How will they rule ??!

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And they tolerate ZERO deviation from the party line.

Sounds like communism, eh comrade?

Republican voters self reflected after the 2012 loss and went with a complete non-politician (outsider, basically) to be their guy; win or lose. They had the ability to critique their own party, hate many of the RINOs and give them the finger.

When have Dems done that? When have they ever went against their own party? When did they ever hold Obama accountable or criticize him?

Having Hillary lined up for eight years is pathetic. Then they acted like they had it in the bag. Then when they get their asses handed to them in the senate, house and presidency, they don't analyze. They double down and get violent and nuts.
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Ex-DNC aide hits back hard at Clinton, says her campaign ignored data on Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

Surprised hes still alive. The Clintons are slacking.

Double surprised it came from Washington Shitpost. Y'all not paying attention? The cards are crumbling. Hildabeast blasting the DNC IT people is a cover for her giving out secrets on her server. She is cooked. They are going to throw the side of beef under the bus this time. Awan brothers, Weiner, the blackberries, and her emails are not going away.
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One of my favorite Trump quotes.

"I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris."

GD right.
Except Pittsburgh voted Hillary, by a fairly significant margin [laughing]

And he wants to renegotiate terms of the Paris Agreement. The problem is they aren't renegotiable. Might want to consider something like that before making a decision.
Except Pittsburgh voted Hillary, by a fairly significant margin [laughing]

And he wants to renegotiate terms of the Paris Agreement. The problem is they aren't renegotiable. Might want to consider something like that before making a decision.
How bad does it hurt...really? Trump just rammed it up you and yours rear end and you'll eventually come to like it lol.
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Except Pittsburgh voted Hillary, by a fairly significant margin [laughing]

And he wants to renegotiate terms of the Paris Agreement. The problem is they aren't renegotiable. Might want to consider something like that before making a decision.
Not negotiable? Ummm....if they want U.S. participation, somebody better re-open negotiations.
Except Pittsburgh voted Hillary, by a fairly significant margin [laughing]

And he wants to renegotiate terms of the Paris Agreement. The problem is they aren't renegotiable. Might want to consider something like that before making a decision.

Each country set their own goals and pledges...and they aren't legally binding [laughing]

Just like NATO, we'd end up being the only ones to hit target and be losers or the whole thing.

This doesn't stop innovators from trying to create new green things, doesn't stop individuals from riding their bikes to work etc...more faux outrage.
The problem is they aren't renegotiable.
Please explain what makes it non-negotiable, other than some liberal on TV saying it? Why can't they renegotiate? What's stopping them? How is it stopping them?

Why is it impossible to impose the same economy killing restrictions on China and/or India? Why is it impossible for the US to be treated fairly, instead of carrying the lopsided burden?
Please explain what makes it non-negotiable, other than some liberal on TV saying it? Why can't they renegotiate? What's stopping them? How is it stopping them?

Why is it impossible to impose the same economy killing restrictions on China and/or India? Why is it impossible for the US to be treated fairly, instead of carrying the lopsided burden?

Now now. We all know liberals hate facts and legitimate thought.
Except Pittsburgh voted Hillary, by a fairly significant margin [laughing]

And he wants to renegotiate terms of the Paris Agreement. The problem is they aren't renegotiable. Might want to consider something like that before making a decision.
Pittsburgh proper, no doubt; she got him. Allegheny County, yes, but it was closer than most urban counties. In the suburbs, Trump wiped her out. In rural Western PA, he absolutely obliterated her. In Pennsylvania on the whole, guess who won? It wasn't the Witch. Keep up the good work, double down a bit more, and we'll see that already penetrated blue wall lose a few more chunks- Minnesota and Maine are next.
What's wrong with the world today is billionaires such as himself. They control half the world's wealth and people wonder why 95 million are out of work and another 50 million are on food stamps.
They truly don't care about those out of work & want more & more on snap benefits so they control them. Really quite straightforward.
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Except Pittsburgh voted Hillary, by a fairly significant margin [laughing]
Not sure how that negates his quote, but okay? Lol

And he wants to renegotiate terms of the Paris Agreement. The problem is they aren't renegotiable. Might want to consider something like that before making a decision
He said he will only negotiate if he can get a deal better for the US. The deal was complete and utter shit, and everyone knows it was. And who cares if its not renegotiateable? That's probably a good thing, the US should not be in a deal like that.
Ohio politicians doing big things these days. First you have the Ds floating Jerry Springer as a goddam name to consider for governor. Now you have the Rs floating the idea of a new international airport in bum**** Ohio for over $10 billion.

And still it's the Kentucky side standing in the way of the Brent Spence being replaced.
There isn't $ for the airports though a single one for Cincy/Dayton/Columbus with high speed trains to it is a good concept.

Living in NKy, I see people happy as shit to waste gas & time sitting in bridge traffic rather than pay a $1 toll. Me, retired & can avoid it.
I just want to know when Democrats and liberals started to think that it would be best, even necessary, for Europe to dictate US domestic economic policies? The US beats the rest of the world in Co2 reduction. If anyone should be dictating anything, it's us.

As many have pointed out, this was nothing but a wealth redistribution scam in the form of a climate change agreement. It's the same thing they do here at home, but this is on a global scale. They're trying to force worldwide equality through America subsidies.
Except Pittsburgh voted Hillary, by a fairly significant margin [laughing]

And he wants to renegotiate terms of the Paris Agreement. The problem is they aren't renegotiable. Might want to consider something like that before making a decision.
The suburbs of Pittsburgh are important.
Yes, we can.
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The same people who tell us there are more than 2 genders are shocked that we don't believe them on what the weather will be 100 years from now.

Twitter is glorious tonight. I kinda wish they moved the finals back a day so I could watch MSM tonight go ape shit. Probably will DVR it.
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