How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Let's just let the military choose which side they want to fight for and let's make it the right and those who love the west vs the left and psycho Muslims and let the chips fall where they may.
My only problem with that thinking is if a conservative on Fox beheaded Obama in a photo shoot they would've been fired in 2 seconds, with their entire life completely ruined and there would have been so much outrage that riots probably would've happened. A leftist does that kind of shit and theres never consequences. The left is always given a free pass.

Why don't you complain to her employer?
Could say the same for you since you've already made up your mind regardless of the information uncovered.

what fu**ing information has been uncovered? we have literally given you link after link of everyone in Washington when asked, there has been no evidence of collusion. every single one. the only thing you get from your propaganda outlets is we need more investigating. and idiots like you keep pumping along. pleas for the love of God post something that has actual evidence of collusion. we will all wait.
there has been zero proof that Russia hacked anything, just accusations by those from the DNC and the DNC run media that need mindless baffoons like Fuzz(R) for retard, to hear and believe. not once has anyone pointed out actual evidence. accusations without proof is it.
Sununu laid the smack down

the last sentence he spoke is the entire story. he hit the nail on the head. the entire Russian story line is nothing more than a false narrative created to justify the reasoning behind a horribly run campaign and the eventual loss. the democrats cannot accept losing or the reason behind it. the Russian narrative is a completely fabricated story that idiots like RQFuzzynuts eat up because they don't know any better either.
The Russian narrative is an attempt to disqualify President Trump before he can round up all of the filthy swamp creatures and put their heads on pikes. There's a reason Hillary was crying that they'd all be in jail if Trump won, they're all guilty as fv(k of selling out America to the Chicoms and others.
Jared Kushner on Trump's birtherism: "He doesn't really believe it, Elizabeth. He just knows Republicans are stupid and they'll buy it."