How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Good grief. That SOB can't quit.
I find myself liking Trump's tweeting more and more.

Today's tweet, for example, was about Repub senators passing a healthcare bill.

It allows him to put pressure on folks that need some pressure applied.

He is essentially delegating the responsibility of the "action of the day" to whomever he talks about in his tweets. Not unlike having a meeting, telling folks around the table "here's your responsibility, do it", without all the time wasting that occurs in an actual meeting. It also gives us (the voters) a sense of accountability; ie, the healthcare bill is on the backs of the Repub senators, not Trump.

As I said, I'm a fan.

Of course, Dems don't like it as they have no sense of accountability or responsibility.
I find myself liking Trump's tweeting more and more.

Today's tweet, for example, was about Repub senators passing a healthcare bill.

It allows him to put pressure on folks that need some pressure applied.

He is essentially delegating the responsibility of the "action of the day" to whomever he talks about in his tweets. Not unlike having a meeting, telling folks around the table "here's your responsibility, do it", without all the time wasting that occurs in an actual meeting. It also gives us (the voters) a sense of accountability; ie, the healthcare bill is on the backs of the Repub senators, not Trump.

As I said, I'm a fan.

Of course, Dems don't like it as they have no sense of accountability or responsibility.
Only way anything will get done because Trump's tweets (most of them) are essentially what the American people as a whole would tweet out as well. Basically, he is telling Congress, do your damn job!
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Ohio politicians doing big things these days. First you have the Ds floating Jerry Springer as a goddam name to consider for governor. Now you have the Rs floating the idea of a new international airport in bum**** Ohio for over $10 billion.

And still it's the Kentucky side standing in the way of the Brent Spence being replaced.
I read about this airport scheme today in the Enquirer. To his credit (and I really don't like to give him credit for much of anything), the governor didn't seem to think that it was a good idea. And he's right. The idea of an international airport in Wilmington is ridiculous. The vast majority of people using that airport would either be coming from, or going to, Cincinnati or Dayton. Who wants to pay a $100 taxi fare to get to the airport, or to get home from the airport? Who wants to add another hour+ to his or her travel time just to get to the airport?
Just so we are clear, according to the left, these are our biggest threats

- Climate change
- White supremacy
- Capitalism
- Trump/MAGA supporters
- Russia
- LGBT & minorities not being represented enough in movies.
- Conservative speakers on campus

Not a threat
- Islamic terrorists
- Muslims
- Mass immigration and population replacement
- Antifa
- The resist crowd wanting Trump dead and to overthrow the presidency
- Academia and the escalating hostility toward white people.
- Iran

Don't forget spying on our own citizens and trying to rig an election for the benefit of a corrupt smug criminal candidate.
Only way anything will get done because Trump's tweets (most of them) are essentially what the American people as a whole would tweet out as well. Basically, he is telling Congress, do your damn job! If not, then the American people should vote you out.

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Ohio politicians doing big things these days. First you have the Ds floating Jerry Springer as a goddam name to consider for governor. Now you have the Rs floating the idea of a new international airport in bum**** Ohio for over $10 billion.

And still it's the Kentucky side standing in the way of the Brent Spence being replaced.

I feel like I cheat death every time I cross the Brent Spence.
So Muslim shoots up a place in Fresno, talking about how he hates whitey and nothing.

Crazy Bernie supporter wants to kill Christians, Muslims, Trump and HC voters ends up killing two guys after saying stuff to Muslims and the left cares?

Christians getting wiped out around the world by Muslims and whites get attacked more than any other race and yet, the left's media will not acknowdge it
Jobs report should silence critics for at least another month, but they are too focused on the negative to embrace growth....not to mention too stupid.

Silence the critics? That will never happen. Prepare for more russia, steaks well done, ketchup, and two scoops of ice cream
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The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is conformity.

Not sure who said this, but Dems really need to take this advice... outside of Joe Manchin.
So Muslim shoots up a place in Fresno, talking about how he hates whitey and nothing.

Crazy Bernie supporter wants to kill Christians, Muslims, Trump and HC voters ends up killing two guys after saying stuff to Muslims and the left cares?

Christians getting wiped out around the world by Muslims and whites get attacked more than any other race and yet, the left's media will not acknowdge it

Religion in a nutshell.
The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it is conformity.

Not sure who said this, but Dems really need to take this advice... outside of Joe Manchin.
The irony is the Dems believed that if they stay united under Obama they would achieve more power and the exact opposite happened. And yet they refused to get rid of Reid and Pelosi. The arrogance is truly astounding even for politics.
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The irony is the Dems believed that if they stay united under Obama they would achieve more power and the exact opposite happened. And yet they refused to get rid of Reid and Pelosi. The arrogance is truly astounding even for politics.
And they tolerate ZERO deviation from the party line.

Sounds like communism, eh comrade?
Trump just drove a stake into the American job killing Paris Accord. Under that agreement, China (world's largest polluter) didn't have to begin cutting its emissions for 15 years and India got tens of billions is subsidies from the US/Europe just to participate. John Kerry and Obama really took it up the poop shoot on that deal in the name of Globalism.
Trump just drove a stake into the American job killing Paris Accord. Under that agreement, China (world largest polluter) didn't have to begin cutting its emissions for 15 years and India got tens of billions is subsidies from the US/Europe just to participate. John Kerry and Obama really took it up the poop shoot on that deal in the name of Globalism.
counterpoint: u hate brown people, the future of the earth, and want women to menstruate year round.
counterpoint: u hate brown people, the future of the earth, and want women to menstruate year round.

I would only wish that on certain women. I would love it if Lena Dunham, Katy Perry, Ashley Judd, Chelsea Clinton, Rachael Madcow, etc. had menstrual cramps 24/7.
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Like how Cal uses Trump in his recruiting pitch saying he lies meanwhile he is buds with the Clinton's (specifically Bill) who is a chronic womanizer and lied multiple times to the American people and got caught.

BTW, know Cal is a Democrat and I really do not care, but just think its funny how he associates with a slime ball like Bill Clinton while most folks outside of UK thinks he is a slime ball as well. Point being its all a matter of perspective coming from which ever side of the fence you are on. Basically politics in a nutshell.

Calipari was Finebaum yesterday crowing about recently spending time with Bill C. Cal and Bill - two peas in a pod - both are full of shit.