How will they rule ??!

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Remember these degenerates? New video has surfaced giving us a small glimpse into the behavior on display that day. Let's just say if this were white conservatives, there would riots in the streets, demanding the college be shut down.

Anyways, now they're crying, demanding the video be purged from the internet because it wasn't supposed to get out. They're saying they were sabotaged, that a "white supremacist" stole the video and posted it.

Their demanding that the video be purged from the entire Internet, automatically blaming it on "white supremacy" is a perfect example of how liberal professors are indoctrinating and poisoning the minds of millennial minorities.

They coddle them, teaching them that no matter what they say or how they act, they are the victims and never have to take responsibility, instead just blame it all on white racism.

The monster cannot be controlled. Every university has to be quaking hoping an event doesn't happen on their campus b/c, as Mizzou showed and look at the fallout there, they have no power.
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Joe from MSNBC on Trump's handshake with Macron, "He looked like a thug, mauling him like an idiot."

I have seen the lib media criticize his firm handshakes, his signature, him eating chicken with a fork, him walking through a door, his son looking sleepy and more.

Why would anyone take these jerks seriously?
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Never understood all the hate directed at the ACLU from conservatives. We should be fighting along side them in defending every American citizens' freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.

The ACLU is protecting civil disruption. They want the Trump rallies so that they can infiltrate with nut cases like the Portland stabber.

Divide and conquer.

ACLU Actively Assisting With Soros-Driven Protest Organization After Accepting Funds From The Open Society Institute
Startling developments have revealed that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has moved beyond their original charter as a legal advocate for individual rights under the Constitution to actively taking a hand in training and organizing protest groups throughout the country. Their shift in focus came just over a month after reports emerged that George Soros was sinking tens of millions into the group through his affiliated organizations. Articles prominently featured by the ACLU announcing the shift towards actively organizing anti-government protests are authored by a former employee of Soros-funded groups. The startling shift indicates that the ACLU has decided to participate in Soros driven protest movements with the goal of subverting American democracy and driving regime change in the United States.
Involved how? You are saying they were so good, they made Hillary lose certain states yet still win the popular vote? They made ppl pull certain levers, they made her NOT campaign at all in PA, WI, MI, they made the dnc get exposed for corruption...its funny you want go talk about the dnc got hacked but refuse to talk about what was in the emails, not to mention they were given Intel it was a possibility they could be compromised yet in typical dem fashion they were too arrogant to care. Instead of just saying some generic...they interfered..say something with substance that shows it changed the outcome..instead of ignoring that tons of ppl rejected hrc and the liberal make believe world.

Also, remember in 2012 mitt Romney warned of russia and wanted to make moves on them..and Barry, hrc, and all the liberals laughed him off as living in the past. Weird you weren't concerned then and fell in line as you were told as Barry bent over for them. But now all of a sudden cnn and msnbc can't go 2 seconds without thinking it's the 1950s cold war.
Yes, they hacked emails and manipulated social media propagating fake news stories. Yes, there was damaging information in those emails but what was in RNC emails? If you're going to expose dirty laundry then expose it all. But that isn't/wasn't the intent. The intent is to create division and they've done a pretty good job. They also interfered in the French election promoting Le Pen for the same reasons. Russia is made stronger when its enemies are weaker. We are weaker when our nation is divided as well as our allies. Trump's antagonistic attitude towards NATO only deepens that divide.

Sorry this shit goes over your head. It goes over most people's heads because they fail or lack the ability to involve themselves into anything other than superficial thought.
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Joe from MSNBC on Trump's handshake with Macron, "He looked like a thug, mauling him like an idiot."

I have seen the lib media criticize his firm handshakes, his signature, him eating chicken with a fork, him walking through a door, his son looking sleepy and more.

Why would anyone take these jerks seriously?

Because it is obvious that you can't trust someone who demands 2 scoops of ice cream and ketchup on a well done steak. Wake up Nash the Russians are coming.
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Yes, they hacked emails and manipulated social media propagating fake news stories. Yes, there was damaging information in those emails but what was in RNC emails? If you're going to expose dirty laundry then expose it all. But that isn't/wasn't the intent. The intent is to create division and they've done a pretty good job.

Finally, a little honesty about the DNC and Clinton campaign.
And this is why they don't mind reporting fake news and couldn't care less when they get caught. By the time the correction is issued, it has went viral, the masses have already ate up it, made up their minds, and the damage has been done.

Perfect example of fake news actually being very effective is rq. He truly thinks that Comey, personally, said that Trump was trying impede the investigation into Flynn.

I'm telling you guys... Fake News 101.

Let the useful idiots spread the false word b/c nobody reads the retractions to things they wanted to hear.
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Yes, they hacked emails and manipulated social media propagating fake news stories. Yes, there was damaging information in those emails but what was in RNC emails? If you're going to expose dirty laundry then expose it all. But that isn't/wasn't the intent. The intent is to create division and they've done a pretty good job. They also interfered in the French election promoting Le Pen for the same reasons. Russia is made stronger when its enemies are weaker. We are weaker when our nation is divided as well as our allies. Trump's antagonistic attitude towards NATO only deepens that divide.

Sorry this shit goes over your head. It goes over most people's heads because they fail or lack the ability to involve themselves into anything other than superficial thought.

The dirty laundry is being ignored RQ, instead of the media doing some soul searching they're running with the Trump/Russia collusion, which there is no evidence.

Where is the proof that the Russian Govt hacked anything? In fact the news release from the intelligence services says there is no smoking gun that Russia did anything, just second and third party hackers.

Former CIA director Hayden just said on CNN that there's no evidence of collusion.
Yes, they hacked emails
Again, there's absolutely zero proof of that. You are regurgitating fake news. The FBI was never granted access to the DNC servers. The intelligence agencies haven't concluded, personally, that the DNC was hacked by the Russians.

They also interfered in the French election promoting Le Pen for the same reasons.

Proof? Just because the media said so doesn't make it. Like you're always asking, provide evidence.

Also, where's the evidence that Comey, himself, said that Trump tried to impede the Flynn investigation?
Fuzz/Arnold is proof of how brainwashed and devoted people can be to their parties. You're a nut.

You're the same guy who denied there was media collusion and then when DNC leaks proved it, you deflect that it must be Russia (ignoring the content) and then try and say, "What about the RNC?"

The RNC was against Trump. They didn't roll out the red carpet for Trump and try to help him win and they only have one network compared to how many outlets for the left?
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The "therory" was based upon claims made by someone who admitted they lied. Thus, that therory is debunked because the information supporting the therory is fake.

The conclusion may very well be correct but again, the therory isn't. A conclusion without any basis is simply a guess.

News organizations, at least respected news organizations aren't in the business of making and reporting guesses as news. News is based upon fact. Fox, CNN nor any other news organization have any facts with regard to who killed Seth Rich.

Is Seth Rich's Murderer Alpha Jalloh? Is the information supporting the "therory" fake? We will see real soon.
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Remember all of those reports saying that Trump was such a Mexican hating racist that the illegal immigrants were so scared they were forced to start living in the shadows in fear of their livelihood?

Then why in the hell are they out, loud and proud, on college campuses demanding free health care on top of their free education? Why are there, literally, hundreds of them at the capital building in Texas, wearing "Undocumented" t-shirts, dancing in the street, chanting "we are here to stay" and shouting down elected officials trying to do their jobs?

That doesn't look like a community scared, forced into the shadows to me. It looks like a community of invaders who have no respect for U.S. sovereignty and rule of law, proud to have broken U.S. law, flaunting it in our faces, demanding that they want even more.
Yes, they hacked emails and manipulated social media propagating fake news stories. Yes, there was damaging information in those emails but what was in RNC emails? If you're going to expose dirty laundry then expose it all. But that isn't/wasn't the intent. The intent is to create division and they've done a pretty good job. They also interfered in the French election promoting Le Pen for the same reasons. Russia is made stronger when its enemies are weaker. We are weaker when our nation is divided as well as our allies. Trump's antagonistic attitude towards NATO only deepens that divide.

Sorry this shit goes over your head. It goes over most people's heads because they fail or lack the ability to involve themselves into anything other than superficial thought.
It has been over your head for the last 8 years and still is. Obama and Hillary made us much weaker and now we are reaping those benefits. It is your ignorance or compliance with the lefts attacks on the system that makes people on here call you out for what you are. Traitorous like your hero's.
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Yes, they hacked emails and manipulated social media propagating fake news stories.

Sorry this shit goes over your head.

EXCLUSIVE: Cybersecurity experts who were first to conclude that Putin hacked presidential election ABANDON some of their claims against Russia - and refuse to co-operate with Congress

Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has had to retract portions of a report supporting its allegations of Russian cyberattacks – and is also refusing to address Congress about its findings on Moscow's election hacking.
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EXCLUSIVE: Cybersecurity experts who were first to conclude that Putin hacked presidential election ABANDON some of their claims against Russia - and refuse to co-operate with Congress

Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has had to retract portions of a report supporting its allegations of Russian cyberattacks – and is also refusing to address Congress about its findings on Moscow's election hacking.

And they are the only ones to come to the Russian conclusion. The intelligence agencies never investigated the sever, nor have they came to the Russian conclusion from a personal stand point. They simply took the private company at their words.
And they are the only ones to come to the Russian conclusion. The intelligence agencies never investigated the sever, nor have they came to the Russian conclusion from a personal stand point. They simply took the private company at their words.

And the Dems continue to play right into Trump's hands by continuing to push the Russia narrative. It's unfounded, stupid, outlandish, and nobody the dems need to make inroads in the next election cycles cares about it.
And the Dems continue to play right into Trump's hands by continuing to push the Russia narrative. It's unfounded, stupid, outlandish, and nobody the dems need to make inroads in the next election cycles cares about it.

Hate to say it, because both parties being strong makes this country stronger, but the Democrats are reeling right now from the identity politics. The electorate has rejected them like the plague these last eight years.

On top of that, they don't seem to care about fixing it. They are 100% committed to identity politics, hoping the changing demographics will lead them to victory.

Now they're stuck and since the election, other than "no/resist/ Russia/constitutional crisis/impeach", I'm not so sure they have a message to offer or solutions to problems the country is facing.

Like Trump or not, like where he stands on issues or not, but he at least has a vision for where he wants to take the country, a positive message for his voters, solutions and ideas he wants written into policy and voted into law, etc..
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Hate to say it, because both parties being strong makes this country stronger, but the Democrats are reeling right now from the identity politics. The electorate has rejected them like the plague these last eight years.

On top of that, they don't seem to care about fixing it. They are 100% committed to identity politics, hoping the changing demographics will lead them to victory.

Now they're stuck and since the election, other than "no/resist/ Russia/constitutional crisis/impeach", I'm not so sure they have a message to offer or solutions to problems the country is facing.

Like Trump or not, like where he stands on issues or not, but he at least has a vision for where he wants to take the country, a positive message for his voters, solutions and ideas he wants written into policy and voted into law, etc..

Honestly, on the issues I'm not really all that opposed to Trump. The things that I disagree with the average Republican on don't seem all that important to him. He simply has a very divisive personality - what some people think is him acting like an in control badass, others see as him acting like someone with major emotional issues. The less I see/hear from him, the less I dislike him. The trip he went on recently was a big success as far as I'm concerned. The fact that he largely stayed off Twitter and not much time in the public eye was a positive.
Honestly, on the issues I'm not really all that opposed to Trump. The things that I disagree with the average Republican on don't seem all that important to him. He simply has a very divisive personality - what some people think is him acting like an in control badass, others see as him acting like someone with major emotional issues. The less I see/hear from him, the less I dislike him. The trip he went on recently was a big success as far as I'm concerned. The fact that he largely stayed off Twitter and not much time in the public eye was a positive.
Yeah, with Trump people are going to just have to get used to the fact that the he's not a politician and doesn't conduct himself like one. He doesn't care about being politically correct. Just like it's one of the reasons some hate him, it's one of the reasons some are drawn to him.

Don't take me wrong about my previous post, though. When I say Trump I don't mean all Republicans. Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats in their own ways. Trump couldn't have picked a better time to run.
So our intel agencies came to the conclusion Russia hacked the DNC solely from the input of private firm? The DNC won't allow the FBI to analyze server, and the private company ignores congress? If that is accurate, people need to answer.

The President can issue a lawful executive order that judges over turn, but we can't get private companies or the DNC to cooperate with the FBI?