How will they rule ??!

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Jay Sekulow just undressed the panel on Anderson Cooper in a manner so destructive I don't think I've ever seen on one of these dumb ass shows before. Hope it's tweeted out at some point so it can be posted here.

Side note----> Jennifer Granholm is dumb. Pretty dumb.

It happens on there more than you think. The best part is when the lefties know they are getting owned so they get loud to drown out the message and then someone else spins the topic and then another spins a different direction and then the smart conservative gets confused and off subject.

It's absolutely f'n beautiful!!
You forgot to underline and highlight this guy.

With the west threatened by Islamic whackos, I, for one, am pleased this historic group still meets.

The meetings created groups of Islamic whackos to overthrow governments and control populations to install private central banks and control their resources specifically oil.
They apparently "found" a noose in the African American museum in DC. I guess they needed another hoax to stir up the base. With this and the Lebron thing, they're working overtime to create that need for racism.

You know because there's tons of white people in DC with a noose that decide to go into an African American museum and no one saw it happen. Lol
They apparently "found" a noose in the African American museum in DC. I guess they needed another hoax to stir up the base. With this and the Lebron thing, they're working overtime to create that need for racism.

You know because there's tons of white people in DC with a noose that decide to go into an African American museum and no one saw it happen. Lol

This one is the most obvious hoax of all these imo
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Involved how? You are saying they were so good, they made Hillary lose certain states yet still win the popular vote? They made ppl pull certain levers, they made her NOT campaign at all in PA, WI, MI, they made the dnc get exposed for corruption...its funny you want go talk about the dnc got hacked but refuse to talk about what was in the emails, not to mention they were given Intel it was a possibility they could be compromised yet in typical dem fashion they were too arrogant to care. Instead of just saying some generic...they interfered..say something with substance that shows it changed the outcome..instead of ignoring that tons of ppl rejected hrc and the liberal make believe world.

Also, remember in 2012 mitt Romney warned of russia and wanted to make moves on them..and Barry, hrc, and all the liberals laughed him off as living in the past. Weird you weren't concerned then and fell in line as you were told as Barry bent over for them. But now all of a sudden cnn and msnbc can't go 2 seconds without thinking it's the 1950s cold war.

Why would the russians or, for that matter, any other country work to have Trump elected? It defies reason that they would. IMO, russia, iran, Israel's enemies, etc....would much prefer the likes of hillury or some other obammer-type limp-wrist whom they could manipulate. If the russians were involved with Trump , it was because they were afraid of him and thought it to be in their best interests to form a working relationship with him. Being feared by your enemies is a good thing.
At this point in time, is Russia even an enemy? I'd wager, on a daily basis, far more Americans than Russians are thinking about ways to destroy capitalism in America and the ideas that made America exceptional in the past.

What percentage of Americans would welcome communism so long as they thought someone with a D next to their name would be the dear leader?
Why would the russians or, for that matter, any other country work to have Trump elected? It defies reason that they would. IMO, russia, iran, Israel's enemies, etc....would much prefer the likes of hillury or some other obammer-type limp-wrist whom they could manipulate. If the russians were involved with Trump , it was because they were afraid of him and thought it to be in their best interests to form a working relationship with him. Being feared by your enemies is a good thing.
Because one believes in a strong NATO and a united front against Russia and their policies and supports promoting human rights globally and the other is a blow hard that is doing their best to destroy the alliances that have served the USA well for a century.

United we stand, divided we fall. Trump, LePen both populist candidates with similar messages. Just think of "us" and forget everybody else. Messages that lead to division.
Just so we are clear, according to the left, these are our biggest threats

- Climate change
- White supremacy
- Capitalism
- Trump/MAGA supporters
- Russia
- LGBT & minorities not being represented enough in movies.
- Conservative speakers on campus

Not a threat
- Islamic terrorists
- Muslims
- Mass immigration and population replacement
- Antifa
- The resist crowd wanting Trump dead and to overthrow the presidency
- Academia and the escalating hostility toward white people.
- Iran
Ohio politicians doing big things these days. First you have the Ds floating Jerry Springer as a goddam name to consider for governor. Now you have the Rs floating the idea of a new international airport in bum**** Ohio for over $10 billion.

And still it's the Kentucky side standing in the way of the Brent Spence being replaced.
Crooked Hillary is a mess. She will never get over losing to Trump and before long will blame her dog on why she lost. She has blamed everyone else, but now its time to blame her own people and party. Good strategy Hil.

Her walking around in anti-seizure glasses while rambling about why everything and everyone else in the world caused her to lose the election really warms my heart.

We honestly stuck my grandma in an assisted living facility for less than that.
Jobs report should silence critics for at least another month, but they are too focused on the negative to embrace growth....not to mention too stupid.
Like how Cal uses Trump in his recruiting pitch saying he lies meanwhile he is buds with the Clinton's (specifically Bill) who is a chronic womanizer and lied multiple times to the American people and got caught.

BTW, know Cal is a Democrat and I really do not care, but just think its funny how he associates with a slime ball like Bill Clinton while most folks outside of UK thinks he is a slime ball as well. Point being its all a matter of perspective coming from which ever side of the fence you are on. Basically politics in a nutshell.