway?

Whatever emissions reduced under this deal, China and India are going to continue emmit, but on the US's dime. So, basically, this deal consisted of the US crippling its own economy, paying for other countries to catch up to our economy, and not doing a damn thing to ultimately help the climate.
That's only the US, not worldwide. I thought this was a worldwide agreement? Worldwide it barely makes a fraction of a difference for the next century, which does absolutely nothing to help the climate. It's a sham.

The US is already the leader in reducing emissions, regardless of this agreement, and we will continue to be, even without this agreement. We don't need to pay China and India to emit in order for us to reduce our emissions.

How does the US subsidizing, to the tune of 3B per year, the economies of China and India, two of our biggest economic rivals, while also allowing them to pollute, unchecked, help the US in anyway or slow climate change in anyway?

Whatever emissions reduced under this deal, China and India are going to continue emmit, but on the US's dime. So, basically, this deal consisted of the US crippling its own economy, paying for other countries to catch up to our economy, and not doing a damn thing to ultimately help the climate.

3 billion would be the starting point. They would keep coming up with pseudo science to continue to raise their budget to extort the US for more money to go to what? Show me what great things China and India are doing to reduce the earth temps 1 degree in the next 100 years. What great ideas do they have to control the big ball of fire in the sky. Obama rammed another decision up congress ass and we the voters/tax payers of the US are not in agreement on any accord.
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Because one believes in a strong NATO and a united front against Russia and their policies and supports promoting human rights globally and the other is a blow hard that is doing their best to destroy the alliances that have served the USA well for a century.

United we stand, divided we fall. Trump, LePen both populist candidates with similar messages. Just think of "us" and forget everybody else. Messages that lead to division.
The greatest man that ever lived said we should love others AS we love ourselves. I don't believe Trump is "forgetting" about anyone. He's also looking out for his own country. Something that was not done during the previous presidency. The world's only political hope is a strong USA. We must care for ourselves if we hope to care for others.

Russia is paranoid and self-serving. Again, IMO, they would have much preferred another obama-like president in office; one they could do as they wished without fear of significant consequences ie...their invasion of the Ukraine, annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, supporting Iran and supporting Assad. They know that kind of crap could be met with significant retaliation now. A scared, chronically paranoid Russia should generate fear. On the other hand, a Russia given free reign to act as it wishes (as it was during the obama presidency) is no better. I'd prefer the russia that thinks the President might just push the button if we cross the line.
They are FEARFUL. Either they are behind all the current talk in an effort to undermine Trump, or it's the usual crap-spewing of the media. You pick.
The same people who tell us there are more than 2 genders are shocked that we don't believe them on what the weather will be 100 years from now.

Should I be shocked that you don't understand the difference between weather and climate?
that makes us right and 195 other nations wrong
And this part is just laughable. Of course the other countries are more than willing to allow the US to self sabotage while also paying for them to catch up economically.

If we're so wrong, and they're so right, then why did Obama force this on us via EO instead of actually introducing a bill, holding a vote in the Senate, and allowing the government to do its job and debate said bill? The Democrats had the majority at the time, so what's the reason for not doing so?

I'll tell you... because this bill would have been laughed off the Senate floor, treated like the farce that it is, and didn't stand a chance in hell of passing.
Reducing emissions 25% of 2005 standards but I'm sure you have a political argument that makes us right and 195 other nations wrong.
We already do very well compared to other nations. IMO, Trump will negotiate US involvement but the agreement will be one that does not put our businesses at a disadvantage.
So are all the other countries going to sign the deal still? Why does the US pulling out of an allegedly nonbinding agreement make such a huge impact on the climate of the would?
No, they all signed still, but it's a big deal because the US is no longer subsidizing it. They were counting on us morons to pay for it all. Kind of like NATO.

Out of the countries who agreed to pony up billions, US is the only one who's already met that obligation. Just like the US would have been the only country to police itself on the non binding, unfair, lopsided policies.
He's got billions invested in solar energy so of course he was against us pulling out.

Of course. But he wants to put on the show that he doesnt care about money; only ideas.


Time and time again, liberals are exposed as hypocrites that refuse to out their money where their mouth is.

With this decision, his ideas are more valuable than ever to mankind. But that doesnt count since it doesnt show up in the bank account apparently
Of course. But he wants to put on the show that he doesnt care about money; only ideas.


Time and time again, liberals are exposed as hypocrites that refuse to out their money where their mouth is.

With this decision, his ideas are more valuable than ever to mankind. But that doesnt count since it doesnt show up in the bank account apparently
They want to put someone else's money where their mouth is.
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Of course. But he wants to put on the show that he doesnt care about money; only ideas.


Time and time again, liberals are exposed as hypocrites that refuse to out their money where their mouth is.

With this decision, his ideas are more valuable than ever to mankind. But that doesnt count since it doesnt show up in the bank account apparently

You know that is good point. Why don't they just pony up the cash right now and cover our cost. Don't hold some bullshit fundraiser concert to sell more records either. Pull out the check book right a big check as a real big f U to Trump. But no you won't do it. You will tell the middle class working family that bust their ass just to afford daycare so they can keep busting their ass to fork it over. Then have enough nerve to shut down the jobs they were busting ass at. GTFO. Trump in a landslide 2020.
You know that is good point. Why don't they just pony up the cash right now and cover our cost. Don't hold some bullshit fundraiser concert to sell more records either. Pull out the check book right a big check as a real big f U to Trump. But no you won't do it. You will tell the middle class working family that bust their ass just to afford daycare so they can keep busting their ass to fork it over. Then have enough nerve to shut down the jobs they were busting ass at. GTFO. Trump in a landslide 2020.

Between musk, Zuckerberg apple, and google they can fund anything they want.

Instead they just keep raking it in, and bitching about taxpayers not footing the bill.
Between musk, Zuckerberg apple, and google they can fund anything they want.

Instead they just keep raking it in, and bitching about taxpayers not footing the bill.

Even worse. They skate taxes by dumping money overseas. They accept tax payers money and government contracts to fund several of their programs. Corporate government can eat it.
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If you accept that all climate change is real . . . is anything more harmful to the environment than pulling forward consumption with intergenerational debt?